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Politically Incorrect- Are Women Intellectually Inferior? – Video
Posted: November 28, 2012 at 5:43 pm
Politically Incorrect- Are Women Intellectually Inferior?
Honestly, I have no idea what the truth is on this, I #39;ve been entertaining these thoughts lately, just thought I #39;d get them out there. Facebook: http://www.facebook.comFrom:AmanJohnXViews:543 71ratingsTime:27:14More inPeople Blogs
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Season’s Greetings! – Video
Posted: at 5:43 pm
Season #39;s Greetings!
Now entering our 5TH MONTH in Hollywood! Arts In LA says, "...packed with some of the most inappropriately uproarious material one could imagine!" "...often jaw-dropping script and score!" "...politically incorrect hilarity!" Come see us onstage live at Saturdays at 8:00 pm!From:Bill HallerViews:2 0ratingsTime:00:27More inComedy
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RE: Politically Incorrect- Are Women Intellectually Inferior? – Video
Posted: at 5:43 pm
RE: Politically Incorrect- Are Women Intellectually Inferior?
Politically Incorrect- Are Women Intellectually Inferior? why I made this channel (if ya wanna know lol): goo.glFrom:AJerryLittlemarsDayViews:10 1ratingsTime:03:17More inPeople Blogs
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"Champagne" with Rikki – Video
Posted: at 5:43 pm
"Champagne" with Rikki
Now entering our 5TH MONTH in Hollywood! Arts In LA says, "...packed with some of the most inappropriately uproarious material one could imagine!" "...often jaw-dropping script and score!" "...politically incorrect hilarity!" Come see us onstage live at Saturdays at 8:00 pm!From:Bill HallerViews:1 0ratingsTime:00:55More inComedy
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Politically Incorrect Trump: GOP Mean-Spirited to People of Color – Video
Posted: at 5:42 pm
Politically Incorrect Trump: GOP Mean-Spirited to People of Color
Donald Trump told Newsmax in a recent interview that the Republican party lost the presidential election because they were "mean-spirited and unwelcoming toward people of color." It appears Trump is starting to rub off on the GOP.From:neal rodriguezViews:51 0ratingsTime:01:48More inNews Politics
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Politically Incorrect with Carmen Tom Christiano NOV 27, 2012 – Video
Posted: at 5:42 pm
Politically Incorrect with Carmen Tom Christiano NOV 27, 2012
Politically Incorrect Show with Carmen Tom Christiano (Host), Evan Belansky (Community Development Director), Chris Garrahan (Chairman Chelm Conservation Commission), Jeff Apostolakes (Town Meeting Rep), Christine Sharbrough ( Chelm Readers Advisory Librarian).From:Carmen Tom ChristianoViews:0 1ratingsTime:01:00:16More inNews Politics
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Morning Meme: "Glee" Is Introducing The Other Man, "Shameless" Getting Even Gayer and First Look at Bryan Singer's …
Posted: at 5:42 pm
Steam Room Stories is back with a NSFW and definitely politically incorrect take on gaydar, and what straight guys might do to set off a gay man's gaydar. It mostly plays on tired stereotypes, but somehow I found it funny. I also find that my gaydar is pretty much useless with much of the younger generation, so maybe they don't read The List.
The first trailer is out for Bryan Singer's Jack the Giant Killer starring Nicholas Hoult, and I don't think this is quite what I was expecting. Sure, it's the classic story, but blown up to an epic quest, with more giants, a king, and a whole company of knights. I had a bit of a hard time when the silly humor hits after so much that looks like an action movie. This is one that will either work really well, or totally bomb.
On the other end of the spectrum is a fairly generic looking animated movie called Epic, which looks to have trouble living up to the name. The voice cast is pretty stellar, with Amanda Seyfried, Beyonce, Colin Farrell, Josh Hutcherson, Jason Sudeikis and Steven Tyler, but there's just not an emotional hook to the idea that there is a secret world right under our noses.
AFER wants to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving from all the same sex couples that they've worked with to bring marriage equality across the United States. It's an excellent reminder of our families at this time of year.
But Buzzfeed knows that Thanksgiving is all about the food, and wants to provide you with some dos and don'ts for the holiday table. I have to admit, the don'ts look like a lot more fun, if a bit messy.
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Internet Companies Forced to Follow CCPs Censorship Rules – Video
Posted: at 5:42 pm
Internet Companies Forced to Follow CCPs Censorship Rules
From:Newsworld001Views:0 0ratingsTime:03:40More inPeople Blogs
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ART BELL Internet
Posted: at 5:42 pm
ART BELL Internet Privacy Issues 2006 Classic Show C2CAM
WATCH THE LATEST VIDEO THAT CAME OUT TODAY HERE http If You Use Twitter heres the Twitter address or just click the twitter link on the right of the channel page Host: Art Bell Guests: Lauren Weinstein Art Bell welcomed technology expert Lauren Weinstein, who discussed a variety of Internet- and privacy-related issues. He called censorship of pornographic and other objectionable material on the Internet a "slippery slope" that could easily "spin out of control," resulting in the censorship of other kinds of information. Still, Weinstein believes children should be protected from harmful Internet content, but thinks the answer lies with responsible parents and not with technological solutions, which can easily be circumvented. Weinstein talked about points of vulnerability on the Internet (specifically, domain name servers), but insisted that major technological failures were unlikely due to the distributed network design of the Internet. He was, however, more concerned with political and legislative changes that could render the Internet much less functional in the years to come. Weinstein detailed the ongoing battles in Congress between large telecommunications companies and people who use their networks but are not customers (ie Skype users). Weinstein shared his thoughts on the broadband over power line (BPL) services currently being tested by utility companies across the country. He said the first duty ...From:zigdogshowViews:0 0ratingsTime:02:39:33More inEducation
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FIFA13 – Unnecessary Censorship – Video
Posted: at 5:42 pm
FIFA13 - Unnecessary Censorship
Interview I found and edited to make it sound like the executive producer of FIFA is a potty mouth Like, sub , Comment Interviews I sourced the clips from: 2ratingsTime:01:05More inComedy
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