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Category Archives: Transhuman News
Marc Fiume – TorBUG Talk – Sept 26 2012 – Video
Posted: December 5, 2012 at 10:42 pm
Marc Fiume - TorBUG Talk - Sept 26 2012
Marc Fiume, PhD Candidate at University of Toronto, talks about MedSavant - a next generation genome browser. Find out more about TorBUG at 0ratingsTime:11:41More inScience Technology
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Marc Fiume - TorBUG Talk - Sept 26 2012 - Video
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Decoding Neanderthals | NOVA – Video
Posted: at 10:42 pm
Decoding Neanderthals | NOVA
Decoding Neanderthals premieres Wednesday, January 9th at 9PM/8c on PBS. Over 60000 years ago, the first modern humans mdash;people physically identical to us today mdash;left their African homeland and entered Europe, then a bleak and inhospitable continent in the grip of the Ice Age. But when they arrived, they were not alone: the stocky, powerfully built Neanderthals had already been living there for hundred of thousands of years. So what happened when the first modern humans encountered the Neanderthals? Did we make love or war? That question has tantalized generations of scholars and seized the popular imagination. Then, in 2010, a team led by geneticist Svante Paabo announced stunning news. Not only had they reconstructed much of the Neanderthal genome mdash;an extraordinary technical feat that would have seemed impossible only a decade ago mdash;but their analysis showed that "we" modern humans had interbred with Neanderthals, leaving a small but consistent signature of Neanderthal genes behind in everyone outside Africa today. In Decoding Neanderthals, NOVA explores the implications of this exciting discovery. In the traditional view, Neanderthals differed from "us" in behavior and capabilities as well as anatomy. But were they really mentally inferior, as inexpressive and clumsy as the cartoon caveman they inspired? NOVA explores a range of intriguing new evidence for Neanderthal self-expression and language, all pointing to the fact that we may have seriously ...From:NOVA PBSViews:4 1ratingsTime:00:31More inScience Technology
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Shiny Toy Guns "Fading Listening" – Pandora Whiteboard Sessions – Video
Posted: at 10:42 pm
Shiny Toy Guns "Fading Listening" - Pandora Whiteboard Sessions
Shiny Toy Guns perform "Fading Listening" for Pandora Whiteboard Sessions 10.4.12 Pandora Oakland HQ Over the years the Pandora office has had the great pleasure of receiving visits from many of these talented musicians and comedians. Some are well-established artists in town for a major show, others are in the middle of a grassroots tour, hitting coffee houses and small clubs up and down the West Coast. Sometimes we just meet up to show them around the office and learn about their careers, other times our employees are treated to a short performance. We also take the opportunity to show them the Music Genome Project and walk them through an analysis of their music, along with some data on their audience on Pandora. It #39;s been fun to see their reaction when they learn which songs are the most "thumbed up" or how large their audience is, and what areas around the country are particularly enthusiastic for their sound. This performances take place in front of a giant whiteboard in a common area of the Pandora Oakland office. On the day of the show one of the Pandora designers creates a unique drawing to represent each artist on the white board, which becomes the backdrop for the performance. The Whiteboard Sessions are unique because the daytime office environment calls for a different kind of performance than what people normally see at concerts. These sessions are mostly acoustic and there is a lot of interaction with the crowd. And there #39;s lots of improvising too ...From:pandoraViews:2 0ratingsTime:03:32More inMusic
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lets talk how klines skin feels now off sreroids for 40.5 wks – Video
Posted: at 10:42 pm
lets talk how klines skin feels now off sreroids for 40.5 wks
where kline #39;s all over body rash-eczema while he was on steroids is now so soft and beautiful!! I can not wait for his whole body to be like that once he is healed from the steroid damage! klinestopicalsteroidhell.blogspot.comFrom:klinedennenViews:35 2ratingsTime:01:43More inPeople Blogs
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lets talk how klines skin feels now off sreroids for 40.5 wks - Video
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Aroma Sense Vitamin C Spa Shower Head Spa Treasures – Video
Posted: at 10:42 pm
Aroma Sense Vitamin C Spa Shower Head Spa Treasures
(Did you know?) You actually take in a significant amount of chlorine when taking a bath. Chlorine not only kills bad bacteria, but is also harmful to our delicate skin. A fact very few people are aware of is that, you absorb more chlorine during a 10-minute shower than by drinking 8 glasses of tap water. Chlorine can cause fine lines and wrinkles, and some people may develop a rash from chlorine exposure. (Aroma Sense - Vitamin C Spa Shower Head) Rejuvenate your tired body mind with our Prestige Luxury Aroma Sense Shower head! It helps you enjoy Aroma Spa and Fine Mist shower with Vitamin C in the comfort of your bathroom! (Features) 1) Removes 98% chlorine from tap water. 2) Adds 421400 negative ions/cc. 3) Adds Vitamin C equivalent 3000 Lemons. 4) Comes with Aroma-Vita C gel filter that lasts up to 6000 liters. 5) Anti-bacteria ceramic balls help to remove germs in water. 6) Micro Fabric filter helps remove contaminants, rust, and floating particles. 7) Environment-friendly design uses 10~25% less water. Saves up to 36000 liters of water per year 8) Raises water pressure about 1.5 times higher than normal shower head for Spa Massage effect. 9) Easy to install replace a filter (Benefits) Relieves itching, and helps with eczema (dry skin) Improves skin condition by helping to create collagen Whitening and moisturizing effect for beauty care Helps restore damaged hair, and reduce hair fall.From:SpaTreasuresViews:3 0ratingsTime:05:33More inScience Technology
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Posted: at 10:42 pm
FAULTS WITH CONVENTIONAL MEDICINE MR GERARD KIELTY IRB IDE TALKS OF THE COUNTLESS FAULTS WITHIN CONVENTIONAL MEDICINE. HE EXPLAINS HOW THEY ARE KILLING 40000 PATIENTS A YEAR AND INJURING 850000 PATIENTS THROUGH INCOMPETENCE AND HOW WE THE PUBLIC ARE BEING KEPT IN THE DARK. WATCH HIS OTHER HEALTH SCAN VIDEOS AND LEARN (IN SIMPLE TERMS) HOW OUR BRAIN RUNS OUR BODY AND HOW WE ARE ALL GIVING OUR BRAIN PROBLEMS EACH AND EVERY DAY. WATCH YOUR HEALTH PROBLEMS DISAPPEAR WITHIN WEEKS! NO MEDICATION REQUIRED. "NETSCAN" FOOD INTOLERANCE TESTING ONLINE A TEST FROM THE COMFORT OF YOUR OWN HOME ADVANCED MICROCHIP TECHNOLOGY @ Wherever you are in the world you can use our advanced online food intolerance testing service NETSCAN. The unique electrical signal that runs through your body can be recorded in the same way that an ECG heart wave is recorded. Just as a radio, TV or telephone signal can be sent using the internet your Nervous System signal can also be sent this way. We then test it and send you the results with a detailed report. Arthritis - Asthma - Athletes Foot - Bloated Stomach Blood Pressure problems Catarrh - Colitis - Concentration problems - Constipation Coughing - Cramp - Crohn #39;s Disease Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME) Depression - Dermatitis - Diarrhoea - Dizziness Eczema - Epilepsy - Eye Sensitivity Gout - Tourette Syndrome Haemorrhoids - Hay fever - Headaches - Heartburn Hot Flushes - Hyperactivity Irritability - Irritable Bowel Syndrome Lack of Libido - Leg ...From:Gerard KieltyViews:2 0ratingsTime:09:27More inNews Politics
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Eczema Dermatitis Allergy – Video
Posted: at 10:42 pm
Eczema Dermatitis Allergy
From:duwahcomViews:0 0ratingsTime:00:50More inNonprofits Activism
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Eczema Dermatitis Allergy - Video
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99 most requested dua’s – Video
Posted: at 10:42 pm
99 most requested dua #39;s
99 Most requested Dua #39;s. These are most commonly requested dua #39;s at the shifa dua meetings. Updated December 2012. Following is a partial listing. Eye Problems Dard say Shifa Total Body Alignment Diabetes Hair Loss Baldness Obesity - Bhari Vazan Blood Pressure Witchcraft Kala Jadu Depression Infertility Male Problems Baby problems Arthritis Knee Problems Bow Legged Short Leg Bunions Stomach Problems Diarrhea Teeth - Mouth sores Migraine - Headache Cancer Acne Liver - Hepatitis Eczema Allergy Thyroid Kidney stones - Failure Growth problems Ear problems Female facial hair Heart Disease - Failure Blockage of Arteries Asthma Nose problems Mental illness Piles - Hemorrhoids Anemia Stroke - Laqwa - Falaj Dizziness - Chakkar Frozen shoulder Numbness - Sunn #39; Prostate problems Gout - Uric acid Epilepsy - Fits - Mirgi Vitiligio Urinary incontinence Urinary tract infectionFrom:duwahcomViews:2 0ratingsTime:37:25More inNonprofits Activism
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Eczema Instrumental (Even Past) – Video
Posted: at 10:42 pm
Eczema Instrumental (Even Past)
Off of Even Past #39;s First albumFrom:falloutvultViews:2 1ratingsTime:03:51More inNews Politics
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Migraine, eczema, diverticulosis. – Video
Posted: at 10:42 pm
Migraine, eczema, diverticulosis.
Migraine, eczema, diverticulosis. David Lee acupuncture treats various internal and external diseases by supporting your body to become healthier through Eastern Asian medicine. Visit for detailed information.From:davidleeacupunctureViews:0 0ratingsTime:03:37More inPeople Blogs
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