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Category Archives: Politically Incorrect

Artform Gallery presents – "Politically Incorrect" Meet The Artists 3 – Video

Posted: March 11, 2014 at 5:42 pm

Artform Gallery presents - "Politically Incorrect" Meet The Artists 3
Saturday March 1st Artform Gallery introduced a new art show benefiting and exploring human rights called "Politically Incorrect". The show features amazing ...

By: DMCreativeProductions

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Artform Gallery presents - "Politically Incorrect" Meet The Artists 3 - Video

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TGBSR Ep. 1: Politically incorrect – Video

Posted: at 5:42 pm

TGBSR Ep. 1: Politically incorrect

By: The GoldenBoy Show

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DualShockers ShockCast Ep.164 – "Politically Incorrect | DualShockers – Video

Posted: March 9, 2014 at 2:43 pm

DualShockers ShockCast Ep.164 - "Politically Incorrect | DualShockers
I was sitting here all year waiting for the inevitable Assassin #39;s Creed V announcement and got Batman: Arkham Knight instead, and no, that #39;s not a complaint....

By: DualShockers

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DualShockers ShockCast Ep.164 - "Politically Incorrect | DualShockers - Video

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Spirit Lake, IA students take a stand against the "R-word"

Posted: March 7, 2014 at 8:42 am


There's an old saying that "sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me." The thing is, that's not necessarily true. For many, words can be just as painful as actions.

It's a politically-incorrect word that's no longer used in federal health, education, and labor policy thanks to Rosa's Law. We're talking about the word Retarded, also known as the "R-word," but many said it's still too common in school.

"It just happened yesterday. We had a student that unintentionally just said the word," Spirit Lake Middle School Guidance Counselor Tami Horsman said.

"I hear it quite often. The 'R-word 'is not an okay word to say to anyone, even if they do have special needs cause words do hurt," Spirit Lake 8th Grader Greta Goodlaxson said.

Wednesday was the official "Spread the Word to End the Word Day" and Spirit Lake High School Senior Hailey Ebel was inspired to speak up to other students about stopping the "R-word."

"I always wanted to help people and my best friend is Brandon, and Brandon has autism. And, if anybody was to talk bad about Brandon, it would probably be the end of the world for me," Spirit Lake High School Senior Hailey Ebel said.

And, some students listening to Ebel's talk said they want something to be done.

"We believe that I have ADHD and some people could say that I'm the 'R-word.' I just think that stopping it in general is a great idea," Spirit Lake 8th Grader Lincoln Belken said.

Some said their ultimate goal is to eliminate the word from their students vocabulary.

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Spirit Lake, IA students take a stand against the "R-word"

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TGN ICON Season 2 – Week 8 – "Politically Incorrect" – Video

Posted: March 6, 2014 at 7:42 am

TGN ICON Season 2 - Week 8 - "Politically Incorrect"
VOTING INSTRUCTIONS: This week #39;s voting thread You #39;ll need to register an account on the TGN forums if you don #39;t have one. Regis...


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Hicks: Is it OK to laugh at politically incorrect movies?

Posted: at 7:42 am

In 1980, "Airplane" was the funniest thing my 13-year-old self had ever seen. I wasn't alone.

It may be the most quoted movie ever among men. There's a certain symmetry to a guy saying to another guy, "Surely you can't be serious," and the second guy responding, "I am serious. And don't call me Shirley."

Sometimes, if someone asks how I want my coffee, I want to quote the little girl in "Airplane" who says "Black. Like my men." When the movie came out, it was a hilarious line.

However, 34 years later, it seems weird to think of that as funny. Same for the scenes of the two black men needing Barbara Billingsley to translate their "jive" talk into English. It seemed funny and harmless at the time -- to a 13-year-old white suburbanite.

Julie Hagerty and Robert Hays stare in the 1980 classic "Airplane." (Paramount Pictures) (Paramount Pictures)

Can we still laugh at these films? Actually, it's not much of a choice. I still laugh. I can't help it -- though I feel a little strange doing so now.

Political correctness wasn't a thing when movies such as "Airplane," and "Blazing Saddles" came out. Comedy has obviously changed, and probably for the better. The NFL is discussing making rules about whether the N-word can be used on the field. We've become more sensitive to using words that some find offensive, which is a good thing.

But I can't help feeling a bit strange about laughing at race-based humor in movies made back when society wasn't so sensitive.

Even the stuff on television has changed pretty dramatically. Go to YouTube and look at some of the Dean Martin roasts from the 1970s. Not only was racial humor pretty common, but many of the participants were smoking and drinking on camera -- a giant no-no in 2014.

It seems weird. Celebrities still smoke and drink and some may even tell race-based jokes, but the idea of political correctness has sunk in to the point where it feels almost unsettling to watch these movies and shows and find them funny.

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Hicks: Is it OK to laugh at politically incorrect movies?

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Politically Incorrect Cigarette Break: Ep. 1 – Video

Posted: at 7:42 am

Politically Incorrect Cigarette Break: Ep. 1
This is the first episode in the web series Politically Incorrect Cigarette Break. If you have any questions or suggestions please email us at politicallyinc...

By: Politically Incorrect Cigarette Breaks

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Queen of skies takes flight

Posted: March 4, 2014 at 8:41 pm

Pam Ann. Picture: Kelvin Bradley

Arm the doors, cross-check and brace for impact. Australia's first lady of air flight, Pam Ann, is returning home with Plane Filthy. As the title suggests, it's her most politically incorrect show about all things air travel yet.

"It's offensive to some people I guess," admits Caroline Reid, the Australian comedian who's travelled the world as the wicked air hostess Pam Ann. "I poke fun at all the airlines and air travel, and I get into culture and race and stereotypes and all of that. But it's also tailored to what's hot at that moment in the place I'm playing. So the Perth show will no doubt cover what's going on in Australia and in WA with its fly-in, fly-out workers and rural airlines - the low-cost carriers!"

Clearly the busiest hostess to fly the friendly skies, it takes three attempts over two weeks to get Reid on the air-phone. When she finally answers from her New York apartment (where she's been based for the past four years), the constantly jet-lagged Aussie admits she doesn't know where she calls home anymore.

"Perhaps the inside of an airplane," she jokes. "It's non-stop. I've just been touring Germany, Scandinavia, France, the UK, Canada, the US and all over the world really. Now it's Australia's turn. And to coin that great Qantas catchcry 'I still call Australia home' even if it's not my place of home."

Not surprisingly, the constant flying to gigs all over the globe gives Reid much of her Pam Ann material, with the airlines, pilots and hostesses tickled to have the world-famous airline comedian on board.

"I'm on the plane as much as the real hostesses! It's so art-imitating life these days. But every time I get on a new plane I meet new friends, so I love it."

Reid, 45, admits she works all their inside information and industry secrets into her shows. "I've got really good contacts with the airlines and because I work for some of these airlines they really take good care of me. I'm always talking to the cabin crews and pilots whenever I fly. I ask a lot of questions. We talk planes a lot. I'm like a sponge. And they love it too, so it works all-round. Sometimes the cabin crew are told not to talk to me but that memo often goes out the window once the champagne flows."

As funny as she is clever, Reid has a new app that's full of tips for frequent flyers and has a documentary and a television show in the works. She may even know more about air travel than the pilots and hostesses themselves, as this pop quiz proves.

Best airport in the world? "Heathrow's British Airways Terminal 5."

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Queen of skies takes flight

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Ex-CIA agent gives firsthand view of history

Posted: at 8:41 pm

A roomful of college students got a 90-minute snapshot of the last 50-plus years of world history from the Bay of Pigs to the Vietnam War to the most recent events in Ukraine from a man who helped shape world events.

Felix Rodriguez, a longtime CIA agent and military colonel, talked with University of North Georgia Gainesville campus students about his involvement in the 1961 Bay of Pigs operation in Cuba, gave his views on President John F. Kennedys assassination in 1963 and fretted about the recent call for a reduction of the U.S. armed forces.

Much of his presentation, which was sponsored by the colleges Politically Incorrect Club, was focused on the 1967 capture of communist guerrilla leader Ernesto Che Guevara in Bolivia. Guevara was an Argentine Marxist revolutionary and a major figure in the Cuban revolution.

Rodriguez, a Cuban exile who advised Bolivian troops in the hunt for Guevara, had been questioning Guevara when Bolivias president wanted him executed even though the U.S. wanted him detained for further interrogation.

Guevara told Rodriguez in a conversation before his execution, Tell my wife to remarry and try to be happy, Rodriguez told the audience gathered in the Continuing Education Buildings main auditorium.

He told the audience he believed Kennedys push to liberate Cuba from the communist regime led by Fidel Castro cost him his life in Dallas, Texas, in 1963.

Later on, President (Lyndon) Johnson ... said the promise of President Kennedy to free Cuba died with the president.

Rodriguez also served in the Vietnam War, where he flew hundreds of combat helicopter missions.

I was shot down five times and ... my back got in very poor condition, so, in 1972, I was evacuated to the United States, he said.

Later, he flew more missions in El Salvador in the 1980s to help its people defeat communist guerrillas.

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Ex-CIA agent gives firsthand view of history

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Game Instructions for Politically Incorrect Marijuana Playing Cards (PIMP cards) – Video

Posted: February 27, 2014 at 4:42 pm

Game Instructions for Politically Incorrect Marijuana Playing Cards (PIMP cards)
Here is the Kickstarter link to buy the playing cards: Here is the link to load a pdf version of these instructions: http://freepdfh...

By: Tomas Diaz

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Game Instructions for Politically Incorrect Marijuana Playing Cards (PIMP cards) - Video

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