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On the 40th anniversary of Wayne Williams arrest, Atlanta police receive funding for DNA testing – WXIA
Posted: June 23, 2021 at 6:44 am
The next date Wayne Williams will be considered for parole is November 2027.
ATLANTA The Atlanta Police Department said it now has the approved funding to begin retesting DNA evidence in the Atlanta Child Murders case. Monday marked 40 years since the longtime suspected killer, Wayne Williamswas arrested in two adults' unrelated deaths.
The Atlanta Child Murders case returned to national headlines in 2019, when police reopened the haunting case nearly 40 years after the tragic killing spree began.
Williams,considered the prime suspect in the Atlanta Child Murders case, has been behind bars since June 21, 1981. He was convicted in 1982 for the murder of two adult men unrelated to the child murders. But he was never charged in the killing spree that would become one of the most notorious cases in U.S. history, even though Williams is the only suspect investigators have ever made known publicly.
Forty years ago, investigators were limited by technology.
When the case reopened two years ago, the city made a promise to test all possible DNA evidence in the child murders.
APD released a statement Monday saying the following:
As part of the reopened Missing and Murdered Children investigation, Atlanta Police Homicide Investigators have compiled evidence to be submitted for DNA testing. The funding needed to move forward with the testing was approved today, June 21, 2021, and we are in the process of coordinating with the vendor to submit the evidence and make payment for the testing. At this time, the investigation remains open.
The Fulton County District Attorney's Office also previously announced it was launching a conviction integrity unit as a way to re-examine prior convictions including Williams case.
The D.A,s office said on Monday that Shelia Ross, a specially sworn Assistant District Attorney and veteran homicide prosecutor, has been brought in to lead the review and work with our law enforcement partners on those cases.
Investigators have believed Williams is the key suspect in the Atlanta child murders, even as Williams has insisted hes innocent. Over the years, other theories have been floated. But to this day, no one has stood trial in the childrens murders dating back to the late 70s and early 80s.
Williams was up for parole consideration back in 2019, and the board denied the parole request. The next date he will be considered for parole is November 2027.
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On the 40th anniversary of Wayne Williams arrest, Atlanta police receive funding for DNA testing - WXIA
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Each of These Microscopic Glass Beads Stores an Image Encoded on a Strand of DNA – Singularity Hub
Posted: at 6:44 am
Increasingly, civilizations information is stored digitally, and that storage is abundant and growing. We dont bother deleting those seven high-definition videos of the ceiling or 20 blurry photos of a table corner taken by our kid. Theres plenty of room on a smartphone or in the cloud, and we count on both increasing every year.
As we fluidly copy information from device to device, this situation seems durable. But thats not necessarily true.
The amount of data we create is increasing rapidly. And if we (apocalyptically) lost the ability to produce digital storage deviceshard drives or magnetic tape, for exampleour civilizations collective digital record would begin to sprout holes within years. In decades, itd become all but unreadable. Digital storage isnt like books or stone tablets. It has a shorter expiration date. And, although we take storage for granted, its still expensive and energy hungry.
Which is why researchers are looking for new ways to archive information. And DNA, lifes very own hard drive, may be one solution. DNA offers incredibly dense data storage, and under the right conditions, it can keep information intact for millennia.
In recent years, scientists have advanced DNA data storage. Theyve shown how we can encode individual books, photographs, and even GIFs in DNA and then retrieve them. But there hasnt been a scalable way to organize and retrieve large collections of DNA files. Until now, that is.
In a new Nature Materials paper, a team from MIT and Harvards Broad Institute describe a DNA-based storage system that allows them to search for and pull individual filesin this case images encoded in DNA. Its a bit like thumbing through your file cabinet, reading the paper tabs to identify a folder, and then pulling the deed to your car from it. Only, obviously, the details are bit more complicated.
We need new solutions for storing these massive amounts of data that the world is accumulating, especially the archival data, said Mark Bathe, an MIT professor of biological engineering and senior author of the paper. DNA is a thousandfold denser than even flash memory, and another property thats interesting is that once you make the DNA polymer, it doesnt consume any energy. You can write the DNA and then store it forever.
How does one encode an image in a strand of DNA, anyway? Its a fairly simple matter of translation.
Each pixel of a digital image is encoded in bits. These bits are represented by 1s and 0s. To convert it into DNA, scientists assign each of these bits to the DNAs four base molecules, or nucleotides, adenine, cytosine, guanine, and thymineusually referred to in shorthand by the letters A, C, G, and T. The DNA bases A and G, for example, could represent 1, and C and T could represent 0.
Next, researchers string together (or synthesize) a chain of DNA bases representing each and every bit of information in the original file. To retrieve the image, researchers reverse the process, reading the sequence of DNA bases (or sequencing it) and translating the data back into bits.
The standard retrieval process has a few drawbacks, however.
Researchers use a technique called a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to pull files. Each strand of DNA includes an identifying sequence that matches a short sequence of nucleotides called a PCR primer. When the primer is added to the DNA solution, it bonds with matching DNA strandsthe ones we want to readand only those sequences are amplified (that is, copied for sequencing). The problem? Primers can interact with off-target sequences. Worse, the process uses enzymes that chew up all the DNA.
Youre kind of burning the haystack to find the needle, because all the other DNA is not getting amplified and youre basically throwing it away, said Bathe.
To get around this, the Broad Institute team encapsulated the DNA strands in microscopic (6-micron) glass beads. They affixed short, single-stranded DNA labels to the surface of each bead. Like file names, the labels describe the beads contents. A tiger image might be labeled orange, cat, wild. A house cat might be labeled orange, cat, domestic. With just four labels per bead, you could uniquely label 1020 DNA files.
The team can retrieve specific files by adding complementary nucleotide sequences, or primers, corresponding to an individual files label. The primers contain fluorescent molecules, and when they link up with a complementary strandthat is, the searched-for labelthey form a double helix and glow. Machines separate out the glowing beads, which are opened and the DNA inside sequenced. The rest of the DNA files remain untouched, left in peace to guard their information.
The best part of the method is its scalability. You could, in theory, have a huge DNA library stored in a test tubeBathe notes a coffee mug of DNA could store all the worlds databut without an easy way to search and retrieve the exact file youre looking for, its worthless. With this method, everything can be retrieved.
George Church, a Harvard professor of genetics and well-known figure in the field of synthetic biology, called it a giant leap for the field.
The rapid progress in writing, copying, reading, and low-energy archival data storage in DNA form has left poorly explored opportunities for precise retrieval of data files from hugedatabases, he said. The new study spectacularly addresses this using a completely independent outer layer of DNA and leveraging different properties of DNA (hybridization rather than sequencing), and moreover, using existing instruments and chemistries.
To be clear, all DNA data storage, including the work outlined in this study, remains firmly in the research phase. Dont expect DNA hard drives for your laptop anytime soon.
Synthesizing DNA is still extremely expensive. Itd cost something like $1 trillion dollars to write a petabyte of data in DNA. To match magnetic tape, a common method of archival data storage, Bathe estimates synthesis costs would have to fall six orders of magnitude. Also, this isnt the speediest technique(to put it mildly).
The cost of DNA synthesis will fallthe technology is being advanced in other areas as welland with more work, the speed will improve. But the latter may be beside the point. That is, if were mainly concerned with backing up essential data for the long term with minimal energy requirements and no need to regularly access it, then speed is less important than fidelity, data density, and durability.
DNA already stores the living worlds information, now, it seems, it can do the same for all things digital too.
Image Credit: Courtesy of the researchers (via MIT News).
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Each of These Microscopic Glass Beads Stores an Image Encoded on a Strand of DNA - Singularity Hub
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Atopic Eczema Treatment Market Projected to Reach USD 34089.3 Million by 2026 – Biophotonics.World
Posted: at 6:44 am
Atopic Eczema Treatment Market
Facts & Factors (FnF) published a market research report onAtopic Eczema Treatment Market By Type (Topical, Oral, and Injectable), By Application (Hospital Pharmacies, Retail Pharmacies, and Online Pharmacies): Global Industry Perspective, Comprehensive Analysis, and Forecast, 2020 2026includes 190+ pages of research PDF with TOC including a list of table and figures in its research offerings.
FnF Research presents an updated and Latest Study onAtopic Eczema Treatment Market2020-2026. The report contains market predictions related to market size, revenue, production, CAGR, Consumption, gross margin, price, and other substantial factors. While emphasizing the key driving and restraining forces for this market, the report also offers a complete study of the future trends and developments of the market. The report further elaborates on the micro and macroeconomic aspects including the socio-political landscape that is anticipated to shape the demand of the Atopic Eczema Treatment market during the forecast period (2020-2029).
According to the research report, " [195+ Pages Report] Global atopic eczema treatment market size & share estimated to reach USD 34,089.3 Million by 2026, growing at a CAGR of 10.36% between 2020 and 2026. Atopic dermatitis is a chronic inflammatory skin condition characterized by red, itchy, swollen, and broken skin. White fluid can leak from the affected region, necessitating treatment. "
The historical and forecast information provided in the report span between 2018 and 2026. The report provides detailed volume analysis and region-wise market size analysis of the market.
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Atopic Eczema Treatment Market Projected to Reach USD 34089.3 Million by 2026 - Biophotonics.World
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Dad and daughter meet for first time in 53 years through DNA testing just in time for Father’s Day – WGAL Lancaster
Posted: at 6:44 am
A father and daughter separated by 53 years and 2,000 miles recently met for the first time thanks to an unexpected DNA match.Deb Scales told KFSN-TV that she initially was interested in researching her nationality."I wanted to know was I mostly Irish or Scottish or English? Or whatnot. The man I thought was my father passed last year, and I was no longer able to give any information from him," Scales told the TV station. "So when I got the results, I reached out and found out that actually that wasn't my dad and Tim Herrick is."Scales initially had an Ancestry DNA match with Herrick's sister.Herrick, who is 78 years old, has been married for 51 years and has three children and a stepson, seven grandchildren and four great-grandchildren.And now his family has grown even bigger.Watch the video above to learn more about this story.
A father and daughter separated by 53 years and 2,000 miles recently met for the first time thanks to an unexpected DNA match.
Deb Scales told KFSN-TV that she initially was interested in researching her nationality.
"I wanted to know was I mostly Irish or Scottish or English? Or whatnot. The man I thought was my father passed last year, and I was no longer able to give any information from him," Scales told the TV station. "So when I got the results, I reached out and found out that actually that wasn't my dad and Tim Herrick is."
Scales initially had an Ancestry DNA match with Herrick's sister.
Herrick, who is 78 years old, has been married for 51 years and has three children and a stepson, seven grandchildren and four great-grandchildren.
And now his family has grown even bigger.
Watch the video above to learn more about this story.
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Dad and daughter meet for first time in 53 years through DNA testing just in time for Father's Day - WGAL Lancaster
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Home Remedies To Treat Eczema –
Posted: at 6:44 am
Eczema is characterized by dry, itchy skin that tends to get worst during the winters.
People can often use some natural and home remedies like coconut oil or aloe vera to manage the condition.
These natural substances can moisturize the skin and treat the inflammation and the harmful bacteria to manage the swelling and infection.
Although natural home remedies cannot cure eczema, they can be helpful in managing the condition and providing temporary relief.
Aloe vera gel and apple cider vinegar:
Aloe vera gel can be retrieved from the leaves of the plant. They are being used for centuries to treat a variety of medical conditions.
Aloe vera gel has anti-bacterial, anti-microbial, immunity, and wound healing properties that can soothe the sensitive skin associated with eczema.
To obtain the best result, aloe vera gel that contains the least number of added ingredients is to be chosen; alternatively, one can get aloe plants at home and directly retrieve the gel from its leaves.
In terms of precautionary measures, one should always start with a very small amount of gel to check if the skin is sensitive to it, and alcohol should be avoided to further dry out and irritate the skin
According to the National Eczema Association (NEA), apple cider vinegar can prove to be effective against eczema. However, one should be vigilant about any irritation emerging in the skin due to the acid of the vinegar.
Apple cider vinegar can manage eczema by killing the bacteria causing the infection and maintaining the pH level of the skin.
A bleach bath and colloidal oatmeals:
Although it may seem risky, a bath with bleach can improve the symptoms of eczema, according to expert belief.
Bleach is effective in killing the bacteria responsible for the infection, especially the S. aureus bacteria causing the staph infection.
This restores the natural microbiome profile of the skin and helps in managing the symptoms.
Colloidal oatmeal is another natural remedy known to provide some relief against the painful conditions of eczema.
Colloidal oatmeal is also known as Avena Sativa and is made of oats. For this purpose, oats are grounded and boiled to extract the compounds that have healing properties and can prove to be anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidative in nature.
It can manage the symptoms of eczema by reducing skin dryness, scaling, roughness, and intense itchiness.
Regular baths and use of coconut oil:
Taking regular part is an important part of eczema care and treatment. For improving the condition, one needs proper moisturization of the skin since the natural ability of the skin to moisturize itself is lost.
However, while bathing, one should be conscious about using the wrong soap, using water that is either too hot or too cold and not moisturizing after bath.
According to the guidelines of NEA, those suffering from eczema should bathe once a day using lukewarm water, bathe for only 15-20 minutes and not scrub their skin, use gentle cleansers, and have medicated baths using oatmeal, apple cider vinegar, and baking soda.
Coconut oil is known to help people with eczema and dry skin owing to the presence of beneficial fatty acids in its composition. Virgin coconut oil can reduce skin inflammation by improving the quality of the outer layer of the skin that acts as a protective barrier against infections.
Lifestyle changes that can improve the condition:
Eczema is characterized by inflamed and sore skin. Hence foods that can reduce inflammation helps in managing the condition.
One should include plenty of anti-inflammatory foods in their daily diet. These include fish, leafy greens, lentils, beans, colorful fruits, vegetables, cinnamon, and turmeric.
Whereas one should avoid the intake of inflammatory foods like eggs, dairy, soy, and wheat products.
Furthermore cold and harsh climatic conditions should be avoided as it can dry out the skin and lead to eczema flares, also string dry heat like sitting close to a fireplace should be avoided as hot dry air can worsen the condition by further drying out and irritating the skin.
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Pueblo West resident utilizes massage therapy to heal mind, body and spirit – Pueblo Chieftain
Posted: at 6:44 am
Preventing wildfires
Here are some tips and information on how to prevent wildfires in your life.
Heather Willard, The Pueblo Chieftain
After working on his feet for 8-10 hours a day for more than 13 years, dealing with the everyday aches and pains, and attending night school, Yandi Cakrasenjaya knew he needed to make a change in lifestyle now his journey is just beginning.
That journey ledCakrasenjaya to his current job as a massage therapist at Jara Elements.
Cakrasenjaya was born in Bandung, Indonesia, the oldest of four children.
When his family moved to the United States, Cakrasenjaya was 14-years-old and said without knowing the language or culture, he utilized less traditional routes to learn about his new home.
(My siblings) were younger, so they picked up English pretty quick, Cakrasenjaya said. Im the oldest, I needed to learn. So, I realized what they were doing was they were watching TV, going outside they werent afraid. They come home speaking English, and Im like, What the heck am I doing wrong?
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Cakrasenjaya took a page out of his siblings book, beginning to learn English using the popular childrens show Sesame Street.
While Sesame Street taught him the basics of English the ABCs and how to countattending school helped Cakrasenjaya with proper English.
He noticed outside of the classroom, his classmates were using slang. Thats when he turned to the infamous Die Hard trilogy to improve his knowledge of the language kids around him were using.
After overcoming the adversity through education, Cakrasenjaya entered the workforce. He worked in retail in various positions for 13 years before deciding to attend culinary school.
Cakrasenjaya was working 810-hour days before attending classes, and noticed this lifestyle was not sustainable.
After deciding to make self-care a priority, Cakrasenjaya decided to make a move, leaving behind his home in Iowa and starting fresh in Colorado.
The move inspired a fitness journey that would ultimately lead him to what is now his career and passion.
I was overweight, I was unhappy, I didnt watch what I ate, so I would wake up angry, Cakrasenjaya said. But when I moved here, I saw people are just happy.
Cakrasenjaya started getting into the world of fitness, but an experience on a hike propelled him into making a healthy lifestyle top priority.
I was on a hike, Cakrasenjaya reflected. This old man, maybe 60-70 years old passed me, jogging. He waved and was like, Good day guys! See you later. I look at myself, at that point I was 32 and I was like, This guy is double my age, and just whooped me.
That day was a turning point in Cakrasenjayas life. He committed himself fully to exercising, but quickly found that his body was once again aching.
Cakrasenjaya began reading about massage therapy and its benefits, and from that point on, he knew he wanted to become a healer.
Now licensed for the past two years, Cakrasenjaya works at Jara Elements where he specializes in therapeutic and relaxation, deep tissue, pre-natal, TMJ (temporomandibular joint) treatment, headache relief and hot stone massages.
Cakrasenjaya also provides an option for a CBDtherapeutic massage, which he noted is based out of ancient healing practices.
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The goal of this technique, Cakrasenjaya noted, is not only to help clients relax, relieve pain, and promote healing, but it is also thought, by some, to promote healing by restoring harmony to an individuals energy fields.
The technique Cakrasenjaya uses can also assist with arthritis pain and joint inflammation, can decrease discomfort often associated with peripheral neuropathy, helps with fibromyalgia pain, and addresses skin conditions including psoriasis, eczema, acne, and even mosquito bites.
One thing Cakrasenjaya said people dont do enough of is taking care of themselves, which is why he is so passionate about massage therapy.
You tap into your spirit, your body, Cakrasenjaya said.
Going forward, Cakarsenjaya said his goal is to be the best massage therapist in the community helping the people who have made him feel as though hes found his place.
I havent been a community that supports each other so much before, Cakarsenjaya said. When I moved to Pueblo West, I felt a change. People have been so supportive; I feel like Ive found my home.
Chieftain and Pueblo West View reporter Alexis Smith can be reached by email at or on Twitter @smith_alexis27.
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Pueblo West resident utilizes massage therapy to heal mind, body and spirit - Pueblo Chieftain
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Center for Genomic Discovery launched in the United Arab Emirates – Mobihealth News
Posted: at 6:43 am
A new first of its kind institution aimed at enhancing local genomic research as well as diagnosing and treating patients with genetic disorders has been unveiled in the United Arab Emirates (UAE).
The Center for Genomic Discovery is a joint venture between the Mohammed Bin Rashid University of Medicine and Health Sciences (MBRU) and the Al Jalila Genomics Center of the Al Jalila Childrens Specialty Hospital (AJCH).
The necessary interdisciplinary activities including patient recruitment, genomic data analysis, and functional characterisation cannot be undertaken without the Center, its founding institutions, and the interdisciplinary ecosystem they have created, said Fahad Ali, Assistant Professor of Molecular Biology at MBRU. At the Center, functional experiments will be designed to characterise any novel candidate genes or mutations, to establish new gene-disease associations, and to explore potential therapeutic targets.
And work has already started with one family, offering promising progress, said Stefan Du Plessis, founding Dean of Research and Graduate Studies at MBRU and a member of the Centers Steering Committee.
At least one novel gene has been identified by whole-exome sequencing a complex genomic test which surveys all 20,000+ human genes in search for tiny changes which might be disease causing, he said. Functional analysis is still ongoing but preliminary data strongly suggests a role in disease. We have also identified patients outside the UAE, in the Gulf region, with the same clinical conditions, mutations and gene.
We are now establishing collaborations with researchers from those sites to characterise this gene. The fact that patients from different backgrounds with similar clinical features have mutations in the same gene further establishes a potential new gene-disease discovery.
Speaking at Arab Health 2021, Amer Sharif, Vice Chancellor of MBRU, described the formation of the centre as a major milestone for healthcare research in the UAE.
These are life-changing outcomes that underline the power of research and the role of MBRU and our academic health system partners as research-intensive institutes, he said. The establishment of the Center of Genomic Discovery through an integrated academic health system will allow us to innovate in genomics application and gene discovery. This will also enable us to realise our vision of advancing health through cutting-edge academic research and nurturing future scientists serving individuals and communities in the UAE and the region.
The Center for Genomic Discovery will reportedly seek to engage undiagnosed pediatric patients with suspected hereditary disorders whose clinical genomic testing at Al Jalila Childrens such as whole-exome sequencing and chromosomal microarrays failed to identify any definitive genetic causes.
The launch of the centre coincides with the formation of the board of the Emirati Genome Program, whose mission is to provide preventive and personalised healthcare for the Emirati population.
Headed by His Highness Sheikh Khalid bin Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Member of the Abu Dhabi Executive Council and Chairman of the Abu Dhabi Executive Office, the Emirati Genome Program is reportedly being designed to enable precise and customised medical treatment that will support a more robust healthcare system in the UAE.
MBRUs Sharif is a member of the board.
Meanwhile, AJCSH has also announced it is to formulate a steering group to study the workflow of genome sequencing in an intensive care setting. The hospital has partnered with Illumina Netherlands BV to develop this practical knowledge improving the use of testing, and fostering greater understanding of best-use cases, clinical indicators and the health economics of genome sequencing in this specialised setting.
There is increasing evidence for rapid, efficient and cost-efficient genome sequencing in newborns and babies that will save lives, said Mohamed Al Awadhi, COO of AJCH. The application of next-generation sequencing has revolutionised the process of making complex diagnoses in paediatric medicine, significantly shortening the time for accurate diagnosis and optimal clinical management in critically ill children.
Thanks to the support of our partners and stakeholders, this working group will once again push the boundaries in the quest to save young lives.
This is a major development for Dubai and the UAE, said Ahmad Abou Tayoun, Director of Al Jalila Childrens Genomics Center and Associate Professor of Genetics at MBRU. The new Center leverages the clinical, genomics, and functional research infrastructure and human resources at Al Jalila Childrens and MBRU to propel interdisciplinary activities.
Our clinicians and researchers are experts in their respective fields who can help resolve undiagnosed patients with highly suspected inherited disorders. Furthermore, the Center will create a training and research site for Masters and Ph.D. students, as well as post-doctoral fellows at MBRU.
He added: Ultimately, the Centers main goal is to make novel genetic discoveries in the pediatric patient population in the UAE and the region, and leverage these discoveries to develop new diagnostic tools and uncover personalised pathways to restore normal phenotypes in affected patients.
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Explained: What a truly complete human genome means – Times of India
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Genome sequencing has become a buzzword in the pandemic era, with scientists constantly trying to decode the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 and its multiplying mutations. But it is the study of the human genome that has seen a breakthrough recently, possibly giving us the ability to read a complete genetic blueprint for building a human being. The Telomere-to-Telomere (T2T) consortium, an international team of scientists, claims to have finally decoded all of a persons DNA with no gaps and an unprecedented level of accuracy.In a recent preprint research paper, the T2T consortium discusses the first truly complete 3.055 billion base pair (bp) sequence of a human genome, dubbed T2T-CHM13. According to experts, whereas gene discovery once drove DNA sequencing, now the sequencing of entire genomes drives gene discovery. The sequence of the human genome encodes the genetic instructions for human physiology, as well as rich information about human evolution. Hence, it is essential that the scientific community be informed about the accuracy of this reference sequence. Yet, the existing reference sequences were far from complete.
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Second Genome Presents Data at the World Microbe Forum Demonstrating Application of its Computational Platform sg-4-sight to Identify Peptides that…
Posted: at 6:43 am
Company's Proprietary Multi-Technology Meta-Analysis Algorithm (MTMA) Enables Analysis of Multiple Disparate Microbial Genome Datasets from Diverse IBD Cohorts and Identifies Immune Regulatory Peptides with Therapeutic Potential
BRISBANE, Calif., June 22, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- Second Genome, a biotechnology company that leverages its proprietary platform sg-4-sight and AI workflows to discover and develop precision therapies and biomarkers based on novel microbial genetic insights, today presented data demonstrating the use of its Multi-Technology Meta-Analysis (MTMA) Algorithm to identify microbial strains and peptides with therapeutic potential in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) patients. The data were presented at the World Microbe Forum, a collaboration between the American Society for Microbiology (ASM), Federation of European Microbiological Societies (FEMS) and several other societies, held virtually June 2024.
"As our foundational results demonstrate, Second Genome's big data and AI workflows integrating multiple advanced computational tools reveal unique microbial genetic insights that support our ability to refine our understanding of chronic diseases," said Karim Dabbagh, Ph.D., President and Chief Executive Officer of Second Genome. "Our platform enables Second Genome to analyze large and complex clinical data sets, and to discover and develop precision therapies and biomarkers for heterogenous diseases where the microbiome plays an important role, such as IBD. This approach offers numerous advantages, including detection of microbial signatures consistent in multiple cohorts that we believe reflect the biologically relevant signals in human health and disease. We look forward to providing further updates on the programs resulting from this approach, including SG-2-0776 for the treatment of IBD, and the rest of our precision therapeutics and biomarker pipelines."
The study, which is the largest microbial genetic analysis conducted in IBD to date and aimed to identify microbial molecules that regulate T cell immunity, incorporated over 3,000 gut mucosal biopsy and fecal samples from 21 datasets and 15 clinical cohorts, including four Second Genome proprietary data sets. Using a uniform informatics pipeline to harmonize NGS metagenomics, 16S amplicon NGS and PhyloChip hybridization by mapping all data against the Company's proprietary StrainSelect reference database, the MTMA identified bacterial signatures and genes differentially abundant in IBD patients. These genes were used to generate compound libraries for screening to identify molecules that modulate T cell cytokines important in IBD.
Key results from the poster, "Novel Multi-Technology Microbiome Meta-Analysis in IBD Identifies Bacterial Peptides that Modulate IBD-Relevant T Cell Activity," included:
The novel MTMA algorithm is part of Second Genome's sg-4-sight drug discovery and development platform. More information about the platform's technology and capabilities can be found on the Company's website at The poster presentation will also be made available on the Company's website at
About Second Genome
Second Genome, a biotechnology company that leverages its proprietary tech platform to discover and develop transformational precision therapies and biomarkers through clinical development and commercialization based on novel microbial genetic insights. We built a proprietary microbiome-based drug discovery and development platform with machine-learning analytics, customized protein engineering techniques, phage library screening, mass spec analysis and CRISPR, that we couple with traditional drug development approaches to progress the development of therapies and diagnostics for wide-ranging diseases. Second Genome is advancing deep drug discovery and biomarker pipelines with precision therapeutics and biomarker programs in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and cancer, with the lead programs in IBD and cancer expected to enter clinical development in 2022. We also collaborate with industry, academic and governmental partners to leverage our microbiome platform and data science. We hold a strategic collaboration with Gilead Sciences, Inc., utilizing our proprietary platform and comprehensive data sets to identify novel biomarkers associated with clinical response to Gilead's investigational medicines. For more information, please visit
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Five McGill teams awarded funding in new Genomic Integration program – McGill Newsroom
Posted: at 6:43 am
Today Genome Quebec announced the results of its Genomic Integration Program, Human Health Stream competition. Five McGill teams from a diverse array of fields were awarded funds, totaling nearly $1 million. One of the defining features of this program is the requirement that institutional applicants must also have an external non-academic partner, thus supporting program goals of stimulating the Quebec economy and encouraging the use of genomic technologies in the Quebec healthcare system.
For the past twenty years, genomic research has been a major activity in Quebec, and the expertise and leadership of McGill researchers have been a pillar of this growth, said Martha Crago, Vice-Principal, Research and Innovation, McGill University. This latest round of funding underlines the strength of our contributions to this field, as well as the breadth and depth of our intellectual community.
The following five projects were selected by Genome Quebec:
1. New software to screen antibiotics that act on RNA
Principal Investigator (PI): Maureen McKeague, Canada Research Chair in Genomic Chemistry, Tier II, Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmacology & Therapeutics, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science
(Co-Application/Co-PI: Tony Mittermaier, Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry)
Partner: Molecular Forecaster Inc.
Summary: Bacterial resistance to antibiotics is one of the top ten global public health threats facing humanity, but antibiotics that target bacterial RNA are an untapped strategy in part because of the lack of software options to accelerate their discovery. To address this problem, McGill researchers are collaborating with the Montreal-based company Molecular Forecaster Inc. to develop software that enables rapid virtual screening of new RNA-targeting antibiotics.
2. Antibody characterization through Open science
PI: Peter S.McPherson, Distinguished James Professor, Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery and Anatomy and Cell Biology.
Partner: YCharOS Inc.
Summary: Antibodies are critical components of our immune system because they have the unique ability to recognize any other protein, human or viral, with great specificity. Scientists take advantage of this property to generate antibodies for research, as the antibodies can recognize any specific protein from complex mixtures of proteins such as those found in a human cell. This project aims to develop a third-party antibody characterization entity that uses standardized operating procedures to assess and compare antibody performance, which will enhance the reproducibility of scientific data.
3. Towards single-cell metabolomics: uncovering the metabolic heterogeneity and architecture of solid cancers
PI: Peter Siegel, Full Professor, Department of Medicine, Full Member, Rosalind and Morris Goodman Cancer Research Centre, Associate Member, Departments of Biochemistry, AnatomyandCell Biology and Oncology
(Key Collaborator: Julie St-Pierre, Department of Biochemistry, Microbiology and Immunology, Ottawa Institute of Systems Biology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Ottawa)
Partner: Agilent Technologies Inc.
Summary: The field of Metabolomics is dedicated to studying and measuring cellular metabolism through information-rich technologies, such as mass spectrometry. While protocols that measure gene expression or protein levels have been adapted to single cell analysis, researchers currently can only measure metabolites within bulk cell populations or tissues. However, to understand complex phenotypes at the level of an individual cell, single-cell metabolomics methods are required. The overall objective of this project is to develop a workflow for the measurement of targeted metabolites at a single cell resolution in cancer cells.
4. Using Whole Genome Sequencing to Build a Bridge Between Human Exposure to Antimicrobial Resistant Foodborne Pathogens and the Resulting Burden of Disease and Associated Healthcare Costs: The Case of Chicken
PI: Paul J. Thomassin, Full Professor, Agricultural Economics Program, Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
(Key Collaborators: Dr. Richard J. Reid-Smith, Veterinarian and Epidemiologist Public Health Agency of Canada; Dr. Jane Parmley is a veterinarian, epidemiologist, Associate Professor, Department of Population Medicine at the University of Guelph; and Dr. Eduardo Taboada, Genomic Epidemiology Research Unit, National Microbiology Laboratory).
Partner: Public Health Agency of Canada
Summary: The problem of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) through the food supply chain is a national and international problem that has major negative health and economic implications. In 2018, resistant bacterial infections were responsible for over 14,000 deaths and had associated healthcare costs of $1.4 billion in Canada (CCA, 2019). The Public Health Agency of Canada and its partners have developed an integrated assessment model (iAM.AMR) which models the potential human exposure to resistant bacteria from the food supply chain. This project will integrate whole genome sequencing information into the iAM.AMR model to better estimate the human exposure to antimicrobial resistant bacteria and the costs associated with the AMR burden of disease from chicken consumption.
5. Assembly of a massive data set to train a predictor of a small molecules targeting RNAs
PI: Jrme Waldisphl, Associate Professor, School of Computer Science
Partner: Takeda Pharmaceutical
Summary: Ribonucleic acids (RNAs) is a broad, yet underexploited, class of drug targets. Up to 70% of our genome encodes for RNAs, but only a tiny fraction of current pharmaceutical molecules is targeting them. Mining this resource is a daunting task, however, far beyond the capacity of classical physics-based computational simulation tools traditionally used to identify new drug candidates. This project will use molecular docking software and massive experimental assays to build a comprehensive training set for our small molecule RNA binding predictor. The resulting software will be validated and exploited with commercial partner Takeda Pharmaceutical.
Gnome Qubecs mission is to catalyze the development and excellence of genomics research and promote its integration and democratization. It is a pillar of the Qubec bioeconomy and contributes to Qubecs influence and its social and sustainable development. The funds invested by Gnome Qubec are provided by the ministre de l'conomie et de l'Innovation du Qubec (MEI), the Government of Canada, through Genome Canada, and private partners. To learn more, visit
Founded in Montreal, Quebec, in 1821, McGill University is Canadas top ranked medical doctoral university. McGill is consistently ranked as one of the top universities, both nationally and internationally. Itis a world-renownedinstitution of higher learning with research activities spanning two campuses, 11 faculties, 13 professional schools, 300 programs of study and over 40,000 students, including more than 10,200 graduate students. McGill attracts students from over 150 countries around the world, its 12,800 international students making up 31% of the student body. Over half of McGill students claim a first language other than English, including approximately 19% of our students who say French is their mother tongue.
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