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Category Archives: Transhuman News
Crysis 2 – Mission 17 – Masks Off – Post Human Warrior Difficulty – Video
Posted: December 9, 2012 at 8:41 pm
Crysis 2 - Mission 17 - Masks Off - Post Human Warrior Difficulty
Hardest Difficulty - PC. Alcatraz get betrayed. You turned into dead man walking! You Lied to us!From:HawkBlack2012Views:1 0ratingsTime:30:32More inGaming
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Crysis 2 - Mission 17 - Masks Off - Post Human Warrior Difficulty - Video
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Paul Hart – Advanced Design – Video
Posted: at 8:41 pm
Paul Hart - Advanced Design
Futurism (1981) Bruton Music -- BRI 14From:TooPureMusicViews:152 7ratingsTime:03:37More inMusic
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Joseph Laing EDID6506 FuturistReport – Video
Posted: at 8:41 pm
Joseph Laing EDID6506 FuturistReport
Emerging Trends in Instructional Design, Instructional Technology and Distance Education by 2015: Futurist ReportFrom:Jennifer Joseph-LaingViews:1 0ratingsTime:01:25More inEducation
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Joseph Laing EDID6506 FuturistReport - Video
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Posted: at 8:41 pm
This was my final individual submission for EDID6506, a course in the Graduate Diploma in Instructional Design, offered by the University of the West Indies (Open Campus). It reflects predictions of what I envision the face of the instructional design, instructional technology and distance education landscape to look like by 2015.From:cams1904Views:3 0ratingsTime:01:39More inEducation
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Switched on Sound 10: The Futurists – Video
Posted: at 8:41 pm
Switched on Sound 10: The Futurists
The Italian Futurist movement in art and music. From CD-ROM "Switched On Sound", created for the Duke Talent Identification Program. Based on Anu Kirk #39;s "A History of 20th Century Music", a multi-disciplinary course drawing on many sources and exploring the connections between the history, technology, art, and music of the 20th century. CD-ROM originally released in 2003, currently out-of-print and unavailable.From:Anu KirkViews:0 0ratingsTime:10:00More inEducation
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Switched on Sound 10: The Futurists - Video
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Nanobullets (feat. BONEZ) – Video
Posted: at 8:41 pm
Nanobullets (feat. BONEZ)
Futurist Street Corner Jive Talk! Brought to you by PanAm. Because if they can #39;t get you there, who will? Thanks to BONEZ for lending his vocals. THE HELLO LEVIATHAN TRILOGY (or How to Introduce Your Child the Beast) will destroy your moral compass forever in Jan 2013. It #39;s coming children! Get your candles and donkey blood ready!From:AirplaneRadioViews:3 1ratingsTime:01:38More inMusic
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Nanobullets (feat. BONEZ) - Video
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Everything Turns Everything Resolves by Hans Richter 1929 Free Music by Twin Realities Dreamers – Video
Posted: at 8:41 pm
Everything Turns Everything Resolves by Hans Richter 1929 Free Music by Twin Realities Dreamers
Hans Richter (April 6, 1888 -- February 1, 1976) was a painter, graphic artist, avant-gardist, film-experimenter and producer. He was born in Berlin into a well-to-do family and died in Minusio, near Locarno, Switzerland. Germany Richter #39;s first contacts with modern art were in 1912 through the "Blaue Reiter" and in 1913 through the "Erster Deutsche Herbstsalon" gallery "Der Sturm", in Berlin. In 1914 he was influenced by cubism. He contributed to the periodical Die Aktion in Berlin. His first exhibition was in Munich in 1916, and Die Aktion published as a special edition about him. In the same year he was wounded and discharged from the army and went to Zrich and joined the Dada movement. Richter believed that the artist #39;s duty was to be actively political, opposing war and supporting the revolution. His first abstract works were made in 1917. In 1918, he befriended Viking Eggeling, and the two experimented together with film. Richter was co-founder, in 1919, of the Association of Revolutionary Artists ("Artistes Radicaux") at Zrich. In the same year he created his first Prlude (an orchestration of a theme developed in eleven drawings). In 1920 he was a member of the November group in Berlin and contributed to the Dutch periodical De Stijl. Throughout his career, he claimed that his 1921 film, Rhythmus 21, was the first abstract film ever created. This claim is not true: he was preceded by the Italian Futurists Bruno Corra and Arnaldo Ginna between 1911 and 1912 (as ...From:UKMPTVViews:1 0ratingsTime:03:27More inFilm Animation
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Everything Turns Everything Resolves by Hans Richter 1929 Free Music by Twin Realities Dreamers - Video
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NASA ‘Di Sebalik Babak di Pusat Satelit Khidmat dan Makmal Robotik’ . . . – Video
Posted: December 8, 2012 at 1:45 pm
NASA #39;Di Sebalik Babak di Pusat Satelit Khidmat dan Makmal Robotik #39; . . .
Message: Manasye | MALAYu@1WORLDCommunity humanRightCommunitySharing 2012 NASA | Di sebalik Babak di Pusat Satelit Khidmat dan Makmal Robotik. NASA dinanti-nantikan Robotik Misi mengisi bahan bakar (RRM) mula beroperasi di Stesen Angkasa Antarabangsa dengan Dextre Kanada robot dan alat RRM March 7-9, 2012, menandakan pencapaian penting dalam teknologi satelit perkhidmatan dan penggunaan keupayaan stesen angkasa robotik. Satu usaha sama antara NASA dan Agensi Angkasa Kanada (CSA), RRM adalah satu eksperimen stesen luaran yang direka untuk menunjukkan teknologi, alat, dan teknik yang diperlukan untuk robotik perkhidmatan dan mengisi minyak satelit di orbit, terutamanya mereka yang tidak dibina dengan servis dalam fikiran. RRM merupakan kali pertama robot Dextre stesen angkasa itu digunakan untuk penyelidikan dan pembangunan teknologi, bergerak di luar penyelenggaraan robotik mahastruktur mengorbit. NASA | Behind the Scenes at the Satellite Servicing Center and Robotic Lab. NASA #39;s highly anticipated Robotic Refueling Mission (RRM) began operations on the International Space Station with the Canadian Dextre robot and RRM tools March 7-9, 2012, marking important milestones in satellite-servicing technology and the use of the space station robotic capabilities. A joint effort between NASA and the Canadian Space Agency (CSA), RRM is an external station experiment designed to demonstrate the technologies, tools, and techniques needed to robotically service and refuel satellites ...From:Siti1MahaniViews:0 0ratingsTime:02:23More inPeople Blogs
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NASA 'Di Sebalik Babak di Pusat Satelit Khidmat dan Makmal Robotik' . . . - Video
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Tour around my minecraft server – Video
Posted: at 1:45 pm
Tour around my minecraft server
A quick tour around a server that I #39;m running. It shows some cool stuff that were build there. If you are interested you can visit the server. The address: Couple of shown features: * Tales of kingdoms city * Some statues drawn using a custom made plugin * Star Trek, Enterprise NCC 1701, and K7 space station. * Some redstone gamesFrom:PrimeSBViews:2 0ratingsTime:11:20More inGaming
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Let’s Play Empire at War – Imperial Campaign Part 22 – Video
Posted: at 1:45 pm
Let #39;s Play Empire at War - Imperial Campaign Part 22
The Empire defeat another Rebel Space station. All rights belong to the companies involved in making the game.From:LtGeneralStoreViews:0 0ratingsTime:10:10More inGaming
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