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ANIMATION _ The Pursuit Of Liberty _ Ron Paul _ Stringini Brothers _Kinetic Typography – Video
Posted: December 7, 2012 at 6:40 am
ANIMATION _ The Pursuit Of Liberty _ Ron Paul _ Stringini Brothers _Kinetic Typography
This is a Kinetic Typography Animation I made with audio from the last minute and a half of Ron Paul #39;s fair-well speech to congress on November 14 2012. As many of his speeches go, it made a lot of common sense, but he delivers it with a bit of nutty-professor. However Ron Paul isn #39;t admired for his smooth speeches, rather he is admired for his unrelenting push for a freer America where people have opportunity to work hard and prosper, unimpeded by envious intolerant interlopers and busybodies in government. I thought this animated visual might help this message be better understood and shed some light on this particular excerpt from his speech. I am an animator and I #39;d like this animation to do two things: 1 - It is a small sample of my art animation talent; I am a freelance artist seeking work. 2 - I want Ron Paul or his people to see this and we #39;ll cross that bridge once we get there. Thank you Link to this video on Facebook etc and as Ron Paul said, "Spread it across the land" Software- Adobe Flash and After Effects and Maxon Cinema 4D Music- Herbie Hancock Head HuntersFrom:stringanimeViews:7 2ratingsTime:01:47More inMusic
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ANIMATION _ The Pursuit Of Liberty _ Ron Paul _ Stringini Brothers _Kinetic Typography - Video
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Jeff Berwick of TDV on with Andrew Duncan Dec 4, 2012 – Video
Posted: at 6:40 am
Jeff Berwick of TDV on with Andrew Duncan Dec 4, 2012
Jeff Berwick, The Dollar Vigilante (, reports from Acapulco, Mexico in an exclusive interview with Andrew Duncan of Topics include: - Jeff #39;s view on the financial state of the world at the moment - Does the demise of the twinkie say anything about the US economy? - What black swan could cause the paper money collapse - Does Basel III and gold becoming a Tier 1 asset on January 1, 2013 portend anything for gold? - The importance of internationalizing your precious metals and assets to protect yourself from the collapse - After the collapse, will there still be government control of money? - Jeff talks about Bitcoin, gold and other items being used as money - Jeff talks about his new expat community in Chile, Galt #39;s Gulch ( - How Jeff learned about libertarianism, anarchism and Austrian economics - Info on the Getting Your Gold Out of Dodge report ( - Which will fall first, Europe, Japan or the US? Subscribe to TDV #39;s YouTube channel to be alerted of future videos. And, go to to sign up to receive our free daily blog covering all the facets of protecting your ass and assets during the coming US dollar collapse.From:TheDollarVigilanteViews:4 1ratingsTime:18:14More inNews Politics
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Jeff Berwick of TDV on with Andrew Duncan Dec 4, 2012 - Video
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Libertarianism – Video
Posted: at 6:40 am
Libertarianism is a kosher scam to get us arguing about the system while ignoring who is running the system.From:Ian ClarkViews:0 2ratingsTime:16:07More inPeople Blogs
Libertarianism - Video
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What is a Futurist – Video
Posted: at 6:40 am
What is a Futurist
What is a futurist? Consultant and futurist, Olive Gatling (Adjunct Professor - University of Texas-Austin Professional Development Center), shares a brief overview of this answer. Futurists make great consultants to assist organizations in shaping their strategy. Visit us at to learn more about our creative niche!From:ogatlingViews:2 0ratingsTime:01:54More inEducation
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What is a Futurist - Video
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Neil deGrasse Tyson Gets Philosophical with Futurist Jason Silva – Video
Posted: at 6:40 am
Neil deGrasse Tyson Gets Philosophical with Futurist Jason Silva
This was behind the scenes before being a guest on STARTALK with Neil DeGrasse Tyson! He is the man! Follow me on twitter: @JasonSilvaFrom:Jason SilvaViews:2258 78ratingsTime:01:21More inScience Technology
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Neil deGrasse Tyson Gets Philosophical with Futurist Jason Silva - Video
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What makes us successful: Gerd Leonhard at TEDxCollegeBeauSoleil – Video
Posted: at 6:40 am
What makes us successful: Gerd Leonhard at TEDxCollegeBeauSoleil
Gerd is a Futurist and the CEO of The Futures Agency, author of 5 books, former musician and a globe-trotting keynote speaker on the creative industries, media and communications, social technologies, as well as on energy, the environment and green business. Gerd is currently focussing on sustainable future scenarios and what has been called #39;sustainable economics #39;, including the idea of adapting Internet and networked-society principles to the world #39;s urgent climate and environment issues. He is based in Basel / Switzerland; his new book #39;From Ego to Eco #39; will be published in 2013. In thespirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.* (*Subject to certain rules and regulations)From:TEDxYouthViews:5 1ratingsTime:13:05More inEducation
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What makes us successful: Gerd Leonhard at TEDxCollegeBeauSoleil - Video
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Keen On… Ray Kurzweil Talks About His New Book – Video
Posted: at 6:40 am
Keen On... Ray Kurzweil Talks About His New Book
Andrew Keen interviews futurist and author Ray Kurzweil, the author of "How To Create A Mind." His latest book compares the intelligence of humans vs machines and highlights differences and potential similarities between the two.From:techcrunchViews:18 2ratingsTime:12:11More inScience Technology
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Keen On... Ray Kurzweil Talks About His New Book - Video
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Nebulous Mechanisms (the beginings of Creative Science) – Video
Posted: at 6:40 am
Nebulous Mechanisms (the beginings of Creative Science)
This video is a recording of the first reading of a Science Fiction Prototype written by Brian David Johnson (Intel #39;s Futurist) and presented at the Intelligent Environments conference in Barcelona, Spain in July 2009. The presentation is somewhat amateurish and long (even the camera team get bored and start pointing the camera at other "more interesting" activities). So, this is just here as a historical record and is not recommended for viewing by anyone other than those involved!. Later Brian Johnson went on to write a series of Science Fiction Prototypes which are published by O #39;Reilly and led to setting up the Creative Science Foundation. For more information see http://www.creative-science.orgFrom:vcallghanViews:1 0ratingsTime:20:18More inScience Technology
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Nebulous Mechanisms (the beginings of Creative Science) - Video
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Instructional Technology 2015 A Futurist Report – Video
Posted: at 6:40 am
Instructional Technology 2015 A Futurist Report
From:oniel leo-paulViews:0 0ratingsTime:02:24More inEducation
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Instructional Technology 2015 A Futurist Report - Video
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Tie me Space Station Down, Sport – Video
Posted: December 5, 2012 at 10:44 pm
Tie me Space Station Down, Sport
Flown by Rolf Harris himself!From:ThatguyHatsViews:36 2ratingsTime:00:26More inGaming
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Tie me Space Station Down, Sport - Video
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