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song: the time – Video
Posted: December 2, 2012 at 4:42 pm
song: the time
think again, self evaluation.... by Switch Bitch: it #39;s the time of the season when the love runs high in this time give it to me easy and let me try with weathered hands to take you to the sun to promised lands to show to everyone it #39;s the time of the season for a reevaluation so there #39;s this dude named friederich nietzsche what #39;d he teach you I can #39;t tell you what he didn #39;t teach me cause it #39;s a secret you can #39;t possibly get it unless I don #39;t tell you and then you possibily may it #39;s the time of the season some say for loving some say for war but it #39;s the time of the season for a reevaluation you know what? those fucking shitty ass original words say "what #39;s your name?" and then they go oh baby who who "who #39;s your daddy?" it #39;s probably a ranch man slave owner on the plant-tantion eating plantains making big and hot rocks in the sun what #39;s the time of your pleasure where #39;s your sun where #39;s your leisure oh cause it #39;s time for a big ass reevaluation oh yeah it #39;s the time of the season when the love runs high and in this time give it to me easy and let me try with weathered hands to take you in the sun to promised lands to show you everyone it #39;s the time of the season for something dig it man ron paul is not the answer (in fact) he #39;s part of the problem he #39;s been in washington for forty fucking years my brother this is the first time that you saw him? cause it #39;s the time.... (of the season) of the season.... for something akin to a big reevaluation it #39;s the time of the season ...From:pyrrho314Views:12 0ratingsTime:03:52More inMusic
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Fox Always Tries To Keep Ron Paul Down And He Knows It-Down With Media Control – Video
Posted: at 4:42 pm
Fox Always Tries To Keep Ron Paul Down And He Knows It-Down With Media Control
sign the petition at\///--petitions.whitehouse.govFrom:controversybobViews:0 0ratingsTime:02:51More inPeople Blogs
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Ron Paul: "Why I Don't Run As An Independent"
Posted: at 4:42 pm
Many have wondered if Ron Paul would have run as an independent. Here is his answer: "[I didn't consider running as an independent because] it is absolutely not practical. This would have been a good year to have an alternative and you can't get much of a showing either on the libertarian side or the green side".... the Republican and Democratics "parties are going to linger because they are locked in by law. The laws are biased against us from competing." So how does one change the two-party system? "You go to the campuses. You rally the young people. You stir up a whole generation of people. Ideas do have consequences and that's where the good news is because the campuses are alive and well with these views and they know the system is bankrupt. And there is this illusion that you can spend endlessly and print endlessly and there will always be credit out there. And so far, so good, but credit can end quickly, the dollar can crash quickly and a new system will have to be developed."
And some parting words on one of Ron Paul's favorite topics: Freedom, or at least the myth thereof:
"The concern about freedom was lost because Freedom creates so much prosperity. People get complacent, then they become materialistic. They find the government: you can make more money by getting a contract from government, than being a genius and being productive. When I first came here in 1976 I was under the impression that if you talk about welfare you talk about those people who won't work and get foodstamps. But have a completely different opinion now: that exists and it's not healthy, but that's minor compared to the "foodstamps" the wealthy get. The wealthy get the contracts and the special deals and that's where the biggest turmoil is." On the future of the Republican and Democrat party: "the parties are going to linger because they are locked in by law. The laws are biased against us from competing.
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Libertarianism: The Movie – Video
Posted: at 4:42 pm
Libertarianism: The Movie
Tyler Omar and audrey show libertariansimFrom:Audrey GuthrieViews:3 0ratingsTime:00:38More inEntertainment
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Are We Living in a Computer Simulation? ~ Jim Elvidge – Video
Posted: at 4:42 pm
Are We Living in a Computer Simulation? ~ Jim Elvidge http Are We Living in a Computer Simulation? ~ Jim Elvidge March 13,2008 Jim Elvidge author of "The Universe Solved" discusses the possibility that our reality (the universe) is programmed or that we #39;re living in a simulation. Is the concept of the Matrix possible? If we #39;re not in a simulation then how far away are we from creating our own simulated reality? Jim Elvidge Bio An expert in complex computational systems, with over 20 years of research in cosmology, quantum mechanics, philosophy, anomalies, and futurism, Jim Elvidge presents a theory of reality so perfect, so powerful, that it explains all known scientific and cultural anomalies. Why is the universe so perfectly designed to support life and matter? Why does life feel like it is accelerating? Why do people see UFOs? Is there life after death? "So I would have to conclude that we are not biological willing participants but rather spiritual entities occupying an advanced machine somewhere in the universe" Jim Elvidge ARE YOU LIVING IN A COMPUTER SIMULATION? - Nick Bostrom 10000000000000000 calculations per second New Tools For Rewriting The Code Of Life, Enables Creating Artificial Life Forms The Dynamic Unity of Reality http://www.spaceandmotion.comFrom:cosmiccontinuumViews:27 3ratingsTime:59:27More inEducation
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Let’s Roleplay Fallout 3. Episode 28 – Video
Posted: at 4:42 pm
Let #39;s Roleplay Fallout 3. Episode 28
This is the story of Nathan Moore, a 19 year old vault dweller navigating the irradiated wasteland. This is an ironman playthrough, with a focus on role playing from the first person perspective. I #39;ll happily answer any questions in the comments section. [Keywords: Let #39;s Play, Fallout 3, Bethesda, RPG, Role Playing, Infernocanuck, Post-apocalyptic, Retro-futurism, video game ]From:infernocanuckViews:29 2ratingsTime:22:38More inGaming
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Singularity Summit 2012: the lion doesn't sleep tonight
Posted: at 4:41 pm
By Razib Khan | October 15, 2012 10:07 pm
Last weekend I was at the Singularity Summit for a few days. There were interesting speakers, but the reality is that quite often a talk given at a conference has been given elsewhere, and there isnt going to be much value-add in the Q & A, which is often limited and constrained. No, the point of the conference is to meet interesting people, and there were some conference goers who didnt go to any talks at all, but simply milled around the lobby, talking to whoever they chanced upon.
I spent a lot of the conference talking about genomics, and answering questions about genomics, if I thought could give a precise, accurate, and competent answer (e.g., I dodged any microbiome related questions because I dont know much about that). Perhaps more curiously, in the course of talking about personal genomics issues relating to my daughters genotype came to the fore, and I would ask if my interlocutorhad seen the lion. By the end of the conference a substantial proportion of the attendees had seen the lion.
This included a polite Estonian physicist. I spent about 20 minutes talking to him and his wife about personal genomics (since he was a physicist he grokked abstract and complex explanations rather quickly), and eventually I had to show him the lion. But during the course of the whole conference he was the only one who had a counter-response: he pulled up a photo of his 5 children! Touch! Only as I was leaving did I realize that Id been talking the ear off of Jaan Tallinn, the lead developer of Skype . For much of the conference Tallinn stood like an impassive Nordic sentinel, engaging in discussions with half a dozen individuals in a circle (often his wife was at his side, though she often engaged people by herself). Some extremely successful and wealthy people manifest a certain reticence, rightly suspicious that others may attempt to cultivate them for personal advantage. Tallinn seems to be immune to this syndrome. His manner and affect resemble that of a graduate student. He was there to learn, listen, and was exceedingly patient even with the sort of monomaniacal personality which dominated conference attendees (I plead guilty!).
At the conference I had a press pass, but generally I just introduced myself by name. But because of the demographic I knew that many people would know me from this weblog, and that was the case (multiple times Id talk to someone for 5 minutes, and theyd finally ask if I had a blog, nervous that theyd gone false positive). An interesting encounter was with a 22 year old young man who explained that he stumbled onto my weblog while searching for content on the singularity. This surprised me, because this is primarily a weblog devoted to genetics, and my curiosity about futurism and technological change is marginal. Nevertheless, it did make me reconsider the relative paucity of information on the singularity out there on the web (or, perhaps websites discussing the singularity dont have a high Pagerank, I dont know).
I also had an interesting interaction with an individual who was at his first conference. A few times he spoke of Ray, and expressed disappointment that Ray Kurzweil had not heard of Bitcoin, which was part of his business. Though I didnt say it explicitly, I had to break it to this individual that Ray Kurzweil is not god. In fact, I told him to watch for the exits when Kurzweils time to talk came up. He would notice that many Summit volunteers and other V.I.P. types would head for the lobby. And thats exactly what happened.
There are two classes of reasons why this occurs. First, Kurzweil gives the same talks many times, and people dont want to waste their time listening to him repeat himself. Second, Kurzweils ideas are not universally accepted within the community which is most closely associated with Singularity Institute. In fact, I dont recall ever meeting a 100-proof Kurzweilian. So why is the singularity so closely associated with Ray Kurzweil in the public mind? Why not Vernor Vinge? Ultimately, its because Ray Kurzweil is not just a thinker, hes a marketer and businessman. Kurzweils personal empire is substantial, and hes a wealthy man from his previous ventures. He doesnt need the singularity movement, he has his own means of propagation and communication. People interested in the concept of the singularity may come in through Kurzweils books, articles, and talks, but if they become embedded in the hyper-rational community which has grown out of acceptance of the possibility of the singularity theyll come to understand that Kurzweil is no god or Ayn Rand, and that pluralism of opinion and assessment is the norm. I feel rather ridiculous even writing this, because Ive known people associated with the singularity movement for so many years (e.g., Michael Vassar) that I take all this as a given. But after talking to enough people, and even some of the more naive summit attendees, I thought it would be useful to lay it all out there.
As for the talks, many of them, such as Steven Pinkers, would be familiar to readers of this weblog. Others, perhaps less so. Linda Avey and John Wilbanksgave complementary talks about personalized data and bringing healthcare into the 21st century. To make a long story short it seems that Aveys new firm aims to make the quantified self into a retail & wholesale business. Wilbanks made the case for grassroots and open source data sharing, both genetic and phenotypic. In fact, Avey explicitly suggested her new firm aims to be to phenotypes what her old firm, 23andMe, is to genotypes. Im a biased audience, obviously I disagree very little with any of the arguments which Avey and Wilbanks deployed (I also appreciated Linda Aveys emphasis on the fact that you own your own information). But Im also now more optimistic about the promise of this enterprise after getting a more fleshed out case. Nevertheless, I see change in this space to be a ten year project. We wont see much difference in the next few I suspect.
The two above talks seem only tangentially related to the singularity in all its cosmic significance. Other talks also exhibited the same distance, such as Pinkers talk on violence. But let me highlight two individuals who spoke more to the spirit of the Summit at its emotional heart. Laura Deming is a young woman whose passion for research really impressed me, and made me hopeful for the future of the human race. This the quest for science at its purest. No careerism, no politics, just straight up assault on an insurmountable problem. If I had to bet money, I dont think shell succeed. But at least this isnt a person who is going to expend their talents on making money on Wall Street. Im hopeful that significant successes will come out of her battles in the course of a war I suspect shell lose.
The second talk which grabbed my attention was the aforementioned Jaan Tallinns. Jaans talk was about the metaphysics of the singularity, and it was presented in a congenial cartoon form. Being a physicist it was larded with some of the basic presuppositions of modern cosmology (e.g., multi-verse), but also extended the logic in a singularitariandirection. And yet Tallinn ended his talk with a very humanistic message. I dont even know what to think of some of his propositions, but he certainly has me thinking even now. Sometimes its easy to get fixated on your own personal obsessions, and lose track of the cosmic scale.
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Futurist Shuffle 8 – Vadi Efe – Samet Ensari — Dekatlon Buzz Founders
Posted: at 4:41 pm
Futurist Shuffle 8 - Vadi Efe - Samet Ensari -- Dekatlon Buzz Founders GM
Futurist Shuffle 8 - Vadi Efe - Samet Ensari -- Dekatlon Buzz Founders GMFrom:FuturistlerViews:0 0ratingsTime:21:34More inNonprofits Activism
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Futurist Shuffle 8 - Vadi Efe - Samet Ensari -- Dekatlon Buzz Founders
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WIC 2012 — Interview with Yesim Kunter // A Play Session – Video
Posted: at 4:41 pm
WIC 2012 -- Interview with Yesim Kunter // A Play Session
Have had the chance to participate in a play session with Yesim Kunter. She is a Senior Futurist and Play Expert and was with Hasbro UK. During a play session we constructed several metaphores with wood, plastic, glue,... to attack these items later with cool NERF guns. The Play Session was to experience the importance of "Fun" element while engaging into activity and how this can transform into out product innovation and brand development. I like Yesim so much cause she is not creating crazy games, she rather gives guidance utilizing "Gamification" of business while having the scientific background. Eg the different patterns of Play: Imaginative Play (What is my role, What is the scenario, How can I connect), Creative Play (Fun, Silly Ideas), Active Play (Strategy, Syncing up with together, space, environment), Strategic Play (to win, to be better, more)From:fabsinnovationtvViews:0 0ratingsTime:05:19More inScience Technology
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The Risk – Futurist Scarborough 29th November 2012 – Video
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The Risk - Futurist Scarborough 29th November 2012
The Risk! Just one of the opening acts for Peter Andre..From:emilybare98Views:0 0ratingsTime:00:53More inPeople Blogs
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