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Let’s Play Cargo Commander Part 10- Out with a bang – Video
Posted: December 5, 2012 at 10:44 pm
Let #39;s Play Cargo Commander Part 10- Out with a bang
Hi guys! In this installment of cargo commander we ranked up twice in one go, got rushed by around 50 monsters, and finished the video by self destructing our space station. Thanks for watching :)From:xgamesandstuffxViews:0 0ratingsTime:09:04More inGaming
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HUGE MARS ROVER DISCOVERY REVEALED – Curiosity Finds Sand In A Scoop of Sand – Video
Posted: at 10:44 pm
HUGE MARS ROVER DISCOVERY REVEALED - Curiosity Finds Sand In A Scoop of Sand
The big Mars rover discovery everyone has been waiting for is in. On the surface of the planet Mars that we flew to, Curiosity rover picked up a scoop of sand and found something every interesting in it. They found sand. It was a kind of sandy substance, that had the quality of sandy stuff. Nasa scientists also found molecules and chemicals in the sand. So far the only thing scientists have definitively found on Mars is sand. Next, they scientists will look for rocks and hope to discover some soon. Yo, yo, yo, rover move over and find some rocks, we built you in a clean room, by guys with funny socks We flew you to Mars on a long vacation so we could have something beside a space station youtu.beFrom:ezHealthyDietViews:0 1ratingsTime:01:08More inNews Politics
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NASA's Planned Deep Space Station Does Not Have Obama Approval
Posted: at 10:44 pm
A story published in suggests that NASA's plans to build a deep space station at the Earth/moon Lagrange 2 point may be more hope than reality. The Obama administration seems actually cold to the idea.
Deep space station not approved by Obama administration, quoting an unnamed administration official, contradicted recent media reports that a deep space station, designed to be a gateway for expeditions to the asteroids, Mars, and perhaps the lunar surface, had not been approved by the Obama administration. The unnamed official hinted that the stories in the media were part of a gambit by NASA to garner support for the project from the Congress. In any case, no funding for the deep space station has been requested for the current or the upcoming fiscal year.
Media speculation rampant on NASA deep space station
The Orlando Sentinel reported that NASA had proposed the deep space station as part of its exploration strategy in a September story. The idea was that the station would serve as a practice run for deep space missions to the asteroids and Mars as well as a base for the robotic exploration of the moon. The station would be located at the Earth/moon Lagrange Point 2, where the gravities of the Earth and moon tend to cancel one another out about 38,000 miles beyond the lunar far side. The facility would be deployed by the heavy lift Space Launch Vehicle and would be visited by crews of astronauts riding the Orion Multi-Purpose Crew Vehicle. Eventually, the facility might become a refueling stop, perhaps with rocket fuel refined by lunar water, for spacecraft headed deeper into the Solar System.
Space policy confusion at the White House?
President Obama famously cancelled President George W. Bush's Constellation program and instead, in an April 2010 speech, pointed NASA's exploration efforts toward an Earth-approaching asteroid and, eventually, Mars. Congress, in the 2010 NASA Authorization Bill, not only added the moon back on the list of destinations, but mandated the development of the heavy lift Space Launch System and the Orion has two elements of that space exploration program. The idea of a deep space station at the Earth/moon L2 would seem to help address the conflicting priorities of the White House and the Congress, providing some flexibility and experience in the relative short term for NASA's space exploration program. If the White House is resisting the funding of the deep space station, the question arises whether it is actually serious about its own space exploration program.
Fiscal cliff may derail NASA space exploration.
If budget talks fail and the federal government goes over the fiscal cliff with the preprogrammed tax increases and budget cuts, NASA's dreams for space exploration would almost certainly suffer. Bill Nye, the CEO of the Planetary Society, warned about possible cuts to research and development, including NASA. Planetary Society member John Livingston, writing for the Patriot Ledger, agrees, suggesting that NASA space exploration is especially vulnerable to fiscal cliff brinksmanship. The confusion and uncertainty on the part of the White House concerning space policy may therefore be part of a wider problem.
Mark R. Whittington is the author of Children of Apollo and The Last Moonwalker. He has written on space subjects for a variety of periodicals, including The Houston Chronicle, The Washington Post, USA Today, the L.A. Times, and The Weekly Standard.
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Astronauts Excited For First Yearlong Trip to International Space Station
Posted: at 10:44 pm
The two men preparing for the first-ever yearlong mission to the International Space Station are looking forward to the challenge, they said today (Dec. 5).
Friends and family are supportive of the mission, said astronaut Scott Kelly, though perhaps none more so than his 9-year-old daughter.
"When I told her on the phone that I was going to spend a year on the space station, she screamed out, 'Awesome!'" Kelly said today during a press conference at NASA's Johnson Space Center in Houston.
Kelly and Russian Federal Space Agency cosmonaut Mikhail Kornienko are due to launch on the yearlong mission in 2015.
The flight is designed to help scientists understand how the human body adapts to spaceflight longer than six months, the usual length of stints aboard the space station. [Most Extreme Human Spaceflight Records]
No one has ever spent a continuous year on the International Space Station (ISS), though four Russian cosmonauts have experienced nearly year-long or longer missions in low-Earth orbit. One, Valery Polyakov, stayed aboard the Russian space station Mir for 428 consecutive days in 1994 and 1995.
All of these cosmonauts flew in the early era of spaceflight, said ISS program scientist Julie Robinson. The last long-duration mission ended in 1999. Kelly Kornienko will become the first people since then to spend a year in orbit.
Testing the human body
NASA and other space agencies know a lot about how the body responds to six months in space, Robinson told reporters, but little about what happens next though that sort of knowledge is crucial as agencies contemplate sending humans back to the moon, to an asteroid, or to Mars.
NASA has several major concerns about the health effects of long-duration spaceflight. One of the most pressing is a recently discovered side effect: vision problems created by increased pressure in the skull in microgravity. Researchers aren't yet sure if some of those vision changes might be permanent, Robinson said.
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Astronaut braces for unprecedented year in space
Posted: at 10:44 pm
CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) NASA astronaut Scott Kelly is already bracing for an unprecedented one-year mission aboard the International Space Station. He figures it will be as grueling as climbing Mount Everest.
"It's fun when you're done with it, not while you're doing it," Kelly said Wednesday, barely a week after being named to the marathon flight along with Russian cosmonaut Mikhail Kornienko.
The mission, set to begin in 2015, is intended as a medical test bed for even longer Mars expeditions in the decades ahead.
Space station life can be routine, Kelly noted during a news conference.
"In the morning, you wake up, you're at work. When you go to sleep, you're also at work. So imagine being in your office for a whole year and you never get to leave," he said. "That is a challenge and it presents its own set of issues, but I think I'm up for it."
As for being off the planet for that long, Kelly said he already knows how he reacts to horrific news while in orbit.
During his five-month space station mission that spanned 2010 and 2011, his sister-in-law, former Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, was shot in an assassination attempt in Tucson, Ariz. She is married to Kelly's identical twin, Mark, who retired as a NASA astronaut last year.
"Certainly, nothing good comes out of anything like this. But as a result, I do know how I respond to something along those lines," he said.
Kelly, 48, a Navy captain, has two daughters from a previous marriage, ages 9 and 18. The youngest, Charlotte, screamed "awesome" when she learned her father was selected for the one-year mission.
Brother Mark was all for it. So was Giffords. When Mark told his wife, she said, "a year in space, that's great," Scott Kelly said in a phone interview with The Associated Press.
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The Truth About Genetic Engineering – Video
Posted: at 10:43 pm
The Truth About Genetic Engineering
This is the truth about genetic engineering, Genetic modification, and genetic enhancement.From:seaweed603Views:0 0ratingsTime:11:47More inNews Politics
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The Truth About Genetic Engineering - Video
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Genetic Engineering (Genetics Podcast 2 of 3) – Video
Posted: at 10:43 pm
Genetic Engineering (Genetics Podcast 2 of 3)
Mrs. Inabinet describes genetic engineering.From:MrsInabinetViews:0 0ratingsTime:14:56More inEducation
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Far Cry 3 Live Action Trailer (VAAS STORY) – Video
Posted: at 10:43 pm
Far Cry 3 Live Action Trailer (VAAS STORY)
Far Cry 3 is an open world first-person shooter set on a tropical island unlike any other. This is a place where heavily armed warlords traffic in slaves. Where outsiders are hunted for ransom. And as you embark on desperate quest to rescue your friends, you realize that the only way to escape this darkness... is to embrace it. Far Cry 3 releases December 4th on Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and PC. For more information go to -- Story of the franchise: Far Cry is a first-person shooter video game developed by Crytek Studios and published by Ubisoft on March 23, 2004, for Microsoft Windows. Far Cry sold 730000 units within four months of release.[1] It received positive reviews upon release. The original game has since spawned a series of sequels and spin-off games and a movie. The game #39;s story follows a former US Army Special Forces operative Jack Carver, who is stranded on a mysterious archipelago. He is searching for a female journalist he was escorting after she went missing when their boat was destroyed by mercenaries. The game includes thematic elements relating to the dangers of weaponizing genetic engineering and the genocide of local islanders as can be seen by the deformed creatures created by a mad scientist named Krieger. The terrain in Far Cry varies greatly. Set on a South Pacific archipelago, the landscape includes beaches, dense rain forests, towering canyons, mines, swamps, and even volcanic forests. Many of the interiors range from simple ...From:Michael MyersViews:7 1ratingsTime:02:40More inFilm Animation
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Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology Project – Video
Posted: at 10:43 pm
Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology Project
From:David RaymundoViews:0 0ratingsTime:05:15More inEducation
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23andMe Scientists Receive More Than $500,000 In Funding from the National Institutes of Health
Posted: at 10:43 pm
MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif., Dec. 4, 2012 /PRNewswire/ --23andMe has received grants totaling $573,000 from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to support three projects that utilize 23andMe's unique web-based research platform. These include projects to better understand the genetics of allergies; to assess accuracy of new sequencing technologies in clinical applications; and to develop tools that will take advantage of the genotypic and phenotypic information in the 23andMe database to further accelerate the pace of human genetic research.
"These NIH grants recognize the ability of 23andMe's unique, web-based research platform to accelerate our understanding of human genetics," said Anne Wojcicki, co-founder and CEO of 23andMe. "23andMe is pleased to bring public funding to bear on data and research driven by the public our more than 180,000 customers."
The first of the grants will support genome wide association studies (GWAS) to discover genetic factors affecting allergic disease risk, and to assess gene environment interactions, as well as treatment responses. Asthma and allergies are extremely common, affect one in five Americans, and represent a substantial public health burden. GWAS of complex traits with both genetic and environmental contributions such as allergies - are most effective when a large cohort is used in the study. The 23andMe research cohort includes more than 25,000 individuals reporting one or more allergies, more than 8,000 reporting an asthma diagnosis and more than 5,000 reporting having eczema. In addition, the 23andMe research cohort includes more than 100,000 individuals serving as controls.
Identifying genetic associations improves understanding of disease mechanisms in the body and can inform work towards improved diagnostics and treatments of allergic conditions.
"This grant will enable 23andMe to effectively partner with leading experts and researchers in the genetics of asthma and allergies," said Principal Scientist at 23andMe, David Hinds, Ph.D. "Top experts will work together and with our data set seeking to discover genetic variants associated with allergies and asthma."
23andMe will also be investigating error rates from next-generation sequencing technologies to help define data-quality metrics and technical specifications to support a sequencing-based Personal Genome Service. This project was informed by the June 2011 FDA Public Meeting, "Ultra High Throughput Sequencing for Clinical Diagnostic Applications- Approaches to Assess Analytical Validity." In this project, 23andMe will focus on the accuracy of technology used to sequence 150 exomes, including 50 new exomes sequenced for this project, and 100 whole genomes.
"Novel genetic sequencing technologies are emerging rapidly, and before they can be broadly adopted the accuracy of their results must be validated, whether viewed by a clinician or by individual consumers," said 23andMe Founding Scientist Brian T. Naughton, PhD.
Naughton, principal investigator for this project, will oversee sequencing of 50 exomes known to carry disease-associated variants. This project will work toward creating a pipeline for next-generation sequence annotation that combines stringent quality control based on genotyping array and Sanger sequencing data; manually curated data from human genetics literature; and computational analysis of variants of unknown significance.
Principal investigator Nicholas Eriksson, PhD. will lead the development of tools to expand the utility of the 23andMe database, which includes phenotypic and genetic data from more than 180,000 customers. This project will measure and improve the reliability of self-reported data, analyze and organize survey responses for hundreds of new traits, and will extract more robust data to demonstrate the feasibility of the web-based approach to studying a broad range of conditions. This effort will establish the foundation for development of new surveys and data collection tools to support longitudinal studies and prepare for the depth of genetic data associated with whole-genome sequencing.
"A research engine will enhance not only research outcomes from 23andMe efforts," said Dr. Eriksson, "but also the research value of the data for clinical and pharmaceutical partners to identify causes, diagnoses and treatments for genetically based conditions and accelerate the translational process of moving research discoveries to practical applications for patients."
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23andMe Scientists Receive More Than $500,000 In Funding from the National Institutes of Health
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