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Category Archives: Transhuman News
E-04- Thrusters Only – Kerbal Space Program 018 – Video
Posted: December 4, 2012 at 1:49 pm
E-04- Thrusters Only - Kerbal Space Program 018
So because of some bad flying I ended up out of fuel way too soon but the ship has no parachute which means the kerbals aboard cannot safely return. This means that I have no choice but to try to complete the rendezvos with the space station and dock. Yet all I #39;ve got is thrusters. donate to Child #39;s Play charity: This chart It makes orbital rendezvous a lot easier to calculate. Orbital Rendezvous Made Easy This website is VERY useful in deciding when planets are in the right position for an interplanetary transfer. Interactive illustrated interplanetary guide and calculator for KSP 0.17 Kerbal Space Program is a new game still under development with a ton of potential. Get Kerbal Space Program here: Twitter: TFC Facebook page: My minecraft World Map (updated 1-6-12) "space station" docking kerbal space program 0.18 rockets explosions crash "kerbal space program adventure" "lets play kerbal space program" gameplay gaming "kerbal space program gameplay" "lets play" playthrough "video game" commentary tinfoilchef selif1 .From:selif1Views:0 8ratingsTime:38:01More inGaming
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ISS Update – Dec. 3, 2012 – Video
Posted: at 1:49 pm
ISS Update - Dec. 3, 2012
The International Space Station video update for Dec. 3, 2012.From:ReelNASAViews:141 22ratingsTime:05:39More inScience Technology
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ISS Update - Dec. 3, 2012 - Video
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Student Scientists Connect with ISS Astronauts – Video
Posted: at 1:49 pm
Student Scientists Connect with ISS Astronauts
As part of International Education Week, students had the opportunity to speak with NASA astronauts Suni Williams and Kevin Ford onboard the International Space Station about living and working in space. All participating students were involved in the Student Spaceflight Experiments Program (SSEP), an on-orbit educational research opportunity that allows students to design and send experiments to the space station. This program was recorded on November 15, 2012 at the National Air and Space Museum in Washington, DC.From:airandspaceViews:2 0ratingsTime:01:14:44More inEducation
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Robokill – Titan Prime ep 1: Rescue – Video
Posted: at 1:49 pm
Robokill - Titan Prime ep 1: Rescue
Robokill: Titan Prime is about a robot (you) who comes across the space station (Titan Prime) orbiting mars being over run by hostile robot forces. Your job is to liberate the space station. If you liked the video, if you clicked like at would be awesome. And you know, if you want to subscribe, that would be awesome too... Follow me and the crap I say on teh twitter! twitter.comFrom:meASmyselfAThomeViews:0 0ratingsTime:15:01More inGaming
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KSP – My first orbit! – Video
Posted: at 1:49 pm
KSP - My first orbit!
Quick video of getting my first EVER successful orbit 😀 :DI put a docking node on it with the hope of starting a space station...or creating a lot of debris in the resulting explosion. Iwas able to do this thanks to Scott Manleys Orbiting 101 video - watch?v=tgPr4q5tj-QFrom:OrrgunUKViews:2 0ratingsTime:02:38More inGaming
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KSP - My first orbit! - Video
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Chasing Atlantis: Astronaut Chris Hadfield Future Commander of the International Space Station – Video
Posted: at 1:49 pm
Chasing Atlantis: Astronaut Chris Hadfield Future Commander of the International Space Station
An interview excerpt with Canadian Astronaut Chris Hadfield for the documentary film Chasing Atlantis. Chris discusses his future role as the International Space Station Commander. Please take a look at our website to learn more about Chasing Atlantis, our up and coming documentary that is currently in production. website: IndieGoGo follow us on twitter: like us on facebook: Special Thanks to Chris Hadfield and the Canadian Space Agency. 2012. Riptide Studios Inc. All Rights Reserved.From:ChasingAtlantis135Views:28 2ratingsTime:01:45More inFilm Animation
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Chasing Atlantis: Astronaut Chris Hadfield Future Commander of the International Space Station - Video
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UFO Captured During Shuttle Mission – Video
Posted: at 1:49 pm
UFO Captured During Shuttle Mission
Here is a UFO Capturing during Shuttle Mission STS 121. The UFO appears to be hovering above the Earth. The UFO is twin shaped. Here is a link to the image Happy UFO hunting! Be sure to check out the UFO sightings blog at and like the facebook fan page at http Be sure to follow UFO Clouds on Twitter at Always Look Up UFO #39;s Could be flying above you! Music by UFO Hunting Clouds Image by Nasa Nasa Description of Image: S121-E-06211 (10 July 2006) --- Astronaut Michael E. Fossum, STS-121 mission specialist, removes the trailing umbilical system-reel assembly (TUS-RA) from the S0 truss on the International Space Station during the mission #39;s second session of extravehicular activity (EVA). Fossum is anchored on the mobile foot restraint on the Canadarm2.From:UFO HuntingCloudsViews:2 0ratingsTime:01:03More inEntertainment
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Más Allá Arriba – Un mensaje de la ISS para toda la humanidad – Video
Posted: at 1:49 pm
Ms All Arriba - Un mensaje de la ISS para toda la humanidad
Video original " Further up yonder " de Giacomo Sardelli: A timelapse message from ISS to all Humankind. - 2K version available on my blog: I wanted to use pictures taken from the International Space Station to tell a story and share the message sent by the astronauts who worked on the station in the last 11 years. They are working to open a Gateway to Space for all humankind, but people on Earth must understand that they have to get rid of the concept of borders on our planet if they want to follow the astronauts to new worlds in outer space. While the cosmonauts speak a day passes on Earth, from dawn to sunset, until the Gateway opens with a burst of light. The ISS then gains speed and goes faster and faster, the astronauts are leaving our planet which they see spinning faster and faster, merging earth, oceans and people together, ready to follow them, Further Up Yonder. Making of As a filmmaking student, this was my first attempt to craft a timelapse video. It has been a time consuming process, but it turned out as one of my most satisfying projects. I focused my workflow on colours and harmony of movements, syncing every frame with the music and the voices of the astronauts. Every picture has been post processed individually before being imported in the NLE software, as I tried to take the most out of every image in terms of colours, contrast and neatiness. Pictures were downloaded from the Image Science Analysis Laboratory, NASA Johnson Space Center ...From:Adrin CejasViews:1 0ratingsTime:02:23More inScience Technology
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How To Watch Live NASA Space Footage In Google Chrome – Video
Posted: at 1:49 pm
How To Watch Live NASA Space Footage In Google Chrome
I do a review of a pretty cool app for Google Chrome that lets you watch live footage from the international space station as it orbits the Earth. Sometimes, you can even listen to the radio transmissions that the station sends to the Earth. Here is the link to download the Google Chrome App: Here is the link to try pasting into your web browser if you do not use Google Chrome (they might have the app for Firefox but not sure.) NASA international space station google chrome live space footage watch live space footage online watch space footage in web browser NASA TV NASA TV - ISSFrom:wassup2190Views:0 0ratingsTime:03:54More inScience Technology
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International Space Station – View from Space at Night – NASA – HD 1080P – Video
Posted: at 1:49 pm
International Space Station - View from Space at Night - NASA - HD 1080P
Photograph taken from the International Space Station. Nasa Magazine for Free I have found the magazine while searching. Thought it would be interesting for Space lovers. Image Courtesy of the Image Science Analysis Laboratory, NASA Johnson Space Center, The Gateway to Astronaut Photography of EarthFrom:PatriciaMCruz4762Views:3 0ratingsTime:03:50More inEducation
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International Space Station - View from Space at Night - NASA - HD 1080P - Video
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