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Category Archives: Transhuman News

ACCESS and Expanse Supercomputer Aid in DNA-Based Motor … – HPCwire

Posted: July 17, 2023 at 2:20 pm

July 14, 2023 If you have ever tried to build something as a kid, with a kid, or for a kid with the tiniest of Legos, you might have an idea of the challenge in creating at the small scale. Scientists at the University of Illinois Urbana Champaign face this type of challenge regularly in their study of how to create tiny motors inspired by DNA.

The added challenge for them, though, is the level of tiny at which they work the nanoscale. This is better understood by thinking about the thickness of one sheet of paper or the width of a single strand of human hair both equal to about 100,000 nanometers.

To study at this scale,ACCESSresources like the Expanse supercomputer at the San Diego Supercomputer Center at UC San Diego come in handy for researchers such as those led by Aleksei Aksimentiev, professor of biological physics at the University of Illinois Urbana Champaign and principal investigator for a recent study with findings titledDNA double helix, a tiny electromotor, published in Nature Nanotechnology.

A supercomputer such asExpanse enables researchers to peer deeper into elements of what they are studying by creating simulations that use a mathematical description, or model, of a real system embodied in a computer program. Aksimentiev explained that the first step in creating the Expanse simulations was to place DNA molecules in water, apply electric field flow and then observe the rotation or measure the torque generated.

Supercomputers like SDSCs Expanse are essential to the development of nanotechnology as they provide a window into the nanoscale world that is otherwise not accessible to experiments, Aksimentiev said.

For this study, a typical simulation took a little longer than a week to complete, which allowed the researchers to carefully create their simulations and measure the torque, enabling them to see the rotation. Once they carefully analyzed the results, they submitted their work to be published in the journal so that the broader research community had access to their findings.

People have thought about this for a while and gone back and forthcould it work or not, Aksimentiev said. We thought that maybe the water doesnt have enough traction to produce torque, but it did, and we were excited to see the DNA spin in the direction prescribed by its helicity despite significant fluctuations.

Aksimentiev said that he and the Illinois team plan to use lessons learned from this study to build systems at a nanoscale level that will be used as components in self-propelled systems or for nanoscale energy conversion.

You can read more about this story here (published April 28, 2023):Expanse Supercomputer Used for Tiny Torque Simulations of DNA Molecules.

Institution:SDSC (San Diego Supercomputer Center) University:University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign Funding Agency:NSF Allocation Number:MCA05S028

The science story featured here, allocated through August 31, 2022,was enabled through Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (XSEDE) and supported by National Science Foundation grant number #1548562. Projects allocated September 1, 2022 and beyondare enabled by the ACCESS program, which is supported by National Science Foundation grants #2138259, #2138286, #2138307, #2137603, and #2138296.

Source: ACCESS

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ACCESS and Expanse Supercomputer Aid in DNA-Based Motor ... - HPCwire

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Reverse transcription-quantitative PCR (RT-qPCR) without the need … –

Posted: at 2:20 pm

Description of the proposed method

Our proposed method, schematically depicted in Fig.1, takes advantage of using a modified primer (Modified Specific Primer, PSM) during the reverse transcription step of the protocol. Such a primer is specific for the RNA molecules to be quantified and its nucleotide sequence is designed to lack a perfect homology to the retro-transcribed template DNA. Generally, it is enough to add few mismatches with respect to the original sequence, preferably located in the close proximity to the 3'-OH terminal region. These modifications make the primer partially complementary to the target sequence but still able to hybridize at the temperatures of 3742C used during the reverse transcription step. Nevertheless, the PSM will dissociate from the partially homologous genomic DNA sequence during the PCR step, once the operating temperature reaches around 60C. The aim of using such conveniently modified specific primer is to achieve amplification specifically from cDNA template while successfully avoiding genomic DNA targets. The correct number of modifications to be applied, their effectiveness and proper discriminating temperatures should be experimentally tested for each and every transcript to be analyzed, by selecting those parameters that show negative and positive amplification tendencies towards DNA and cDNA targets, respectively. This optimization phase represents a preliminary step of our method that enables the setup of negative and positive controls and, advantageously, has to be carried out only once, since it always remains valid for a specific amplicon and can be applied to a varying number of replicates under different experimental conditions. Indeed, in current protocols the negative control (NC: RT, without reverse transcriptase) should ideally be prepared for each new sample to be tested, even though the target is the same, due to the random effectiveness of DNase I treatment. Using a PSM we are able to generate cDNA slightly different from its genomic DNA counterpart, due to the nucleotide mismatches present in the sequence.

Schematic illustration of the new method. (A) Basic model of nucleic acid metabolism from DNA to cDNA. Integration of modified specific primer into cDNA by means of reverse transcription makes it a permanent part of the sequence. (B) Amplification of target sequence by means of polymerase chain reaction. cDNA converted by modified specific primer is properly amplified at certain discriminating temperature, while genomic DNA targets are successfully avoided.

During the phase following reverse transcription (Fig.1B), the amplification of cDNA by PCR takes place using the same modified primer (PSM) from the previous step in addition to the unmodified specific primers (SP) starting from the opposite direction. Consequently, the resulting amplicon is a copy of the cDNA and not the DNA, due to the specifically selective annealing temperatures usually ranging from 55C to 62C. Therefore, with this procedure, there is no need to eliminate the co-purified DNA from the RNA sample since it is no longer a competing target and will not affect the final result of the assay. Indeed, in certain experimental conditions it could be useful and advantageous to have both DNA and RNA present together in the same sample if, for example, the results need to be normalized with respect to the gene copy number variation.

Our proposed new method can be utilized in various experimental investigations and for the purposes of this paper, it has been tested by analyzing three bacterial E. coli genes: ssb, sulA and recA (Figs.2, 3 and 4), and two satellite DNA transcripts: human alpha-satellite (ASAT) (Figs.5 and 6, and Suppl. Fig.2) and TCAST1 satellite from Tribolium castaneum (Suppl. Fig.1).

Transcription of ssb gene in exponentially growing E. coli cells harbouring ssb overexpression plasmid pID2 obtained by dPCR using current (A) and new method (B). Columns represent number of copies/l and the plotted error bar shows whether or not the events differ with 95% Poisson confidence interval.

Transcription of recA gene in exponentially growing E. coli cells obtained by dPCR using current and new method. Columns represent number of copies/l and the plotted error bar shows whether or not the events differ with 95% Poisson confidence interval.

Transcription of sulA gene in exponentially growing E. coli cells obtained by dPCR using current and new method. Columns represent number of copies/l and the plotted error bar shows whether or not the events differ with 95% Poisson confidence interval.

Delta Rn vs Cycle plot of alpha satellite DNA isolated from HeLa cells obtained by qPCR using current method (A) and new method (B).+RT and RT represent positive and negative controls, with and without reverse transcription, respectively.

Transcription level of alpha satellite DNA obtained by qPCR using current method (A) and new method (B). Columns show average of 2 different loaded samples in qPCR experiments performed in triplicate. N0 represents normalized average N0 value for alpha satellite. C represent alpha samples with reverse transcription and NC represents negative controls without reverse transcription and M is 100bp size marker.

Bacterial genes are a good experimental model to test our method because they do not contain introns in their coding region, removing the possibility of discriminating between transcripts and the DNA according to their different sizes. Hence, the technique could be applied to test the expression of all genes organized with a short or null intron (e.g. viral genes).

The bacterial strain used in this test was transformed with multicopy plasmid carrying a cloned ssb gene9, which could compete for amplification with ssb-cDNA during the transcripts quantification by PCR, unless additional DNase I treatments were implemented. The results indicated in Fig.2 show a large difference (more than 40-fold) in ssb transcription levels measured by our method, as compared to the currently used method. This really high level of amplified ssb sequence in the latter approach, when reverse transcription was not carried out, and the DNA was eliminated in both RNA isolation and RT steps (Fig.2A), is likely due to low efficiency of elimination of covalently closed circular plasmid DNA, meaning that it is false (i.e. it does not accurately represent the process of transcription) and is actually caused by DNA contamination.

This is likely a reason for all the observed cases of high levels of ssb sequence amplification using classical primers (Fig.2A). In contrast, ssb sequence was amplified by our new method only in those cases when reverse transcription was performed, i.e. when cDNA was created (Fig.2B). The level of ssb sequence amplification did not depend on DNA elimination (Fig.2B), thus confirming insensibility of our method to the presence of genomic (and plasmid) DNA. Next, we quantified expression of recA and sulA genes, which are present as single copies in the E. coli genome. In accord with the previous assay, no recA sequence amplification was observed using our method unless cDNA was created by reverse transcription (Fig.3). The level of recA sequence amplification was, again, independent from genomic DNA elimination from the sample (Fig.3). Conversely, the current method, which uses standard primers, showed a false positive signal even when reverse transcription step was skipped and the genomic DNA was (obviously incompletely) eliminated by DNase I treatment (Fig.3).

Finally, analysis of sulA gene expression using a modified primer was in accord with the previous assays since amplification of sulA sequence occurred only after reverse transcription, i.e. it was specific for cDNA (Fig.4). Accordingly, no effect was observed after genomic DNA elimination (Fig.4). In contrast, amplification of sulA sequence using standard primers was very different, and was not abolished even in situations where genomic DNA was eliminated and reverse transcription was not performed (Fig.4); theoretically, the RT/+DNase I sample should not contain any cDNA or genomic DNA.

The presented results clearly demonstrate that our method of using a modified primer during cDNA synthesis produces a cDNA-specific PCR signal, which is independent of genomic DNA, and therefore much more accurately quantifies gene expression when compared to the standard, commonly used method, which, unfortunately, does not produce real negative control since there is always possibility to have contaminating DNA in the sample.

Satellite DNA represents one of the best target candidates for demonstrating the effectiveness of our methodology since it is a highly repetitive non-coding genomic DNA, ever-present in large quantities in the sample and therefore difficult, if not impossible, to remove during RNA purification.

Alpha satellite DNA is the most abundant human satellite DNA of 171bp long, comprising up to 10% of the genome14. Figure5A, shows qPCR results obtained by following the current standard protocol (old method) which implies the elimination of DNA both during the RNA purification and reverse transcription phase. In spite of that, alpha satellite DNA continues to persist in the negative control samples ( RT). Furthermore, since it is not organized into exons and introns, satellite DNA cannot be discriminated from satellite cDNA based on its length; therefore, even a slightest trace of DNA contamination often produces false-positive results. The new method, however, successfully demonstrated the disappearance of the alpha satellite DNA contamination from the qPCR amplification results (Fig.5B, RT), as it can be clearly seen also by loading the amplicons on agarose gel (Suppl. Fig.2): ASAT amplicon of 126bp long is present only in+RT samples (C: controls) respect to RT samples (NC: negative control). The same results could be represented as in Fig.6A (current method) and Fig.6B (new method), where N0 value is the starting concentration of amplicon in the sample and columns show average of 2 different loaded samples in qPCR experiments performed in triplicate (see Materials & method section).

The highly abundant satellite DNA TCAST1 has previously been characterized as the major satellite that makes up to 30% of the beetle Tribolium castaneum genome, organizing the centromeric as well as pericentromeric regions of all 20 chromosomes10,13. Again, using the new method only cDNA was amplified (+RT samples) and almost nothing of genomic DNA contamination was detected in RT samples (Suppl. Fig.1). The results clearly show they are exactly the same as those obtained for human alpha satellite DNA.

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Shorter telomeres, protective caps for DNA, seen as potential… – Pulmonary Fibrosis News

Posted: at 2:20 pm

People with shorter telomeres, or chromosome caps, may be at a greater risk of developing idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF), a study reported.

This work also provided some interesting genetic evidence to prove that obesity and exposure to tobacco smoking as a fetus might also contribute to the development of the fibrotic [disease], the researchers wrote. Previous studies suggest a link between obesity and/or smoking and shorter telomeres, they added, noting the associations found here should be confirmed in future studies.

The study, Genetic association of telomere length, obesity and tobaccosmoking with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis risk, was published in the journal BMC Public Health.

IPF, a form of pulmonary fibrosis (PF) that lacks a clear underlying cause, is characterized by progressive lung tissue scarring, or fibrosis, leading to shortness of breath and other disease symptoms. It also tends to occur in middle-age and older adults, and telomeres length can be affected by the aging process.

Telomeres are structures that cap the ends of chromosomes, helping to protect DNA from damage. Abnormally short telomeres have been tied to an higher risk of a variety of conditions, including PF.

An increasing number of observational studies focused on the potential effects of telomere-associated factors (i.e. tobacco smoking, alcohol drinking, and obesity) on the risk of IPF, and provided some interesting findings, the researchers wrote.

Scientists at institutes in Zhengzhou, China, aimed to validate these reported observations by using genome-wide association studies to explore the genetic effects of telomere length and telomere-associated factors on IPF risk. Genome-wide association studies are those that scan all genes, or the genome, looking for small genetic alterations, called single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), that are found more often in people with a particular disease.

Data collected came from a U.K. biobank with 472,174 participants, with a focus on genetic variants potentially associated with telomere length and the linking of telomere length to certain conditions. IPF data were obtained from a database including 1,812 people in Europe with the disease and 338,784 without it as controls.

Longer telomere length was found to associate with a reduced risk of IPF, with risk being 52.5% lower for each standard deviation increase in telomere length. This risk was calculated after excluding SNPs linked to obesity and smoking. (Standard deviation or SD is a statistical measure of how much variation there is within a dataset, or how close or far apart data points spread from the mean.)

Next, they analyzed factors associated with telomere length, including obesity, tobacco smoking, and alcohol drinking. Obesity was determined by a persons body mass index (BMI) and body fat percentage (BFP), both measures of body fat.

Higher BMI and BFP values linked with an increased risk of developing IPF. That risk was 42.5% times higher per each SD increase in BMI, and 70.2% per each SD increase in BFP.

People whose mothers smoked during pregnancy also were at a higher risk of IPF a risk found to be 13.18 times higher per SD increase in the prevalence of maternal smoking.

These results were consistent with one important medical truism that many organs of the fetus (including the lungs) were at a developmental stage and were susceptible to damage from tobacco, the researchers wrote, and findings warrant further investigation.

No associations were seen between heavy smoking, smoking initiation, age of smoking initiation, smoking cessation, and the risk of developing IPF. Similarly, heavy drinking did not associate with a higher risk of the disease.

In conclusion, the present study confirmed the causal association of [telomere length] with the risk of IPF, the researchers wrote. It also demonstrated that factors that might influence the length of telomeres, such as obesity and exposure to tobacco smoking as a fetus might also contribute to the development of [IPF].

When exploring the effect of telomere length on one disease, it is important to consider that telomere length decreases progressively with age, so study groups should be of similar ages. A significant age difference between data sets in this study, and that was noted as an important limitation by its authors.

Therefore, these findings should be verified by future studies, the researchers noted.

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New DNA testing helps Maryland investigators arrest suspect 44 years after woman’s killing – NBC4 Washington

Posted: at 2:20 pm

L.L. Bean has just added a third shift at its factory in Brunswick, Maine, in an attempt to keep up with demand for its iconic boot.

Orders have quadrupled in the past few years as the boots have become more popular among a younger, more urban crowd.

The company says it saw the trend coming and tried to prepare, but orders outpaced projections. They expect to sell 450,000 pairs of boots in 2014.

People hoping to have the boots in time for Christmas are likely going to be disappointed. The bootsare back ordered through February and even March.

"I've been told it's a good problem to have but I"m disappointed that customers not getting what they want as quickly as they want," said Senior Manufacturing Manager Royce Haines.

Customers like, Mary Clifford, tried to order boots on line, but they were back ordered until January.

"I was very surprised this is what they are known for and at Christmas time you can't get them when you need them," said Clifford.

People who do have boots are trying to capitalize on the shortage and are selling them on Ebay at a much higher cost.

L.L. Bean says it has hired dozens of new boot makers, but it takes up to six months to train someone to make a boot.

The company has also spent a million dollars on new equipment to try and keep pace with demand.

Some customers are having luck at the retail stores. They have a separate inventory, and while sizes are limited, those stores have boots on the shelves.

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Butterflies and Moths Share 200-Million-Year-Old DNA Blocks – Technology Networks

Posted: at 2:20 pm

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Butterflies and moths share blocks of DNA dating back more than 200 million years,new research shows.

Scientists from the Universities of Exeter (UK), Lbeck (Germany) and Iwate (Japan) devised a tool to compare the chromosomes (DNA molecules) of different butterflies and moths.

They found blocks of chromosomes that exist in all moth and butterfly species, and also in Trichoptera aquatic caddisflies that shared a common ancestor with moths and butterflies some 230 million years ago.

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Moths and butterflies (collectively called Lepidoptera) have widely varying numbers of chromosomes from 30 to 300 but the studys findings show remarkable evidence of shared blocks of homology (similar structure) going back through time.

DNA is compacted into individual particles or chromosomes that form the basic units of inheritance, saidProfessor Richard ffrench-Constant, from theCentre for Ecology and Conservationon Exeters Penryn Campus in Cornwall.

If genes are on the same string, or chromosome, they tend to be inherited together and are therefore linked.

However, different animals and plants have widely different numbers of chromosomes, so we cannot easily tell which chromosomes are related to which.

This becomes a major problem when chromosome numbers vary widely as they do in the Lepidoptera.

We developed a simple technique that looks at the similarity of blocks of genes on each chromosome and thus gives us a true picture of how they change as different species evolve.

We found 30 basic units of synteny (literally meaning on the same string where the string is DNA) that exist in all butterflies and moths, and go back all the way to their sister group the caddisflies or Trichoptera.

Butterflies are often seen as key indicators of conservation, and many species worldwide are declining due to human activity.

However, this study shows that they are also useful models for the study of chromosome evolution.

The study improves scientific understanding of how moth and butterfly genes have evolved and, importantly, similar techniques may also provide insights about the evolution of chromosomes in other groups of animals or plants.

Reference:Traut W, Sahara K, ffrench-Constant RH. Lepidopteran Synteny Units reveal deep chromosomal conservation in butterflies and moths.G3: Genes Genomes Genet. 2023:jkad134. doi:10.1093/g3journal/jkad134

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Butterflies and Moths Share 200-Million-Year-Old DNA Blocks - Technology Networks

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DNA computing breakthrough: bio-compatible computers in sight – Innovation Origins

Posted: at 2:20 pm

Researchers have successfully realised logic gates using DNA crystal engineering, a monumental step forward in DNA computation. Their findings were published in Advanced Materials. Using DNA double crossover-like motifs as building blocks, they constructed complex 3D crystal architectures. The logic gates were implemented in large ensembles of these 3D DNA crystals, and the outputs were visible through the formation of macroscopic crystals. This advancement could pave the way for DNA-based biosensors, offering easy readouts for various applications. The study demonstrates the power of DNA computing, capable of executing massively parallel information processing at a molecular level, while maintaining compatibility with biological systems.

The DNA double crossover-like (DXL) motifs have emerged as key players in this new field of DNA computation. These motifs have the unique ability to associate with one another via a method known as sticky-end cohesion. The researchers manipulated these capabilities by encoding inputs within the sticky ends of the motifs, thus creating a tangible representation of common logic gates.

Consider these DXL motifs as the fundamental building blocks for the logic gate system. They are the foundation upon which these complex 3D crystal architectures are constructed. The realisation of these logic gates in this manner represents a significant shift in the direction of DNA computation and crystal engineering.

The most intriguing aspect of this study is perhaps the visibility of the logic gates. The researchers were able to observe the outputs through the formation of macroscopic crystals. This means that the results of the computations are not just theoretical, they are physically tangible. This tangible visibility of the output not only makes the process more comprehensible but also provides an easy method of readout, potentially simplifying the application of this technology in various fields.

Imagine a computer where the results of computations are not just numbers on a screen, but physical structures that can be seen and touched. This is the exciting reality that this research is pushing towards, blurring the lines between the physical and digital worlds.

The researchers didnt just stop at creating a single type of logic gate. They successfully implemented several logic gates, including OR, AND, XOR, NOR, NAND, and XNOR gates, using the DXL motifs. Each of these gates interacted with the DXL motif in a unique way, modulating its ability to assemble crystals. This variety showcases the versatility and programmability of the DXL crystal system.

For instance, the NOR gate consists of an assembly DXL motif and two single-stranded DNAs (ssDNAs) as computational inputs. The input strands hybridize with the DXL motif strands, thereby destroying the DXL motif and preventing crystal formation. This gate can be utilized as a detection platform for microRNAs, where the presence of the target microRNAs inhibits crystal formation.

This research opens up numerous possibilities for high-density information processing and storage based on DNA self-assembly. The unique 3D crystal architectures that can be created using this technology could revolutionise the way we store and process information. The crystal formation also provides an easy readout of DNA computation outputs, eliminating the need for special instruments and toxic chemicals.

Moreover, the potential applications of this technology are vast. It opens doors for exploring algorithmic self-assembly in 3D space and could be used to develop DNA-based biosensors for various applications, from medical diagnostics to environmental monitoring.

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Imagined Hyundai Combines Boxy Looks With F-150 DNA to Join … – autoevolution

Posted: at 2:20 pm

Currently, the South Korean automaker is all about high-performance EVs, as it just revealed the 641-hp Hyundai Ioniq 5 N at the Goodwood Festival of Speed in the UK. And it certainly tries to give us a hot hatch answer to the Tesla Model 3 or Y Performance conundrum, right? 10 photos

Photo: Digimods DESIGN / YouTube

The mid-size crossover SUV is currently a swoopy presentation, just like many other Hyundai models, but the future holds a much different approach. As such, the heavily-camouflaged prototypes speak of upcoming LR Defender-like boxy looks, attractive H-shaped or LED-patterned headlights, and very small, workhorse-like LED taillights. Well, this is going to be a very interesting CUV, indeed. But what if that design is the starting point for even more quirky ideas?

Across the imaginative realm of digital car content creators, that is more than welcomed, as someone thought the upcoming Santa Fe's boxy design and quirky headlight plus taillight LED assembly would bode well for another segment not just crossover SUVs. As such, here is Dimas Ramadhan, the virtual automotive artist behind the Digimods DESIGNchannel on YouTube, who has taken up the task of revealing a full-size Hyundai workhorse of the pickup truck variety!

Wow, that is quite a different approach from what Hyundai currently has on the American market where it tries to dominate the competition with sedans, CUVs, EVs, and performance models. The choice is vast and interesting, from the new Ioniq 6 four-door to the big Palisade or the fuel cell Nexo. But as far as pickup trucks are concerned, there is just one entry into the family the compact unibody Santa Cruz. And it is not a very successful one if you ask those who have seen its sales charts compared to the electrified Ford Maverick.

So, it is quite logical to think that the South Korean carmaker would be weary of trying to bring yet another fight to an area where the Blue Oval company feels even more comfortable. But that is not an issue when it comes to wishful-thinking vehicles, which is also why this pixel master not only used the hypothetical looks of the upcoming Santa Fe for a boxy-looking full-size pickup truck workhorse but also borrowed the DNA and partly the looks of the ultra-successful Ford F-Series models. Cool, or not?

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Archipilago de Revillagigedo in Mexico joins the UNESCO … – UNESCO

Posted: at 2:20 pm

The eDNA Expeditions resulting data will be made publicly available through theUNESCO Ocean Biodiversity Information System, the worlds largest open science marine species database. Final results are expected to be available in Spring 2024.

The UNESCO eDNA initiative is a joint collaboration between theIntergovernmental Oceanographic Commissionand theWorld Heritage Centre. It is made possible with the support oftheGovernment of Flanders(Kingdom of Belgium) and implemented in the context of theUnited Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development(2021-2030).

About the Archipilago de Revillagigedo World Heritage Site (Mexico)

Archipilago de Revillagigedowas inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 2016. Located in the eastern Pacific Ocean, the island group is part of a submerged mountain range of which the four islands represent the peaks of volcanoes emerging above sea level. The islands provide critical habitat for a range of wildlife and are of particular importance for seabirds. The surrounding waters are recognised as important stepping-stones and stop overs for wide ranging species. The property harbours abundant populations of sharks, rays, large pelagic fish, Humpback Whales, turtles and manta rays; a concentration of wildlife that attracts recreational divers from around the world.

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Science Student Uses DNA to Study Sharks off Southern California’s … – CSUF News

Posted: at 2:20 pm

A broadnose sevengill shark swims through a kelp forest. Credit: Adobe Stock

Biological science student Ryan Le is using DNA to study the broadnose sevengill shark to learn more about its genetic diversity and breeding population along Southern Californias coast.

By the time Discovery Channels Shark Week rolls around starting on July 23, which highlights conservation efforts and misconceptions about sharks, Le will be deep into his own research about the mysterious ocean predators. His research focuses on comparing genetics within populations of the species.

Le, a Cal State Fullerton senior, is working on his project under the mentorship of research advisers Misty Paig-Tran and Ryan Walter, both associate professors of biological science.

It is clear that sevengill sharks migrate from deeper waters into more shallow areas during certain times of the year. I want to know the reason why they migrate, Le said. Do they migrate to shallow waters to feed or to reproduce? Do they have a temperature preference?

Limited research is available about the broadnose sevengill shark (Notorynchus cepedianus), noted Le, adding that his study will contribute to other researchers work and lead to more research opportunities.

The sevengill shark has seven pairs of gill slits, while most sharks have only five. The shark has a broad head, blunt nose and only one dorsal fin most have two and mature adults can range from 6 to 10 feet in length. This species is related to sharks that lived about 300 million years ago during the Jurassic Period.

The sevengill is found off Orange Countys beaches and up and down Californias coastline, including San Francisco Bay.

Because these sharks are highly mobile and migratory, Walter explained that their DNA could be an effective tool because it provides a genetic fingerprint of individual sharks.

This allows us to characterize sharks caught in California waters and examine genetic relationships among individuals at both contemporary and historical scales, Walter said.

Le is working closely with local recreational fishers to collect shark tissue samples for genetic testing. After taking samples and measurements, he will release the sharks back into the ocean.

The fishing community and scientists dont always see eye-to-eye, Paig-Tran added. Ryan comes from the recreational fishing side and is very sensitive to enacting best practices for protecting sharks while allowing for reasonable fishing practices.

It is important for future policymakers to be sensitive to the needs of the animals and the fishers who have a passion for the animal.

Paig-Tran relayed that undergraduate research allows students like Le to learn how science is done before entering the workforce.

These students are our future government workers, policymakers and scientists, she said. They become more equipped to perform and evaluate science with firsthand experience.

Le is a scholar in the universitys Summer Undergraduate Research Academy (SUReA) and Southern California Ecosystems Research Program (SCERP), gaining undergraduate research experience in the field and learning genetics skills in the lab.

Whether it is doing fieldwork or data collection, these skills will help me in my future career, said Le, a first-generation college student who aspires to become a shark researcher or work in fish farming.

Le became fascinated with the ocean and creatures of the sea as a child after watching the Pixar Animation Studios and Walt Disney Pictures animated film Finding Nemo. A few years ago, he started shark fishing off the pier and at the beach and has caught and released sharks, including sevengill and leopard sharks.

He wanted to turn his hobby of recreational fishing and passion for marine biology into meaningful scientific and conservation research.

Sharks are undoubtedly beautiful, and many people dont know much about the diversity of sharks, Le said. There are sharks that swim fast, others slow. They have different teeth shapes, and some species eat other sharks or filter-feed on tiny organisms like plankton.

I want to be the one exploring the ocean to learn more about sharks and other marine animals and finding sea life weve never seen before.

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Save $74 On Basepaws Cat DNA Testing to Learn About Your Cat’s … – CNET

Posted: at 2:20 pm

Knowing about your cat is half the battle, and DNA testing kits are a great way to glean more information about your feline friend. Luckily, Basepaws has extended its DNA testing kit deal until July 17.

Not knowing critical information about your cat means that you're limited on how to best approach your cat's health as your pet ages. Your kitty could have health conditions or nutritional needs that you may not know about. Or maybe you just can't figure out your cat's particular breed. Basepaws has a DNA testing kit to help give you genetic insight on your furry friend.

The Basepaws DNA test kit is an at-home kit that can help you dig up the dirt on the mysteries of your cozy companion. It provides results for over 115 known feline genetic markers -- 65 markers for genetic health conditions and 50 markers for traits. All you need to do is provide a sample of your cat's saliva and fur using the kit Basepaws sends you. You'll then receive a full report providing you information on your cat's breed, general health, dental health and trait markers. The company will even send you recommendations for at-home care treatments. You can save a whopping $74 on a cat breed and health DNA test kit right now when you use promo codePRIMETIME1 at checkout, which brings the cost down to just $85.

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Save $74 On Basepaws Cat DNA Testing to Learn About Your Cat's ... - CNET

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