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Category Archives: Psoriasis
Over The Counter Creams For Psoriasis – Caida Del Pelo Por Psoriasis – Video
Posted: September 10, 2014 at 11:42 pm
Over The Counter Creams For Psoriasis - Caida Del Pelo Por Psoriasis Click now to find out how to treat psoriasis completely in under three days! This technique is medically proven and really is successful. Over the counter creams for...
By: Verline Biddle
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Over The Counter Creams For Psoriasis - Caida Del Pelo Por Psoriasis - Video
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TPG-backed biotech Virobay files for a $50 million IPO
Posted: at 11:42 pm
Virobay, an early-stage biotech developing a drug platform for pain, Crohn's disease and psoriasis, filed on Wednesday with the SEC to raise up to $50 million in an initial public offering. The company's drug development platform is based on inhibiting cysteine cathepsins, enzymes that are active in the biology of many diseases.
Virobay has completed Phase 1 trials for treatments that target neuropathic pain, Crohn's disease, and psoriasis, all of which are expected to begin Phase 2 trials in 2015. It has partnered with LEO for its psoriasis indication, a disease that is also targeted by upcoming IPOs Vitae (VTAE), Dermira (DERM) and Forward Pharma (FWP). The company also plans to begin Phase 1 trials for NASH in 2015.Primary shareholders include TPG (29% pre-IPO stake), Sutter Hill Ventures (27%), Alta Partners (26%) and AbbVie (16%).
The Menlo Park, CA-based company, which was founded in 2006 and booked $2 million in sales for the 12 months ended June 30, 2014, plans to list on the NASDAQ under the symbol VBAY. Virobay initially filed confidentially on 7/2/2014. Piper Jaffray and JMP Securities are the joint bookrunners on the deal. No pricing terms were disclosed.
Investment Disclosure: The information and opinions expressed herein were prepared by Renaissance Capital's research analysts and do not constitute an offer to buy or sell any security. Renaissance Capital, the Renaissance IPO ETF (symbol: IPO) or the Global IPO Fund (symbol: IPOSX) , may have investments in securities of companies mentioned.
The views and opinions expressed herein are the views and opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of The NASDAQ OMX Group, Inc.
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TPG-backed biotech Virobay files for a $50 million IPO
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84 Psoriasis Cure Homeopathy Dr M N Raju 1 – Video
Posted: September 9, 2014 at 7:56 pm
84 Psoriasis Cure Homeopathy Dr M N Raju 1
First Health Channel in Telugu.
By: tv7healthplanet
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84 Psoriasis Cure Homeopathy Dr M N Raju 1 - Video
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My Psoriasis Journey – Video
Posted: at 7:56 pm
My Psoriasis Journey
Part One of a series of video interviews in which individuals talk about their condition. My Psoriasis Journey: Participants talk about their initial experiences and coping strategies after...
By: 8591DAC
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My Psoriasis Journey - Video
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Psoriasis Nails Natural Treatment – Video
Posted: at 7:56 pm
Psoriasis Nails Natural Treatment Click this link find out about getting rid of psoriasis totally in under a week. This technique is quick and simple and actually is successful! Psoriasis nails natural...
By: Wanetta Durnell
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Psoriasis Treatment Blog – Video
Posted: at 7:56 pm
Psoriasis Treatment Blog Click here find out about how to get rid of psoriasis for good in under three days. This method is quick and simple and really does the...
By: Rebeca Alphonse
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Psoriasis Treatment Choices Improving, FDA Says
Posted: at 7:56 pm
FRIDAY, Sept. 5, 2014 (HealthDay News) -- A growing knowledge of the skin disease called psoriasis is leading to greater treatment choices, including personalized therapies, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration reports.
Psoriasis is an immune system disorder that causes overproduction of skin cells, resulting in scaling, pain, swelling, redness and heat. The condition affects about 7.5 million Americans.
"As we better understand the disease, researchers know more about what specific factors to target in order to develop effective treatments," FDA dermatologist Dr. Melinda McCord said in an agency news release.
There is no cure for psoriasis, so the main goals of treatments are to stop skin cell overproduction and reduce inflammation. Current therapies include medicines applied to the skin (topical), light treatment (phototherapy), or drugs taken by mouth or given by injection.
Doctors used to take a step-by-step approach, starting patients with mild to moderate psoriasis on topical therapy. If that was ineffective, doctors moved on to phototherapy or drug treatment.
Treatment is now more patient-specific, with doctors and patients selecting a treatment based on its effectiveness, disease severity, lifestyle, risk factors and other health issues, according to the FDA.
"Tomorrow's treatments will become even more personalized because the drugs in development now are targeting different aspects of the immune system," McCord said.
"As we learn more about the immune pathways that lead to the development of psoriasis, we can target specific molecules for treatment and make more therapeutic options available to patients," she explained.
Patients need to educate themselves about their condition and treatment options.
"Psoriasis has a great emotional impact on some patients. But it doesn't have to, given the right care and treatment," McCord said.
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The Newest Treatments for Psoriasis
Posted: September 8, 2014 at 12:44 pm
People who suffer from psoriasis know how aggravating it can be, but treatments for the persistent skin condition are improving.
As we better understand the disease, researchers know more about what specific factors to target in order to develop effective treatments, Melinda L. McCord, M.D., a dermatologist at the Food and Drug Administration, told the FDAs Consumer Updates page.
Psoriasis is a condition in which skin becomes red and irritated, often developing thick silver flakes called scales, according to the National Library of Medicine. An estimated 7.5 million people in the United States have psoriasis. There is no cure for psoriasis, although symptoms can be managed with the right therapy.
Traditionally, treatment has been gradual, the FDA says, with patients starting with from creams and ointments all the way to phototherapy and systemic medicines. But now, the FDA says, doctors often try to optimize treatment i.e. start at a higher level right from the beginning. And treatments will become more tailored to the needs of each patient.
Tomorrows treatments will become even more personalized because the drugs in development now are targeting different aspects of the immune system, McCord noted. Psoriasis is an autoimmune disorder, meaning that the immune system mistakenly believes it is being attacked and then damages or inflames tissue that is actually healthy.
Therapies for psoriasis include topical treatments (i.e. those applied to the skin; light treatment (phototherapy) and medicines taken orally or via injection.
In the past, the FDA says, doctors treated psoriasis using a step-wise approach. Patients who had only mild to moderate psoriasis would start with topical treatments and, if necessary, move on to phototherapy or systemic drugs. People who had moderate to severe psoriasis were immediately treated with phototherapy or systemic drugs before being offered biologic therapies, a treatment that works with your immune system. But that strategy is changing, the FDA says. Today, patients can choose a treatment based on a number of conditions include lifestyle considerations, risk factors, and other diseases.
Most recently, the FDA approved a biologic product called Stelara (ustekinumab). This contains an antibody thats designed to bind to a specific target in the immune system. When given to patients, this antibody blocks the action of two proteins (interleukin 12 and 23) that contribute to the inflammation and the overproduction of skin cells, McCord said. By targeting these proteins, ustekinumab can interrupt the inflammatory pathway.
Researchers are also exploring medicines that target another protein, interleukin 17, McCord said. Looking forward, she added, the drugs in development are targeting different pathways in the immune system.
For the best treatment, McCord recommends a team approach in treating psoriasis, saying that different health-care providers need to work with patients to address the other diseases that might occur at the same time as psoriasis. These conditions can include lymphoma, heart disease and/or depression. We do not completely understand the relationship of theseto psoriasis, but it is an area of active research, she said.
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The Newest Treatments for Psoriasis
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The Big Cover Up! How To Cover Psoriasis With Makeup – Tips and Tricks – Video
Posted: September 7, 2014 at 2:42 pm
The Big Cover Up! How To Cover Psoriasis With Makeup - Tips and Tricks
Here is my video on how I cover my Psoriasis daily. Tips and tricks for a simple, easy technique that saves time and looks natural. Lilly on facebook Twitter:
By: Lilly Jarlsson
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The Big Cover Up! How To Cover Psoriasis With Makeup - Tips and Tricks - Video
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Dermfix 1000MX UV-B Lamp for Psoriasis, Vitiligo or – Video
Posted: September 4, 2014 at 2:42 pm
Dermfix 1000MX UV-B Lamp for Psoriasis, Vitiligo or
Dermfix 1000MX UV-B Lamp for Psoriasis, Vitiligo or Eczema Click here to buy : Dermfix 1000MX UV-B Lamp for Psoriasis, Vitiligo...
By: ferano agata
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