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#BillCollectorTV Episode #2: "Smack Raps" Extreme 104FM Cypher (DNA, Smack White, Bill Collector) – Video
Posted: December 8, 2012 at 1:44 pm
#BillCollectorTV Episode #2: "Smack Raps" Extreme 104FM Cypher (DNA, Smack White, Bill Collector)
2 of URL #39;s Best Artists Go Crazy On Extreme 104FM Monday Night Mixtape With DJ Don DeMarco and Recieve Bars From Smack White as Well!From:BillCollectorViews:1 0ratingsTime:08:28More inMusic
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#BillCollectorTV Episode #2: "Smack Raps" Extreme 104FM Cypher (DNA, Smack White, Bill Collector) - Video
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An organism as a living system – Video
Posted: at 1:44 pm
An organism as a living system
VideoLectures.Net View the talk in context: View the complete International Conference Bioscience and Society: Organisms as living systems: Speaker: Denis Noble, Department of Physiology, Anatomy Genetics, University of Oxford License: Creative Commons CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 More information at More talks at 0:00 The Music of Life - 1 6:40 The Music of Life - 2 7:26 Selfish Genes 10:16 Genes as Prisoners 13:31 Selfish or Cooperative Genes? 14:09 The Story 15:24 Picture - 1 15:31 Picture - 2 15:35 Picture - 3 15:48 Picture - 4 15:51 Picture - 5 15:55 Picture - 6 17:19 Picture - 7 20:35 Square 36 20:47 Square 50 20:53 Square 64 21:06 The genome and combinatorial explosion 24:02 The UNIVERSE 24:54 Number of galaxies 25:35 Total number of atoms 29:39 The French bistro omelette - 1 31:42 The French bistro omelette - 2From:VideoLecturesChannelViews:0 0ratingsTime:40:27More inEducation
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Potato Genetics – Video
Posted: at 1:44 pm
Potato Genetics
Following last year #39;s successful mapping of the potato genome, and the recent World Potato Congress in Edinburgh - Professor Robbie Waugh talks to Andrew Cassell about the huge advances made in crop research as a result of breakthroughs in genetics.From:jameshuttoninstituteViews:0 0ratingsTime:04:09More inScience Technology
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Oleg Shchelochkov, MD – Video
Posted: at 1:44 pm
Oleg Shchelochkov, MD
Dr Shchelochkov is a pediatric geneticist at University of Iowa Children #39;s Hospital, Iowa City, Ia. "I think the field of genetics has undergone a huge transformation since the completion of the human genome project. We are living in a very exciting period where all of a sudden medicine looks like it is a new field again. I think that is one of the most fascinating things for me to be part of, and witness this huge transformation." O. ShchelochkovFrom:uihealthcareViews:0 0ratingsTime:01:37More inScience Technology
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My Updated Yugioh Trade Binder for December 2012 – Video
Posted: at 1:44 pm
My Updated Yugioh Trade Binder for December 2012
Please like and subscribe! My Rules -If you want to make me an offer send me a PM do not leave it in the comments bar. -I do not send first. I have made over 250 successful trades, Over 175 of them are in trade proof videos for you to see down below. -I only accept mint condition cards nothing damaged. -I do not send to anywhere outside of the United States and Canada. -After we make a trade, you have one weeks to send out the trade, if you do not have it out by then the trade is considered cancelled. - I do also sell cards that are in my binder, but I have a 10-dollar minimum so keep that in mind when you make me an offer. -It is not my fault if mail gets lost but I will do my best to make sure you get your mail safely and on time. -I am also selling cards. My Wants Since my wants list is small I am happy to look at binders as well. Just PM me a link to it. Gungnir Dragon of the Ice Barrier x2 Tour Bus from the Underworld x2 Number 50 Blackship of Corn x2 Breath of Light x1 Mooyan Curry x1 Mystical Sand x1 Ghost Rare Leviathan Dragon x1 Dewloren Tiger King of the Ice Barrier x2 Number 11 Big Eye x2 Crush Card Virus Gold Rare Gellenduo x2 Chaos Emperor Dragon Ultimate Rare x1 Ring of Destruction Ultimate Rare x1 Giant Soldier of Steel x1 Effect Veiler Ultimate Rare x3 Heroic Champion Gandiva x2 Number 8 Heraldic King Genome x2 Number 9 Dyson Sphere x2 Skull Servant x3 Ultra Rare Crusader of Endymion Ultimate Rare x2 Stardust Dragon Ghost Rare 1st Edition x1 Black Luster ...From:Kiratwig2Views:443 19ratingsTime:04:39More inGaming
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Melba S. Ketchum: Peer Review Rejected – Video
Posted: at 1:44 pm
Melba S. Ketchum: Peer Review Rejected
Nacogdoches Texas Melba S. Ketchum, who astounded the cryptoconspiracy world with claims that she sequenced the genome of bigfoot, has failed to convince her peers in the science community of meaningful data. See: bigfootevidence.blogspot.comFrom:gallowaygrumblefieldViews:11 1ratingsTime:01:59More inScience Technology
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R Naviaux, PhD: ASD
Posted: at 1:44 pm
R Naviaux, PhD: ASD Ecosystem
Ecosystem AIDS, AAIDS, and Autism Presented by Robert Naviaux, PhD at the Fall 2012 Autism Research Institute Conference The pace of change in the human ecosystem has accelerated rapidly in the past 30 years. These changes not only affect human health, but the health of plants and animals that share the environment with us. Nine keystone vertebrate, invertebrate and plant species have experienced extinctions or population crashes since the 1980s, and opportunistic human infections are on the rise. These crashes and infections can be traced to changes in metabolism that underlie epigenetics, innate, and adaptive immunity. Epigenetic and immunologic ripple effects have led to new Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndromes (AIDS) in plants and animals, and Acquired Autoimmune Disorders (AAIDS) in humans and domesticated animals. Autism is one of nearly a dozen new, neuroimmune and metabolic spectrum disorders (NIMS) that have emerged as a consequence of these new combinations of environmental factors that have never before been encountered by the human genome. This talk will showcase examples of AIDS, AAIDS, and NIMS that teach us about the unintended, and often-invisible environmental changes caused by human technological progress, and how these changes can be measured and managed systematically.From:arifultonViews:1 0ratingsTime:01:18:31More inEducation
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Riss Human DNA Seq SNP 1 0 0 – Video
Posted: at 1:44 pm
Riss Human DNA Seq SNP 1 0 0
DNA resequencing with the intent to identify single nucleotide polymorphisms in individual samples is emerging as a frequent core task to identify genotypic differences in a population that may contribute to important phenotypic effects. The computational field has converged on a standardized best practices suite of tools for analyzing this type of data centered around the Genome Analysis Toolkit (GATK). In this hands-on tutorial, participants will perform analyses from start to finish with the goal of identifying SNP variants using data from de-identified human DNA samples. This will include (1) sample QA/QC, (2) mapping via BWA, post-processing of alignment files to remove PCR duplicates, re-calibrate basecalls and cleanup regions near indels, (3) genotype calling, (4) SNP annotation, and (5) SNP filtering and quality re-calibration. The first half hour of the first session will cover the basics of the Galaxy interface, so those already familiar with Galaxy can safely arrive one half-hour late for the first session.From:UofMMSIViews:0 0ratingsTime:02:00:53More inScience Technology
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Libertarian Life-Extension Reforms – #1 – Repeal FDA Approval Requirements – Video
Posted: at 1:44 pm
Libertarian Life-Extension Reforms - #1 - Repeal FDA Approval Requirements
In the first part of his series on pro-liberty reforms that would lengthen human lifespans and accelerate the advent of indefinite human longevity, Mr. Stolyarov discusses the greatest threat to research on indefinite human life extension: the current requirement in the United States (and analogous requirements elsewhere in the Western world) that drugs or treatments may not be used, even on willing patients, unless approval for such drugs or treatments is received from the Food and Drug Administration (or an analogous national regulatory organization in other countries). Such prohibitions on the quick development and marketing of potentially life-saving drugs are not only costly and time-consuming to overcome; they are morally unconscionable in terms of the cost in human lives. Remember to LIKE, FAVORITE, and SHARE this video in order to spread rational discourse on this issue. Support these video-creation efforts by donating at The Rational Argumentator: and rationalargumentator.comFrom:GStolyarovIIViews:37 14ratingsTime:04:43More inNews Politics
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Libertarian Life-Extension Reforms - #1 - Repeal FDA Approval Requirements - Video
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Libertarian Life-Extension Reforms – #2 – Abolishing Medical Licensing Protectionism – Video
Posted: at 1:44 pm
Libertarian Life-Extension Reforms - #2 - Abolishing Medical Licensing Protectionism
There are too few doctors in the West today - not enough to deliver affordable, life-saving treatments, and certainly not enough to ensure that, when life-extending discoveries are made, they will rapidly become available to all. In this second part of his series on pro-liberty reforms that would lengthen human lifespans and accelerate the advent of indefinite human longevity, Mr. Stolyarov advocates for the elimination of compulsory licensing requirements for medical professionals, and the replacement of such a system by a competing market of private certifications for various "tiers" of medical care. See Libertarian Life-Extension Reforms - #1 - Repeal FDA Approval Requirements - Remember to LIKE, FAVORITE, and SHARE this video in order to spread rational discourse on this issue. Support these video-creation efforts by donating at The Rational Argumentator: and rationalargumentator.comFrom:GStolyarovIIViews:8 2ratingsTime:02:45More inNews Politics
Libertarian Life-Extension Reforms - #2 - Abolishing Medical Licensing Protectionism - Video
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