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Daily Orbit – Sequencing Sasquatch – Video
Posted: December 4, 2012 at 1:47 pm
Daily Orbit - Sequencing Sasquatch
11-29-12: On this episode of the Daily Orbit, a scientist believes she has successfully mapped the Yeti genome, the sea level is rising faster than predicted, and smoking is bad for your brain.To view over 15000 other how-to, DIY, and advice videos on any topic, visit http://www.monkeysee.comFrom:monkeyseevideosViews:15 4ratingsTime:04:49More inHowto Style
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BDT 205: Solving Big Problems with Big Data – Video
Posted: at 1:47 pm
BDT 205: Solving Big Problems with Big Data
The problem of big data is not only that it is capacious, but that it is also heterogeneous, dirty, and growing even faster than the improvement in disk capacity. One challenge is then to derive value by answering ad hoc questions in a timely fashion that justifies the preservation of big data. A group of us from databases, machine learning, networking, and systems just started a new lab at University of California, Berkeley, to tackle this challenge. The AMPLab is working at the intersection of three trends: statistical machine learning (Algorithms), cloud computing (Machines), and crowdsourcing (People). One of the driving applications for the AMP Lab is cancer genomics. Over the next several years, gene-sequencing technologies will begin to make their way into medicine, offering the most complex tests available. This advance brings a new type of data with tremendous promise to help elucidate physiological and pathological functions within the body, as well as to make more informed decisions about patient care. The cost of genome sequencing is projected to fall within range where it may be used for diagnostic and treatment purposes within the next two years. Due to the overwhelming amount of information returned by these tests, direct human interpretation is not feasible, and therefore will have to be guided by computational methods and visualization. The use of sequencing information has debuted in cancer. A provocative hypothesis is that the massive growth of online ...From:AmazonWebServicesViews:3 0ratingsTime:31:44More inScience Technology
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Posted: at 1:47 pm
Francis S. Collins, MD, Ph.D.,Director of the Human Genome Project. "I am a scientist and a believer, and I find no conflict between those world views. As the director of the Human Genome Project, I have led a consortium of scientists to read out the 3.1 billion letters of the human genome, our own DNA instruction book. As a believer, I see DNA, the information molecule of all living things, as God #39;s language, and the elegance and complexity of our own bodies and the rest of nature as a reflection of God #39;s plan. did not always embrace these perspectives. As a graduate student in physical chemistry in the 1970s, I was an atheist, finding no reason to postulate the existence of any truths outside of mathematics, physics and chemistry. But then I went to medical school, and encountered life and death issues at the bedsides of my patients. Challenged by one of those patients, who asked "What do you believe, doctor?", I began searching for answers. I had to admit that the science I loved so much was powerless to answer questions such as "What is the meaning of life?" "Why am I here?" "Why does mathematics work, anyway?" "If the universe had a beginning, who created it?" "Why are the physical constants in the universe so finely tuned to allow the possibility of complex life forms?" "Why do humans have a moral sense?" "What happens after we die?" (Watch Francis Collins discuss how he came to believe in God ) I had always assumed that faith was based on purely emotional and ...From:POTTERS HOUSE CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP CHRISTCHURCHViews:3 0ratingsTime:03:46More inTravel Events
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Lone Frank complete video – Video
Posted: at 1:47 pm
Lone Frank complete video
An interview with Lone Frank and a reading from her book My Beautiful Genome, shortlisted for the 2012 Royal Society Winton Prize for Science Books with a video introducing the book made by students Rachael Smith, Tashena Alam, Pema Denzongpa and Sam Mirab from London College of Communication.From:RoyalSocietyViews:0 0ratingsTime:04:37More inScience Technology
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Atossa Genetics, Inc. Designated Expertise Partner to Cancer Genome Summit
Posted: at 1:47 pm
SEATTLE, WA--(Marketwire - Dec 3, 2012) - Atossa Genetics, Inc. ( NASDAQ : ATOS ) announced today that it has been designated as the Expertise Partner to the 2nd Annual Cancer Genome Summit being held December 4-6, 2012 at the Revere Hotel Boston Common in Boston, Massachusetts.Dr. Steven C. Quay, M.D., Ph.D., FCAP, chairman, CEO and president of Atossa Genetics, will present on Thursday, December 6th, 2012, during the morning session.
Dr. Quay's presentation will focus on breast cancer prevention through the diagnosis and treatment of the abnormal cells that are the precursors of cancer, so-called reversible hyperplastic intraductal lesions. His presentation will include:
"Using Atossa Genetics' patented, FDA-cleared medical devices and our patented high-complexity laboratory developed tests to diagnose reversible, pre-cancerous breast changes and then treat them locally with intraductal therapy provides a platform that has the potential to realize our goal of preventing breast cancer," stated Dr. Steven Quay, MD, PhD, FCAP. "We look forward to identifying forward-looking pharma and biotech companies with novel treatment formulations to partner in this new paradigm for breast health, intraductal treatment of pre-cancerous lesions."
The Cancer Genome Summit is the only meeting that brings together thought leaders from pharmaceutical companies, academia and the clinic, to discuss harnessing the cancer genome to revolutionize drug development programs and patient treatment choices. The presentations will include the latest clinical data. Sharing these insights holds the key to understanding how genes cause cancer and how diagnostics and treatments can be improved. This year's meeting will show attendees how to identify new drug targets, combat resistance mechanisms, streamline clinical trials, and improve clinical management. More information about the meeting may be found at Cancer Genome Summit.
About Atossa Genetics, Inc.
Atossa Genetics, Inc. ( NASDAQ : ATOS ), The Breast Health Company, is based in Seattle, WA, and is focused on preventing breast cancer through the commercialization of patented, FDA-cleared diagnostic medical devices and patented, laboratory developed tests (LDT) that can detect precursors to breast cancer up to eight years before mammography, and through research and development that will permit it to commercialize treatments for pre-cancerous lesions.
The National Reference Laboratory for Breast Health (NRLBH), a wholly owned subsidiary of Atossa Genetics, Inc., is a CLIA-certified high-complexity molecular diagnostic laboratory located in Seattle, WA, that provides the patented ForeCYTE Breast Health Test, a risk assessment test for women 18 to 73 years of age akin to the Pap Smear, and the ArgusCYTE Breast Health Test, a blood test for recurrence in breast cancer survivors that provides a "liquid biopsy" for circulating cancer cells and a tailored treatment plan for patients and their caregivers.
Forward-Looking Statements
Except for the historical information contained herein, the matters set forth in this press release, including statements regarding Atossa's plans, expectations, projections, potential opportunities, goals and objectives are forward-looking statements within the meaning of the "safe harbor" provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These forward-looking statements are subject to risks and uncertainties that may cause actual results to differ materially from the anticipated or estimated future results, including the risks and uncertainties associated with the efficacy of Atossa's products and services, the market demand for and acceptance of Atossa's products and services and other risks detailed from time to time in the Atossa's final prospectus, dated November 7, 2012, filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.All forward-looking statements are qualified in their entirety by this cautionary statement, and Atossa undertakes no obligation to revise or update any forward-looking statement to reflect events or circumstances after the issuance of this press release.
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Atossa Genetics, Inc. Designated Expertise Partner to Cancer Genome Summit
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Genome Sequencing For Babies Brings Knowledge And Conflicts
Posted: at 1:47 pm
By sequencing a newborn's genome, doctors could screen for more genetic conditions. But parents could be confronted with confusing or ambiguous data about their baby's health.
By sequencing a newborn's genome, doctors could screen for more genetic conditions. But parents could be confronted with confusing or ambiguous data about their baby's health.
When Christine Rowan gave birth prematurely in August, her new baby was having problems breathing. So Rowan brought her daughter, Zoe, to the Children's National Medical Center in Washington, D.C., for genetic testing.
"It's funny because when we first had the testing done, we didn't even really think about the fact the testing was going to lay out all of her DNA," says Rowan, 32, who lives in Northern Virginia.
But while Rowan and her husband were waiting for the results, questions started popping into their heads.
"If we have all this information, when do we tell Zoe? You know, do we wait until she's a specific age and say, 'Oh, by the way we have all your DNA. ... Do you want to see what doctors have found?' " Rowan says.
"Or do we kind of keep that to ourselves? Or would it be better to just only get the information we really need and then genuinely not know so that we don't have to walk down that road? We don't really have that answer, at this moment."
Rowan's questions are at the heart of an intense debate over the prospect of using a test known as whole genome sequencing on babies.
Genome sequencing deciphers an individual's entire genetic code. The price of doing this has been dropping quickly, raising the possibility that sequencing can become more common than ever before. That includes the possibility of sequencing all babies when they're born.
Sequencing an individual's genome at birth would enable doctors to screen for far more genetic conditions than they do now. The hope is that it would catch more rare genetic conditions early, and help doctors prevent more complications and many deaths.
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klines night flares at 9 months off topcail steroids over proscibed for eczema – Video
Posted: at 1:47 pm
klines night flares at 9 months off topcail steroids over proscibed for eczema
9 months off topical steroids and Kline still has bad itchy burn flares, but he does get more breaks now and his skin is look very good...we are on our way to healing! klinestopicalsteroidhell.blogspot.comFrom:klinedennenViews:4 0ratingsTime:02:53More inPeople Blogs
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klines night flares at 9 months off topcail steroids over proscibed for eczema - Video
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$259.86 CVS Wipeout 11/30/12 Paid $2.43 – Video
Posted: at 1:47 pm
$259.86 CVS Wipeout 11/30/12 Paid $2.43
I added both receipts Subtotal-$259.86 Use (12)-$4 off $20 (-$48) Coupons Used(-$125.51) ECB #39;s Used(-$56.50) new Subtotal-$29.85 Tax- $3.58 Paid-$33.43, and got back $31 Final Price- $2.43 RETAIL VALUE $329.18 I #39;m missing a $4 ECB for the Revlon and $1 ECB for the Eczema product I messed up my haul by accidently buying the mens Bic razors instead of gillette so I was not able to use an additon $4 off $20 and I didnt receive my $10 ecb at first so I returned and exchanged the BIC.From:MrsShunaeViews:39 3ratingsTime:03:47More inPeople Blogs
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after kline has a great flare free day he flares…40 weeks off steroids – Video
Posted: at 1:47 pm
after kline has a great flare free day he flares...40 weeks off steroids
kline had an amazing day....was out of the tub all day till 5 pm when the itchy bastard showed up...but the more and more break mean healing is coming for sure!!!! topical steroid addiction from over prescribed uses of steroids for eczema. klinestopicalsteroidhell.blogspot.comFrom:klinedennenViews:7 0ratingsTime:01:54More inPeople Blogs
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Michelle speaks on Day 2 about eczema/migraines, hope, fear, possibility w/ Raw lifestyle – Video
Posted: at 1:47 pm
Michelle speaks on Day 2 about eczema/migraines, hope, fear, possibility w/ Raw lifestyle
Michelle is taking the thirty day Raw challenge with Arnold. She has eczema on her hands and speaks on her daughters migraines. Arnolds program includes becoming a vegetarian for thirty days and adding more fruit into the diet. Each participant receives one free meal and a green smoothie for thirty days.From:ArnoldsWayViews:2 13ratingsTime:12:11More inEducation
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