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Category Archives: Transhuman News
DNA may help scientists find ‘dark matter,’ the glue that binds galaxies
Posted: December 4, 2012 at 1:48 pm
That wonder molecule of life on Earth, DNA, is now being enlisted in the search for an exotic species zooming through the cosmos: dark matter.
As far back as the 1930s, astronomers watching distant galaxies saw that something was missing: There were not enough stars to account for the heavy gravity needed to whirl galaxies so quickly or smash them together so swiftly.
Scientists cant see dark matter particles, but they think they may be able to capture evidence of them when they ping into other tiny things, like balls on a pool table. Previous ideas for capturing these interactions required huge spaces, but a group of scientists has come up with the idea for a detector that would fit on a large coffee table.
More health news
Jenny Gold | Kaiser Health News
A growing number of hospitals offer life specialists to help young patients cope with illness.
Consumers Union of United States
Exercise and meditation are among the ways to counter the effects of high-intensity jobs and family duties.
Linda Searing
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DNA may help scientists find ‘dark matter,’ the glue that binds galaxies
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World News – Burberry CEO on New Chicago Flagship – Video
Posted: at 1:48 pm
World News - Burberry CEO on New Chicago Flagship
Burberry CEO on New Chicago Flagship - CNBC - Traduzir esta pgina 1 day ago -- A look at Burberry #39;s largest flagship store in the US and the outlook on luxury sales this holiday season, with CNBC #39;s Courtney Reagan and ... Burberry CEO on New Chicago Flagship - TV Balla - Traduzir esta pgina Burberry CEO on New Chicago Flagship. Source: CNBC, Nov 30 2012, 5:04pm CST. Highlight transcript below to create clip This term does not appear Click ... Burberry CEO on New Chicago Flagship - I4U News - Estados Unidos - Traduzir esta pgina Burberry CEO on New Chicago Flagship. Read the Latest Trending News and Topics for Geeks. 10 Updates. Highlight transcript below to create clip This term ... Burberry CEO in town to celebrate new Michigan Avenue store ... - Traduzir esta pgina 2 days ago -- Burberry CEO Angela Ahrendts was in town this afternoon to visit her ... age of 30, she said, and deeply influenced the new Chicago flagship. chlamydia genome: Video: Burberry CEO on New Chicago Flagship - Traduzir esta pgina 14 hours ago -- Video: Burberry CEO on New Chicago Flagship. Sorry, Readability was unable to parse this page for content. Source: ... Angela Ahrendts - Forbes - Traduzir esta pgina Burberry CEO on New Chicago Flagship. largest flagship store in the US and the outlook on luxury ...From:LoboDePraiaViews:12 0ratingsTime:02:10More inNews Politics
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HG Intro – Video
Posted: at 1:48 pm
HG Intro
**For clear quality please make sure you adjust the "Change quality" feature on the bottom right to at least 720pHD. The following clip is an example of one out of endless search possibilities that can be conducted using the Humanitarian Genome. The Humanitarian Genome is an innovation project funded by the Humanitarian Innovation Fund. For more information please contact: chamutaleitam@gmail.comFrom:Chamutal EitamViews:0 0ratingsTime:03:31More inNonprofits Activism
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Personal Genomics Rap – Video
Posted: at 1:48 pm
Personal Genomics Rap
Lyrics: Hook: Personal genomics Learn all your risks Looking at your DNA Get sequenced today! 1st verse: So much information at your fingertips: Your ancestry and global genetic relationships It #39;s the information you want to know. It #39;s the tech of tomorrow, So don #39;t forego And unlock the secrets of your genome. Hook 2nd verse: 23 me looks at your A #39;s T #39;s C #39;s and G #39;s Similarities and differences are the keys Find your risk of cancer for a 300 dollar fee. Or a genetic explanation for your case of obesity, Alzheimers, or type two diabetes Simply by looking at your SNP #39;s Hook 3rd verse: It #39;s personal medicine #39;s foundation It #39;s the gateway Don #39;t fear any discrimination GINA Your data is a good risk calculation You may want to change your ways You may give your life a re-evaluation. Get your cheeked swabbed today Hook 4th verse: But wait! I #39;m going to give it to you straight: Life insurance can still discriminate! And I #39;ll be depressed if I learn my fate I #39;d rather not know my genetic traits No hate, just trying to illustrate That personal genomics isn #39;t all that great ...awkward silence (3sec) I think it #39;s time to get back to the debate! (everyone)From:PersonalGenomicsViews:2 0ratingsTime:01:21More inEntertainment
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How to Pronounce Retroviruses – Video
Posted: at 1:48 pm
How to Pronounce Retroviruses
Learn how to say Retroviruses correctly with EmmaSaying #39;s "how do you pronounce" free tutorials. Definition of retrovirus (oxford dictionary): noun Biology any of a group of RNA viruses which insert a DNA copy of their genome into the host cell in order to replicate, eg HIV. Derivatives retroviral adjective Origin: 1970s: modern Latin, from the initial letters of reverse transcriptase + virus http://www.emmasaying.comFrom:Emma SayingViews:0 0ratingsTime:00:11More inHowto Style
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How to Pronounce Retrovirus – Video
Posted: at 1:48 pm
How to Pronounce Retrovirus
Learn how to say Retrovirus correctly with EmmaSaying #39;s "how do you pronounce" free tutorials. Definition of retrovirus (oxford dictionary): noun Biology any of a group of RNA viruses which insert a DNA copy of their genome into the host cell in order to replicate, eg HIV. Derivatives retroviral adjective Origin: 1970s: modern Latin, from the initial letters of reverse transcriptase + virus http://www.emmasaying.comFrom:Emma SayingViews:0 0ratingsTime:00:11More inHowto Style
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Tel Aviv – Startup CIty – Video
Posted: at 1:48 pm
Tel Aviv - Startup CIty
Over the past few years Tel Aviv has developed one of the world #39;s leading and important innovation hubs. There are currently over 1200 high tech companies in the city, from foreign multinationals to startups in their initial stages. The magnitude of the tech activities in the city has won the city international recognition including broad media coverage as well as top positions in international rankings. The city was recently included amongst the top three finalists in the Wall Street Journal #39;s most innovative city competition. In addition the city was ranked 5th as the best place in the world to startup by Startup Genome. #1511; #1512; #1491; #1497; #1496; #1497; #1501; #1505; #1512; #1496; #1493; #1503; #1505; #1496; #1488; #1512; #1496; #1508; #1497; #1501;: #1502; #1513; #1512; #1491; #1508; #1512; #1505; #1493; #1501;, #1514; #1505; #1512; #1497; #1496;+ #1511; #1512; #1497; #1488; #1497; #1497; #1496; #1497; #1489;: citymedia #1489; #1502; #1488; #1497;- #1497; #1493; #1504; #1497; #1502; #1512; #1491; #1499; #1497; #1510; #1500; #1501;- #1512; #1502; #1497; #1511; #1510; #1489; #1506; #1497; #1510; #1493; #1489; #1508; #1505; #1511; #1493; #1500; - #1489; #1503; #1506; #1513; #1489; #1502; #1488; #1508; #1512; #1514;- #1510; #1489; #1497; #1492; #1500; #1493; #1497; #1504; #1513; #1496; #1497; #1497; #1503; #1513; #1495; #1511; #1504; #1497; #1501;- #1500; #1497; #1511; #1493; #1494; #1504; #1497; #1511;, #1497; #1508; #1506; #1514; #1502; #1493; #1512;, #1500; #1497; #1488; #1493; #1512; #1513; #1513; #1493; #1503; #1502; #1504; #1492; #1500; #1502; #1491; #1497; #1492; #1495; #1489; #1512; #1514; #1497; #1514; #1506; #1497; #1512; #1497; #1497; #1514; #1514; #1500; #1488; #1489; #1497; #1489; #1497; #1508; #1493; - #1494; #1493; #1492; #1512; #1505; #1493; #1505; #1504; #1511; #1493;From:telavivViews:10 1ratingsTime:02:24More inScience Technology
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PANEL – Molecular diagnostics: Turning on the lights 4180 – Video
Posted: at 1:48 pm
PANEL - Molecular diagnostics: Turning on the lights 4180
With the elucidation of the human genome and the revolution in molecular biology technologies, we are increasingly capable of monitoring human biology and disease in very sophisticated ways. Our ability to measure biological processes and indicators is now essentially "turning on the lights" on our ability to understand how life works. But tests using molecular methods, including molecular diagnostics, are the rate-limiting step for the full promise of personalized medicine to be realized. Challenges include the development of viable business models and the lack of reimbursement policies that recognize the value of companion diagnostics. In addition, laboratory-developed tests are being used extensively, but not always with proper validation, and FDA is struggling to provide regulatory guidelines that address this issue without stifling innovation. What are the components of a thoughtful strategy for incorporating high-quality, validated molecular testing into the development and delivery of targeted health interventions?From:FasterCuresViews:2 0ratingsTime:59:00More inNonprofits Activism
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PANEL - Molecular diagnostics: Turning on the lights 4180 - Video
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Trasposons cause chromosome pulverization – Video
Posted: at 1:48 pm
Trasposons cause chromosome pulverization
Trasposons cause chromosome pulverization Recent advances in DNA sequencing and genome wide association studies (GWAS), have revolutionized the field of genomics. They reveal a dynamic genome that continually changes. A vibrant entity. Transposons (TEs) driven by transposases, continually reshuffle the genome. They exist in two states: 1. Basic or ground state, when TE turnover is low. 2. Active, in response to stress. TEs are controled by epigenesis which keepsthem at a ground state. They are activated by stress. Transposases move activated TEs around, which cause mutations, fusion proteins, chromosome breakage and aneuploidy. These are biomarkers of TE turnover. Fusion proteins are biochemical markers. Chromosomal changes and aneuploidy are cytological biomarkers. Whenever you spot one of these markers you know that TEs were activated by stress. Massive Genomic Rearrangement Acquired in a Single Catastrophic Event during Cancer Development are bio markers of TEs response to stress.From:Gershom Zajicek M.D,Views:0 0ratingsTime:15:18More inScience Technology
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Presentation- New York Genome Center: Collaboration for Life 4177 – Video
Posted: at 1:48 pm
Presentation- New York Genome Center: Collaboration for Life 4177
Genomics will fundamentally change healthcare. It impacts the entire disease detection, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention spectrum. The use of sequencing data, coupled with the power of bioinformatics, will accelerate drug development, greatly enhance the efficiency of R D expenditures, and enable physicians to provide the right treatments, to the right targeted patient populations, at the right price, in the right time. The New York Genome Center has harnessed the power of 11 major academic medical and research centers, along with world-class bioscience and technology companies, to create an exciting new research and innovation paradigm that will transform science and healthcare. Presented by: Nancy J. Kelley Founding Executive Director, New York Genome CenterFrom:FasterCuresViews:2 0ratingsTime:21:53More inNonprofits Activism
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