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Ananya Pandey Mourns Upon Her Late Grandmother, And Shares A Heart – Woman’s Era
Posted: July 14, 2021 at 1:28 pm
Ananya Pandey broke down into tears when she bid her final goodbye to her grandmother. Her tear-struck face became viral within moments. The renowned actress became inconsolable by the death of her grandmother Snehlata Pandey. Not only she, but even Chunky Pandeys wife Bhavana Pandey bid her farewell to her mother-in-law and shared old photographs from their family album where we see her daughters Ananya Pandey and Rysa Pandey as kids.
In memoriam of her grandmother, Ananya Pandey shared various memories of her childhood on her Instagram handle by addressing he grand-mom as the life of her family. Her heart-wrenching yet mighty post mentioned, Rest in power, my angel. When she was born the doctors said she wouldnt live beyond a few years because of a defective heart value, but my Dadi lived and how. She worked every day up until the age of 85, going to work at 7 am in her black heels and red-streaked hair. She inspired me every single day to do what I love and Im so grateful to have grown up basking in her energy and light.
She further added on a special note, She had the softest hands to hold, gave the best leg messages, she was a self-proclaimed (and very politically incorrect) palm reader and never failed to make me laugh. The life of our family. Youre too loved to ever be forgotten Dadi I love you so much
On Ananyas Instagram handle, she shared some beautiful posts of her grandmother, while on the occasion of Womens Day, she shared, The epitome of grace, beauty, perseverance, humor, badass energy and boss woman vibes. My Dadi and Nani Happy Womens day to my best and happy Womens Day to all the lovely ladies out there you are so very special and everything you need is right inside of you. I love you guys, you rock.
These posts of Ananya received a lot of heart reactions including respectively from Karishma Kapoor, Siddhant Chaturvedi, Navya Naveli Nanda, Neelam Kothari Soni, and few others. Numerous stars, inclusive of Bhavana and Chunkys friends attended the funeral and consoled the family.
We also in the same way extend our well-wishes and consolation towards the whole family and hope that Ananya will be able to fight back to this baffling condition and will not be plunging into it.
We wish her more power, stability, and steadiness. May the family get out of this situation comfortably.
Primary Excerpt Taken From Hindustan Times (
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Formula E is heading to Cape Town: What you need to know – The Citizen
Posted: at 1:27 pm
Last week, Cape Town announced that it will host a round of the FIA Formula E World Championship in February next year. It will be the first official World Championship single-seater race in Mzansi since the 1993 South African Grand Prix. Motorsport followers in general have a somewhat jaundiced view of electrically powered motorsport. The reasons are simple. Conventional motorsport involves really noisy cars or motorcycles charging around circuits while dispersing eye-watering, noxious petrol, methanol or Castrol oil fumes. The smell of racing fuel is intoxicating and the sound of a bellowing V8 dragster, a shrieking V12 Ferrari F1 or...
Last week, Cape Town announced that it will host a round of the FIA Formula E World Championship in February next year. It will be the first official World Championship single-seater race in Mzansi since the 1993 South African Grand Prix.
Motorsport followers in general have a somewhat jaundiced view of electrically powered motorsport. The reasons are simple. Conventional motorsport involves really noisy cars or motorcycles charging around circuits while dispersing eye-watering, noxious petrol, methanol or Castrol oil fumes. The smell of racing fuel is intoxicating and the sound of a bellowing V8 dragster, a shrieking V12 Ferrari F1 or an eardrum-ripping, stratospherically high revving two-stroke motorcycle orgasmic.
All very politically incorrect and socially irresponsible, yet adored by millions the world over. The mere thought of race cars with hardly any sound seemed like heresy when it arrived in 2011.
From the beginning, Formula E played out in front of large crowds, and motor manufacturers knowing electrical cars are the future grabbed the opportunity to showcase their latest technology to their next generation of customers.
If you havent been following the world of electric racing, here is what you need to know:
Formula E continues to grow apace as the only single-seater race series outside of Formula One to boast world championship status. And, its organisers could not care less what dyed in the wool old enthusiasts think of their car format.
Their show is meant for younger people cell phone addicts and computer junkies. They do not want to travel to a racetrack far from home, pay for admission, endure eardrum-punishing noises and try to keep track of long races.
ALSO READ: Cape Town gets the nod as host for Formula E in 2022
Hence, in 2011 FIA President Jean Todt and Spanish business mogul Alejandro Agag came up with the concept of city-based electric car racing. It was a compelling idea with zero carbon emissions, the cars would be welcome in city centres.
Thus, Formula E attracts many incidental spectators, who happen to be in the city, wander across to see what the fuss is about, and get to witness live motorsport for the first time. Conventional circuit racing would have zero chance of attracting those people.
The South African round will be one of 12, held in a wide variety of countries between the end of January and the middle of August. Cape Town apart, host cities for next years title chase will include Rome, Berlin, London, New York, Monaco, Vancouver, Mexico City and Seoul.
Temporary tracks are erected with the assistance of the involved city. How long are the races? Races are be short today, with the series latest Generation 2 cars, drivers tackle a 45-minute plus one lap format.
Involved car makers currently include Porsche, BMW, Audi, Jaguar, Mercedes-Benz, Mahindra and Nissan.
The current Spark-Dallara SRT05e car has an electric motor power output of 250 kW, weighs in at 800 kg, including the driver, and boasts a theoretical top speed of 280 km/h. We say theoretical because inner city race tracks are designed with utmost spectator safety in mind, which precludes long straights and high top speeds.
The Spark-Dallara has a Hewland sequential gearbox, runs on 18-inch Michelin all-weather treaded tyres and the chassis has the same halo, plus T-shaped safety cage as found in Formula One, Two and Three cars.
Next years third-generation Formula E car will have 300 kW of power. The chassis will be built by Spark Racing Technology, Williams Advanced Engineering will supply the battery and Hankook will bring all-weather tyres to the party.
To keep the new attendees happy, Formula E has added computer game aspects to the show like Attack Mode where drivers can receive an additional 25 kW of power by driving through a designated area of the circuit off the racing line. It worked.
As to be expected, the pace car also has zero emissions and is none other than an electric Mini.
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NASA Says a Change in the Moon’s Orbit Will Make Flooding on Earth Worse – Futurism
Posted: at 1:23 pm
Climate change and a lunar "wobble" are about to pack a dangerous one-two punch.Tide Pool
Starting next decade, scientists say, a wobble in the Moons orbit is about to make coastal flooding here on Earth a whole lot worse.
When the wobble begins, American coastal cities may suddenly start to flood three or four times as often as they do now, according to research by NASA and the University of Hawaii that was published in the journal Nature Climate Change last month.
In the study, scientists predicted that the lunar wobble will cause increased clusters of flooding that will significantly disrupt life and damage infrastructure throughout coastal cities that have acclimated to far milder and less frequent floods an eerie reminder of Earths close relationship with its natural satellite, and perhaps even a pressing infrastructure issue.
As Live Science reports, this lunar wobble is actually a perfectly natural cycle thats been going on for eons and will continue to do so long after were gone. The Moons orbit creates periods of higher and lower tides according to a roughly 18.6-year rhythm.
What makes it dangerous this time around is the fact that the sea level has been rising thanks to the effects of climate change and unchecked greenhouse gas emissions. So when the next tide-amplifying period begins in the early 2030s, the resulting floods will likely be worse, more persistent, and more dangerous than ever before.
Its the accumulated effect over time that will have an impact, University of Hawaii researcher and lead study author Phil Thompson said in a news release. If it floods 10 or 15 times a month, a business cant keep operating with its parking lot under water. People lose their jobs because they cant get to work. Seeping cesspools become a public health issue.
READ MORE: A wobble in the moons orbit could result in record flooding in the 2030s, new study finds [Live Science]
More on flooding: Deadly Condo Collapse Linked To Climate Change
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Adult ADHD Is Linked to a Ton of Serious Diseases – Futurism
Posted: at 1:23 pm
A shocking number of neurological, pulmonary, and musculoskeletal diseases seem to be linked to ADHD in adults, according to a massive new study.
ADHD in adults remains critically understudied, especially when it comes to how the psychiatric condition impacts the rest of a patients overall health. But that could change researchers have now identified a number of associated conditions and risk factors linked to adult ADHD, according to research published Tuesday in the prominent medical journal The Lancet Psychiatry.
In the study, Swedish scientists analyzed the medical records of millions of people to identify the diseases and conditions that seemed to emerge alongside ADHD,and then probed them for shared underlying causes. With this new study in hand, doctors may be able to better treat adults with ADHD while keeping a closer eye out for any of the associated conditions as well.
Identifying co-occurring physical diseases may have important implications for treating adults with ADHD and for benefiting the long-term health and quality of life of patients, lead study author and Karolinksa Institutet medical epidemiologist Ebba Du Rietz said in a press release.
The team found that ADHD is strongly linked to liver diseases, sleep disorders, obesity, epilepsy, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Then, to a lesser extent, adult ADHD also appears to be correlated with conditions like Parkinsons disease, dementia, cardiovascular disease, along with others.
That doesnt mean ADHD causes these conditions or that someone with one condition from the list is destined to develop another. But regardless, knowing about the possible correlations is important because clinicians can theoretically be more mindful about various risk factors while treating ADHD, especially since doctors tend to prescribe stimulants.
These results are important because stimulant therapy requires careful monitoring in ADHD patients with co-occurring cardiac disease, hypertension, and liver failure, senior study author and rebro University epidemiologist Henrik Larsson said in the release.
The scientists werent able to identify all of the underlying reasons that these conditions appear alongside one another, but they did start to uncover some links the same genetic factors seem to contribute to both ADHD and various physical conditions, for example but they hope to discover more with follow-up studies.
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New Car Sucks Up Pollution While It Drives – Futurism
Posted: at 1:23 pm
The car can "collect a tennis ball worth of pollution a year. Introducing the Airo
A British designer has created a new electric car that he claims can clean the air of pollution as it drives.
Thomas Heatherwick, an award-winning English designer and architect, was approached by IM Motors, a Chinese car manufacturer, to help develop the concept car, according to the BBC. The vehicles front grill holds an air filter which he says will be able to collect a tennis ball worth of particulate matter per year.
That might not sound a lot but think of a tennis ball in your lungs, that is contributing to cleaning the air, and with a million vehicles in China alone that adds up, Heatherwick said to the BBC.
Dubbed the Airo, the vehicle is hoped to go into production in China by 2023.
The car is like nothing youve seen before. The interior of the car looks like a living room, with a table in the middle and four adjustable chairs that can be transformed into beds.
Also, the steering wheel is hidden in the cars dashboard to allow for even more room inside when needed.
The novelty of the cars design is intentional. In fact, IM Motors approached Heatherwick specifically because he had never designed a car before. Not only could he give a fresh spin to how the car looked, but he could also innovate in ways that had a positive impact on the environment.
Car manufacturers are falling over themselves to make electric cars, but a new electric car shouldnt just be another one with a different look, Heatherwick told the BBC.
While Heatherwick believes in the ability of his car to cut down pollution, others are much more skeptical.
I cannot see how this car can make any significant contribution to resolving the many problems associated with car ownership and use, said Peter Wells, professor of business and sustainability at the Cardiff Business Schools center for automotive research, to the BBC.
He continued, The contribution of this car cleaning the air in our polluted urban centers would be so small as to be impossible to measure.
Thats fair criticism especially when you consider how rare it is for concept cars to get produced on a massive scale. However, the idea behind it (i.e. a car that can clean the air while you drive) is incredibly innovative and a worthwhile pursuit. Its also one that Heatherwick is very optimistic about.
This isnt a fantasy, Heatherwick told the BBC. The whole idea was for it not to be a concept car, which is why we are working with a manufacturer, and we focused everything on ideas that can happen.
READ MORE: Pollution-eating car shown off at Goodwood Festival [BBC]
More on electric cars: Dodge Says Its Only Making an Electric Car Because the Performance Is So Good
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Reality Show Seeks Idiots Who Have Forgotten Their Bitcoin Passwords – Futurism
Posted: July 12, 2021 at 8:05 am
"Have you lost your key? Have you tried everything to unlock your crypto wallet with no luck?"Tales from the Crypt
The producers of the popular Netflix series Queer Eye are working on a new show andto the crypto crowd, it might hit a little too close to home.
A casting call, spotted by New York Times tech reporter Taylor Lorenz, outlines what the show is about.
Have you forgotten your crypto wallet password? reads the notice, posted to a casting site and LinkedIn. Have you lost your key? Have you tried everything to unlock your crypto wallet with no luck?
If so, this show is for you. The producers are looking for people who are currently locked out of their crypto wallets and on the verge of losing their money.
In the notice, the producers offer the help of trained experts to give you guidance, suggesting that the show may eventually be about them regaining or failing to regain access to their long-lost millions.
In other words, its a potential feel good hit for Netflixs global audience or, alternately, a theater of tragedy.
There have been countless incidents in which hapless crypto-heads have lost access to their digital wallets, leaving them locked out of potentially enormous sums. While many have gotten filthy rich by investing in the tokens early, others were far less lucky, unknowingly losing access to their newfound wealth.
Some have a few password attempts left, making their last endeavors to access their wallets a hair-raising and binge-worthy affair.
For instance, German programmer Stefan Thomas only has two password guesses left to access his 7,002 Bitcoin currently worth around $234 million. Thomas simply lost the paper where he wrote down the password and has used eight of his ten possible guesses.
I would just lay in bed and think about it, Thomas told The New York Times back in January. Then I would go to the computer with some new strategy, and it wouldnt work, and I would be desperate again.
More on crypto: Neighbors Accuse Bitcoin Mining Facility of Warming Up Entire Lake
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New Research: There’s Enough Meth in Some Rivers to Get Fish Addicted – Futurism
Posted: at 8:05 am
Researchers dumped 60 brown trout in a water tank that contained low levels of methamphetamine to see if they would get addicted,like humans.
After eight weeks, the fish started preferring waters with concentrations of the illicit drug over waters without it, suggesting they were starting to get hooked.
While it sounds a little crass, the levels of meth used in the experiment actually mimicked those found in some freshwater rivers, a result of the drug ending up in sewage and eventually bodies of freshwater a stark reminder,as CNN reports, of the negative effects drug use can have not just on human health but on the local environment as well.
The team, led by led by Pavel Horky, a behavioral ecologist from the Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague, found that the 60 trout exposed to meth were less activethan a control group of 60 other trout.
According to the teams study, published Tuesday in the Journal of Experimental Biology, the meth-exposed trout were subsequently placed in a tank with two streams of water: one with and one without methamphetamine in it. The ones previously exposed to meth preferred the meth-spiked water in 50.5 percent of the observations. The control group preferred the meth-laced waters only 41.5 percent of the time.
The drug also caused other physical side effects. After just ten days, traces of the drug showed up in the exposed groups brains.
Fish are sensitive to adverse effects of many neurologically active drugs from alcohol to cocaine and can develop drug addiction related to the dopamine reward pathway in a similar manner as humans, Horky told CNN.
Such effects could change the functioning of whole ecosystems as adverse consequences are of relevance at the individual as well as population levels, he added.
In fact, according to Horky, the desire to get another hit might even supersede the natural inclination to mate with other fish.
But the results of the experiment should be taken with a grain of salt.
Im not sure you can truly say these fish are addicted to methamphetamine, but they certainly show a preference for the compoundwhich they shouldnt, really, Gabriel Boss, a postdoctoral research fellow at the University of Utah who was not involved in the study, told Live Science.
Boss also argued that because the preference died down after a few days, the fish may not have actually been addicted. If they were, he said, the preference would have stuck around longer, and possibly experienced withdrawal.
READ MORE: Methamphetamine in waterways may be turning trout into addicts [CNN]
More on drugs in the water supply: Scientists Propose Adding Psychoactive Drug to our Water Supplies
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This New Rooftop Bar Boasts Never-Before Seen Views of New York City – Vogue
Posted: at 8:05 am
The two worked with Parts and Labor Design to create an elegant, jewel-box restaurant and lounge inspired by Futurism (Italian, Afro, and beyond). Because we felt we were doing something unprecedented in NYC, we decided to really embrace the future, says Rose. The future can sometimes be described as cold, so it was important for us to make the space feel chic, warm, and inviting. We want to be a beacon for the islandyoure able to see this moment atop this building on Roosevelt Island, and it gives a sense of intrigue.
Design details includea large-scale, monolithic chandelier with translucent tubular acrylic set above an Orobico Red marble bar top; palatial black mosaic tile columns adorned with geometric chrome sconces; vintage-inspired blush velvet lounge sofas; additional seating in deep wine and grey velvet; and touches of chrome and marble everywhere.
Parts and Labor Design custom-made all of the furniture and lighting in the space.
Parts and Labor Design custom-made all of the furniture and lighting in the space, except for a show-stopping sculptural mirrored DJ booth near the entrance. This was designed by Cdric Hervet, the longtime creative director of Daft Punk, who has a furniture atelier in Normandy with his cousin.
When we talked to Cdric before COVID about the DJ booth, Daft Punk was still together as a band, and this went on for so long that now theyre no longer a band, says Rose. So we kind of feel like this is almost a piece of Daft Punk, and maybe well be lucky enough to get a stop on the reunion tour.
Rose and Abrous enlisted two friendsAnna Furney, who runs the Venus Over Manhattan gallery in NYC and designer/creative director Darren Romanelli, who is based in curate the restaurants art collection. There are pieces including a painting by Spencer Lewis from a series he has been working on for nearly a decade but has rarely shown; Norwegian artist Ida Eklbads textural and brightly colored Tannin Stains a Noble River, 2020; and a sculptural piece custom-made for the space by Brian Belott.
The duo partnered with an all-female team to run the kitchen, with JaToria Harper (Michael Mina restaurants) as executive chef, Lindsey Verardo (Benno and Gramercy Tavern) as executive pastry chef, and Estelle Bossy (Union Square Hospitality Group and Del Posto) as beverage director.
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There’s Something Fishy About the Teletubbies’ Vaccination Cards – Futurism
Posted: at 8:05 am
Image by @TeletubbiesHQ via Twitter / Futurism
The Teletubbies the nightmare half-baby-half-television creatures from your childhood are all vaxxed up and ready for a wild summer, according to a bizarre tweet from the TV shows brand account.
Were all vaxxed! the tweet reads. Just in time for a Tubby hot summer. Whos ready to come outand play.
Its eyebrow-raising, if not mildly off-putting, that beloved childrens television characters are getting in on the hot vax summer trend. But accompanying the tweet are images of all four tubbies holding up their vaccination cards not unlike the selfie you probably took after your own jab and something seems off.
Were not talking about how they got shots manufactured by companies like Noo-nson & Noo-nson and AstraTubbica or that there seems to be a health agency in the world of Teletubbyland with the inscrutable acronym TDC Teletubbyland for Disease Control and Prevention?
No, were more curious about the fact that all four Teletubbies seem to have told their local vaccine-doling pharmacist that they were born on February 20, 2003 nearly six full years after the first episode of the TV show aired.
Also, all four Teletubbies claimed that they got their second shot on July 22, 2021, a date that astute readers will note has not yet arrived.
All of this raises important questions. Like Do the laws of space and time apply to the Teletubbies as they do us mere mortals?
Or perhaps Did the Teletubbies forge their vaccination cards so they could book a flight out of their bizarre, fever-dream meadow home? If so, why would they be so bold as to broadcast the evidence of their particularly selfish crime to all 33,400 of their Twitter followers? Have they no shame?
Oh dear god, during the time I spent writing this article, the Teletubbies Twitter account announced that they vaccinated a sentient vacuum. Im sorry, my brain has short-circuited and the article will end here.
As of this articles publication, the Teletubbies brand account has not responded to Futurisms questions.
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Another Heatwave Is Coming for the West Coast – Futurism
Posted: at 8:05 am
Cities like Las Vegas are expected to break all-time heat records. The West Coast Re-Heated
Stop me if youve heard this one before: a sweltering heatwave is set to hit the West Coast.
Less than a week after a record-breaking heatwave that pummelled the Pacific Northwest, rising temperatures are now set to hit the West Coast this weekend with California and Nevada bearing the brunt of it, according to Gizmodo. On Friday, the National Weather Service (NWS) even issued heat warnings for Northern and Central California.
This is a multi-day excessive heat event, the NWS alert said.
Gizmodo also reported that Death Valley in California might see temperatures hit a brain-melting 130 degrees Fahrenheit (54.4 degrees Celsius). If that happens, it would tie the hottest temperature ever recorded on Earth which coincidentally, also occurred in Death Valley.
Cities such as Las Vegas, Nevada are expected to surpass their all-time record high temperatures.
So far 2021 has been a summer of climate crisis for the US.
Not only has the country seen a series of deadly heatwaves that have killed hundreds of people and might have decimated more than a billion sea creatures, the East Coast is dealing with torrential downpours, flash floods, and a tropical storm that threatens to exacerbate it all even more.
If one thing is clear, its this: Climate change is here, and its having a direct, outsized impact on our day-to-day lives in profound and often deadly ways.
READ MORE: A New Dangerous Heat Wave Is Coming for the West (Yes, Another One) [Gizmodo]
More on climate change: AOC Blames Subway Flooding on Politicians Taking Orders from Fossil Fuel Execs
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Another Heatwave Is Coming for the West Coast - Futurism
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