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Category Archives: Transhuman News

Bishop Tom Barrett, – "Investment Grade Gold Coins (EIGG Rules)" – Video

Posted: December 5, 2012 at 10:41 pm

Bishop Tom Barrett, - "Investment Grade Gold Coins (EIGG Rules)"
Dr. Hansen warns about the New World Order and how to protect your assets - Bishop Barrett recaps the first three television programs: America #39;s Christian foundation; Financial Principles; Cash is trash; Inflation destroys savings; Bullion protects your wealth; Investment grade gold grows our wealth - Pastor Barrett explains the difference between bullion gold and investment grade gold - Bishop Barrett does not recommend gold certificates but gold coins - Rare coins and diamonds are discussed and he explains why investment grade coins are important over diamonds - Bishop Barrett discusses the difference between gold coins , real estate, treasury yields, stock market, stock dividends and bullion gold and how to profit and increase your wealth with gold - The dollar has lost 96% of it #39;s value - Over 40 years, $10000 of investment grade gold increased to $2.5 million; seven times as much as bullion and 20 times as much as the stock market - Professional Coin Grading Service founded in 1986, and the Numismatic Guarantee Corporation founded in 1987, started certifying rare investment grade coins causing some coins to greatly increase in value - The four Flagship Coins: The US $20; The French 100 Francs; The Spanish 8 Escudos; The English 5 Guinea / Pound gold coins - President FDR #39;s Executive Order of April 1933 to confiscate all US gold under penalty of prison or $10000 fine - The US National Debt Clock, July 9, 2011 and November 28, 2012 - News articles on: Ron Paul - We #39;re ...From:WorldMinistriesIntlViews:8 0ratingsTime:28:51More inNonprofits Activism

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Bishop Tom Barrett, - "Investment Grade Gold Coins (EIGG Rules)" - Video

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Ron Paul Predicts Economic Collapse – Video

Posted: at 10:41 pm

Ron Paul Predicts Economic Collapse In this video Ron Paul predicts the 2008 economic collapse and talks about how the Federal Reserves policies can only lead to an unavoidable financial collapse. As of 12/4/2012 every policy that the FED has continued to do has been setting up the Dollar for an even greater crash. Protect your assets and invest in gold and silver and learn about wealth cycles.From:Kevin DixonViews:86 2ratingsTime:04:36More inNews Politics

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Ron Paul Predicts Economic Collapse - Video

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Posted: at 10:41 pm

DOWNLOAD OUR EP HERE (4 FREE): TRACK LISTING 0:00 Mary #39;s Song [Breath of Heaven] 5:29 Little Drummer Boy [Organic Instrumental Segue] 8:05 Mary Did You Know The story of @_wbh (formerly @wesbjames) @_hudsy: In every sector there are innovators. Steve Jobs, Skrillex, Bill Gates, Ron Paul, Michael Jackson- the list goes on. Unfortunately innovation is not popular and every industry eventually dries up. Life-long friends Wes Hill (@_wbh) and Hudson Ford (@_hudsy) found the industry of Christmas music to be old and stale. So they decided, like those who had gone before them, to innovate. But to innovate in such an organic way, unlike the world had ever seen. In an innovative and organic leap, @_wbh and @_hudsy recorded their music using only an iPhone. No external loops, effects or tracks. The result was eargasmic! In another step of innovation @_wbh @_hudsy decided to give all their music away for free. Add using twitter handles as their band name and all that is left,is a suss pool of organicity! The only thing @_wbh and @_hudsy ask in return for the enjoyment you receive from their music is that you live as an organic innovator FOLLOW US ON TWITTER @_HUDSY @_WBH thx 4 listeningFrom:WESandHUDSYViews:10 0ratingsTime:12:15More inMusic

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Bradshaw: Fleet-footed or flat-footed? – Video

Posted: at 10:41 pm

Bradshaw: Fleet-footed or flat-footed?
Bradshaw joins Ed to discuss Ron Paul, Susan Rice and the special election for the Iowa Senate.From:TheFallonForumViews:0 0ratingsTime:01:07:04More inNews Politics

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Bradshaw: Fleet-footed or flat-footed? - Video

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Ben Swann – The Jerry Doyle Show – John Boehner Purges Fiscal Conservatives – Video

Posted: at 10:41 pm

Ben Swann - The Jerry Doyle Show - John Boehner Purges Fiscal Conservatives
December 4, 2012 Dissent need not apply in the House Finance Committee. John Boehner has bounced a number of Republicans who have voted against party leadership reminding us of the moves made at the RNC to silence the Ron Paul delegates. Ben Swann joins Jerry in talking about it.... http://www.JerryDoyle.comFrom:GuyFawkes2009Views:0 0ratingsTime:15:29More inNews Politics

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Ben Swann - The Jerry Doyle Show - John Boehner Purges Fiscal Conservatives - Video

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Five More Stupid Things About Ron Paul – Video

Posted: at 10:41 pm

Five More Stupid Things About Ron Paul
The votes are in! Viewers chose five previous Five Stupid Things topics for me to revisit, and here #39;s the fifth-place finisher. And as Ron Paul finally passes into obscurity, I don #39;t think I could have written him a better send-off. Which is good, because I didn #39;t. I wrote this one. Watch the original Five Stupid Things About Ron Paul here: And watch a previous follow-up I did, "Seriously, the Hell with Ron Paul," here: Read and see more from me at: http://www.stevelikestocurse.comFrom:Steve ShivesViews:208 71ratingsTime:05:52More inEntertainment

Five More Stupid Things About Ron Paul - Video

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Ron Paul sums up what’s wrong with the world in 5 minutes – Video

Posted: at 10:41 pm

Ron Paul sums up what #39;s wrong with the world in 5 minutes
Sponsor: LRN.FM - Ron Paul sums up what #39;s wrong with the world in 5 minutes. Texas Straight talk from 9.3.2012, illustrated with vid from friends. Some or all of the vid in this clip #39;s likely available for you to use commercially. Basically anything that was shot by me or was public domain to begin with. My stuff is automatically released into the public domain. This until I say otherwise. Usually if I shot it, "" or " will appear at the bottom. Anything which has that super or was obviously shot by me is public domain. Here #39;s the full playlist of Ron Paul 2012 speeches I #39;ve illustraded with video so far: Like what you see here?? the Ridley Report most easily using Bitcoin. See my latest BTC address at I tend to keep the wallet, fairly empty for security reasons. So...don #39;t be shy about letting me know you #39;ve donated. That way I can evacuate or spend the BTC #39;s.... How *you* can buy an ad: federal reserve system new hampshire economic collapses libertarians oil bourse iran ridleyreport unfuck the world peace world #39;s problems liberty. ron paul manchester reserve currency dave ridley report. cops opec persian gulf tyrants dictators Creative commons license, arab spring police public domain footage oman quatar free state project free to use. live free or die, staters nh raw news video, rand iran war iraq summary summarizes gk chesterton. status dollar losing its ...From:RidleyReportViews:161 21ratingsTime:06:09More inNews Politics

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Ron Paul sums up what's wrong with the world in 5 minutes - Video

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Max Keiser ~ 2013: Year of The Great Crash – Video

Posted: at 10:40 pm

Max Keiser ~ 2013: Year of The Great Crash
Please rate and subscribe!!! Ron Paul #39;Constitutionally Correct #39; 2012. **Volumediscounts are also available. Please contact us via email for pricing** Video credit: thealexjoneschannel FAIR USE NOTICE: This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a #39;fair use #39; of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 USC section 107 of the US Copyright Law.From:RonPaulCC2012Views:0 0ratingsTime:44:41More inNews Politics

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Max Keiser ~ 2013: Year of The Great Crash - Video

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Ron Paul owns Mitt Romney on spending – Video

Posted: at 10:40 pm

Ron Paul owns Mitt Romney on spending
Here is a classic debate moment between Mitt Romney and Ron Paul on the topic of foreign aide and military spending as well as Obamacare. Ron Paul explains the fact there are no real cuts, just nibbling at the proposed increases. Our financial condition is the biggest threat to our national security.From:mrlibertytvViews:0 0ratingsTime:01:47More inNews Politics

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Ron Paul owns Mitt Romney on spending - Video

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Joan Kennedy Taylor: Respecting Diversity in Libertarianism – Video

Posted: at 10:40 pm

Joan Kennedy Taylor: Respecting Diversity in Libertarianism
Joan Kennedy Taylor was a journalist, author, and political activist known for her advocacy of individualist feminism and her role in developing the modern American libertarian movement. She passed away in 2005. In this lecture from a Libertarian Party of New York conference in 1981, Taylor stresses the importance of tolerating a diversity of opinions within the American libertarian movement because political movements generally are spontaneously organized. Download the .mp3 version of this lecture here: bit.lyFrom:LibertarianismDotOrgViews:44 3ratingsTime:50:32More inNews Politics

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Joan Kennedy Taylor: Respecting Diversity in Libertarianism - Video

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