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Category Archives: Transhuman News
OSDD Experts Voices – OSDD in a new phase Dr Balganesh Head OSDD UNIT – Video
Posted: December 2, 2012 at 4:44 pm
OSDD Experts Voices - OSDD in a new phase Dr Balganesh Head OSDD UNIT
OSDD is a CSIR led team India Consortium with global partnership with a vision to provide affordable healthcare to the developing world by providing a global platform where the best minds can collaborate collectively endeavor to solve the complex problems associated with discovering novel therapies for neglected tropical diseases like Malaria, Tuberculosis, Leshmaniasis, etc.OSDD is a translational platform for drug discovery, bringing together informaticians, wet lab scientists, contract research organizations, clinicians, hospitals and others who are willing to adhere to the affordable healthcare philosophy. It is a concept to collaboratively aggregate the biological, genetic and chemical information available to scientists in order to use it to hasten the discovery of drugs. This will provide a unique opportunity for scientists, doctors, technocrats, students and others with diverse expertise to work for a common cause. The success of Open Source models in Information Technology (For eg, Web Technology, The Linux Operating System) and Biotechnology (For eg, Human Genome Sequencing) sectors highlights the urgent need to initiate a similar model in healthcare, ie, an Open Source model for Drug Discovery. Council of Scientific and Industrial Research ( India is one of the largest publicly funded research organizations in the world. CSIR has played a key role in the development of industry in India by providing them with technologies. In particular, it ...From:osddvoicesViews:2 0ratingsTime:07:49More inScience Technology
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OSDD Experts Voices - OSDD in a new phase Dr Balganesh Head OSDD UNIT - Video
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OSDD Experts Voices – Chief Mentor, Prof Samir K Brahmachari, DG CSIR, (III) – Video
Posted: at 4:44 pm
OSDD Experts Voices - Chief Mentor, Prof Samir K Brahmachari, DG CSIR, (III)
OSDD is a CSIR led team India Consortium with global partnership with a vision to provide affordable healthcare to the developing world by providing a global platform where the best minds can collaborate collectively endeavor to solve the complex problems associated with discovering novel therapies for neglected tropical diseases like Malaria, Tuberculosis, Leshmaniasis, etc.OSDD is a translational platform for drug discovery, bringing together informaticians, wet lab scientists, contract research organizations, clinicians, hospitals and others who are willing to adhere to the affordable healthcare philosophy. It is a concept to collaboratively aggregate the biological, genetic and chemical information available to scientists in order to use it to hasten the discovery of drugs. This will provide a unique opportunity for scientists, doctors, technocrats, students and others with diverse expertise to work for a common cause. The success of Open Source models in Information Technology (For eg, Web Technology, The Linux Operating System) and Biotechnology (For eg, Human Genome Sequencing) sectors highlights the urgent need to initiate a similar model in healthcare, ie, an Open Source model for Drug Discovery. Council of Scientific and Industrial Research ( India is one of the largest publicly funded research organizations in the world. CSIR has played a key role in the development of industry in India by providing them with technologies. In particular, it ...From:osddvoicesViews:1 0ratingsTime:05:45More inScience Technology
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OSDD Experts Voices - Chief Mentor, Prof Samir K Brahmachari, DG CSIR, (III) - Video
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My freaky shoulder – Video
Posted: at 4:44 pm
My freaky shoulder
My shoulder popping in and out. The lovely blue glove is to protect my hands (extreme eczema), and come from @ukskintoskinFrom:WokstationViews:15 0ratingsTime:00:16More inPeople Blogs
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My freaky shoulder - Video
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9 months and sick of the itchy bastard..topical steroid withdrawl – Video
Posted: at 4:44 pm
9 months and sick of the itchy bastard..topical steroid withdrawl
kline is now 39 weeks of topical steroids and still going through withdrawal. over used steroids for eczema caused major capillary damage! see kline #39;s journey of topical steroid addiction ... aka red skin syndrome on his blog klinestopicalsteroidhell.blogspot.comFrom:klinedennenViews:1 0ratingsTime:02:04More inPeople Blogs
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9 months and sick of the itchy bastard..topical steroid withdrawl - Video
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kline 40 weeks of topical steroids…he says some funny crap! – Video
Posted: at 4:44 pm
kline 40 weeks of topical steroids...he says some funny crap!
the messed up stuff kids say! kline is now 40 weeks of topical steroids and still going through withdrawal. over used steroids for eczema caused major capillary damage! see kline #39;s journey of topical steroid addiction ... aka red skin syndrome on his blog klinestopicalsteroidhell.blogspot.comFrom:klinedennenViews:66 2ratingsTime:06:57More inNonprofits Activism
Continued here:
kline 40 weeks of topical steroids...he says some funny crap! - Video
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Eczema treatment and prevention in the winter – Video
Posted: at 4:44 pm
Eczema treatment and prevention in the winter
just a few tips on keeping your eczema under-control in the winter :)From:keyahloveViews:0 0ratingsTime:07:39More inHowto Style
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Eczema treatment and prevention in the winter - Video
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Paul Solomon’s treatment for Eczema – Video
Posted: at 4:44 pm
Paul Solomon #39;s treatment for Eczema
From:nasetheaceViews:6 1ratingsTime:06:30More inEducation
Originally posted here:
Paul Solomon's treatment for Eczema - Video
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Eczema: Tips to help your child feel better – Video
Posted: at 4:44 pm
Eczema: Tips to help your child feel better
Watch dermatologists #39; tips to reduce the severity and frequency of your child #39;s eczema flare-ups.From:AcademyofDermatologyViews:12 0ratingsTime:02:47More inNonprofits Activism
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Eczema: Tips to help your child feel better - Video
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Weight Loss eBooks PLR SuperMegaPack.Net – Video
Posted: at 4:44 pm
Weight Loss eBooks PLR SuperMegaPack.Net
eBooks Weight Loss http://www.SuperMegaPack.Net eBooks PLR Private label Rights Articles PLR private label Rights eBooks master resale Rights 100 weight loss tips 101 "everyday" tips for losing 10 pounds Lose 10 pounds Guide to help teenagers lose weight How to boost your metabolism Insider nutrition secrets Natural weight loss revealed Healthy Meals. Weight loss mindset. Losing belly fat. Effective diets. Weight loss with cardio and work out plans Your new year weight loss resolution Lose weight by burning more calories 36 potent foods for weight loss Losing weight without starving yourself Beauty and Aesthetics The latest anti-aging treatments Natural beauty Reducing and getting rid of acne scarring. Complete guide to preventing skin cancer. Dramatically reduce redness. Dry skin, and peeling. Keeping your skin beautiful and non-aging. Dealing with rosacea and eczema. How to completely eliminate your acne Understanding acne Causes, cures myths Exercise and Fitness Body sculpture Muscle building Distance running Fitting fitness into a busy schedule 101 ways to get in better shape and stay that way Food and Drink A guide to becoming a vegetarian Delicious vegetarian Culinary herbs Sports nutrition secrets uncoveredFrom:SuperMegaPackViews:1 0ratingsTime:00:15More inPeople Blogs
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Weight Loss eBooks PLR SuperMegaPack.Net - Video
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The Eczema Cure – Video
Posted: at 4:44 pm
The Eczema Cure
Do you or someone you love suffer from dry, itchy skin? Finally, here #39;s a solution that really works. In this e-book, you #39;ll learn a 4-step action plan to end your suffering, and heal your eczema from the inside out with Real food. For more information: 0ratingsTime:03:03More inHowto Style
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The Eczema Cure - Video
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