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Category Archives: Transhuman News

New website to fight censorship

Posted: December 2, 2012 at 4:43 pm

In many countries, journalists have to fight censorship when trying to publish critical stories. The organization Reporters Without Borders has launched a website to publish stories otherwise suppressed by the censors.

When something is banned, it's bound get people curious. Videos and images that are suppressed, therefore, often spread like wildfire on the Internet: the topless photos of Kate Middleton, future queen of England, were online everywhere within hours. And it's this principle that Reporters Without Borders now wants to use for journalistic content.

"We believe that there has to be a platform to publish stories that are being censored in the very countries where they should be published," Matthias Spielkamp, board member of Reporter Without Borders in Germany, told DW. The focus is explicitly on well-researched features by journalists who, because of a lack of press freedom, cannot publishtheir storiesin their country's newspapers, TV or radio.

The website is not meant to be platform like WikiLeaks and isnot intended to bea place for tabloid stories, Spielkamp explained. The project is getting financial support from the European Union, the city of Paris and from donations.

Support for censored authors

One of the first stories published is from Morocco, whereOmar Brouksy is no longer allowed to workas a publisher. In October, the government withdrew his accreditation because the journalist had beenoverly critical of the royal family's role during a recentelection.

Brouksy's text, however, continues to be available online. Reporters Without Borders published the piece in agreement with the author on their website, Online with text,the page also explainswhy each story is being censored.

The website offers to publish anymaterial that's being censored in an author's home country.Articles are sent anonymously, and in a way that the author's identity cannot be traced. Reporters Without Borders, which itself does ask for the author's identity to check whether the story is credible,offers to keep the writers anonymous for their own protection,explained Spielkamp.

Should the stories not be writtenin English or France, they will be translated for the page. All the material will also be offered for download, and even outrightcopying of an entire workisencouraged. Readers can post the stories on social media networks as well as on a list of regional services.

More security than a blog

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New website to fight censorship

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New website fights censorship

Posted: at 4:43 pm

In many countries, journalists have to fight censorship when trying to publish critical stories. The organization Reporters Without Borders has launched a website to publish stories otherwise suppressed by the censors.

When something is banned, it's bound get people curious. Videos and images that are suppressed, therefore, often spread like wildfire on the Internet: the topless photos of Kate Middleton, future queen of England, were online everywhere within hours. And it's this principle that Reporters Without Borders now wants to use for journalistic content.

"We believe that there has to be a platform to publish stories that are being censored in the very countries where they should be published," Matthias Spielkamp, board member of Reporter Without Borders in Germany, told DW. The focus is explicitly on well-researched features by journalists who, because of a lack of press freedom, cannot publishtheir storiesin their country's newspapers, TV or radio.

The website is not meant to be platform like WikiLeaks and isnot intended to bea place for tabloid stories, Spielkamp explained. The project is getting financial support from the European Union, the city of Paris and from donations.

Support for censored authors

One of the first stories published is from Morocco, whereOmar Brouksy is no longer allowed to workas a publisher. In October, the government withdrew his accreditation because the journalist had beenoverly critical of the royal family's role during a recentelection.

Brouksy's text, however, continues to be available online. Reporters Without Borders published the piece in agreement with the author on their website, Online with text,the page also explainswhy each story is being censored.

The website offers to publish anymaterial that's being censored in an author's home country.Articles are sent anonymously, and in a way that the author's identity cannot be traced. Reporters Without Borders, which itself does ask for the author's identity to check whether the story is credible,offers to keep the writers anonymous for their own protection,explained Spielkamp.

Should the stories not be writtenin English or France, they will be translated for the page. All the material will also be offered for download, and even outrightcopying of an entire workisencouraged. Readers can post the stories on social media networks as well as on a list of regional services.

More security than a blog

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New website fights censorship

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Censorship or common decency? Newark Library covers up controversial artwork

Posted: at 4:43 pm

Editor's note: The artwork, which can be seen lower in this story, may be offensive to some readers.

The talk at the Newark Library these days has nothing to do with an anticipated book collection, the next visit by schoolchildren or a lecture on Brick City history.

Its all about a huge drawing hanging in the second-floor reference room, raising so much ruckus that the head librarian has had to cover it up so no one can see what it shows.

Its covered with cloth and thats the way many employees want to keep it.

Kara Walker, a renowned African-American artist who examines race, gender, sexuality and violence, created the drawing. It depicts the horrors of reconstruction, 20th-century Jim Crowism and the hooded figures of the Ku Klux Klan.

But thats not what has people upset.

One part of the drawing shows a white man holding the head of a naked black woman to his groin.

"I didnt notice it at first," said Kendell Willis, a library services employee. "Then I looked up and was blown away."

Willis sent Library Director Wilma Grey an e-mail, and so has Sandra West, a library associate who called Walkers work disgusting. She said several employees came to her expressing shock that the library would display such graphic artwork.

"It can go back where it came from," West said. "I really dont like to see my people like this. We need to see something uplifting and not demeaning."

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Censorship or common decency? Newark Library covers up controversial artwork

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Ron Paul – Gold Is Money and the Dollar Will Self-Destruct – Video

Posted: at 4:43 pm

Ron Paul - Gold Is Money and the Dollar Will Self-Destruct
Ron Paul - Gold Is Money and the Dollar Will Self-Destruct - Please like, share, subscribe comment The FED should be closed down, the FED is a private institution that does not get audited, they control your money and your government. Fed #39;s Move Is Just Further Devaluation The Dollar .. Fed #39;s Move Is Just Further Devaluation The Dollar .. Fed #39;s Move Is Just Further Devaluation The Dollar .. Fed #39;s Move Is Just Further Devaluation The Dollar .. Fed #39;s Move Is Just Further Devaluation The Dollar .. Fed #39;s Move Is Just Further Devaluation The Dollar .. Fed #39;s Move Is Just Further Devaluation The Dollar .. Fed #39;s Move Is Just Further Devaluation The Dollar .. Ron Paul is America #39;s leading voice for limited, constitutional government, low taxes, free markets, sound money, and a pro-America foreign policy. For more information visit the following websites: http http http http Thomas Jefferson said that the government should be in control of issuing money to prevent corruption, since then private banking has repeatedly #65279; tried to bribe its way into controlling your money as it means they can charge the people interest on money through your taxes.From:GoldandSilverNowViews:2 0ratingsTime:07:04More inAutos Vehicles

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Ron Paul - Gold Is Money and the Dollar Will Self-Destruct - Video

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I Have Offended EVERY DAMN Body — Good Damit! – Video

Posted: at 4:43 pm

I Have Offended EVERY DAMN Body -- Good Damit!
I Have Offended EVERY DAMN Body -- Good Damit!, If the truth offends you tough luck, Stop Acting Like A Kid, Dumb Blacks, Dumb Latino #39;s, Dumb Jews, Dumb Asians, Dumb conservative, dumb liberals, I don #39;t give a damn, I have offended Christians, If I have offended you may need some soul searching, Stop getting mad at the mailman, I don #39;t like people telling me what to do, Confederate Flag, Ron Paul Check out the Radio Show At Every Wednesday @ 8:00 PM Central Get The Book Whatever-Happen-Common-Sense-On Kindle Now Buy the Book "Whatever Happen To COMMON Sense" @ Or - Buy the EBook "Whatever Happen To COMMON Sense" @ - Also Available: If you want to be happy, buy the new Ebook for only $3.99 called "How to Use Common Sense for a Happy Life" @ Email: ( Website: Twitter Commonsense39From:WhateverhappentocommViews:371 43ratingsTime:06:47More inNews Politics

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I Have Offended EVERY DAMN Body -- Good Damit! - Video

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Nashua police reject demand for groper’s dismissal – Video

Posted: at 4:43 pm

Nashua police reject demand for groper #39;s dismissal
Sponsor: LRN.FM - Nashua police reject demand for groper #39;s dismissal. See this link for background or news details coming in Here #39;s a partial transcript of text that appears inside the video: ------- "This is an animation, depicting the day Nashua PD arrested groin-groped me while I was filming the outskirts of a Joe Biden event. Law firm Martin Hipple teamed up with me to defeat NPD #39;s trespass charges in court. But later we sued, and there are new developments in that case. See video descrip for details. " ------- This vid is - or likely will be - part of a playlist. A link should eventually appear below where you can watch in sequence: Like what you see here?? the Ridley Report most easily using Bitcoin. See my latest BTC address at I more or less tend to keep the wallet fairly empty for security reasons. So...don #39;t be shy about letting me know you #39;ve donated. That way I can evacuate or spend the BTC #39;s.... How you can buy an ad for yourself on this channel: nashua police department new hampshire denis linehan dennis linahan seargent lieutenant sargent libertarians, ridleyreport cops behaving badly liberty ron paul. jerks assholes manchester freedom of the press dave ridley report. tsa transportation security administration cops gropers Creative commons license sexual assaults police public domain footage. cops gone wild free state project bad boys ...From:RidleyReportViews:198 20ratingsTime:01:36More inNews Politics

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Nashua police reject demand for groper's dismissal - Video

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This is why Ron Paul is called an anti semite he dares speak the truth about the Israeli Lobby YouTube – Video

Posted: at 4:43 pm

This is why Ron Paul is called an anti semite he dares speak the truth about the Israeli Lobby YouTube
From:Adolf WolfViews:0 0ratingsTime:01:18More inPeople Blogs

This is why Ron Paul is called an anti semite he dares speak the truth about the Israeli Lobby YouTube - Video

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Ron Paul w/ Cavuto ~ The "Principle" Of Secession Is A Good Idea – Video

Posted: at 4:42 pm

Ron Paul w/ Cavuto ~ The "Principle" Of Secession Is A Good Idea
Please rate and subscribe!!! Ron Paul #39;Constitutionally Correct #39; 2012. **Volumediscounts are also available. Please contact us via email for pricing** FAIR USE NOTICE: This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a #39;fair use #39; of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 USC section 107 of the US Copyright Law. congressman ron paul httpFrom:RonPaulCC2012Views:17 5ratingsTime:06:17More inNews Politics

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Ron Paul w/ Cavuto ~ The "Principle" Of Secession Is A Good Idea - Video

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Ron Paul – Video

Posted: at 4:42 pm

Ron Paul
Ron Paul #39;s ideas are both intelligent and rational. Unlike your "fiat currency." The gold standard is a silly, antiquated idea. ;^)From:GeekNightsRymViews:87 3ratingsTime:00:09More inComedy

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Ron Paul - Video

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Ron Paul on Secession, Romney, Fiscal Cliff, the GOP’s Future and Rand 2016 – Video

Posted: at 4:42 pm

Ron Paul on Secession, Romney, Fiscal Cliff, the GOP #39;s Future and Rand 2016
Rep. Ron Paul returned to FBN #39;s Cavuto to chat with fill-in host Charles Payne about the secession petitions, his take on the fiscal cliff, and the future of the Republican party. Will the GOP meet Dr. Paul halfway? My Channel: Fair Use Disclaimer: This video may contain copyrighted material. This material is made available for educational, research, and news reporting purposes only. This constitutes a #39;fair use #39; of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 USC section 107 of the US Copyright Law which allows citizens to reproduce, distribute or exhibit portions of copyright motion pictures, video tapes, or video disks under certain circumstances without authorization of the copyright holder.From:Eduardo89rpViews:604 13ratingsTime:06:17More inNews Politics

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Ron Paul on Secession, Romney, Fiscal Cliff, the GOP's Future and Rand 2016 - Video

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