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Turner Prize comment censored by Tate – part 4 – Video
Posted: December 7, 2012 at 6:41 am
Turner Prize comment censored by Tate - part 4
A comment by Stuckist co-founder Charles Thomson on the Turner Prize was censored by the Tate from the comments boards in the show on 3.12.12. Four videos tell the story (click "show more"). Part 1, he writes the comment and posts it up: Part 2, the comment is removed: Part 3, he has to censor the comment to display it: Part 4, he talks about the censorship: youtu.beFrom:StuckstuckstuckViews:3 0ratingsTime:08:23More inEntertainment
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Turner Prize comment censored by Tate - part 4 - Video
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God Removed from First-Grader’s Poem in North Carolina Elementary School – Video
Posted: at 6:41 am
God Removed from First-Grader #39;s Poem in North Carolina Elementary School
On America Live today, Trace Gallagher reported on a story out of North Carolina, where an elementary school forced a first-grader to remove references to God from a poem she planned to read to fellow students. The student at West Marion Elementary School was set to recite a Veterans Day poem to honor her grandfather. The line that was removed read, "He prayed to God for peace, he prayed to God for strength." Supporters of the public school #39;s decision say officials had to remove the references to God once the poem was going to be read at an assembly. The Alliance Defending Freedom, which advocates religious freedom, criticized the school #39;s decision in a statement. "The censorship of this young student #39;s poem about her grandfather is repugnant to the First Amendment rights of all students and sends an impermissible message of hostility towards religion," the group argued.From:hrs91nViews:0 0ratingsTime:02:12More inNews Politics
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Chinese Nobel winner says censorship necessary, dodges calls for dissident's release
Posted: at 6:40 am
STOCKHOLM - This year's Nobel Prize in literature winner, Mo Yan, who has been criticized for his membership in China's Communist Party and reluctance to speak out against the country's government, defended censorship Thursday as something as necessary as airport security checks.
He also suggested he won't join an appeal calling for the release of the jailed 2010 Peace Prize laureate, Liu Xiaobo, a fellow writer and compatriot.
Mo has been criticized by human rights activists for not being a more outspoken defender of freedom of speech and for supporting the Communist Party-backed writers' association, of which he is vice-president.
His comments Thursday, made during a news conference in Stockholm, appear unlikely to soften his critics' views toward him.
Awarding him the literature prize has also brought criticism from previous winners. Herta Mueller, the 2009 literature laureate, called the jury's choice of Mo a "catastrophe" in an interview with the Swedish daily Dagens Nyheter last month. She also accused Mo of protecting the Asian country's censorship laws.
China's rulers forbid opposition parties and maintain strict control over all media.
Mo said he doesn't feel that censorship should stand in the way of truth but that any defamation, or rumours, "should be censored."
"But I also hope that censorship, per se, should have the highest principle," he said in comments translated by an interpreter from Chinese into English.
Mo is spending several days in Stockholm before receiving his prestigious prize in an awards ceremony next Monday.
He won the Nobel for his sprawling tales of life in rural China. In its citation, the jury said Mo "with hallucinatory realism merges folk tales, history and the contemporary."
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Chinese Nobel winner says censorship necessary, dodges calls for dissident's release
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Chinese Nobel literature winner: censorship a must
Posted: at 6:40 am
STOCKHOLM (AP) This year's Nobel Prize in literature winner, Mo Yan, who has been criticized for his membership in China's Communist Party and reluctance to speak out against the country's government, defended censorship Thursday as something as necessary as airport security checks.
He also suggested he won't join an appeal calling for the release of the jailed 2010 Peace Prize laureate, Liu Xiaobo, a fellow writer and compatriot.
Mo has been criticized by human rights activists for not being a more outspoken defender of freedom of speech and for supporting the Communist Party-backed writers' association, of which he is vice president.
His comments Thursday, made during a news conference in Stockholm, appear unlikely to soften his critics' views toward him.
Awarding him the literature prize has also brought criticism from previous winners. Herta Mueller, the 2009 literature laureate, called the jury's choice of Mo a "catastrophe" in an interview with the Swedish daily Dagens Nyheter last month. She also accused Mo of protecting the Asian country's censorship laws.
China's rulers forbid opposition parties and maintain strict control over all media.
Mo said he doesn't feel that censorship should stand in the way of truth but that any defamation, or rumors, "should be censored."
"But I also hope that censorship, per se, should have the highest principle," he said in comments translated by an interpreter from Chinese into English.
Mo is spending several days in Stockholm before receiving his prestigious prize in an awards ceremony next Monday.
He won the Nobel for his sprawling tales of life in rural China. In its citation, the jury said Mo "with hallucinatory realism merges folk tales, history and the contemporary."
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Chinese Nobel literature winner: censorship a must
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Nobel literature winner says censorship necessary
Posted: at 6:40 am
STOCKHOLM (AP) This year's Nobel literature winner Mo Yan, who has been criticized for his cozy relationship with China's Communist Party, defended censorship Thursday as something as necessary as airport security checks.
He also suggested he has no plans to join an appeal calling for the release of the jailed 2010 Peace Prize laureate, Liu Xiaobo.
Mo has been criticized by human rights activists for not being a more outspoken defendant of freedom of speech and for being a member of the Communist Party-backed writers' association.
His comments Thursday, made in Stockholm, appear unlikely to soften his critics' views toward him.
Awarding him the prize has also brought criticism from previous Nobel winners. Herta Mueller, the 2009 literature laureate, called the jury's choice of Mo a "catastrophe" in an interview with the Swedish daily Dagens Nyheter last month. She also accused Mo of protecting China's censorship laws.
Mo said he doesn't feel that censorship should stand in the way of truth but that any defamation, or rumors, "should be censored."
"But I also hope that censorship, per se, should have the highest principle," he said in comments translated by an interpreter from Chinese into English.
Mo, a Communist party member and vice president of China's official writers association, spoke at a news conference in Stockholm, where he is spending several days before receiving his prestigious prize in an awards ceremony next Monday.
Addressing an issue that is extremely sensitive for China's authoritarian Communist regime, Mo likened censorship to the thorough security procedures he was subjected to as he traveled to Stockholm.
"When I was taking my flight, going through the customs ... they also wanted to check me even taking off my belt and shoes," he said. "But I think these checks are necessary."
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Nobel literature winner says censorship necessary
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Ron Paul: The Film. – Video
Posted: at 6:40 am
Ron Paul: The Film.
Published on 5 Dec 2012 by TheAlexJonesChannel Not just, but many a political researcher and pundit took notice that Ron Paul #39;s farewell address to Congress was a historic and very important speech spelling out that our country is becoming a corrupt empire and that we #39;re becoming a tyranny of tyrannies. The New York Times, LA Times, Fox News and many others all took notice of his farewell address, something that doesn #39;t normally happen with a Congressman, as he laid out the fork in the road America has come to: liberty or tyranny. I asked one of my great reporters and video editors, Jon Bowne, to just back everything Congressman Paul said up, but when we talk about something, we like to show news articles or video clips because so many are skeptical and in denial about the ravaged state of our liberties. Originally we intended the piece to be just something for the Infowars Nightly News, but it quickly snowballed into a three week project as we did more and more research backing up everything he said. So, now this is essentially Ron Paul #39;s Farewell 2.0. It #39;s a film because his farewell address was about his life and about where this country is going and the choice we have. So it really is Ron Paul: The Film. We struggled with the name for it: "Ron Paul #39;s Farewell Address Documented," "Ron Paul #39;s Farewell Address Animated," "Ron Paul #39;s Farewell Address Illustrated and Documented," call it what you will. Here is "Ron Paul: The Film" because he ...From:TheRiverMerseyViews:1 0ratingsTime:55:22More inNews Politics
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Anarchadia feat Jon Schaffer – True World Order.wmv – Video
Posted: at 6:40 am
Anarchadia feat Jon Schaffer - True World Order.wmv
lyrics True World Order (Feat. Jon Schaffer) Speech by Ron Paul Here they come, the neglected words The screams of the active minds We still recall, the universal call Where truth and truth collide Their seeds of oppression, and history #39;s mission Clear lessons for all to see The promised land conspiracy We deciphered your design Discrimination is intertwined you feed the project of the new century Thus your wars are justified ( chorus) Distance is no longer a border Respect existence or expect resistance The chant of the true world order A bleeding poet not a breathing soldier Respect existence or expect resistance The chant of the true world order Defy the top of the capstone Enforcing the masterplan that you #39;re all alone And subject to terrorist attacks So we #39;ll fight them in their land, but we #39;re never coming back They #39;ll violate your core perception To make you fall for the great deception Problem- reaction -- solution As the masses chase the freedom illusion Defy the top of the capstone Enforcing the masterplan that you #39;re all alone Watch out, the anonymous flounce The mirror of all your crimes Like an iron fist, we #39;ll coexist And forever stand the test of time This darkness will alter, and your minions will falter We #39;ll crush your fantasy, and retrieve our destiny ( Chorus) Distance is no longer a border Respect existence or expect resistance The chant of the true world order A bleeding poet not a breathing soldier Respect existence or expect resistance The chant of ...From:moutasem kabbaniViews:0 0ratingsTime:03:42More inMusic
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Anarchadia feat Jon Schaffer - True World Order.wmv - Video
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De-Evolution Of The Soul ~ The Myth Of Releasing Emotions Through Doing – Video
Posted: at 6:40 am
De-Evolution Of The Soul ~ The Myth Of Releasing Emotions Through Doing
eckhart tolle, meditation, ascension, 2012, ron paul, abraham, law of attraction, leijaturunen, vegan, veganism, spirituality, doreen virtue, buddhism, mayan calendar, wayne dyer, deepak chopra, vipassana, tony robbins, adyashanti, rapture, jesus, buddha, alex jones, infowars, blog, video, movie, viral, lightworker, vipassana,amitabhaelliott, sankhara, psychic, oracle, free, money, enlightenment, kundalini, green smoothie, liferegenerator, yoga, angel, mantra, kevingianniFrom:Amitabha ElliottViews:0 0ratingsTime:30:13More inPeople Blogs
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De-Evolution Of The Soul ~ The Myth Of Releasing Emotions Through Doing - Video
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Ron Paul (2008,2012) – Video
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Ron Paul (2008,2012)
Check Out Subscribe To TruthStartsNow: 0ratingsTime:17:31More inNews Politics
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Ron Paul (2008,2012) - Video
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Truthful Irish : Shares Infowars Ron Paul’s Message. You really should watch this. – Video
Posted: at 6:40 am
Truthful Irish : Shares Infowars Ron Paul #39;s Message. You really should watch this.
Ron Paul has retired since twice trying to run for the seat of US President. If you listen to this man you #39;d be left wondering why there are not more like him in the world. Do some research and learn what real honest freedom is. Make yourself a cuppa and enjoy 🙂 And besides all of that. Infowars asked that people share this in the video. 🙂 This video is [FAIR USE] under COPYRIGHT LAW it is: 1 noncommercial 2 trans-formative in nature 3 not competitive with the original work 4 not effecting its market negatively FAIR USE NOTICE: This video contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in our efforts to advance understanding issues, etc. We believe this constitutes a #39;fair use #39; of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 USC 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes.From:gisty2012Views:1 0ratingsTime:55:22More inNews Politics
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Truthful Irish : Shares Infowars Ron Paul's Message. You really should watch this. - Video
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