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Category Archives: Transhuman News

The MSS – Number 40 – Part 1 – 2 December 2012 – comic strip heroes to libertarianism – Video

Posted: December 4, 2012 at 1:45 pm

The MSS - Number 40 - Part 1 - 2 December 2012 - comic strip heroes to libertarianism
On this show we welcomed back Aronra - and had an unexpected special guest, Mrs AronRa. Topics of conversation quickly moved on to comic strip heroes to libertarianism. And then went onto more topics, including: - end of world predictions - advent calanders - god #39;s PR department - the purpose of the universe - the purpose and nature of heaven - the war on christmas - evolution and much much more. Part 1 can be seen here: Part 2 can be seen here: darkmatter2525 #39;s video about god #39;s pr department can be found here: potholer54 #39;s video about intelligent design can be found here: You can keep up to date with future shows from the Magic Sandwich Show website here: or by following THEdprjones on twitter.From:TheMagicSandwichShowViews:206 31ratingsTime:01:03:37More inEducation

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The MSS - Number 40 - Part 1 - 2 December 2012 - comic strip heroes to libertarianism - Video

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Road to Liberty – Vol 2: The Goal of Libertarianism – Video

Posted: at 1:45 pm

Road to Liberty - Vol 2: The Goal of Libertarianism
Belleporte Institute member George Meyers discusses the goal of libertarianism, what it is, how it works and how to use it.From:WisconsinLibertarianViews:0 0ratingsTime:09:10More inNews Politics

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Road to Liberty - Vol 2: The Goal of Libertarianism - Video

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The MSS – Number 40 – Part 2 – the end of the world, and more theistic nonsense – Video

Posted: at 1:45 pm

The MSS - Number 40 - Part 2 - the end of the world, and more theistic nonsense
On this show we welcomed back Aronra - and had an unexpected special guest, Mrs AronRa. Topics of conversation quickly moved on to comic strip heroes to libertarianism. And then went onto more topics, including: - end of world predictions - advent calanders - god #39;s PR department - the purpose of the universe - the purpose and nature of heaven - the war on christmas - evolution and much much more. Part 1 can be seen here: Part 2 can be seen here: darkmatter2525 #39;s video about god #39;s pr department can be found here: potholer54 #39;s video about intelligent design can be found here: You can keep up to date with future shows from the Magic Sandwich Show website here: or by following THEdprjones on twitter.From:TheMagicSandwichShowViews:1 0ratingsTime:01:14:59More inEducation

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The MSS - Number 40 - Part 2 - the end of the world, and more theistic nonsense - Video

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Compulsory super at 20: 'libertarian paternalism’ without the libertarianism

Posted: at 1:45 pm

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26 November 2012Australias approach to retirement incomes policy has three pillars: the means-tested age pension; compulsory superannuation; and voluntary saving, including saving via superannuation over and above that mandated by the superannuation guarantee. This paper examines the economic case for compulsory superannuation contributions and questions whether compulsory super is the most effective way of promoting household and national saving and reducing future demands on the federal budget from an ageing population when compared to alternative policy options. Most of the economic arguments for compulsory superannuation are second-best arguments made on the assumption that first-best outcomes are unattainable.

There is considerable scope for public policy to address adverse interactions between the three pillars, the tax system and public expenditure that will increase voluntary saving, improve retirement incomes and reduce future demands on the budget without relying on further increases in compulsory superannuation contributions. The paper recommends a shift in compulsion from the accumulation to the decumulation stage of retirement saving through the mandatory annuitisation of superannuation benefits. The second and third pillars of retirement incomes policy should be merged into a single pillar based on a politically robust regime of tax-advantaged long-term voluntary saving via housing and superannuation.

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Compulsory super at 20: 'libertarian paternalism’ without the libertarianism

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Is there a Libertarian position on same-sex marriage?

Posted: at 1:45 pm

The legality of same-sex marriage has long been a contention between liberal and conservatives, but its also a source of division among libertarians. As I dug into the original thoughts of libertarianism and classical liberalism, I discovered that the legitimacy of same-sex marriage should never have been a concern of libertarians in the first place.

Instead, whether government should be playing a role in defining and recognizing marriage is the more important issue with which libertarians should be concerned.

Murray N. Rothbard lays out the framework of libertarian theory in his book For a New Liberty: The Libertarian Manifesto. Libertarian theories all rest on a so called nonaggression axiom: that no man or group of men may aggress the person or property of anyone else.

Aggression is defined as the initiation of the use or threat of physical violence against the person or property of anyone else. Libertarians believe that a man has a right to do whatever he wants as long as he doesnt infringe other peoples rights. But if he does, hes subject to legal repercussions.

Armed with this axiom, its very unlikely that libertarian fall into either the liberal or conservative category when it comes to same-sex marriage. Both of their positions are considered aggression because they try to get government involved in defining or redefining marriage.

If marriage (or civil unions, domestic partnerships, etc.) fits the nonaggression axiom, which doesnt violate other peoples rights, why is it polarizing the nation? Superficially, gay marriage might seem to be a religious or moral issue but the reality is much different.

Income taxes and other marriage benefits from the government are the real face behind the veil of the same-sex marriage contention. In a regressive system of income tax, married couples pay less in income taxes when they file jointly than if they do it separately. Its because their income as a whole falls into a bracket that allows them to pay less.

According to Tax Policy Center, tax legislation since 2001 has substantially increased marriage bonuses by raising the standard deduction for couples to twice that for single filers, and by setting the income ranges of the 10 and 15 percent tax brackets for couples to twice the corresponding ranges for individuals. Legislation also raised the starting point for the earned income tax credit phase-out range by $3,000 for married couples.

Its easy to see why gay Americans are fighting for the right to marry not only for love, but largely because of the tax incentive of marriage recognized by the government. If government keeps its hands off marriage and lets it become an affair among private institutions by eliminating all the tax breaks and benefits for couples that fall in governments definition of marriage, then same-sex marriage issue wouldnt be a heated issue on any legislative agenda.

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Is there a Libertarian position on same-sex marriage?

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Brandon Whale speaks about Transhumanist Times #hplus @norabean – Video

Posted: at 1:44 pm

Brandon Whale speaks about Transhumanist Times #hplus @norabean
Video created with the Socialcam app on iPhone: socialcam.comFrom:actiontocreateViews:3 0ratingsTime:05:55More inPeople Blogs

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Brandon Whale speaks about Transhumanist Times #hplus @norabean - Video

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Exits to the Post Human Future + After the Drones – Video

Posted: at 1:44 pm

Exits to the Post Human Future + After the Drones
This lecture by theorists Arthur and Marilouise Kroker and reception will mark the closing of Phase 3 of Drones at Home, a three-part exhibition in the gallery@calit2. The event will include a short video, After the Drones, with texts by the Krokers as well as video and sound by Jackson 2 Bears.From:Calit2ubeViews:0 0ratingsTime:01:40:52More inScience Technology

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Let’s Roleplay Fallout 3. Episode 29 – Video

Posted: at 1:44 pm

Let #39;s Roleplay Fallout 3. Episode 29
This is the story of Nathan Moore, a 19 year old vault dweller trying to survive the mad world around him. This is an ironman playthrough, with a focus on role playing from the first person perspective. I #39;ll happily answer any questions in the comments section. [Keywords: Let #39;s Play, Fallout 3, Bethesda, RPG, Role Playing, Infernocanuck, Post-apocalyptic, Retro-futurism, video game ]From:infernocanuckViews:198 14ratingsTime:21:47More inGaming

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Let's Roleplay Fallout 3. Episode 29 - Video

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Let’s Roleplay Fallout 3. Episode 30 – Video

Posted: at 1:44 pm

Let #39;s Roleplay Fallout 3. Episode 30
This is the story of Nathan Moore, a 19 year old vault dweller trying to endure the mad world around him. This is an ironman playthrough, with a focus on role playing from the first person perspective. I #39;ll happily answer any questions in the comments section. [Keywords: Let #39;s Play, Fallout 3, Bethesda, RPG, Role Playing, Infernocanuck, Post-apocalyptic, Retro-futurism, video game ]From:infernocanuckViews:135 13ratingsTime:28:32More inGaming

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Let's Roleplay Fallout 3. Episode 30 - Video

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ICES 2012 Suela Ndoja – Developing a Futurism Consciousness and – Video

Posted: at 1:44 pm

ICES 2012 Suela Ndoja - Developing a Futurism Consciousness and
I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor ( AlbaniaViews:5 0ratingsTime:22:28More inEducation

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ICES 2012 Suela Ndoja - Developing a Futurism Consciousness and - Video

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