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Category Archives: Psoriasis
Psoriasis Chelation Therapy – Video
Posted: October 5, 2014 at 9:42 pm
Psoriasis Chelation Therapy
By: Alternative Complementary Medicine
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Psoriasis Chelation Therapy - Video
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Psoriasis Indian Treatment – Video
Posted: October 4, 2014 at 2:44 am
Psoriasis Indian Treatment Click here now learn about getting rid of psoriasis permanently in less than a week! It #39;s fast and actually does the job. Psoriasis indian treatment. How to get rid...
By: Danika Notestine
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Psoriasis Indian Treatment - Video
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Tratamiento de la psoriasis – Video
Posted: at 2:44 am
Tratamiento de la psoriasis
By: como rayos
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Tratamiento de la psoriasis - Video
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Best Psoriasis Cream – Psoriasis Guttate Natural Remedies – Video
Posted: October 2, 2014 at 7:42 pm
Best Psoriasis Cream - Psoriasis Guttate Natural Remedies Click now to find out about removing psoriasis completely in under 3 days! It is quick and really is successful. Best psoriasis cream. ...
By: Syreeta Tridenti
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Best Psoriasis Cream - Psoriasis Guttate Natural Remedies - Video
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Cure For Psoriasis On Scalp – Psoriasis Arthritis Treatment Diet – Video
Posted: at 7:42 pm
Cure For Psoriasis On Scalp - Psoriasis Arthritis Treatment Diet Click here to learn about how to get rid of psoriasis completely in less than one week. It #39;s fast and effective and really is effective!...
By: Clelia Ascheman
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Cure For Psoriasis On Scalp - Psoriasis Arthritis Treatment Diet - Video
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Psoriasis Warts – Video
Posted: at 7:42 pm
Psoriasis Warts
Click on the link - - Makeup, Face, Eyes, Lips, Tools Accessories, Makeup Sets Kits, Makeup Bags Accessories, Perfume Cologne, Women, Men, Unisex, Skin Care,...
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Psoriasis Warts - Video
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Dovonex Cream For Psoriasis – Video
Posted: at 7:42 pm
Dovonex Cream For Psoriasis
Click on the link - - Makeup, Face, Eyes, Lips, Tools Accessories, Makeup Sets Kits, Makeup Bags Accessories, Perfume Cologne, Women, Men, Unisex, Skin Care,...
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Dovonex Cream For Psoriasis - Video
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Holistic Remedies For Psoriasis – Remede De Grand Mere Pour Le Psoriasis – Video
Posted: at 7:42 pm
Holistic Remedies For Psoriasis - Remede De Grand Mere Pour Le Psoriasis Click here to learn how to cure psoriasis for good in less than 3 days. This method is easy and really does what it #39;s supposed to! Holistic remedies for psoriasis....
By: Hedy Ventimiglia
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Holistic Remedies For Psoriasis - Remede De Grand Mere Pour Le Psoriasis - Video
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Philips unveils BlueControl: a device that fights psoriasis with light therapy
Posted: at 7:42 pm
Following the companys recently-announced plans to merge its consumer technology and medtech divisions, Philips has just announced a new wearable medical device thats been clinically proven to control mild and moderate cases of psoriasis a skin condition that affects more than 125 million people worldwide.
In a nutshell, psoriasis is caused by the overly-rapid division of skin cells on the epidermis. This exceedingly fast division usuallyleads to the formation of scaly patches and plaques, which are oftentimes itchy and painful. To treat these symptoms, most people generally rely onmedicated creams and ointments, but Philips has developed a new approach.
The companys latest device, called BlueControl uses a wearable array of 40 high-intensity LEDs to shine specific wavelengths of blue light onto the affected areas of a persons body. This helps to slow down the cell division, and in a number of clinical trials was shown to reduce the symptoms of psoriasis vulgaris by an average of 50 percent.
Its worth noting that Philips isnt the first to explore the prospect of treating psoriasis with light therapy. Medical scientists have long understood the benefits of sunlight for those who suffer from the condition, and special lamps have even been developed to treat patients. That being said, however, BlueConnect is significant for two reasons: 1.) its doesnt use harmful ultraviolet light, and 2.) its designed to be used at home.
Related:Light-therapy bus shelters set to cheer up Swedes in winter
The device comes in the form of small, battery-powered light pod that fits into a wearable strap. This strap is fully adjustable and can be placed virtually anywhere on the body, meaning patients can use it in the comfort of their own homes and cut down on visits to the doctors office.
Philips says BlueConnect will be prescribed by physicians, and available through distributors in the Netherlands, Germany, and the UK starting this month. No word on when itll roll out in the US, but weve reached out to company representatives and well update this post with additional info as soon as we get it.
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Philips unveils BlueControl: a device that fights psoriasis with light therapy
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Talking About Your Psoriasis to Others
Posted: at 7:42 pm
When you know how to explain your psoriasis to others, it can relieve some of the stress that goes along with your skin condition.
"The more people around you that know about it, the more support you'll get," says Linda Cornish. She's a dermatology nurse who helps people with psoriasis at Kaiser-Permanente Medical Center in Oakland, CA. "And being open and honest can make you feel less self-conscious."
These six tips can help you talk about your psoriasis to friends and coworkers.
1. Choose the right time.
Figure out a time and a place that will make you feel comfortable.
"If you're relaxed and at ease, the person you're talking to is more likely to feel at ease," says Julie Nelligan, PhD. She's a health psychologist in private practice in Portland, OR.
The right setting is likely to depend in part on the person you're talking to. With a coworker, you may want to bring up the subject during a break or over lunch. If you're talking to someone you've begun dating, you may want to arrange a special time.
2. Think through what you want to say.
Plan it out. That can help make things easier. Chances are you'll also feel more relaxed. How much detail you give will depend on the person you're talking with.
A coworker may need to know only what psoriasis is and that they cant catch it. Your boss might need to know about your treatments if that means taking time off from work. When talking to a date, you may want to explain what living with psoriasis is like for you.
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Talking About Your Psoriasis to Others
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