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Kerbal Space Program Powered decent – Video
Posted: December 2, 2012 at 4:46 pm
Kerbal Space Program Powered decent
Sent first part of my space station to orbit, but when I was returning I noticed that I forgot to put parachutes to my return capsule... So powered decent was my only option. I haven #39;t tried it before which I guess shows from this video...From:JunafaniFINViews:0 0ratingsTime:01:36More inGaming
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Space Florida Announces ISS Research Competition Winners at ASGSR
Posted: at 4:46 pm
Space Florida, the state's aerospace development organization and spaceport authority, and NanoRacks, LLC, today [29 november 2012] announced the winners of the International Space Station (ISS) Research Competition at The American Society for Gravitational and Space Research (ASGSR) Meeting in New Orleans, Louisiana. A team of 15 independent judges evaluated the proposals based on defined value in the commercial marketplace, potential for future benefits in space travel, and professional qualifications of the applicants. Four (4) winning proposals originated from the commercial field and four (4) in the area of education and research.
The winners will each receive research payload transportation to the ISS via an upcoming SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launch from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station. Launch is currently slated for December 2013.
The 8 Competition winners are as follows:
1. Cella Energy - Dr. Stephen Perusich, Cella Energy USA, KSC-SLSL, and Dr. Stephen Bennington, Cella Energy Ltd, Harwell Science Campus, OX, UK - "Evaluation of Cella Energy Hydrogen/Boron-Based Radiation Shielding Materials on the ISS".
2. CSS-Dynamac, Florida & Limerick Institute of Technology, Ireland - Dr. Michael Roberts, CSS-Dynamac, and Dr. Gary Stutte, Limerick Institute of Technology - "Symbiotic Nodulation in a Reduced Gravity Environment (SyNRGE II)".
3. Florida Institute of Technology, Florida - Drs. Sam Durrance, Daniel Kirk, and Hector Gutierrez - "Self-Assembly in Biology and the Origin of Life (SABOL) (A study into Alzheimer's)".
4. German Aerospace Center, Germany - Dr. Akram Abdellatif - "Egypt Against Hepatitis C Virus".
5. Stanford University, NASA Ames Research Center and Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute, California - Dr. Peter Lee, Stanford University; Dr. Sharmila Bhattacharya, NASA Ames Research Center; Dr. Rolf Bodmer, Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute; Dr. Karen Ocorr, Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute - "HEART FLIES: Heart Effect Analysis Research Team conducting Fly Investigations and Experiments in Spaceflight - a medical experiment to understand the effects of space travel on astronaut cardiovascular systems".
6. Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute at Lake Nona, Florida - Dr. Siobhan Malany & Dr. Steve Vasile - "Fluorescent Polarization in Microgravity: Validation of the M5 Microplate Reader Aboard the ISS".
7. University of California-Davis,,, California- Dr. Jonathan Eisen, Ms. Wendy Brown, Ms. Darlene Cavalier, Mr. Russell Neches, Mr. Mark Severance & Summer Williams - "Comparison of the Growth Rate & DNA/RNA Quantitation of Microgravity Exposed Microbial Community Samples Collected by the Astronauts Onboard the International Space Station And by Citizen Scientists & Student Scientists at Public Venues".
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Space Station Will Turn to Face the Sun
Posted: at 4:46 pm
The SOLAR instrument located on the exterior of the Columbus module on the ISS. Credit: ESA
Content provided by Nancy Atkinson, Universe Today
This weekend the International Space Station (ISS) will turn itself to face the sun, enabling ESA's SOLAR instrument to capture an entire rotation of the solar surface. This is the first time the Station has changed attitude for scientific reasons alone.
This instrument has been on the space station since 2008, and for the first time will record a full rotation of the sun. It began this effort on Nov. 19, 2012, and on Dec. 1, the Station will spend two hours turning about 7 degrees so that observations can continue. It will hold this angle for ten days before returning to its original attitude.
PHOTOS: An Awe-Inspiring Space Station Odyssey
"We want to record a complete rotation of the sun and that takes around 25 days, said Nadia This, operations engineer at the Belgian User Support and Operations Center that controls SOLAR.
SOLAR needs to be in direct view of the sun to take measurements but the Space Station's normal orbit obscures the view for two weeks every month.
All the international partners had to agree on changing the ISS's orientation.
However, moving a 450-ton orbital outpost the size of a city block isn't a simple undertaking. Aside from calculating the correct orbit to keep SOLAR in view of the sun, other factors need to be taken into account such as ensuring the solar panels that power the Station also face the sun. Additionally, communication antennas need to be reoriented to stay in contact with Earth and other scientific experiments must be adjusted.
PHOTOS: Space Station Astronauts Log One Million Photos
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CS 10 Final Project: Marissa Chou and Brian Tian – Video
Posted: at 4:45 pm
CS 10 Final Project: Marissa Chou and Brian Tian
CS10 Final Project Marissa Chou and Brian Tian Protein Sequence Simulator Get the primary protein amino acid sequence from any DNA sequence!From:Marissa CViews:2 0ratingsTime:05:18More inEducation
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DNA by Black Diamonds – Video
Posted: at 4:45 pm
DNA by Black Diamonds
no copy rights, please subscribe, like and comment!!!! thank you xFrom:layla mundyViews:0 0ratingsTime:03:30More inMusic
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Maureen Debaz-DNA (cover of Little Mix) – Video
Posted: at 4:45 pm
Maureen Debaz-DNA (cover of Little Mix)
My new cover! Enjoy it! Facebook: Twitter: @maureen_debaz Keek: http://www.keek.comFrom:Debaz MaureenViews:0 0ratingsTime:03:59More inMusic
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Bigfoot DNA Seeds of the Angel – Video
Posted: at 4:45 pm
Bigfoot DNA Seeds of the Angel
Bigfoot TranspermiaFrom:HucksterFootViews:0 0ratingsTime:03:19More inNews Politics
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ND Tiwari dances during qawwali performance – NewsX – Video
Posted: at 4:45 pm
ND Tiwari dances during qawwali performance - NewsX
Former Uttar Pradesh chief minister and senior Congress leader ND Tiwari was caught on camera swaying to a qawwali in Barabanki. The 87-year-old was recently in news after a DNA report declared him the biological father of Delhi-based youth Rohit Shekhar in a paternity suit. Tiwari, three-time Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh, also served as Uttarakhand Chief Minister between 2002 and 2007. He held the External Affairs portfolio between 1986-87 and was also the Governor of Andhra Pradesh between 2007 and 2009.From:newsxliveViews:29 0ratingsTime:00:38More inNews Politics
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Dna Evol -Demented- – Video
Posted: at 4:45 pm
Dna Evol -Demented-
Dna Evol -the unholy warunions of hell goats- Raw Black Metal #39; Funeral Doom #39; Ambient #39; Harsh Noise http://www.facebook.comFrom:MrPtomainViews:0 0ratingsTime:00:56More inMusic
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New round of DNA tests finds dozens of repeat offenders in fish mislabeling
Posted: at 4:45 pm
A year after a Globe investigation found restaurants and stores across Massachusetts were routinely selling cheaper, lower-quality fish than they promised customers, a new round of DNA testing shows the vast majority are still mislabeling seafood.
Kens Steak House in Framingham again served Pacific cod instead of a more expensive Atlantic species. Slices of fish sold as white tuna at Sea To You Sushi in Brookline were again actually escolar, an oily species nicknamed the ex-lax fish by some in the industry because it can cause digestion problems. H Mart, an Asian supermarket chain found to have sold mislabeled red snapper last year, this time was selling inexpensive freshwater Nile perch as pricier ocean grouper at its Burlington store.
The results underscore an ongoing lack of regulation in the nations seafood trade oversight so weak restaurants and suppliers know they will not face punishment for mislabeling fish. Over the past several months, the Globe collected 76 seafood samples from 58 of the restaurants and markets that sold mislabeled fish last year. DNA testing on those samples found 76 percent of them werent what was advertised.
Some restaurant operators who repeatedly mislabeled fish blamed suppliers. Others said naming inconsistencies were the result of clerical errors. Several made only partial revisions to their menus. Some, like at Hearth n Kettle in Attleboro, corrected their menus, but waitstaff still wrongly described the fish as local. And a few said the issue was not a priority.
Were too busy to deal with such silliness, Janet Cooper, of Kens Steak House, said after several phone interviews during which she could not explain why the restaurant was still selling far less expensive Pacific cod as locally caught fish.
After the Globes Fishy Business series last fall, state and federal lawmakers pledged quick action to strengthen oversight of the seafood industry. US Representative Ed Markey, Democrat of Malden, filed a bill in July to require traceability of fish from the boat to the dinner plate, but the legislation hasnt moved out of House subcommittees.
Elsewhere, little progress has been made to protect consumers from paying too much for inferior fish. The Food and Drug Administration, which maintains a list of acceptable market names for fish species, has historically focused efforts on food safety, rather than economic fraud such as seafood substitution. The agency recently began conducting its own DNA testing, but the results so far have provided little insight into where mislabeling occurs in the supply chain.
The Globe hired the Biodiversity Institute of Ontario at the University of Guelph to conduct DNA testing on the fish samples, as it did for the initial round of tests in 2011. The testing focused on certain species, such as red snapper and cod, because they have been identified by regulators as more likely to be substituted.
Seafood mislabeling persisted at the Sand Bar & Grille on Marthas Vineyard, where the Globe last year found farmed hybrid bass was switched for striped bass, and tilapia was misrepresented as red snapper.
Mike Wallace, who runs the Oak Bluffs restaurant, said he talked with his sushi chef after the Globes initial investigation and believed the issue was resolved. But DNA testing this year showed samples of albacore and red snapper were both tilapia, one of the cheapest farmed fish on the market.
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