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Category Archives: Transhuman News
Psoriasis Free For Life Review By Top Reviews Channel – Video
Posted: December 7, 2012 at 6:41 am
Psoriasis Free For Life Review By Top Reviews Channel
Psoriasis Free For LifeFrom:TopReviewsChanneIViews:0 0ratingsTime:03:39More inHowto Style
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Naturally Heal Dermatitis, Psoriasis, Eczema, and Rosacea.. NO DRUGS! – Video
Posted: at 6:41 am
Naturally Heal Dermatitis, Psoriasis, Eczema, and Rosacea.. NO DRUGS! I have tried everything from steroid creams to pills. Nothing works like the power of water fasting. There seems to be, in my opinion and experience a direct link between the food I eat, how my digestion is working, the stress in my life, and how much dermatitis I suffer from. I have finally got in it under control. Watch this video to see how I did it!!From:Rob StuartViews:0 0ratingsTime:07:12More inEducation
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Orly The Matchmaker on Politically Incorrect With Bill Maher – Video
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Orly The Matchmaker on Politically Incorrect With Bill Maher
Orly the matchmaker of Beverly Hills, California was invited as a guest on the tv show Politically Incorrect, with Bill Maher. Orly The Matchmaker Rodeo Dr Beverly Hills, CA 90210From:Orly OryaViews:5 0ratingsTime:35:22More inPeople Blogs
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Radio 3Fourteen – Dee Smith – The End of a Precessional Cycle – Video
Posted: at 6:41 am
Radio 3Fourteen - Dee Smith - The End of a Precessional Cycle
Dee Smith, hosts a talk radio program called Sirius Rising along with Danny Wilten. She also runs a Youtube channel called Thyalwaysseek. We #39;ll begin the discussion about the government control system in Australia, including Internet censorship. Then, we #39;ll talk about Earth changes and the general state of the world. She also shares her research into mythologies from ancient cultures and tells how they are relaying the stories of our time as we move into a new era. We #39;ll discuss what this new era is as we come to the end of this precessional cycle. 20ratingsTime:58:56More inEducation
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MLP FiM – Shining Armor
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MLP FiM - Shining Armor "MINE!" - Multi Language
0:00 - English, 0:34 #65279; - Hungarian, 1:03 - Romanian, 1:32 - Polish, 2:01 - German, 2:30 - French, 2:59 - Italian, 3:28 - Latino, 3:58 - Brazilian Portuguese, 4:29 - Turkish Viewers request. Before S2 debut in Europe, many people wanted multi language video with famous Rarity "mine!" from end of S2E26 episode. Also, in this video, we have a little voice sample of Shining Armor. HIn my opinion, his voice is very good in Romanian, Polish and French version. We have also a little censorship. BTW, "Love is in Bloom" from this scene will be in other dub comparison. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is copyright by HasbroFrom:PluszczViews:496 22ratingsTime:05:02More inFilm Animation
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Censorship and "Unlearning Liberty" at College: Q
Posted: at 6:41 am
Censorship and "Unlearning Liberty" at College: Q A with FIRE #39;s Greg Lukianoff
"The...idea that if you just let people talk, it will be this pit of racist sort of childish and it oversimplifies. But it is a great justification for having a lot of power over speech," says Greg Lukianoff, the president of the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE). Lukianoff spoke with Reason TV #39;s Nick Gillespie about his new book Unlearning Liberty: Campus Censorship and the End of American Debate, where he details the slow and steady withering of free expression on America #39;s college campuses. In some ways, the modern on-campus free-speech movement dates back to 1993 #39;s "water buffalo incident" at the University of Pennsylvania, where a student was brought up on racial harassment charges for using the term "water buffalo" as an insult. That case led directly to the founding of FIRE, which "defends free speech, due process and basic rights on campus." A Stanford Law-trained liberal who blogs at the Huffington Post, Lukianoff insists that by restricting controversial or potentially offensive speech, "you #39;re putting people into echo chambers" where they only interact with people with whom they already agree. That sort of groupthink is dangerous to a free society, says Lukianoff, but it #39;s particularly appalling to see it instituted at the nation #39;s colleges and universities, where the free exchange of ideas is supposed to be the whole point of higher education. Runs about 16 minutes. Produced by Anthony L. Fisher. Camera by Jim Epstein and ...From:ReasonTVViews:2150 5ratingsTime:16:21More inNews Politics
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The first condition of progress is the removal of censorship – Video
Posted: at 6:41 am
The first condition of progress is the removal of censorship
The first condition of progress is the removal of censorship. I worked on this collaboratively with Vanessa Periam ( We wanted to experiment with objects as a means of communication. The elastic band portrays censorship and the breaking of this signifies the removal which then shows progress by being able to open the scissors freely.From:sthartcreativeViews:0 0ratingsTime:00:08More inAutos Vehicles
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Censorship (K) and "Them" – Video
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Censorship (K) and "Them"
Here: Fuck You Jewtube! Feel free to download and re-upload to your channel -as a back-up plan against Jewtube #39;s Anti-White CENSORSHIP and Anti-Free Speech policy. What the System CENSORS as a matter of Policy PROVES it #39;s Agenda.From:VoluntaryAntiStatistViews:8 4ratingsTime:07:24More inPeople Blogs
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GDL Presents: Internet Freedom and the ITU – Video
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GDL Presents: Internet Freedom and the ITU
This week, the world #39;s governments are gathering in Dubai to discuss the future of the Internet. Some governments want to use this meeting to increase censorship and regulate the Internet. Hear from one of the advocacy groups that #39;s been leading efforts in opposition, and what threats may be around the corner in 2013.From:GoogleDevelopersViews:30 7ratingsTime:39:32More inScience Technology
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Artistas Claman #TodosSomosPresos 1Dmx – by the Mexican artistic community #WeAreAllPrisoners – Video
Posted: at 6:41 am
Artistas Claman #TodosSomosPresos 1Dmx - by the Mexican artistic community #WeAreAllPrisoners
Published on Dec 6, 2012 by Waldo Mussina VLOGS Urgent call to civil society by the Mexican artistic community. Signed (in order of appearance): Antonio Velasco Pia- Historian Laura Esquivel - Writer Ernesto Anaya - Musician Marina de Tavira - Actress Damin Alczar - Actor Hari Sama - Film Director Hctor Bonilla - Actor Jimena Guerra - Actrees Tenoch Huerta - Actor Carlos Altamirano - Photographer Stefanie Weiss - Actress Marisol Gas - Actress Gabriela Prez Corts - Producer Ana Ofelia Murgua - Actress Diego y Pato - Musician of the Malditos Cocodrilos Mauricio Katz - Guionista Paulina del Paso - Documentalist Tatiana Lipkes - Writer Polka Madre - Musician Cassandra Ciangherotti - Actress Miriam Balderas - Actress Sandra Laura Gutierrez - Performing Arts Bruno Oseguera - Producer Vernica Ortz Cisneros - Cultural Manager Mara Jos Cuevas - Documentalist Maddy Vassallo - Producer Think for yourself. CALL THINGS BY THEIR NAME! TOGETHER AGAINST CENSORSHIP, AND SUBSCRIBE SPREAD THE WORD, DO NOT LET THAT DISAPPEAR Mussina your channel: MXDF6DICIEMBRE2012 MUSSINA RADIO MUSSINA PRESS MUSSINAGLOBALET WALDO MUSSINAFrom:amor pazViews:3 0ratingsTime:03:27More inNonprofits Activism
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