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BICOM and freedom of British media – Video
Posted: December 4, 2012 at 1:45 pm
BICOM and freedom of British media
Online World News Plz Subscrib for Latest News Browse Search Company Listings Profiles Search By Company Name, Category, Phone, Mobile, Address Related Keywords ====================================================== In this edition of the show BICOM (Britain Israel Communications and Research Centre) and its role in pro-Israeli censorship in the British media. International: A House of Lords #39; member in Britain has shocked rivals by suggesting that a neutron bomb could be dropped on border regions in Afghanistan, such as the one next to Pakistan. Debate: British Deputy Prime Minister and Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg are to urge the coalition government to have a fresh debate on the Palestinian statehood vote in the United Nations to recognize Palestine as a sovereign state. Watch this video on our Website: Follow our Facebook on: Follow our Twitter on: Follow our Tumblr on: presstvchannel.tumblr.comFrom:OnlineWorldNewsViews:0 0ratingsTime:24:00More inNews Politics
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Posted: at 1:45 pm
This was Session 8 on Day 1 of the conference #39;All that is banned is desired #39; which was held in Oslo, Norway, in October 2012. Speaker: Si Han, Curator (China/Sweden) Moderator: Frances Harrison, Writer, Journalist and Broadcaster (UK) Read more: artsfreedom.orgFrom:artsfreedomViews:1 0ratingsTime:29:21More inNonprofits Activism
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Censorship Interview – Video
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Censorship Interview
Censorship Project for the Novel The Perks of Being a Wallflower. All the rights of the music go to the artist.From:A1331LViews:1 0ratingsTime:02:05More inEntertainment
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Google's Cerf Warns that ITU Treaty Talks Bring Threat of Web Censorship
Posted: at 1:45 pm
Vint Cerf, one of the fathers of the Internet, says he is worried that world governments will try to impose controls at long-awaited meetings in Dubai through Dec. 14.
As the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) was preparing to start 11 days of meetings on Dec. 3 in Dubai, Vint Cerf, Google's Chief internet Evangelist and one of the fathers of today's Internet, sent out a heartfelt message to remind Conference participants that the whole world is watching their actions.
His fear, wrote Cerf in a Dec. 2 post on the Google Official Blog, is that some of the world's leaders want to "justify the censorship of legitimate speech, or even cut off Internet access in their countries."
That, wrote Cerf, must be fought by every Internet user and prevented from happening by contacting government officials and making their voices heard in support of an open and free Internet.
The problem, he wrote, is that some of the governments from around the world, which are meeting at the World Conference on International Telecommunications conference in Dubai, oppose such freedoms. The meetings are being held Dec. 3 through 14 to "revise a decades-old treaty, in which only governments have a vote," wrote Cerf. "Some proposals could allow governments to justify the censorship of legitimate speech, or even cut off Internet access in their countries."
The threats are real, according to Cerf. "You can read more about my concerns on, but I am not alone. So far, more than 1,000 organizations from more than 160 countries have spoken up too, and they're joined by hundreds of thousands of Internet users who are standing up for a free and open Internet. On an interactive map at, you can see that people from all corners of the world have signed our petition, used the #freeandopen hashtag on social media, or created and uploaded videos to say how important these issues are."
By 5 p.m. Eastern time on Dec. 3 had garnered more than 1.8 million online signatures. "Please make your voice heard and spread the word," Cerf wrote.
The ITU treaty talks have the potential to turn away from the concept of openness that was the fundamental principle behind the Internets original design, Cerf wrote. Starting in 1973, when my colleagues and I proposed the technology behind the Internet, we advocated for an open standard to connect computer networks together," wrote Cerf. "This wasn't merely philosophical; it was also practical."
The idea was to use protocols that were "designed to make the networks of the Internet non-proprietary and interoperable," he wrote. "They avoided 'lock-in,' and allowed for contributions from many sources. This openness is why the Internet creates so much value today. Because it is borderless and belongs to everyone, it has brought unprecedented freedoms to billions of people worldwide: the freedom to create and innovate, to organize and influence, to speak and be heard."
Google began publicizing the ITU meetings in late November to try to build public attention for the meetings. The meetings, which are held behind closed doors, will discuss how the Internet should be regulated in the years to come.
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Censorship from on high? Egypt's lowly media hacks turn the tables
Posted: at 1:45 pm
One of the messages on Egypt's "censored" media sites today
Egypts revolution relied, in part, on the ability to communicate online. Would-be protestors tweeted information about meeting times and posted pictures documenting government human rights abuses. Before being ousted by his people, ex-president, Hosni Mubarak, issued a severe crack down on the media, arresting journalists and bloggers from across the country.
Mubarak was not alone in his quest to stifle online freedoms. Deposed Libyan dictator, Muammar Gaddafi, cut internet access across the country in a bid to quell uprisings and Tunisian ex-president, Ben Ali, used censorship extensively to try to stop the march of revolutionary progress.
Most recently, the main routers in Syria were turned off during a major government assault on the capital. Commentators almost universally blamed the regime, arguing that the internet blackout and the attack on Damascus were hardly likely to be a coincidence.
In Egypts case, Mubaraks was a move intended to intimidate revolutionaries and cover-up attacks on peaceful protestors but it didnt stop him being deposed after 18 days of demonstrations in February last year. Many Egyptians hoped that the democratic election of Mohamed Morsi that followed, would mark the beginning of a new era of free press in the country.
But the countrys journalists were to be disappointed when a new constitution was set in place. When representatives met at the Constituent Assembly last month to discuss what should be included, the Journalists Syndicate say their questions over media rights were repeatedly ignored. Facing a brick wall, they eventually decided to withdraw from the discussion altogether.
Against the wishes of journalists across the country, Morsi's constitution failed to include any articles guarding against the imprisonment of journalists in cases related to freedom of expression.
With the constitution yet to be finalized, newspapers, TV channels and websites are giving the powers that be a taste of their own medicine. While governments across the region are determining what is on and off-line in their countrys, in Egypt, citizens are turning the tables.
Unable to operate as a free press, for one whole day they will give the country no press at all in a large-scale 'media blackout'.Twelve Egyptian newspapers have refused to go to print today and a further five TV channels will go off-air tomorrow.
However, websites will remain up-and-running to cover the blackout. "Weneed the online media to be able to send the message of the strike to the reader," Alaa El-Attar, member of the Journalists Syndicate board told AhramOnline.
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Syrian refugees struggle in Lebanon – Video
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Syrian refugees struggle in Lebanon
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The Walking Dead 3×09 Sneak Peek #2 The Suicide King – Video
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The Walking Dead 3x09 Sneak Peek #2 The Suicide King
news, fox news, today, ron paul, show, funny, news bloopers, news anchor fail, love alex jones, day today, ufo, funny video, funny news, ice cube, giantess, battlefield 3, selena gomez, hurricane sandy today, autotune, fail, smosh, charice, glee, bob marley, avatar, i know, howard, n, madonna, zoe, hannah montana tornado, la mafia, jamie foxx, naruto, kim kardashian, transformers 3, naruto shippuden, dance party, sweet dreams, google, lola, fred, ashley tisdale, running man ,television, calvin harris, salsa, jimmy eat world, high school musical, evanescence, big boy, kevjumba, ricardo arjona, Israel, Palestina, Gaza, rockets, war jerusalm west bank tel aviv where is gaza obama, about obama, who is obama, about michelle obama, usa, onu, new news, latest news, world new, recent news, New York Times, Google News, concede, Paige Butcher us map, Wall Street Journal, , Huffington Post, Elizabeth Warren, Puerto Rico, Michele Bachmann, Donald Trump, open, war, indefinitely, commander, Ahmed, Jabari, Israeli, airstrike, AFP, dangerous, crime, red lines, declaration, war, Palestinian, President, Mahmoud, Abbas, Arab, League, meeting, Mosques, , mourners, revenge, retaliation, Tel, Aviv, Shifa, hospital, child, killed, strikes, Red, Cross, wounded, rockets, Beersheba, Army, Radio, media, reports, Iron, Dome, missile, defense, system, tactic, resistance, suicide, attacks, Zionist, enemy, cowardly, Palestine, Jerusalem, liberated, war, crime, national, security, reelection, bid,From:LUMA alumaViews:0 0ratingsTime:00:39More inEntertainment
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The Mentalist 5×10 Promo Panama Red HD – Video
Posted: at 1:45 pm
The Mentalist 5x10 Promo Panama Red HD
news, fox news, today, ron paul, show, funny, news bloopers, news anchor fail, love alex jones, day today, ufo, funny video, funny news, ice cube, giantess, battlefield 3, selena gomez, hurricane sandy today, autotune, fail, smosh, charice, glee, bob marley, avatar, i know, howard, n, madonna, zoe, hannah montana tornado, la mafia, jamie foxx, naruto, kim kardashian, transformers 3, naruto shippuden, dance party, sweet dreams, google, lola, fred, ashley tisdale, running man ,television, calvin harris, salsa, jimmy eat world, high school musical, evanescence, big boy, kevjumba, ricardo arjona, Israel, Palestina, Gaza, rockets, war jerusalm west bank tel aviv where is gaza obama, about obama, who is obama, about michelle obama, usa, onu, new news, latest news, world new, recent news, New York Times, Google News, concede, Paige Butcher us map, Wall Street Journal, , Huffington Post, Elizabeth Warren, Puerto Rico, Michele Bachmann, Donald Trump, open, war, indefinitely, commander, Ahmed, Jabari, Israeli, airstrike, AFP, dangerous, crime, red lines, declaration, war, Palestinian, President, Mahmoud, Abbas, Arab, League, meeting, Mosques, , mourners, revenge, retaliation, Tel, Aviv, Shifa, hospital, child, killed, strikes, Red, Cross, wounded, rockets, Beersheba, Army, Radio, media, reports, Iron, Dome, missile, defense, system, tactic, resistance, suicide, attacks, Zionist, enemy, cowardly, Palestine, Jerusalem, liberated, war, crime, national, security, reelection, bid,From:LUMA alumaViews:0 0ratingsTime:00:21More inEntertainment
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Channel TalkShow : Aaron Russo, Ron Paul, Gerald Celente
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Channel TalkShow : Aaron Russo, Ron Paul, Gerald Celente Rapper Ice-T
Channel TalkShow : Aaron Russo, Ron Paul, Gerald Celente Rapper Ice-TFrom:AlexJonesTodayViews:0 0ratingsTime:05:25More inNews Politics
Channel TalkShow : Aaron Russo, Ron Paul, Gerald Celente
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2012|01|11 The Truth Behind the Republican Delegate Numbers – Video
Posted: at 1:45 pm
2012|01|11 The Truth Behind the Republican Delegate Numbers I claim no copyright or ownership for Ben Swann #39;s work, his educational information, his journalism, or Fox19 #39;s property. FAIR USE NOTICE: This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for EDUCATIONAL purposes only. This constitutes a #39;fair use #39; of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 USC section 107 of the US Copyright Law. A number of people have been asking me online to explain where the Republican candidates stand on delegates. Largely because everywhere you look, different numbers are being reported. From CNN, to Fox news, even the AP. So what is correct and what is not? Tonight, the truth in the numbers. Let #39;s begin with what the candidates need. 2286 delegates are slated to go to the Republican Party #39;s national convention. In order to win the Republican nomination for president, a candidate needs to have 1144 delegates votes at the convention in Tampa. Let #39;s start with Iowa. Mitt Romney won the Iowa caucus by 8 votes over Rick Santorum. Ron Paul was a close third. So how were those delegates awarded? According to the Huffington Post, Fox News and the Associated Press, Iowa had 25 delegates to award. Romney won 13 and Santorum 12 delegates. Ron Paul, they said, didn #39;t win in each of the state #39;s 4 congressional districts, therefore wasn #39;t eligible for any delegates. CNN disagreed and put the totals like this, seven delegates for Romney, seven for Santorum and seven for Paul. Those are probably the ...From:BenSwannArchiveViews:1 0ratingsTime:04:31More inEducation
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