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Category Archives: Transhuman News
The many physical and mental health benefits of sex – Times of India
Posted: April 27, 2021 at 6:12 am
Of all the pleasures of human life, sex is arguably the most pleasurable. Though sex is a vehicle for procreation, the human can experience it well past the procreation age. It has long been recognised that diabetes, hypertension and abnormal blood fats are associated with less of an ability to have sex, often leading to erectile dysfunction in men. It has been well documented that a malfunctioning of the internal lining of the hearts arteries, is a major consideration in heart disease. It therefore follows that such a malfunction of the internal lining of the artery to the penis may also be responsible for erectile dysfunction. It is no wonder that many authorities suggest that erectile dysfunction may be a surrogate marker of heart disease.The question then arises - are there any health benefits to sex? Sexual intercourse and not masturbation lowers systolic blood pressure, and the lowering of blood pressure has several health benefits, as reported in the journal Biological Sexology. The partner who also enjoyed sex had lower diastolic blood pressure. Women who are hugged more often, tend to have lower blood pressure. Having sex once or twice a week reduces the risk of fatal heart attack by half, when compared with men who had sex less than once a month. Frequent sex also helps to improve ones immunity. Sex once or twice a week is associated with higher levels of immunoglobulin A, which helps against infections and colds, as compared to those who are abstinent or have sex less than once a week. Strangely, those having sex three or more times a week did not show an increased level of immunoglobulin.
The many physical and mental health benefits of sex - Times of India
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Ask the Psychiatrist: Is Tax Day the Only Thing That’s Causing You Stress? – Baptist Health South Florida
Posted: at 6:12 am
Are you experiencing anxiety about Tax Day? asks Rachel Rohaidy, M.D., referring to the upcoming May 17th IRS deadline for filing your taxes. Dr. Rohaidy, a board certified psychiatrist at Baptist Health Primary Care and medical director of The Recovery Village at Baptist Health, says that what youre actually feeling is the anxiety that comes from fear of the unknown and the inability to be resilient in your reactions.
As a psychiatrist, Dr. Rohaidy believes in the practice of positive psychiatry and positive psychology to enable patients to develop the skills they need to cope with anxiety, alleviate suffering and increase their wellbeing.
Positive psychiatry believes people can learn to control response to stress by practicing mindfulness, Dr. Rohaidy says. One of the easiest ways to practice mindfulness is to sit with your emotions and recognize them. Feelings of anger, sadness and frustration that increase stress can actually be reduced over time.
When helping patients learn how to get through stressful times, whether its preparing and paying ones taxes or dealing with a difficult situation at home or work, Dr. Rohaidy says she likes to emphasize three important elements of positive psychiatry and positive psychology: resilience, optimism and social engagement.
According to Dr. Rohaidy, the job of a mental health professional is incomplete if all they focus on is the problem by just prescribing medicine. Medication, she cautions, is not the answer for everyone.
Resilience and social engagement are better treatment options, notes Dr. Rohaidy, who says that using positive psychiatry and positive psychology everyday can help you not only with your emotional wellbeing but can help you maintain good health as well.
Theyve also been proven to lead to greater longevity and improved outcomes when coping with illnesses such as cancer or chronic conditions like rheumatoid and psoriatic arthritis, hypertension, diabetes and cardiovascular disease, she says.
Being resilient is the capacity to respond to adversity in a healthy way, says Dr. Rohaidy. More than just responding to setbacks, its a mindset that can be used to develop mental flexibility and optimism, which she says are essential components of resilience.
Studies show the impact of creating a healthy mindset, Dr. Rohaidy adds. Over time, this practice lowers depression, reduces suicides and helps in the reduction of substance abuse in people involved in trauma.
Dr. Rohaidy identifies the essentials of resilience, which include:
Being positive takes work, according to Dr. Rohaidy, and its something you have to work on every single day. Become more self-aware and think about how you process things, she says. Be willing to learn new tasks on the road to becoming more resilient.
So, if Tax Day or some other situation in your life is weighing heavily on you, think positively. Instead of dreading having to file your taxes or worrying about how much you owe this year, be thankful you have a steady job that provides taxable income, Dr. Rohaidy says. Not everyone can say that.
Tags: Baptist Health Primary Care, Rachel V.F. Rohaidy M.D., resilience, Stress, Tax Day, The Recovery Village at Baptist Health
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Ask the Psychiatrist: Is Tax Day the Only Thing That's Causing You Stress? - Baptist Health South Florida
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Serimmune CEO: Leveraging the functional antibody repertoire will transform healthcare – MedCity News
Posted: at 6:12 am
Serimmune CEO Noah Nasser and CTO John Shon discussed the capabilities of the immune intelligence startup intended to aid in the development of diagnostics, vaccines, and therapeutics.
What is Serimmune?
Serimmune is an immune intelligence company devoted to placing the power and complexity of personal antibody response in the hands of consumers, patients, clinicians and researchers. Serimmunes proprietary technology identifies and exploits the universe of relationships between antibodies and antigens. The companys proprietary technology, Serum Epitope Repertoire Analysis (SERA), provides a holistic view of an individuals functional antibody repertoire, to identify the diverse immunogenic factors in health and disease.
The companys platform combines a novel, random bacterial display peptide library with next generation sequencing, machine learning, and custom bioinformatics to reveal the many diverse antigens stimulating immunity. Serimmunes Human Immunity Map is a growing database of immune interactions that can be interrogated to inform the development of multiplex diagnostics, vaccines and therapeutics.
Why did you join this company?
Noah Nasser
Noah: Ive been in biotech, specifically in diagnostics, for over 25 years, gravitating towards companies and technologies that I felt could transform healthcare. Opportunities to work on transformational technologies and services are rare. I am driven to improve diagnostic medicine across the board. By commercializing Serimmunes technology and bringing it to market in a meaningful way, we have an opportunity to change the very nature of diagnostic medicine and to radically advance immune research.
John: I am trained in medicine, but I have always been intensely engaged with data. Ive worked at large and small companies focused on data-driven technologies leveraging machine learning and AI, that have the ability to change our understanding of disease and thereby change the way we diagnose and treat disease. Immunology had always seemed to be a complicated field that needed a data-driven approach. Serimmune has the technology to measure all the proteins that the human immune system is responding to by using only a small amount of blood. The opportunity to create large databases and bring genomics and immunology together in a way that had never been done before is exciting.
What specific need/problem are you seeking to address in healthcare?
Noah: Critical information about human health resides in the functional antibody repertoirethe complete suite of antibodies that circulate within the bodybut tools to interrogate this information have been inadequate to date. Serimmune was founded to meet this need. The human immune system is the best naturally occurring diagnostic and potential therapeutic tool in existence. If we can access information in the functional antibody repertoire with superior tools and scale, it would open up a world of knowledge about patient health.Deep immunome information has incredible value to patients who are concerned about their immunity or health status. This is the real value of Serimmune and our technology. Giving everyone the ability to understand their personal immune response to live healthier lives is central to Serimmunes vision. Ultimately, leveraging the functional antibody repertoire will transform healthcare.
What does your product do? How does it work?:
Noah: The backbone of Serimmunes technology is a massive random, bacterial peptide display library. Starting with less than 50 microliters of sample, we bind circulating antibodies to the peptide library. The bound peptide sequences are then sequenced and the data analyzed with our proprietary algorithms which leverage cloud computing and advanced machine learning. Through this analysis, we translate patterns of peptides to conserved motif panels and from motifs to epitopes, epitopes to proteins and proteomes. Using our database, we can link immune epitope patterns to individual disease and across disease states. Because the library is random and not dependent on a specific target proteome, we can connect these patterns without an a priori diagnostic thesis and so can identify signals from oncology, autoimmune and infectious targets in the same sample in a single workflow.
Long term, much of our value lies in Serimmunes database which contains the disease, demographic and other patient information as well as the generated epitope-level data. As our database grows with each new cohort of samples, so does our overall ability to draw conclusions from epitope level data in individual disease states, across diseases or across diverse sets of symptoms. These data linkages are a key component of our long-term strategy and value. Archived data is automatically updated each time new associations between epitopes and disease are made. This may help identify individuals who share a common disease signature in their immune profile.
John Shon
John: As Noah mentioned, the technology is based on a 10 billion random peptide library with which we can use to look for anything and everything that could impact someones immune healththe viruses weve fought, response to the medications weve taken, and environmental exposures. The real insights emerge once we have a baseline of a persons immune map and then compare it to that of thousands of other people in the Serimmune database. Thats where diseases like cancer antigens or markers of an autoimmune disease can be revealed. We are working on methods where we can start with a known proteome and find epitopes and antigens that are significant for that proteome because we have that large database with multiple and diverse cohorts.
Is this your first healthcare startup? Whats your background in healthcare?
Noah: I have been in healthcare for more than 25 years. I spent the first half of my career at Quidel, an immunodiagnostics company in San Diego. I began as a lab technician and eventually transitioned into sales, marketing and leadership roles with the company. Quidel was incredibly entrepreneurial and allowed me an opportunity to to grow and learn rapidly.
In 2011, I joined Verinata, one of the first companies to commercialize non-invasive prenatal screening based on cell-free DNA technology. It was my first experience leading the commercialization of a truly transformational product and an incredible opportunity to prove the value of disruptive healthcare technology.
The team at Verinata was really great;I learned so much from them about leadership, teamwork and the challenges in commercializing novel technologies in our current healthcare landscape.
After Verinata was acquired by Illumina, I spent time in a few other startups in commercial leadership roles before joining Counsyl, where I worked on transformational systems designed to apply what we knew about reimbursement, work flows and detection technologies to improve both physician and patient experiences. Counsyl gave me a true appreciation for the importance of systems and workflows in bringing technology to market in healthcare.
Prior to joining Serimmune, I was Chief Commercial Officer at Human Longevity, where I gained meaningful consumer experience as well.
John: After completing my residency in internal medicine, I completed a post-doctoral fellowship in biomedical informatics at Stanford. I went on to work in a number of large and small companies where the emphasis has really been on developing large translational medicine data stores and applying computational methods to high-throughput genetics, genomics, cheminformatics, and clinical data for drug discovery and development. I worked for a decade at Roche and Johnson & Johnson as a VP leading transformational informatics teams, and then spent several years as a VP at Illumina to help refine their population-scale sequencing, variant calling and variant interpretation platforms for rare disease and cancer. The team I built there also made great strides in applying deep learning to large cohorts to predict pathogenic variants and splice site variants at the individual level.
Serimmune attracted me because of the unique opportunity to bring genomics and machine learning to immunology at scale with a high throughput, robust assay that has clinical-grade performance.
Who is your customer? How do you generate revenue?
Noah: Today, we apply our technology exclusively in research markets, partnering with pharmaceutical companies and academic researchers to better describe antibody antigen interactions in specific diseases. Many of these projects are bespoke collaborations. Most recently, we have launched a standardized COVID-19 specific application for our technology which we believe will accelerate therapeutic and vaccine development particularly with new variants being described.
We have been evaluating various strategies for commercializing our platform in clinical care. As we have formalized our go-to-market strategy in the clinical space, we recognized the challenges our technology presents to current care paradigms. Todays diagnostics market operates in a very linear fashion: a single test, a single CPT code, a set of diagnostic criteria and hopefully an answer. This can lead to excessively long diagnostic odysseys for patients with diverse symptoms or complex disease.
With Serimmunes unbiased and random library approach technology, we have the potential to test a universal set of targets based on symptoms without a prior diagnostic thesis and proceed to the root cause very quickly. In other words, because we use a random library and an unbiased approach, we are getting information without having to say, I think you have X disease and I will test you just for that. This is simply not how physicians are used to prescribing care or how laboratories are reimbursed for it.
We see two key trends in our market. First as a consequence of the ongoing pandemic, we have seen an elevated focus on the importance of immunity at the patient and consumer level. Secondly, individuals are playing a more significant role in their care and are paying more attention to laboratory diagnostic tests to assist in living healthier lives. Through our preliminary market research we have demonstrated that Serimmunes technology may appeal directly to consumers who have concerns about their immune system, like those with an autoimmune disease, Lyme Disease, or chronic fatigue syndrome just to name a few. These are people who are engaged in their own healthcare and have an ongoing interest in their immune status. Of course this hinges on our ability to provide relevant, high value, clinically-actionable information in an easy to understand digital format.
John: Using Serimmunes technology, we can look at many factors in immunity at one time and monitor appropriate responses longitudinally. We can understand how the immunome changes over time, for example in response to vaccines or treatments, and we can also compare an individuals immune response to that of other individuals in our database with similar conditions. Putting this information into context will be critical for individuals as they try to understand their health.One of the most profound uses for our technology is determining whether a person is suffering from fatigue or joint pain where tick-borne disease is a key differential diagnostic consideration. We have one of the best platforms for assessing the antibody response to tick-borne pathogens. Serimmunes technology will also benefit customers who are concerned about autoimmune disease, myalgic encephalitis / chronic fatigue syndrome, or even COVID long hauler syndrome, and want to support research into how their immune response changes over time.
Do you have clinical validation for your product?
Noah: Scientists at Serimmune have published a number of papers documenting the performance of our technology in specific applications like tick-borne diseases, COVID-19, neglected tropical diseases and even cancer. We hope to publish many more in the near future further validating our clinical efficacy and performance.
So far, in a research environment, we have validated performance for more than 50 targets spanning infectious and autoimmune disease as well as oncology, with more being added. In the coming year, we are planning the launch of our CLIA lab. We will use a consumer-initiated physician directed model, with clinical staff that help facilitate testing and put results into context to help patients understand their information.
The future is exciting. Our researchers are working with partners around the world to validate our signals on orthogonal platforms, potentially to port our technology onto near patient platforms for underserved markets. Additionally, discoveries from our database may prove important to pharmaceutical partners as biomarkers of response or therapeutic candidates.
John: SERA is special in that we have demonstrated in multiple conditions that we can achieve clinical-grade performance with a high-throughput assay. With a data-driven approach, we have repeatedly identified antigens and epitopes that have previously been described in the literature that have clinical relevance. One of the ultimate long-term benefits that were seeing with this database is with clinical disease associations. For example, in a data-driven way, we find that multiple infections are associated with each other, confirming known geographic epidemiology or confirming known sharing of infectious disease vectors. Serimmune has the potential to really disrupt and change medicine, not only because of the clinical applications but because of the discoveries that were going to make about disease associations in populations, between infectious disease, autoimmune disease, and cancer, where the humoral immune system is central to disease understanding.
At what stage of development is your lead product?
Photo: Peshkova, Getty Images
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Sam Pitrodas new book argues for resetting the world and then designing it afresh –
Posted: at 6:11 am
This is the time to look at a world redesign beyond the narrow national interests of America or China, one which would serve the best interests of the planet and the people. The future is not only about national pride, business, markets, religion or race, with the bogey of an enemy at the border; it is about climate change and human development.
Now is the time to move from violence and military options to non-violence and the imperative of peace. This will require collaboration, as opposed to confrontation and competition. It may be all right to compete in certain areas. Still, it is more important to cooperate on strategic issues related to the planet and the people of the world. Here, political leadership matters. Suppose world leaders do not come together at this crucial moment. In that case, we will indeed be riding a path to permanent destruction.
Global leaders need to recognise that the future belongs to globalists and not nationalists. It is not about an international liberal order, but global peace and prosperity for all. It is about empowering every human being to explore and experience life and nature in their own way, with freedom and flexibility. This will require respect, sharing, caring and teamwork among world leaders. It will demand a functional and friendly relationship between world powers.
The redesign of democracy, capitalism, environment and institutions is not going to be simple. It will require a deeper understanding and appreciation of human values and our character, and addressing climate change issues with the spirit of sacrifice and long-term perspectives. It will also need the collaboration of communist leaders from China and Russia, monarchs from the Middle East, and others.
We essentially need a third vision of the world that transcends national interests and takes into account global issues, from trade to environmental impacts. We need a vision that values human capital more than financial capital. A vision that works for everyone to attain a multipolar world, where people at the bottom of the economic pyramid benefit the most.
We need to ask the worlds people: Do they want to live forever with poverty and hunger, with inequality and unemployment, under the shadow of discrimination and fear, with the police at every corner and the military at all borders? Or do they want to live in peace with friendly neighbours, in a clean environment, and with respect, dignity, equality, opportunities and hope for all? The present reality is scary. Dont we want to change it?
We want to reset international interests over national interests, human diversity over human differences, globalism over nationalism, inclusion over exclusion, non-violence over violence, rationality over religion, and respect over race. We want international cooperation on climate change, global health, poverty, hunger, violence, security, amity with neighbours and much more.
I firmly believe that it is possible to redesign the world with this third vision because multiple, intricate and timely technologies with incredible innovations in information, genetics, bio, nano and material sciences are now all coming together. They are taking deep roots across the social, political and economic landscape, which will profoundly impact our livelihood and longevity. T
his will give new meaning to life, work, values, wisdom and progress. It will lead to a new development model based on cooperation, collaboration and communication, which can finally deliver peace, justice and prosperity to all by the middle of this century.
We are so used to thinking and behaving traditionally with our narrow compartmentalisation of people and their ideas, values and experiences. We always tend to look at past experiences and our history to find solutions. We find pleasure in the past, comfort in the present, and fear for the future.
The future is prosperous with new bold ideas and different toolkits, such as hyperconnectivity, which did not exist earlier. The future demands a new mindset with creativity, innovation and courage. I firmly believe that we are at a crossroads because of hyperconnectivity.
Recently, a bright young friend of mine showed me a new dimension to global power and conflicts with a different perspective to what I had visualised. He opened my eyes to religions essential role in societys organisational architecture and its associated conflicts and wars. There are basically four significant religions globally which mobilise the masses and organise power: Christianity, Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism.
All significant conflicts, wars and invasions have been carried out predominantly by the big powers like the Romans, Ottoman, Moguls, British Empire, etc, to expand power, influence, control and wealth. He argued that the concept of time for Christianity and Islam is absolute: you live, and you die.
On the other hand, the concept of time for Hinduism and Buddhism is infinite: you continue through rebirth for another cycle. He feels this may have something to do with the idea of accumulating wealth and power in one lifetime. He also pointed out that the wars in Pearl Harbour, Korea and Vietnam were rare wars between Christianity and Buddhism. The ongoing conflicts in Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and others are wars between Christianity and Islam. 9/11 may be considered a blow by Islam against the only superpower in the world.
To me, that made a lot of sense. In my heart, I am Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Jew, Buddhist, Sikh, Jain, atheist and a lot more. To me, all religions inculcate fundamental human values and promote goodness in people. Perhaps it is obvious, but when you put these things in perspective, it is clear that the challenge going forward will be to build bridges with all religious organisations and associated power centres, provided they have genuine respect for each other with a commitment to peace, prosperity and non-violence. Only by doing this can we together take humanity to the next level.
Bold and brave ideas are essential for driving our new world vision now. Unfortunately, we have always looked for solutions in the economy and the market, technology, military or ideology we have never explored humanism in our quest for solutions.
First, we must understand, appreciate and internalise the simple fact that our planet is a unique interconnected and integrated system where soil and sand, birds and insects, animals and people are all interdependent. We live off the same system of air, water, flowers and forests. Peace, the economy, the environment and health issues are also interconnected and interrelated. The key is to strive for unity with respect, equality and equity for all living systems.
We have to ask what belongs to whom on our planet. Who owns the Amazon forests? Do they belong to Brazil or to the world? Should we all not be concerned about what happens to the Amazon? Our rivers? Our oceans? What affects one affects all of us. What happens to Africa in the next twenty-five years will affect America, China, India and the entire world. We need to think from the viewpoint of biology, life and dynamic assets, and not merely markets or material and static assets.
We must remember that the concept of modern states and national borders began only recently. We may live within boundaries and borders, but we must think beyond them with an eye out for humanity at large. The best way to understand what is right for society, the world and the future is to ask young people what they want. They will tell you that they wish to have love, a clean environment, home, education, health, family, friends and fun. They do not want violence, war, power or riches. The answers are simple. We make it complicated.
Excerpted with permission from Redesign the World: A Global Call to Action, Sam Pitroda, Penguin Business.
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Global Longevity and Anti-senescence Therapy Market Research Report Covers, Future Trends, Past, Present Data and Deep Analysis 2020-2026 …
Posted: at 6:11 am
A SWOT Analysis ofLongevity and Anti-senescence Therapy, Professional Survey Report Including Top Most Global Players Analysis with CAGR and Stock Market Up and Down.
The market report, titled Longevity and Anti-senescence Therapy Market, is a broad research dependent on Longevity and Anti-senescence Therapy market, which examines the escalated structure of the present market all around the world. Planned by the sufficient orderly system, for example, SWOT investigation, the Longevity and Anti-senescence Therapy market report demonstrates an aggregate appraisal of overall Longevity and Anti-senescence Therapy market alongside the noteworthy playersAcorda Therapeutics, Unity Biotechnology, Antoxerene, Celgene, Cohbar, Senex Biotechnology, Human Longevity Inc., T.A. Sciences, Agex Therapeutics, Recursion Pharmaceuticals, Calico Life Sciences, Spotlight Bioscience, Powervision Inc., Sierra Sciences Llc, Restorbio, Insilico Medicine, Oisin Biotechnology, Senolytic Therapeutics, Proteostasis Therapeutics Inc., Prana Biotechnology Ltd., Cleara Biotechof the market.
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The conjecture for CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate) is expressed by the Longevity and Anti-senescence Therapy Market report in the terms of proportion for the particular time length. This will likewise assist the client with understanding and settle on an exact decision based on an expected diagram. Furthermore, The report presents a detailed segmentationSenolytic Drug Therapy, Gene Therapy, Immunotherapy, Others, Market Trend by ApplicationLongevity, Senescence Inhibition, Cardiovascular Diseases, Neural Degenerative Diseases, Ophthalmology Disorders, Cancerof the global market based on technology, product type, application, and various processes and systems.
Income age and assembling scale are the two superior divisions on which the Longevity and Anti-senescence Therapy market is reliant. An evaluation of the markets fundamental segment and the geological territories around the globe is additionally canvassed in this report. Different Longevity and Anti-senescence Therapy market factors, for example, development, confinements, and the arranged attributes of each point have been accounted profoundly. Based on this qualities, the Longevity and Anti-senescence Therapy market report predicts the fate of the market all around.
The additional geographical segments are also mentioned in the empirical report.
North America:U.S., Canada, Rest of North AmericaEurope:UK, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Rest of EuropeAsia Pacific:China, Japan, India, Southeast Asia, North Korea, South Korea, Rest of Asia PacificLatin America:Brazil, Argentina, Rest of Latin AmericaMiddle East and Africa:GCC Countries, South Africa, Rest of Middle East & Africa
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Impact Of COVID-19
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Chapter 1, Definition, Specifications and Classification of Longevity and Anti-senescence Therapy, Applications of Longevity and Anti-senescence Therapy, Market Segment by Regions;Chapter 2,Manufacturing Cost Structure, Raw Material and Suppliers, Manufacturing Process, Industry Chain Structure;Chapter 3,Technical Data and Manufacturing Plants Analysis of Longevity and Anti-senescence Therapy, Capacity and Commercial Production Date, Manufacturing Plants Distribution, R&D Status and Technology Source, Raw Materials Sources Analysis;Chapter 4,Overall Market Analysis, Capacity Analysis (Company Segment), Sales Analysis (Company Segment), Sales Price Analysis (Company Segment);Chapter 5 and 6, Regional Market Analysis that includes United States, China, Europe, Japan, Korea & Taiwan, Longevity and Anti-senescence Therapy Segment Market Analysis (by Type);Chapter 7 and 8, The Longevity and Anti-senescence Therapy Segment Market Analysis (by Application) Major Manufacturers Analysis of Longevity and Anti-senescence Therapy ;Chapter 9, Market Trend Analysis, Regional Market Trend, Market Trend by Product Type Senolytic Drug Therapy, Gene Therapy, Immunotherapy, Others, Market Trend by Application Longevity, Senescence Inhibition, Cardiovascular Diseases, Neural Degenerative Diseases, Ophthalmology Disorders, Cancer;Chapter 10, Regional Marketing Type Analysis, International Trade Type Analysis, Supply Chain Analysis;Chapter 11, The Consumers Analysis of Global Longevity and Anti-senescence Therapy ;Chapter 12, Longevity and Anti-senescence Therapy Research Findings and Conclusion, Appendix, methodology and data source;Chapter 13, 14 and 15, Longevity and Anti-senescence Therapy sales channel, distributors, traders, dealers, Research Findings and Conclusion, appendix and data source.
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SpaceX’s Spacecraft Just Had a Near Collision With an Unidentified Object – Futurism
Posted: at 6:03 am
Earlier today, SpaceX and NASA successfully launched four astronauts into orbit on board a SpaceX Crew Dragon spacecraft.
The launch went by without a hitch but the crew of four did experience a scare while en route to the International Space Station when they were notified of a potential collision with an unidentified object.
The NASA/SpaceX team was informed of the possible conjunction by US Space Command, NASA spokesperson Kelly Humphries told Futurism. The object being tracked is classified as unknown.'
There was no time, Humphries said, to perform an avoidance maneuver to get out of the way of the object. Instead, SpaceX advised that the astronauts put on their pressurized suits in case of a collision.
The possibility of the conjunction came so close to the closest approach time that there wasnt time to compute and execute a debris avoidance maneuver with confidence, so the SpaceX team elected to have the crew don their pressure suits out of an abundance of caution, Humphries said.
US Space Command spokesperson Erin Dick told Futurism that the Pentagon notified NASA of the potential collision at about 1:30pm EST today, about seven hours after the spacecraft launched.
After further analysis, the 18th Space Control Squadron quickly determined there was no conjunction threat, all aboard are safe and the spacecraft was not at risk, Dick said.
Numerous questions remain. How big was the piece of space debris? And what was it?
In hindsight, Humphries said, the objects closest approach was 45 kilometers from the spacecraft not far in the grand scale of space, but close enough for concern.
Humphries added that there was no real danger to the crew or the spacecraft.
Endeavour is scheduled to dock with the International Space Station tomorrow morning.
Updated with comment from NASA and US Space Command.
More on the launch: SpaceX Sends Four Astronauts Into Space On Reused Spacecraft
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SpaceX's Spacecraft Just Had a Near Collision With an Unidentified Object - Futurism
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Mark Zuckerberg Says He’s So Excited About New Project That He’s Forgetting to Eat – Futurism
Posted: at 6:03 am
"I think I've lost 10 pounds in the last month from this, but our new products are going to be [fire emoji]."Forgetting to Eat
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg is just like us.The billionaire is so excited about his work, he says, that he can hardly keep it together.
Do you ever get so excited about what youre working on that you forget to eat meals? the CEO wrote in a Thursday status update (remember those?) on his Facebook profile.
Keeps happening, he added. I think Ive lost 10 pounds in the last month from this, but our new products are going to be [fire emoji].
Given Facebooks propensity to do just as much bad as it does good in the world or, as many have argued, far more bad than good people were understandably a little taken aback by Zuckerbergs revelations.
Something incredibly bad is about to happen, progressive Washington, DC radio station District Sentinel wrote in a tweet about Zuckerbergs admission.
But the reality is likely innocuous.
A day later, Zuckerberg uploaded a video of himself customizing his own adorable Oculus Quest avatar, a new feature that is he says is landing today.
Its a new feature so mundane it may not even bear reporting. Oculus Avatars are a series of, well, customizable avatars for those of us who own Oculus Quest headsets. According to the Facebook-owned company, character movements were also enhanced thanks to machine learning.
Its unlikely well ever find out what exactly Zuckerberg was so excited about that he forgot to eat. But then again, creating virtual reality avatars is a nice distraction and a lot more fun than acknowledging your companys platform is facilitating or covering up genocide in other parts of the world or giving your workers PTSD.
More on Facebook: Facebook Lets Chinese Government Run Genocide-Denying Ads
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Watch an Astronaut Play Piano on the ISS as the Earth Drifts in the Background – Futurism
Posted: at 6:03 am
Japanese astronaut Soichi Noguchi is getting ready to say goodbye to space.Farewell ISS
In a bittersweet video uploaded to YouTube, Japanese astronaut Soichi Noguchi took the time to say farewell to the International Space Station by playing a somber tune on a Yamaha electric keyboard, as the Earth drifts in the background.
The video was uploaded on the same day SpaceX and NASA launched yet another crew of four astronauts. Noguchi will soon return back down to Earth on April 28, according to NASA.
Accompanying the slideshow of various images Noguchi has taken since arriving at the space station in November a melancholic farewell to Noguchis temporary home in space.
What makes the performance truly authentic, however, is Noguchis well-but-not-perfectly rehearsed rendition and the incredible views of Earth behind him as he plays.
Noguchi appears to be playing a medley of songs from the 1984 J-pop album NO SIDE by artist Yumi Matsutoya.
Noguchi made his performance from what appears to be the Cupola, an ESA-built observatory module that features seven windows, with one large 31 inch diameter window in the center.
The astronaut has kept himself busy apart from conducting research and doing space walks by uploading numerous videos to his YouTube channel during his stay on board the ISS, including a heartfelt rendition of Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star, accompanied by dazzling views of the night sky.
Noguchi is also the first non-American to launch to space on board three different spacecraft: the Space Shuttle, the Soyuz, and the Crew Dragon.
Have a safe trip Soichi its time to come back down to Earth.
More on the ISS: SpaceX Sends Four Astronauts Into Space On Reused Spacecraft
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Astronomers Discover Closest-Ever Black Hole to Earth – Futurism
Posted: at 6:03 am
They're calling it "The Unicorn."Howdy Neighbor
A team of scientists from The Ohio State University (OSU) say theyve found the closest black hole to Earth ever discovered, and its just 1,500 light-years away.
The team decided to name the black hole The Unicorn because of its location in the Monoceros constellation but also because it is, so far, one of a kind, according to a university press release. As for what makes it so unique, the Unicorn is unbelievably tiny for a black hole. With only three times the mass of the Sun, the black hole exists in a category that, until recently, astronomers didnt even believe was physically possible.
The OSU team didnt directly image the Unicorn. But they found something weird going on with a nearby red giant star: An invisible object appeared to be locked into its gravitational pull and exerting such a strong tug of its own that it was physically reshaping the star as it orbited.
The simplest explanation is that its a black hole, study coauthor Todd Thompson said in the release, and in this case, the simplest explanation is the most likely one.
Thompson is OSUs astronomy chair and his new research, set to be published in the journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, is just the latest piece of his ongoing work to discover and understand these bizarrely tiny black holes. Aside from a scientific oddity, finding black holes like The Unicorn helps to unravel the mysteries of how stars develop and die.
I think the field is pushing toward this, to really map out how many low-mass, how many intermediate-mass, and how many high-mass black holes there are, Thompson added, because every time you find one it gives you a clue about which stars collapse, which explode and which are in between.
READ MORE: Black hole is closest to Earth, among the smallest ever discovered [The Ohio State University]
More on black holes: New Paper Says Black Holes Could Be as Large as an Entire Galaxy
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Man Sighted Flying Through City on Giant Drone – Futurism
Posted: at 6:03 am
It's like a real life Green Goblin.City Hoverboard
The hoverboard from Back to the Future II is finally here.
But its a lot less inconspicuous than a sleek 80s era skateboard that just happens to defy gravity and a lot more like the Green Goblin from the Spiderman franchise.
In a new viral video captioned this man is living in 2030, a person can be seen zipping along a public road, riding on top of what looks like a high-powered drone with eight propellers.
Its likely the stunt broke several laws, but at least the drone rider decided to wear a helmet.
As it turns out, the video isnt some CGI trickery. The amazing flying contraption is sold by a company called Omni Hoverboards and likely costs upwards of $20,000, as TMZ points out. Its unlikely,though, that youll be able to get your hands on one any time soon.
Several videos online show what the drone hoverboard is capable of. One video shows a man soaring above the tree line over the top of a country-side pond.
According to the companys website, its the first real hoverboard. Its inventor Catalin Alexandru Duru broke the world record for the longest hoverboard flight with it, some 905 feet, back in 2015, according to the Guinness Book of World Records.
READ MORE: Real-Life Hoverboard Seen Zipping Through Streets, Retails for $20k [TMZ]
More on hoverboards: Inventors Create Working Hoverboard
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