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Category Archives: Transhuman News
Half-Life_2_Episode_One_trailer – Video
Posted: December 5, 2012 at 10:40 pm
Half-Life 2: Episode One is a first-person shooter video game, the first in a series of episodes that serve as the sequel for the 2004 Half-Life 2. It was developed by Valve Corporation and released on June 1, 2006. Originally called Half-Life 2: Aftermath, the game was later renamed to Episode One after Valve became confident in using an episodic structure for the game. Similar to Half-Life 2, Episode One also uses the Source game engine. The game debuted new lighting and animation technologies, as well as AI sidekick enhancements. The game #39;s events take place immediately after those in Half-Life 2, in and around war-torn City 17. Episode One follows scientist Gordon Freeman and his companion Alyx Vance as they fight in humanity #39;s continuing struggle against the transhuman race known as the Combine. When the story begins, Gordon wakes up outside the enemy #39;s base of operations, the Citadel, after being left unconscious from the concluding events of Half-Life 2. During the course of the game, Gordon travels with Alyx as they attempt to evacuate the city. As the game comes to an end, Gordon and Alyx are caught in a major accident, and both of their fates are revealed in the sequel, Episode Two. Valve views episodes One through Three as tantamount to a standalone release. Episode One is available as part of a bundle package known as The Orange Box, which also includes Half-Life 2, Episode Two, Team Fortress 2, and Portal. Episode One received a generally positive critical ...From:SuperKuazarViews:7 1ratingsTime:01:14More inGaming
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Andy Roy: SPoT "20" Year Experience – Episode 5 – Video
Posted: at 10:40 pm
Andy Roy: SPoT "20" Year Experience - Episode 5
Andy Roy visited SPoT in the mid-90 #39;s, at the height of a heroin addiction and the beginnings of his stint with Anti-Hero. He takes us back to a time when Andrew Reynolds was frontside flipping the pyramid to flat and Cardiel was destroying everything in sight. Andy put his own beating on the course that year, and shares memories from Tampa in a way that no one has ever heard before. Watch More SPoT 20 Year Experience: Skatepark of Tampa is celebrating 20 years of skateboarding. Countless memories have been created over the past two decades, and to help relive those experiences we asked 20 pros, ams, and industry leaders to share their SPoT stories with us. Music By: Warren V "Fat Nick" Kevin Strang "Can #39;t Get Myself Up" The Stranded "Post Human Archetype" SUBSCRIBE to RIDE Like RIDE on FACEBOOK: Follow RIDE on INSTAGRAM: Follow RIDE on TWITTER: twitter.comFrom:RIDEChannelViews:316 83ratingsTime:05:29More inSports
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Noi Kabat "Industry" at Endurance Halloween Night – Video
Posted: at 10:40 pm
Noi Kabat "Industry" at Endurance Halloween Night
Another cool tune from Noi Kabat called "Industry" from Endurance Halloween Night, London. Check for more videos! N #337;i Kabt is a London based electronic outfit using only analog instruments to create their dramatic songs. We saw them live at Endurance Halloween Night at the Waiting Room and really dig them. So we will post 2 more songs with HQ audio thanks to a 4 channel sound recording on the gig. You can check more details of the event at DEE RSCHE - VOX OWEN PRATT - KEYBOARDS JONAS RANSSN - DRUMS LONDON BASED ELECTRONIC OUTFIT NO #769;I KABA #769;T DRAW ON INSPIRATION FROM CONSTRUCTIVISM, FUTURISM, 70 #39;S SCIENCE FICTION, AND NOISE THEORY TO CREATE A SOUND REMINISCENT OF THE EARLY INDUSTRIAL PIONEERS. THEY COMBINE NOISE FROM THEIR ENVIRONMENT WITH THE SOUNDS OF ESOTERIC ELECTRONIC DRUMS AND ANALOGUE KEYBOARDS IN AN ATTEMPT TO CREATE AN AUTHENTIC YET NEWLY RECONFIGURED SOUND. THEIR ELECTRONIC REPERTOIRE HARKS TO A NEW AND OBSCURED AGE, VOCALS ACTING AS COUNTER-POINT TO THAT OF THEIR MACHINES.From:ASWESAWEASTLONDONViews:4 0ratingsTime:09:21More inMusic
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Futurist in Residence at the Ringling College of Art + Design – Video
Posted: at 10:40 pm
Futurist in Residence at the Ringling College of Art + Design
Why a futurist in residence at a four year college?From:David HouleViews:0 0ratingsTime:01:17More inTravel Events
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Russian Revels Futurist Banquet at Pushkin House – Nov 2012 – Video
Posted: at 10:40 pm
Russian Revels Futurist Banquet at Pushkin House - Nov 2012
BBC Russia report from the Russian Revels #39; event in London. More info at 0ratingsTime:03:39More inPeople Blogs
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The future of data, technology and the Internet: Futurist Speaker Gerd Leonhard #Online12 – Video
Posted: at 10:40 pm
The future of data, technology and the Internet: Futurist Speaker Gerd Leonhard #Online12
Thanks to Incisive events for making this available. See more details about the event here: My topic was this: everybody is talking about #39;data is the new oil #39; aka big-data. SoLoMo (social local mobile) is the battle cry of the day. Human-machine interfaces are rapidly evolving and may quickly become commonplace (think Google Glasses, MSFT Kinect), artificial intelligence is the geek-phrase-of-the-day, and Kurzweil says the singularity is near/here. So how will our world really change in the next 5 years, ie the way we communicate, get information, create, buy and sell, travel, live and learn? What are the biggest threats and the hottest opportunities - not just in financial terms, but also in societal and human terms? Futurist Gerd Leonhard will share his foresights and explore the key #39;networked society #39; scenarios" Here is the PDF with my slides: Please note: You can now download most of my videos by simply subscribing to this iTunes video feed (via *** audio-only versions are now available here: or on the web at My vimeo channel is here Enjoy! Gerd Leonhard Futurist, Author and Keynote Speaker Basel / Switzerland CEO Media Blog Gerd #39;s mobile apps: The Future of Business blog Public Speaking schedule: Twitter: Need even more links? about.meFrom:Gerd LeonhardViews:12 1ratingsTime:57:19More inPeople Blogs
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ART Project (futurist house).mov – Video
Posted: at 10:40 pm
ART Project (futurist house).mov
I have made that for a project at school , and that give that it not , completly finish , there a base that go under itFrom:masterwizard155Views:0 0ratingsTime:01:46More inEntertainment
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The Past: A Century of Teaching with Technology – Video
Posted: at 10:40 pm
The Past: A Century of Teaching with Technology
Technology has been used to enhance learning and teaching for over one hundred years. Most Faculty and Instructional Technologists are focused on current and future technology and often do not have a century old perspective on the interplay of learning theory and mass communications technology. Dr Henry J. Burnett, although primarily a Futurist, is a scholar of Instructional Technology and Mass Media. Professor James Bierman will trace several stages of digital content development leading to the Internet Age. Time travel to the not so distant past and understand the early beginnings of Instructional Technology in Higher Education. (Note: This presentation will be based on the writings of Paul Saettler, CSU, Sacramento Professor of History, A History of Instructional Technology (1968) and The Evolution of American Educational Technology (1990).From:Henry BurnettViews:3 0ratingsTime:33:04More inEducation
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Daniels BEST Lecture: Craig Applegath "Symbiotic City" – Video
Posted: at 10:40 pm
Daniels BEST Lecture: Craig Applegath "Symbiotic City"
The John H. Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape, and Design hosted architect Craig Applegath on November 8, 2012 as part of the Building, Ecology, Science and Technology (BEST) Lecture Series. Architect, urban designer, futurist, and pioneer in the field of urban resilience and symbiotic city planning, Craig Applegath is a Principal at DIALOG, and a passionate advocate for developing thoughtful planning and design solutions that make sense in a world now challenged by climate change. Since completing studies at the Graduate School of Design at Harvard University with a Master of Architecture in Urban Design, Craig has garnered a significant reputation for successfully leading complex, sustainably designed planning and design projects, and is internationally known for his advocacy and thought leadership in environmentally responsive design, and urban resilience. In addition to his project and practice responsibilities, Craig is active within his industry and the community at large, and writes and lectures on green building design and symbiotic city design in Canada and internationally. He was a founding Board Member of Sustainable Buildings Canada and served as the President of the Ontario Association of Architects. These, and other accomplishments, led to Craig being named a Fellow of the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada. His lecture introduces the idea of Symbiotic City, the next stage of evolution beyond resilient cities. Lecture series proudly sponsored ...From:UofTDanielsViews:8 0ratingsTime:01:15:18More inEducation
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Drum And Bass 2012 Neuro Tech Dark Mix (Free Download) [HQ] – Video
Posted: at 10:40 pm
Drum And Bass 2012 Neuro Tech Dark Mix (Free Download) [HQ]
( to download audio!) It was about time to do a new neuro mix, so here it is, enjoy! Rate or slate. Subscribe 😉 1. Cause4Concern - Alchemist 2. AI Command Strange - Mad One 3. Trace - Sonar (Duracell Remix) 4. State Of Mind - Azwell 5. Duracell - Lean 6. Naibu - Into The Distance (Break Remix) 7. Tokyo Prose Phil Tangent - Parity (Klute Remix) 8. Clarity - Cold Blank 9. Ulterior Motive Lenzman - Catharsis 10. Unknown Error - War Games (Donny Remix) 11. Gridlok feat. Mindscape - Chrome 12. Vicious Circle - Instinct 13. Mizo - Abyss 14. Rregula - Midnight World 15. The Upbeats - Undertaker 16. Monti - Caged (Rusher Remix) 17. Ibunshi Kodama - Fragments 18. Intelligent Manners Dynamic - Down With This 19. Mizo - Brain Cleave 20. Cause4Concern - Outlands 21. Futurist - Overstory 22. Chris Su Falkon - Disorientated 23. Dom Roland - Goliath 24. Jubei Ulterior Motive - Snore Tooth 25. Kantyze Rico - Anode 26. Place 2B Paimon - Beyond 27. June Miller - Turning Point 28. Dom Roland - Strobe 29. Naibu Hydro - Apparitions http://www.facebook.comFrom:ollieduracellViews:1 0ratingsTime:01:01:49More inMusic
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