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Category Archives: Transhuman News
Thoughts on Mo Yan censorship comments – Video
Posted: December 9, 2012 at 8:42 pm
Thoughts on Mo Yan censorship comments
This years nobel prize winner for lit says that cenorship is a good thing well this boy from america says diffrentFrom:Warcorpse666Views:24 4ratingsTime:03:33More inEntertainment
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Posted: at 8:42 pm
Nintendo constantly on that bullshit! Here is the link to the article I mention http://www.eurogamer.netFrom:Scatigno9Views:53 10ratingsTime:09:34More inGaming
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Minecraft Gameplay:F*cking Censorship – Video
Posted: at 8:42 pm
Minecraft Gameplay:F*cking Censorship
just doing random stuff on minecraft MinecraftFrom:PoodleKong1Views:0 0ratingsTime:00:52More inGaming
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#OpBigBrother – Earth 12-20-2012 – Action Message. – Video
Posted: at 8:42 pm
#OpBigBrother - Earth 12-20-2012 - Action Message.
OpBigBrother Worldwide Protest - Time to RISE Transcript: Citizens of the world, we are Anonymous You chose on October the 20th to make #OpBigBrother voice surround worldwide to inform people about the threatens of surveillance systems on their Freedom. We are now in times when stakes about both individual and common liberties are critical. Smack in the middle of an economic and social crisis, we have adjourned our attention about those matters, we forgot such atmospheres often lead to threatens on our fundamental Rights. We call you once again to act against systems of the almighty Surveillance State. You noticed, how many efforts governments deploy to mark and spy people worldwide. They plan to use technology to know everything about citizens including : who is who, who do what and with whom, as well in real life and the Internet. Moreover, our governments are about to demolish Privacy with Systems like Trapwire and Indect. Those network surveillance technologies sniff the CCTV cameras, government databases and the Internet to identify people and make a profile of citizens, their families and their socializing. Governments also want to silence us with projects like cleanIT. They are planning to take control of the internet using Deep Packet Inspection engines like CAS system. They work with lobbies to install censorship with laws like ACTA, CETA, SOPA, PIPA or CISPA. Governments pretend to design those systems for security reasons, but every people able to access and ...From:mirrortownViews:2 0ratingsTime:04:16More inNonprofits Activism
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#OpBigBrother - Earth 12-20-2012 - Action Message. - Video
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The reality of drinking and driving – Video
Posted: at 8:42 pm
The reality of drinking and driving
Enough of Canadian/US censorship. Show the public the end result.From:davidsigouinViews:0 0ratingsTime:05:22More inAutos Vehicles
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Celebrating Cinema 32/100 from the year 1944 – Video
Posted: at 8:42 pm
Celebrating Cinema 32/100 from the year 1944
Celebrating Cinema (Post) War Years (5/10) Moments from top movies from the year 1944 (Start of Film Noir) 1. The film was shot entirely on a restricted set in which the boat was secured in a large studio tank. The director insisted that the boat never remain stationary and that there always be an added touch of ocean mist and fog compounded of oil forced through dry ice. 2. Grant donated his entire salary, $100000, to the US War Relief Fund. 3. Part 1 was released in 1944 but Part 2 was not released until 1958 due to political censorship. The films were originally planned as part of a trilogy, but the director died before filming of the third part could be finished. 4. Various studios expressed interest in the story when it first appeared in serial form in 1935 but realized it was unfilmable within the strictures of the newly-established Production Code. 5. One of the film #39;s most durable legacies was its theme song "Laura" composed over one weekend by RaksinFrom:Tin StraatViews:2 1ratingsTime:02:25More inFilm Animation
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Texting While Driving – Video
Posted: at 8:42 pm
Texting While Driving
Enough of Canadian/US censorship. Show the public the end result.From:davidsigouinViews:0 0ratingsTime:04:16More inAutos Vehicles
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The Story So Far – Video
Posted: at 8:42 pm
The Story So Far
If you #39;re not following Jory and I on Twitter and Instagram, you #39;re missing out on the latest news. Here #39;s what you missed. Due to Bangladesh #39;s censorship of YouTube (and generally poor internet speeds), uploading videos from Bangladesh is harder than ever. If you want to stay up-to-date, you can follow Jory Caron and I on Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, and Instagram. My Tumblr: My Twitter My Facebook: My Instagram: Jory #39;s Tumblr: Jory #39;s Twitter Jory #39;s Facebook: Jory #39;s Instagram: ==================== Special Thanks To: ==================== Blumberg Segal LLP ( ) Elgato Systems LLC ( http ) Tiffen ( ) CrumplePop Software ( http ) RedGiant Software ( ) CoreMelt ( http ) SmallHD ( ) Broadcast 2000 ( http ) Microsoft ( ) ==================== This video is compressed using Turbo.264HD encoding software by Elgato. Video monetized as part of my continuing efforts to try and earn a living doing this.From:UnculturedProjectViews:336 58ratingsTime:02:54More inNonprofits Activism
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The Story So Far - Video
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Anonymous Dortmund – Paperstorm against INDECT 12/08/12 [Germany] – Video
Posted: at 8:42 pm
Anonymous Dortmund - Paperstorm against INDECT 12/08/12 [Germany]
A Paperstorm in Germany, Dortmund against Surveillance Internet Censorship. Action Day was on December the 8th 2012. (Operation BigBrother) The next Action Day for Operation BigBrother is February the 23rd 2013. Stay updated and follow our Information on: (german) (english) http://www.facebook.comFrom:AnonNews DEViews:343 54ratingsTime:02:57More inNonprofits Activism
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Anonymous Dortmund - Paperstorm against INDECT 12/08/12 [Germany] - Video
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3DS Rant – Nintendo Say NO! – eShop Restrictions – Adult Game Trailers? – Video
Posted: at 8:41 pm
3DS Rant - Nintendo Say NO! - eShop Restrictions - Adult Game Trailers?
A bit of a rant about the 3DS eShop and it #39;s content restrictions. It seems Nintendo recently decided to restrict what time of day we can view certain game trailers. I believe these restrictions only apply to Europe (for now). This is possibly due to Nintendo #39;s EU eShop servers being located in Germany where mature content and censorship laws are much stricter compared to other parts of Europe. A step too far? An insult to their mature customers? A sign of things to come? Or maybe it #39;s just common sense? What do you think? Thanks for watching!From:RetroGameTechViews:299 54ratingsTime:03:15More inGaming
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3DS Rant - Nintendo Say NO! - eShop Restrictions - Adult Game Trailers? - Video
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