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Category Archives: Transhuman News

The Skin Nerd: What exactly is psoriasis? – Irish Examiner

Posted: August 14, 2021 at 1:28 am

Psoriasis is a chronic, inflammatory skin condition that affects 2% of people in the UK and 73,000 people in Ireland. The skin disorder manifests as red, dry, and flaky patches of skin, which can appear anywhere, although the elbows, knees, scalp, and lower back are hotspots. The patches can also feel sore and itchy.

The scaly patches occur when skin cells are produced and shed abnormally fast. Usually, skin proliferation the process of skin cells reproducing and maturing takes 28 days.

However, with psoriasis, skin-cell proliferation has rapidly sped up and only takes three to seven days. This causes a build-up of dead cells on the surface of the skin, which results in the red, raised patches of skin, otherwise called plaque.

Its still unclear how big of a role genetics play in psoriasis, but youre more likely to suffer from the skin condition if one of your parents has it even more so if both of your parents do.

In fact, you have a 41% chance of developing psoriasis if both of your parents have it.

Psoriasis is an autoimmune skin condition. Its believed that the bodys immune system is involved in the development of psoriasis and its consequent flare-ups.

Put simply, its the immune systems job to defend us from infection and disease, but with psoriasis, the immune system accidentally attacks healthy skin cells.

Emotional stress, an infection, or certain medication can stimulate an abnormal immune response and the overproduction of skin cells, which results in dry, scaly patches.

Many sufferers find flare-ups of the skin condition emotionally debilitating, but targeted treatments can ease symptoms. The treatments cannot cure psoriasis, because its chronic, which means that it persists long-term or recurs frequently.

However, they can reduce inflammation and the appearance of dry patches.

Basic tips

Lets start with basic skincare tips. First off, try to be very gentle with your skin: That means refraining from scrubbing it, showering and bathing in warm water thats not boiling, and tapping your skin dry with a towel, instead of rubbing it.

Plus, skin can feel a little dry after showering, because of the humidity and warm water, so be sure to moisturise regularly to lock in hydration and keep any itchiness at bay.

Where treatments are concerned, your doctor might prescribe a topical cream or ointment that contains vitamin D analogues. Vitamin D diminishes dry patches by slowing down the rate that skin cells are being produced, which, in turn, reduces the amount of dead skin cells building up and patches from forming on the skin.

Corticosteroids are another type of topical treatment: Theyre steroids applied directly to the skin, which help to bring down inflammation and irritation.

The steroids come in four strengths, with the strongest formulation only available by prescription.

If topical treatments dont seem to work or if your condition is more severe, phototherapy can be used. The treatment involves exposing your skin to certain types of ultraviolet light.

The skin is an organ and should be treated as such. If you suspect youre suffering from psoriasis, I advise that you book an appointment with your doctor to discuss your symptoms.

Nerdie Pick

Theres no denying that clay masks feel like the ultimate pampering skincare product. This Environ Focus Care Comfort+ Anti-Pollution Masque is formulated to absorb the pollutant particles that can cause damage to the skin when left unattended.

It contains Japanese charcoal and kaolin clay to draw debris out of the skin, a potent antioxidant to protect the skin from free radical damage caused by pollution, and shea butter to hydrate the skin.

Use the mask one to three times a week for the best results. I like to apply a cherry-sized amount and leave it on for 20 minutes it's particularly great for oily-skinned people.

Environ Focus Care Comfort+ Anti-Pollution Masque (52,

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The Skin Nerd: What exactly is psoriasis? - Irish Examiner

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Man claiming to be from 2714 said aliens would land on Earth on August 11th and start a war – indy100

Posted: at 1:25 am

Make sure you dont have any major plans set for August 11 because, apparently, aliens are going to land on Earth and start an intergalactic war.

Those arent our words but the words of TikTok user @aesthetictimewarper, or Aery Yormany, who claims to be a time traveller from the year 2714. Yep... its one of those stories.

According to our intrepid traveller from the future, we have been told to look out for something amazing that is due to happen on 11th August as Earth passes through the Perseid meteor shower.

The time traveller writes: There will be a very large meteor shower that lasts for two weeks, it will be seen in the Northern hemisphere, containing the Nozic message.

There is no real explanation of what the Nozic message is but they add: One of the meteors will seem different than all the others, that is because it is a ship landing on Earth, starting preparations for the first Nozic War.

In another post, they claim that the so-called Nozic war will kick-off between the aliens and humanity in 2025 and good news; humanity wins but at a large cost. Still, with a four year headstart, we should be fine.

Also, the Perseid Shower isnt a rare phenomenon. It literally happens every August and is viewed by millions of astrologers around the world.

These fascinating glimpses into the future dont stop there either. The time traveller also predicts that the lost city of Atlantis will be discovered in 2022, the colonization of Mars will begin by 2028 and that people will start using Elon Musks Neuralink to extend the lifespan of their minds.

You have to say that peoples imagination really is quite something. Youd almost be willing to believe @aesthetictimerwarper until you realise they are spreading misinformation about the Covid vaccines on their account too.

Despite all this, the account has more than 625,000 followers and has amassed more than four million likes on TikTok. That being said the majority of people are very sceptical of the account and have asked things like: How about this guy shows us what he looks like? and Nothing hes said has come true. Tell us something legit. One person also asked why as a time traveller they would travel so far back into the past to just set up a TikTok account...

This is just another example of bogus TikTok accounts pretending to be time travellers or showing supposed evidence of time travel. Last week an account went viral after claiming it had found a homeless man who was building a time machine.

People often say dont believe everything you see on the internet and, unless humanity has made the first contact with an alien lifeforce by this time tomorrow, then you can scratch this one off too.

Update: August 11th has passed and there are no signs of any aliens landing on Earth. @aesthetictimewarper is yet to post another video about why nothing happened but the peak of the shower isnt until 12th August so who knows.

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Man claiming to be from 2714 said aliens would land on Earth on August 11th and start a war - indy100

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NASA Will Pay You to Pretend You Live on Mars for a Full Year – autoevolution

Posted: at 1:25 am

If everything goes according to plan, and it probably wont, were looking at a 2050 timeline for the colonization of Mars. A lot of things could happen in three decades and a lot will, including inevitable aging so, to the aspiring astronauts of today, NASA has the second-best thing to living on Mars.

Wannabe astronauts can now apply for one of the four positions offered for live-in astronauts at the Mars habitat, known as the Mars Dune Alpha Habitat. The first one-year test mission kicks off in the fall of 2022, and applications are now open. Perhaps even better than getting to be part of history and working with NASA is the fact that NASA will be paying you to pretend you live on Mars.

Jokes aside, this is a serious program that will help research and develop new methods and tech for future problems human missions to Mars could encounter. This is a rigorous simulated mission, one that will try to anticipate issues associated with flying to and colonizing Mars, including but not limited to resource limitations, equipment failure, communication delays, other environmental stressors, spacewalks, scientific research, and virtual reality and robotic controls.All conditions applicable to astronaut applications still stand here: the ideal candidate must hold a masters degree in engineering, mathematics, biological, physical or computer science, or have a minimum experience of one thousand hours piloting an aircraft. The ideal candidate is 30 to 55 years old, lives in the United States, and is healthy, doesnt smoke and is proficient in English. If you meet this very strict set of criteria, Mars is calling!, as NASA puts it.

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NASA Will Pay You to Pretend You Live on Mars for a Full Year - autoevolution

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There Is A Big Problem With Boeings Starliner Aircraft – Wonderful Engineering

Posted: at 1:25 am

With researchers and scientists creating breakthrough technologies and vehicles to access space, there has been a recent surge of advancement in the sector. The world is even ready for commercial and touristic flights to and from orbit. In addition to this, more work is being done to inspect the atmosphere of space so it can be used for settlements. Also, the plan of Elon Musk to colonize mars seems to be on track.

Amidst all these success stories, the fact often gets shadowed that it took a myriad of failures for the teams of researchers and scientists to be this successful. Every successful flight to space or even the smallest functionality in the project being right has an uncountable amount of effort and failures behind it.

Boeings CST-100 Starliner is considerably behind its schedule. On August 3, the spacecraft was supposed to depart for its first solo flight to space which was going to be uncrewed. However, just before 3 hours of the mission, it had to be called off due to a technical issue in the valves of the propulsion system.

It is being speculated that the vehicle has been destroyed in the rain while it was being transported. It was supposed to reach International Space Station and be back by now, but it seems that the problem is not getting fixed anytime soon. In fact, the spot it had is also in a vulnerable position and can be passed on to the next party.

Faulty software and hardware, along with the violations of safety have been associated with Boeing earlier as well. It is most likely that the company will not be able to deliver what it promised. However, it chooses to stay optimistic and expects the fix to be fast and in time. Nevertheless, missions of NASA and SpaceX are next and ready to soar.

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Of All the Bizarre Things Elon Musk Has Done, This Tops the List. It Also Might Just Be Brilliant –

Posted: at 1:25 am

Elon Musk's SpaceX has apparently agreed to launch a satellite with its Falcon 9 rocket that would project ads in space. Even better, a "selfie stick" with a camera attached will livestream a feed so that you can watch it on YouTube or Twitch. I'm not entirely sure why anyone would tune in to YouTube purely to watch a livestream of space ads, but there are a lot of people with interesting content consumption habits, so hey, maybe they'll find a market.

If you're thinking this sounds rather absurd, I'm with you. The fact that the Canadian startup behind this, Geometric Energy Corporation, plans to eventually let anyone buy an ad, and eventually do so with Dogecoin, doesn't do a lot to make me feel like it's anything more than a publicity stunt.

Of course, I can't think of anyone that has mastered the modern publicity stunt better than Elon Musk. Which is why, despite the bizarre premise, it might also be brilliant. Hear me out.

While it might seem like SpaceX is only really providing a ride for the satellite, the company has already partnered with GEC in a venture meant to bring "Space Art" to the moon. First, however, it appears they plan to launch it into orbit. I don't know if the thing our solar system really needs is Space Art, but it's hard not to thinkit's probably inevitable.

The private space race has at least some degree of "we're doing this because we can." For now, that's true of sending rockets into space, and sending people into low orbit joyrides. Sure, someday the goal might be to send people back to the moon or to colonize Mars, but that's not happening yet. Besides, that's all fine, but not all that practical.

This, on the other hand, might actually be useful. Honestly, I can think of three reasons this is brilliant.

The first is that advertising is big money. Before you argue that the last thing we need is more ads, I don't disagree, but I'd just offer that the pursuit of where to put more ads isn't ending anytime soon. Companies, however, only have so much money to spend on ads. If they start spending them on ads in space, there's at least a chance we won't have to look at it here on earth.

Seriously, though, considering that advertisers don't blink at spending a few million dollars to run a 30-second or one minute spot at the Super Bowl, or to take over a digital billboard in Times Square, it isn't hard to believe there might be a market for a space billboard.

The second reason is that, even if the entire thing is a stunt, that's perfectly in character with Musk. Even if GEC never perfects the technology needed to instantly send large digital files over long distances, that's really not SpaceX's problem. It still gets the benefit of all the hype associated with launching a digital billboard into space. I don't think Musk has ever met a publicity stunt he didn't like, and this is right up his alley.

Finally, unlike billionaires with extra disposable income they're willing to set on fire in exchange for a ticket into low orbit, the rest of us are pretty much stuck here on earth. This might be the only opportunity the rest of us have to spend money we can't really afford on the experience of sending a little part of ourselves--albeit digitally--to space.

If naming a star after your first girlfriend, or proposing to her on the Jumbotron at a sporting event, isn't enough, now you can take out an ad on a satellite in orbit. It's hard to imagine a better way to impress, well, anyone.

Who wouldn't want to be the reason behind it all. Even more than that, doing things that no one else is doing is literally the driving purpose behind an entrepreneur. Even when the idea is bizarre, that doesn't automatically mean it's bad. Even if it seems a little far out there, that's fine--it is space, after all.

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Which Things Science Fiction Got Wrong About Today’s Technology? – BBN Times

Posted: at 1:25 am

Science fiction (sci-fi) movies and books make a lot of predictions about the future, but not all of them were right in the 21st century.

The Covid-19 pandemic is still not over in some countries, and there is no magical pill to live an eternal life.

Here are nine things that were supposed to happen in our modern society based on science fiction predictions, but didn't:

1. Flying cars -This is a popular one to gripe about, a flying car is not happening yet as automobile companies are still struggling with self-driving cars. It's not that flying cars are technically impossible, but today's technology is still behind to create safe commercial flying cars.

2. The destruction of earth -We still live on earth, but countries need to pay more attention to global warming.

3. Artificial intelligence takeover - None of the existent robots and machines have risen up to overthrow the human race.

4. Magic pills replacing food- We still eat the same food, nothing has changed except people are more cautious about the planet and what they are eating.

5. Fighting aliens - While some movies do make an effort to be original, most of sci-fi is awfully locked on humanoid aliens, which we haven't met yet.

6. Living on another planet - We still live on earth despite Elon Musk's best efforts to colonize Mars in the future.

7. Laser beams - The military is vaporizing large chunks of buildings without the need of a laser beam.

8. Time travel -Traveling in time, especially to the past, is most likely impossible.

9. Teleportation - In reality, we can't pass particles of matter through most materialsbecause they interact too strongly with the atoms inside.

Sci-fi is supposed to explore all the possible consequences of scientific, social, and technological discoveries, innovations and inventions.

A good sci-fi work, novel, movies or TV series, should come with the most realistic vision for the future, among many possibilities, which is built on a deep knowledge of future science and emerging technologies.

In other words, to be a great sci-fi creator, you must be a visionary or a great researcher or inventor or technologist.

Or, you must be Nikola Tesla to predict smartphones 100 years before:

When wireless is perfectly applied the whole earth will be converted into a huge brain, which in fact it is, all things being particles of a real and rhythmic whole. We shall be able to communicate with one another instantly, irrespective of distance. Not only this, but through television and telephony we shall see and hear one another as perfectly as though we were face to face, despite intervening distances of thousands of miles; and the instruments through which we shall be able to do this will be amazingly simple compared with our present telephone. A man will be able to carry one in his vest pocket.

Many sci-fi predictions were inaccurate, but some have proven to be correct decades later such as space travel, earbuds, virtual calls, mobile phones, smart homes and military drones.

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Which Things Science Fiction Got Wrong About Today's Technology? - BBN Times

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TikTok user claims aliens are set to arrive on earth to start intergalactic war – Edinburgh Live

Posted: at 1:25 am

Aliens are due to land on Earth to signal the start of an intergalactic war, according to a time traveller.

A TikTok user, who claims to have travelled back from the year 2714, says the world passing through the Peseid meteor shower would enable extraterrestrials to make contact.

The anonymous time traveller behind the aesthetictimewarper account insists 'something amazing' will happen on Wednesday - but it will lead to a war that begins in 2025, according to the Daily Mirror.

In the clip, the user writes: "Yes, I am a real time traveller from the year 2714. Something amazing happens on August 11, 2021.

"There will be a very large meteor shower that lasts for two weeks, it will be seen in the northern hemisphere, containing the Nozic message.

"One of the meteors will seem different than all the others, that is because it is a ship landing on Earth, starting preparations for the first Nozic War."

The TikTok-er claimed in another post that this mysterious war will begin in the year 2025.

In other posts, the TikToker has predicted Atlantis will be found in the year 2022, aliens infiltrate the world's governments in 2023, and colonisation of Mars begins in 2028.

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TikTok user claims aliens are set to arrive on earth to start intergalactic war - Edinburgh Live

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Alabama AG teams up to launch initiative to address social media censorship – The Madison Record –

Posted: at 1:13 am

MONTGOMERYAlabama Attorney General Steve Marshall and Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry Tuesday launched an initiative aimed at addressing censorship on social media platforms. As part of the initiative, the official website of each attorney general now provides a Social Media Censorship Complaint Form for the public to report abuses by Big Tech.

Attorney General Marshall and Attorney General Landry are encouraging the public to enlist in the fight against Big Tech censorship, calling on all persons who have been censored online to file a formal complaint. The information provided in these complaints will be kept confidential, in accordance with each states laws, and will be actively reviewed and thoroughly analyzed to determine whether the reported conduct by social media companies constitutes a violation of federal or state law.

Big Tech is not the Ministry of Truth. It should concern us all when platforms that hold such tremendous power and influence over information wield that power in contradiction ofand with undisguised disdain forthe foundational American principles of free speech and freedom of the press, said Attorney General Marshall. The censorship campaign currently being waged by giant corporate oligarchs like Facebook and Twitter is, in a word, un-American.

I encourage anyone and everyone who has been censored on social media to file a formal complaint with my office, Attorney General Marshall continued. The process is simple and straightforwardand will provide us with important information to fight the growing menace of censorship by the great malefactors of tech.

From political speech to healthcare research to economic activity, Big Tech has censored content to fit their ideological bentsviolating users rights to silence opposition. Social media platforms have altered and deleted content, blocked and restricted access, removed and banned accounts, and more, said Attorney General Landry. I encourage all who have been impacted to file a complaint, and I hope this initiative will expose just how far-reaching the suppression has been.

Complaints can be filed with the Alabama Attorney Generals Office using the Social Media Censorship Complaint Form on its website at

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Critical Race Theory Bans Target Feminist Professors: "This Is Censorship" – Ms. Magazine

Posted: at 1:13 am

Its an attack on the teaching of Black history, womens history, and history around being impoverished in this country anything that will challenge the current status quo.

Dr. Karsonya Wise Whitehead, associate professor of women and gender studies at Loyola University and president of the National Womens Studies Association

In late 2020, the Idaho Freedom Foundation released two reports condemning college administrators and faculty at the University of Idaho and Boise State for promoting social justice ideology in higher education.

Using red, yellow and green color-coding, the reports labeled academic departments as indoctrination majors, social justice in training majors, and the foundations preferred professional majors depending on how much they emphasized social justice. The list of indoctrination majors included womens, gender and sexuality studies (WGSS), Africana Studies and Latin American Studies.

Not long after, Idaho enacted a ban on teaching critical race theory (CRT) in public schools and universities in the state.

CRT is a legal framework developed in the 1970s and 1980s to examine the ongoing effects of slavery and how racism has shaped U.S. laws and institutions. But Idaho lawmakers used the phrase to refer to discussions of racism, sexism and social justice issues in the classroom. After the Idaho legislature passed the ban on CRT, the lieutenant governor created a task force to review university programs and faculty syllabi for banned content.

Its a pretty intimidating environment for teaching, said Leontina Hormel, a sociology professor and former director of the WGSS program at the University of Idaho. Theyve really created a hostile environment for open thinking.

The current WGSS co-director and English professor Alexandra Teague told Ms., Ive heard a lot of conversations among faculty who are concerned about whether there will be ramifications for their teaching or whether they need to rethink what classes are titled in order to reduce scrutiny on them.

The Idaho ban is part of a conservative wave of bans on discussing social justice issues in American schools and workplaces.

Shortly after condemning CRT on Twitter in September of 2020, Donald Trump signed an executive order prohibiting diversity and inclusion training for federal workers and contractors.

NAACP Legal Defense Fund challenged the equity gag order, describing it as having a chilling effect on free speech and the dissemination of truthful information about systemic and structural inequalities, which undermines workplace equality for people of color, women, and LGBTQ individuals.

On his first day in office, Biden revoked Trumps order, but U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and Rep. Burgess Owens (R-Utah) have introduced in Congress a billcalled the END CRT Actto reinstate the ban.

Meanwhile, conservative states are banning CRT in public schools and universities. In the first six months of 2021, 26 states have tried to limit how teachers can discuss racism and sexism in their classrooms, according to an Education Week analysis. These bills often use the exact language of the Trump executive order.

Nine states so far have enacted these bans. Rhode Island, for example, banned teaching of divisive concepts that might make students feel uncomfortable based on their race or sex, and a new Ohio law bans teaching about unconscious bias. A North Carolina law prohibits public schools from teaching Nikole Hannah-Jones 1619 Project, a New York Times series about the ongoing impact of slavery and racism on American society.

At the federal level, Senator Thom Tillis (R-N.C.) has introduced the Saving American History Act to ban federally funded schools from teaching the 1619 Project. These anti-CRT laws restrict how educators can teach social justice issues.

According to Media Matters, Fox News mentioned the phrase critical race theory nearly 1,300 times between February and May of 2021. This coverage characterized CRT as an unpatriotic and divisive form of indoctrination that perpetuates racism against white people.

Smith College professor Loretta Ross argues that while conservative commentators and lawmakers bemoan cancel culture and the supposed liberal threats to free speech on campus, they are at the same time trying to shut down discussions about inequality and injustice in American society.

The Republicans falsely claim that the purpose of critical race theory is to teach people of color to hate white people. They believe that white people are the real victims of reverse racism, said Ross. The attack on critical race theory says we should only teach patriotic education. In other words, only white history should be taught.

Dr. Karsonya Wise Whitehead, associate professor of WGSS at Loyola University and president of the National Womens Studies Association, says CRT has become a catchphrase for any discussion of how race, class and gender function in society.

I think people confuse critical race theory with culturally responsive teaching. Both of them are CRTs, said Whitehead.

A lot of teachers are being penalizedlosing their jobs or experiencing other punitive action for these types of dialogues, said Jalaya Liles-Dunn, director of learning for justice at the Southern Poverty Law Center. The center has received multiple reports of teachers punished for teaching their students about racial injustice, says Liles-Dunn.

Even before the Florida State Board of Education banned critical race theory in public schools state officials were scrutinizing teachers who addressed race in their classrooms. In May, the Florida Department of Education Commissioner Richard Corcoran fired Duval County teacher Any Donofrio for discussing Black Lives Matter in her classes. In early June, the Sullivan County Board of Education in Florida voted to dismiss social studies teacher Matthew Hawn after he led a class discussion on white privilege.

This is censorship, said Liles-Dunn. Its no different than any other dictatorship that is trying to censor a population from knowing the truth so that they can maintain power.

While some anti-CRT laws apply only to K-12 schools, several apply to public universities as well, including in Idaho, Oklahoma and Iowa. In Oklahoma, after politicians passed a law in May banning teachers from making students feel discomfort, guilt, anguish or any other form of psychological distress on account of his or her race or sex, Oklahoma City Community College canceled Professor Melissa Smiths fully-enrolled course on race and ethnicity because of concerns the class ran afoul of the law.

Our history of the United States is uncomfortable and it should make us uncomfortable and we should grow from that, Smith told the Washington Post. And I tell my kids all the time, get comfortable being uncomfortable. And if I dont make you uncomfortable in class, then Im not doing my job.

Whitehead is concerned about the impact of anti-CRT laws on the ability of educators to teach students to think critically about the world.

This attack on critical race theory has gone beyond a black and white issue with the law. They brought gender into this, and now they are also bringing in poverty, said Whitehead. Its really an attack on the teaching of Black history, womens history, and history around being impoverished in this country. They dont want us to critically engage with anything that will challenge the current status quo.

Another impact of anti-CRT laws is they can further encourage harassment experienced by faculty who teach racial and gender justice courses.

I have two people who stalk my email, said Professor Katie Blevins, a WGSS co-director at the University of Idaho. I have never met these people. They send me deeply disturbing messages a couple of times a weekyou know, incredibly graphic emails. Its disconcerting as a junior female faculty member.

Whitehead worries that anti-CRT laws will negatively impact WGSS departments, where teaching about racial and gender justice is central to the curriculum.

It is a concern because we talk about the way in which women are abused in this countryphysically abused, emotionally and mentally abused, financially abused, said Whitehead. We talk about the wage gap and the subservient position of women.

Many WGSS programs teach the work of Kimberl Crenshaw, a founder of critical race theory who also coined the term intersectionality for analyzing how race and gender intersect in the lives of Black women. Laws banning CRT could put WGSS faculty and programs in the crosshairs of government officials seeking to enforce them, says Whitehead.

CRT-bans in K-12 schools have prompted teacher protests across the nation. The American Federation of Teachers and the National Education Association have pledged to resist the bans. They passed several measures that explicitly support the use of CRT in curricula, and allocated tens of thousands of dollars to those efforts.

Culture warriors are labeling any discussion of race, racism or discrimination as CRT to try to make it toxic. They are bullying teachers and trying to stop us from teaching students accurate history, said American Federation of Teachers president Randi Weingarten. The backlash [to teaching about race] that you see in these radicalized circles is going to hurt kids.

The African American Policy Forum, BLM at Schools and Zinn Education Project has issued a national call to educators to hold eventsAugust 26-28th to pledge to teach the truth. They have developed a toolkit and are organizing to prepare educators in the impacted states for civil disobedience on October 14thGeorge Floyds Birthday.

University professors are also speaking out against laws limiting discussions of racism and sexism, arguing that these laws infringe academic freedom and open inquiry on university campuses. In June, over 135 scholarly associations issued a joint statement condemning state laws that seek to substitute political mandates for the considered judgment of professional educators, hindering students ability to learn and engage in critical thinking.

Despite efforts to shut down discussions of racism and sexism, Teague says students are more eager than ever to have these discussions.

The students Ive talked to are the most impassioned about the value of having very open discussions, about the value of critical thinking, about the value of the humanities, said Teague. At the end of the semester, her students told her how much it mattered to them to hear voices that were not like their own, how much they were learning about themselves and others, and how crucial that was in a world that so often gets reduced to sound-bite thinking and binaries.

Just at the point when confederate monuments are finally coming down, conservative politicians are trying to erect barriers to students learning accurate and inclusive history of the United States to the detriment of young people, says Liles-Dunn. Education should not be the battlefield for political issues and political agendas. We are using our most vulnerable and our most precious as bait in this fight and its not okay.

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Critical Race Theory Bans Target Feminist Professors: "This Is Censorship" - Ms. Magazine

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Censor: The return of the video nasty – GamesRadar+

Posted: at 1:13 am

"Ban video sadism now!" screamed the cover of the Daily Mail in July 1983, at the height of the furor over so-called "video nasties". With home video in its early days, not subject to any official control, enterprising independent labels coined it in distributing low-budget horror films using the twin draws of gruesome gore and lurid cover art.

The ensuing moral panic saw a total of 72 films at one time or another deemed liable to contravene the Obscene Publications Act, and placed on a list by the Director of Public Prosecutions, putting them at risk of seizure by the police. In 1984, legislation was passed requiring all videos to be officially certified.

Censor takes place the following year, when the British Board of Film Classification became responsible for awarding those certificates. It centers on one of the examiners tasked with the job: Enid (Niamh Algar), whose tragic backstory makes her especially concerned about the possible effects of screen violence. The initial spark for first-time director/ co-writer Prano Bailey-Bond related to horror of an earlier era, though.

"I was reading this article about Hammer horror," Bailey-Bond tells SFX. "It said that during that period, censors would cut images of blood on the breasts of a woman because they believed it would make men likely to commit rape. I was like, Im sure there were lots of male film censors. If this actually is what these images do to us, what protects the film censor from losing control of themselves?

"It was quite a childish thought, and it grew from there, really. I quickly placed the film in the video nasty era, because what was going on in the UK during that period spoke to this idea perfectly," she adds.

Though Bailey-Bond always had a full-length feature in mind, she tested out the idea first in 2015s Nasty, a 15-minute short about a 12-year-old boy whose nasties-watching father has mysteriously vanished. "That allowed me to create the world of the film: this idea of taking a character from grey, bleak, suburban 80s Britain into this colorful, vibrant, gory world of video nasties. I was trying out a lot of the ideas I was exploring for Censor. But also there were ideas from Nasty where I went, Oh, this works like the idea of a family member going missing."

In Censor, Enid is haunted by her sisters childhood disappearance, and gradually becomes obsessively convinced that its connected to the trashy oeuvre of horror director Frederick North.

Bailey-Bond did her homework when it came to Enids job, beginning by speaking to current examiners with a knowledge of the period, and booking out BBFC files on the nasties. "Anybody can do that: you can book to go and read the file for The Texas Chain Saw Massacre and see what they were saying, which is a lot of fun! Even just being in the BBFC helped. The fact that lots of their offices are in the basement, and theyre pokey little rooms that dont have windows, all fed into the creative wanting to make this space feel quite claustrophobic."

Bailey-Bond also tracked down a couple of examiners from the 80s and interviewed them about their former occupation. "One said it felt very seedy sometimes, sitting in these dark rooms watching essentially soft porn. Shed leave work feeling a bit grubby.

"Other examiners told me that they had to watch these films both with a subjective brain and an objective brain. So youre watching things in duality; youre trying to recognize how its making you feel, but also how it might make this person feel, which is a strange way to watch a film."

Horror fans who lived through the 80s or the following decade, when the nasties debacle was still casting a long shadow may still hold a negative view of the BBFC, an organization personified for some in the figure of James Ferman. It was Ferman, BBFC Director from 1975-1999, who made sure The Exorcist wasnt given a home video certificate, arguing (with paternalistic logic) that it might find its way into the hands of impressionable girls. Enid, however, is portrayed in a sympathetic way and Bailey-Bond has sympathy for her real-life counterparts.

"I know people who work as film censors who love horror," she says, "and I think its more complex than someone just sitting in a room cutting. It was definitely more complex than that during this period, and they disagreed on things a lot of the time as well. Then youd have to come to a group decision on whats right and whats wrong, and its all very subjective, ultimately. I think its important for us all to try and understand the person who maybe is on the other side of what we agree with, she adds. That happens less and less now, doesnt it?"

Bailey-Bond also went square-eyed watching the nasties themselves. The results of this accumulated research were then channeled to Niamh Algar, at the time working in Cape Town shooting the Ridley Scott series Raised By Wolves.

"I was sending her lots of films and saying, Watch this!; sending her essays on censorship, and people losing family members, Bailey-Bond says. "Then introducing her to the film examiners that Id spoken to, so she could get more of a sense of the role that Enid had. We had quite a few months before we shot the film where Niamh and I would just jump on Skype, about once a week. It was about making sure that we were both on the same page, working through the script psychologically, and then pouring more ideas into it.

"We talked a lot about Enids physicality," she continues, providing one example of this collaborative process. "In my head, Id always imagined her being very controlled at the front of the film; then, as the film goes on, shes unraveling both in her head and physically/ visually. So we worked together with a movement director, and we talked about different things. Niamhs idea was this picking of the fingernail [as a nervous habit]. I really loved that. So I included that in the script and my shot lists."

The heroines mental unraveling means that were presented not only with sequences from films by the fictional Frederick North, but with Enids nasties-inflected dreams, awash with the kind of red/blue lighting popular in Italian horror of the time. Bailey-Bond had great fun with both, drawing on the films shed watched for inspiration.

"For Dont Go In The Church, I was looking at Lisa, Lisa, or Axe its got two titles. Blood On Satans Claw was another really useful one those kinds of folk horror-esque, eerie British films of the 70s. Then for Asunder, Lucio Fulci was a big influence I love Fulci, his aesthetic is wonderful. The House By The Cemetery and The Beyond were things I was showing my director of photography. Then the dreams were a little bit more Dario Argento-inspired."

When it came to the wider world of 80s Britain, Bailey-Bonds search for a suitable location took in Wales and London, and eventually led north. "We were looking for somewhere that could pass for the 80s, and we found some really great places in Leeds. So we all moved up and lived there for about three months when we were shooting."

Bailey-Bond also took pains to ensure this wasnt some artificial, day-glo world of deely-boppers and legwarmers. "I was looking more at [documentary photographer] Paul Graham stuff that was a bit more like tired Thatchers Britain, and the grey-blue palettes of that world. And when I was talking to my production designer and costume person we always thought about period as: not everything comes from the 80s. My house now isnt full of stuff that I just bought yesterday.

"So youre always looking at clothes and things in the space that are more 70s or 60s. Its a challenge, on a low budget. You cant just chuck any old thing in, because youre thinking, Well, did they have Biros like that in 1985? Youre questioning everything! But I love that, because you can design everything."

But the bigger challenge, she says, was the initial one of making the case that the mid80s setting was absolutely fundamental. "In development, I had to really justify to the execs why the films set during this period. People would say, Well, its about censorship. Why cant you just make it about now?. But for me its so interesting to be able to look at this in hindsight somehow you can be more objective about it.

"Also, this is a period of particular hysteria around this stuff within the UK, thatbirthed the horror community that we know now, and inspired so many filmmakers, and I think shifted horror slightly because of the birth of VHS."

Its a period youll shortly be able to immerse yourself in and without having to ask the bloke at the video rental shop to slip you some of the hard stuff , inside a big-box case, concealed in a brown paper bag. As the tagline of The Last House On The Left put it, keep repeating: its only a movie, only a movie, only a movie...

This article originally appeared in SFX Magazine the issue with The Tomorrow War on the cover. Order through that link, or subscribe here and never miss another exclusive feature.

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Censor: The return of the video nasty - GamesRadar+

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