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Category Archives: Transhuman News
Racial Stereotypes – Video
Posted: December 8, 2012 at 1:43 pm
Racial Stereotypes
Discussing racial stereotypes in a politically incorrect argument.From:Jared TillmanViews:0 0ratingsTime:05:19More inComedy
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euronews le mag – Moscow exhibition asks how you perceive women in the world – Video
Posted: at 1:43 pm
euronews le mag - Moscow exhibition asks how you perceive women in the world Women in the world, at the Moscow Museum of Modern Art. It is a major exhibition that depicts the complex image of a woman in our world today. The colours are dominated by black and white with drawings, paintings, marble sculptures, and even video. It is the work of Moscow based artist Aidan Salakhova. She depicts women using Oriental stereotypes such as long black veils in an attempt to address political, social, psychological, and spiritual dimensions in both the Islamic and Orthodox worlds. "This exhibition is about a woman, about her inner world. At first glance it may seem that it is about an Oriental woman, but it #39;s just about a woman. And I chose a veil as just some kind of a beautiful shape and a form that presents some sort of self-censorship that a woman puts upon herself in our patriarchal world and doesn #39;t completely understand what her wishes are and where her comfort zone is," explained Aidan Salakhova. Salakhova divided the exhibition into three sections: the body, the hands, and the objects. The idea is to depict systems that manipulate and exploit the female body as an object of voyeurism, pleasure and narcissism. Although Muslim themes are clearly identified, the artist insisted that she only used the images because of the strong feelings of mystery and closeness they evoked. "For example, for European women, a woman in a veil is a woman who is not free. And in reality if you put a veil on you feel absolutely different emotions. Being ...From:EuronewsViews:219 12ratingsTime:02:10More inShows
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Anti John Dwyer’s Unregular Occupy Boston Show – Video
Posted: at 1:43 pm
Anti John Dwyer #39;s Unregular Occupy Boston Show
This group is meant to protest the censorship by John Dwyer the hypocrite who ruined Occupy Boston and its media team, the suspected informant and person who censors true activists, come with me this month to the studio in Boston to protest!From:Alex SuarezViews:11 1ratingsTime:00:50More inNonprofits Activism
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School Shoves Baby Jesus into Closet – Video
Posted: at 1:43 pm
School Shoves Baby Jesus into Closet
Mat Staver and Matt Barber discuss the Cottondale Elementary School in Jackson Co. Florida that has recently removed a nativity scene from beside Frosty and Santa. The school claims the Dept of Edu. recommended this, however, this censorship of religious voices is unconstitutional and opens up the school to potential lawsuit. (Faith Freedom: Friday 12/7/12)From:Liberty CounselViews:3 0ratingsTime:11:02More inNonprofits Activism
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Sonic The Comic TAM(The Animated Series) Return Of The Flickies Ova – Video
Posted: at 1:43 pm
Sonic The Comic TAM(The Animated Series) Return Of The Flickies Ova
After the Sonic The Hedgehog Movie(Anime OVA) Why hasn #39;t there been a series or anything? Was it the fast-paced art style? The Special Zone/Video Game Tie-In? Different views on country censorship?From:RetroOtakuViews:1 0ratingsTime:08:25More inFilm Animation
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Sonic The Comic TAM(The Animated Series) Return Of The Flickies Ova - Video
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Posted: at 1:43 pm
ONLY KNOWN RECORDING OF MAHMOUD KAHIL in 2002 , just 5 months before his death. LISTEN TO IT ! it is very interesting ! remember that was recorded in 2002 , and those cartoons in the edit were made between 1978- 2002 the film was made as tribute to my dad just after he passed away in 2003 and i had it play in exhibitions on a screen in the galleries that were hosting his work.From:yourdanaViews:0 0ratingsTime:11:00More inNews Politics
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-= Anonymous =- #OpBigBrother – Earth 12/20/2012 – Action Message – Video
Posted: at 1:43 pm
-= Anonymous =- #OpBigBrother - Earth 12/20/2012 - Action Message
OpBigBrother Worldwide Protest - Time to RISE Transcript: Citizens of the world, we are Anonymous You chose on October the 20th to make #OpBigBrother voice surround worldwide to inform people about the threatens of surveillance systems on their Freedom. We are now in times when stakes about both individual and common liberties are critical. Smack in the middle of an economic and social crisis, we have adjourned our attention about those matters, we forgot such atmospheres often lead to threatens on our fundamental Rights. We call you once again to act against systems of the almighty Surveillance State. You noticed, how many efforts governments deploy to mark and spy people worldwide. They plan to use technology to know everything about citizens including : who is who, who do what and with whom, as well in real life and the Internet. Moreover, our governments are about to demolish Privacy with Systems like Trapwire and Indect. Those network surveillance technologies sniff the CCTV cameras, government databases and the Internet to identify people and make a profile of citizens, their families and their socializing. Governments also want to silence us with projects like cleanIT. They are planning to take control of the internet using Deep Packet Inspection engines like CAS system. They work with lobbies to install censorship with laws like ACTA, CETA, SOPA, PIPA or CISPA. Governments pretend to design those systems for security reasons, but every people able to access and ...From:LilKing420sViews:0 1ratingsTime:04:16More inNonprofits Activism
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TSOJIN Joseph’s Server PART 1 – Video
Posted: at 1:43 pm
TSOJIN Joseph #39;s Server PART 1
TSOJIN Server, it #39;s main town, and most of it #39;s architecture was originally created by Joseph John Wunderlich (USA). The server was then founded by Joseph, Eve (Canada) and Camron (England). FYSworld was added by his father Joseph T. Wunderlich, Ph.D. for his college students. Also, a concurrent database server (Wampserver for logblock) was added to rollback griefing -- and other peaceful creative environment features were added including censorship, and disabling fire-spread, lava-placement, TNT, etc. READ MORE AT: users.etown.eduFrom:Joseph WunderlichViews:1 0ratingsTime:06:37More inEducation
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TSOJIN Joseph’s Server PART 3 – Video
Posted: at 1:43 pm
TSOJIN Joseph #39;s Server PART 3
TSOJIN Server, it #39;s main town, and most of it #39;s architecture was originally created by Joseph John Wunderlich (USA). The server was then founded by Joseph, Eve (Canada) and Camron (England). FYSworld was added by his father Joseph T. Wunderlich, Ph.D. for his college students. Also, a concurrent database server (Wampserver for logblock) was added to rollback griefing -- and other peaceful creative environment features were added including censorship, and disabling fire-spread, lava-placement, TNT, etc. READ MORE AT: users.etown.eduFrom:Joseph WunderlichViews:1 0ratingsTime:04:56More inEducation
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TSOJIN Joseph’s Server PART 2 – Video
Posted: at 1:43 pm
TSOJIN Joseph #39;s Server PART 2
TSOJIN Server, it #39;s main town, and most of it #39;s architecture was originally created by Joseph John Wunderlich (USA). The server was then founded by Joseph, Eve (Canada) and Camron (England). FYSworld was added by his father Joseph T. Wunderlich, Ph.D. for his college students. Also, a concurrent database server (Wampserver for logblock) was added to rollback griefing -- and other peaceful creative environment features were added including censorship, and disabling fire-spread, lava-placement, TNT, etc. READ MORE AT: users.etown.eduFrom:Joseph WunderlichViews:1 0ratingsTime:05:57More inEducation
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TSOJIN Joseph's Server PART 2 - Video
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