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Full Flight Approval For Tablets In The works, HTC Butterfly News
Posted: December 8, 2012 at 1:44 pm
Full Flight Approval For Tablets In The works, HTC Butterfly News More - Pocketnow Daily
Stories - You May Soon Be Able To Use Your Tablet All Flight Long, If The FCC Gets Its Way - Samsung Galaxy S II Mod Delivers Multi Window View - Samsung Inadvertently Confirms Verizon LTE Galaxy Camera - Nokia Lumia 820: Unboxing, Hardware Tour, First Boot (Video) - HTC Announces Butterfly, International Droid DNA - HTC #39;s Butterfly Launch is Another Agonizing Tease Watch today #39;s Pocketnow Daily as we go through the recent news regarding the FCC #39;s request to the FAA to remove the limit on tablet usage during flights. Then we talk about the Galaxy S II and how you can install multi window support on it, just like you can with the Galaxy Note II. Then we go through the Galaxy Camera and the rumors of it reaching Verizon. Then we talk about the Nokia Lumia 820 after our unboxing coverage. We end today #39;s show talking about the HTC Butterfly and how it disappoints. All this and more after the break.From:pocketnowvideoViews:2040 265ratingsTime:03:15More inScience Technology
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Full Flight Approval For Tablets In The works, HTC Butterfly News
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Hatsune Miku – Renai Philosophia – Video
Posted: at 1:44 pm
Hatsune Miku - Renai Philosophia
Titre : Renai Philosophia (Love #39;s Philosophia) Paroles, musique et arrangement : KuroUsa-P Romaji : Renai shinrigaku de ate hametemo nee wakannai ya Nan okunen mae kara no joushiki danette DNA "Aishiteru yo" da nante gengo, chikaku, shigeki, de kaiwa Nanto mo nita mono doushi karada de rikai wo fukame teru Mousou ni yurare yakusoku sareta kiseki Kotoba janai sonna serifu de suki wo tsuite Kakushin han no kyori de watashi wo neratteru Saa kami tsuite kiba wo muke Arifureta higaisha no kao de Ko akuma no hohoemi yabureta takishiido Aaa, kioku kara nuri kaeru Shakunetsu no karadajuu on my soul Houtei shiki de tokeru nazo toka nara kyoumi mo nai ya Gousei gomu no kyori ga bokura wo tsune ni nayama seru Boudai na riron sho toka rinri kan nara te moto ni nai na Saisentan firosofia tai shita imi mo nai kedo ne Kakusei shita sono emi debu panase Sorede patatto ura omote wo kaete ok ? Kakugo ga aru no nara pafekuto ni ubatte yo Saa itsu datte migi nara e Hidari ni wa nani ga aru darou Bokura wa ookami de mayoeru ko hitsuji de Aaa, kodoku kara nuke daseru Hakunetsu no tenkai on my role Tsukazu hanare zuitemo Kekkyoku yori sotte dakiatte sugo shiteru Kakushin han no kyori de watashi wo neratteru Saa kami tsuite kiba wo muke Arifureta higaisha no kao de Ko akuma no hohoemi yabureta takishiido Aaa, kioku kara nuri kaeru Shakunetsu no karadajuu on my Kakugo ga aru no nara pafekuto ni ubatte yo Saa itsu datte migi nara e Hidari ni wa nani ga aru darou Bokura wa ookami de mayoeru ko ...From:NyekomimiSANViews:0 0ratingsTime:03:40More inMusic
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Hatsune Miku - Renai Philosophia - Video
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3.3.1-3.3.5 DNA Structure – Video
Posted: at 1:44 pm
3.3.1-3.3.5 DNA Structure
This is a screencast about DNA structure of IB Biology studentsFrom:J AgostinoViews:4 0ratingsTime:10:07More inEducation
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3.3.1-3.3.5 DNA Structure - Video
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7.1 DNA Structure – Video
Posted: at 1:44 pm
7.1 DNA Structure
This screencast about DNA structure covers IB assessment statements 7.1.1-7.1.5From:J AgostinoViews:1 0ratingsTime:09:52More inEducation
Go here to read the rest:
7.1 DNA Structure - Video
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Posted: at 1:44 pm
I have evidence to some fantastic and incredibly earth shattering truths after a lifetime of research I can not only prove but I can demonstrate when the time is good and ready. What I #39;ve put together here is a tiny sample of what now exits in the public system if you know where to find it which blows the lid off "The big lie" and gives you all the FACTS from the incredibly qualified professionals who were there and can prove all they say and now it #39;s your turn to share this gold mine of information if you #39;re up to it. This process works as a two way street, you have all the proof you need here to follow up and discover for yourselves facts beyond your wildest imaginations and as soon as your DNA limit is reached you can switch off and let the information process in your minds till you #39;re ready to learn more. As I #39;ve said countless times before, I #39;m not trying to remove anyone #39;s knowledge base, just add to it. Aggressors who try to deny you this information should be a warning to you enough of it #39;s validity to the point that people in this video have been murdered for speaking out and others are in hinding for providing their evidence to the world media of the UNIMAGINABLE crimes against humanity that each and every one of you have a right to know. My evolution up the ladder has allowed me to not only annihilate the aggressors but to run rings around them by using this information and the very powerful energy that this truth sets free against them thus helping set other ...From:DocBraun2015Views:4 0ratingsTime:04:16More inScience Technology
Posted in DNA
The Human Ascension in 2012 : DNA Upgrade, The Shift and Ascension – Video
Posted: at 1:44 pm
The Human Ascension in 2012 : DNA Upgrade, The Shift and Ascension
From:Paullinia MartinkilliaViews:2 0ratingsTime:03:35More inScience Technology
View original post here:
The Human Ascension in 2012 : DNA Upgrade, The Shift and Ascension - Video
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Ford Focus I 18" OZ Superturismo GT – Video
Posted: at 1:44 pm
Ford Focus I 18" OZ Superturismo GT
My Car on 18" OZ Superturismo GT 215/40/R18 Yokohama dna Ecos ES300From:dimaspiderViews:5 0ratingsTime:00:31More inAutos Vehicles
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Ford Focus I 18" OZ Superturismo GT - Video
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DNA- Part 10- MEP part – Video
Posted: at 1:44 pm
DNA- Part 10- MEP part
Hi! So ther is my MEP part ^^ I really love the song 🙂 and I think is mep it #39;s great... Hope you like it :PFrom:HopeTailStudiosViews:1 0ratingsTime:00:27More inPeople Blogs
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DNA- Part 10- MEP part - Video
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Re More Questions for Inmendham (re DNA) Condensed Debate Edit – Video
Posted: at 1:44 pm
Re More Questions for Inmendham (re DNA) Condensed Debate Edit
Dewinthemorning vs Inmendham Condensed Debate EditFrom:Seggallion88Views:1 0ratingsTime:04:12More inScience Technology
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Re More Questions for Inmendham (re DNA) Condensed Debate Edit - Video
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Exposed: The DNA Dilemma – Would you bare your genetic soul for the good of society?
Posted: at 1:44 pm
Canada Our Time to Lead Ongoing Globe and Mail series explores the potential risks and rewards of genome mapping
Exposed: The DNA Dilemma in print and online at
TORONTO, Dec. 7, 2012 /CNW/ - On Saturday, December 8, 2012, The Globe and Mail will introduce Exposed: The DNA Dilemma, a two week series exploring the potential of genome sequencing to answer the questions: should you share your DNA? Should you give scientists the opportunity to explore and decode your personal genetic make-up? The series introduces commentary and insights shaped by scientists, medical leaders and Canadians who have debated sharing their DNA or participated in genome mapping. The Globe explores the opportunities and risks of genome sequencing, including the disappointments of the genetic revolution so far as well as the successes. Exposed: The DNA Dilemma is the latest theme to be explored by The Globe's editorial series, Canada: Our Time to Lead (
"Our Time to Lead continues to stimulate conversation and debate, and in this series, The DNA Dilemma, we're asking Canadians to weigh in on the risks and potential rewards of DNA mapping and how that might change their future," said John Stackhouse, Editor-in-Chief of The Globe and Mail. "We've brought this series to life through personal stories, online debates and medical and scientific insight. Over the next two weeks, we'll help Canadians understand the impact and opportunities of sharing their DNA - for their benefit, and for that of the larger good."
The Globe and Mail will present how Canada compares to global genome-mapping giants like China. The Globe will also look at why companies such as Visa and Google want your DNA, and give readers the opportunity to weigh in on the debate of whether babies and kids should be screened. Medical Reporter Carolyn Abraham explores genetic discrimination - the danger of knowing too much about a person's DNA, and making decisions based on the DNA knowledge. Abraham examines the concerns of veering down this path, particularly by insurers and employers who could benefit from knowing an individual's predisposition toward any number of medical conditions, from vision loss to cardiac arrest and cancer.
Exposed: The DNA Dilemma is supported by a number of interactive features and online debates at, including:
About The Globe and Mail The Globe and Mail, through its newspaper, magazine, online and mobile platforms, is Canada's foremost news media company. Each day, The Globe leads the national discussion by engaging Canadians in its award-winning coverage and analysis of news, politics, business and lifestyle. The Globe and Mail, Canada's national newspaper, founded in 1844, Report on Business, Canada's most influential business magazine, and, the newspaper's online and mobile media hub, reach a combined 6.0 million readers every month. The Globe has received numerous journalism awards, including the international prize for General Excellence in Journalism from the Online News Associations in 2011, nine Michener Awards for Public Service Journalism, and more National Newspaper Awards than any other newspaper in Canada. The Globe and Mail is 85% owned by Woodbridge, the investment arm of the Thomson family, and Bell Canada (15%).
Exposed: The DNA Dilemma - Would you bare your genetic soul for the good of society?
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