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Category Archives: Transhuman News

ITAY Beauty Mineral Foundation Color – Video

Posted: December 11, 2012 at 3:43 am

ITAY Beauty Mineral Foundation Color
Buy from Amazon UK Site out=http%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Eamazon%2Eco%2Euk%2Fexec%2Fobidos%2FASIN%2FB005IGYNZ4%2Fbeauty%5Ffab%2D21 Product Description ITAY Beauty Mineral Foundation Color Itay Beauty 100% Natural Mineral Makeup.Color is Italyan Biscotti. Comes with a Travel 9 Brush set. Full size 9 gram foundation MF7.contains no talc oils additives , fillers, FD C dyes or synthetic preservative. Recommended by Dermatologists. Non comedogenic and oil free, will not clog pores Anti- inflammatory properties Anti-oxidant properties UVB and UVA protection (SPF15) Complete coverage for all skin types( acne. rosacea and eczema) youthful appearance diminishes the appearance of lines and wrinklesThis convenient travel kit contains nine high quality mini brushes designed to give you the same professional application as your home set.Includes all the brushes that you need for complete makeup application:1. Blush2. Foundation3. Primer4. Shadow5. Detail6. Lip7. Liner8. Lash/Brow9. Smudge Disclaimer: Fabriano Boutique is a participant in the Amazon EU Associates Programme, an affiliate advertising programme designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon UK Site. Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of Amazon, Inc. or its affiliates.From:jospeh broadwayViews:0 0ratingsTime:00:57More inEntertainment

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Facebook me! – Video

Posted: at 3:43 am

Facebook me!
Hey guys and gals! I am still here! Facebook me at I have been more active on Facebook so ADD ME! Heal psoriasis naturally!From:Sandra FruitsYouViews:2 4ratingsTime:00:33More inPeople Blogs

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Tropical Fish Secrets – Video

Posted: at 3:43 am

Tropical Fish Secrets Tropical Fish Secrets Definitive Guide To Everything You Need To Know About Tropical Fish. Plus 2 Great Bonus Books! Tropical Fish Secrets Candida Albicans - The Hidden Disease Best Candida Product! Teaches How Candida Relates To Yeast Infection, Fatigue, Psoriasis, Leaky Gut, Arthritis, Adhd, Asthma, Allergies, Autism, Celiac, Depression, Nail Fungus, Diabetes, Fibromyalgia, Lupus, Migraines, Ms, Pms, Even Cancer! Candida Albicans - The Hidden Disease httpFrom:Steve JonesViews:0 0ratingsTime:01:13More inEntertainment

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psoriatic arthritis increases crohn’s disease risk – Video

Posted: at 3:43 am

psoriatic arthritis increases crohn #39;s disease risk
Psoriatic Arthritis Increases Crohn #39;s Risk Bruce Jancin writing in Rheumatology News reported on the findings from the Nurses #39; Health Study. Data was obtained from 174646 participants and demonstrated that psoriasis was an independent risk factor for the development of Crohn #39;s disease with an age-adjusted increased risk of 3.74. This supports what many of us have suspected for a long time.From:Nathan WeiViews:0 0ratingsTime:01:40More inScience Technology

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Im Not Cindy Brady Audio Book – Video

Posted: at 3:43 am

Im Not Cindy Brady Audio Book Suzanne Westenhoefer wields her politically incorrect brand of humor like a sledgehammer, breaking down the wall between gay and mainstream comedy....From:AudioBooksBankViews:0 0ratingsTime:10:03More inEntertainment

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The Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith by Dr. William Pierce – Video

Posted: at 3:43 am

The Anti-Defamation League of B #39;nai B #39;rith by Dr. William Pierce
In late September, the ADL released a report stating the National Alliance is the "most dangerous organized hate group in America." But it is the ADL which is the true hate group. It earns its living: selling hate. It makes its money by persuading Jews and wannabe Jews that they are in great danger -- but if everyone will just send them a nice, fat check today, the ADL will protect them. The ADL deliberately makes the National Alliance sound scary. Their press releases tend to be deceptive and are written in a way calculated to lead to misinterpretation. Then, if the newspapers exaggerate things even more, why so much the better. One of the ADL #39;s fondest projects is "combating hate speech." "Hate speech," of course, is whatever they find offensive or dangerous to their interests. The ADL is especially concerned about the propagation of what they consider dangerous ideas over the Internet and has been working with software developers to develop censorship programs which can be installed on any computer, so that computer users cannot find any Politically Incorrect material on the Internet. But lobbying to stamp out the Bill of Rights isn #39;t the ADL #39;s only activity. They #39;re also the largest and most effective private espionage organization in America -- in which guise they have committed more criminal acts than the National Alliance has been "linked" to.From:EASch5Views:0 0ratingsTime:24:35More inNonprofits Activism

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The Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith by Dr. William Pierce - Video

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Islam Criticism: The Enemy – Islamophobia and the Istanbul Process with Sabatina James – Video

Posted: at 3:43 am

Islam Criticism: The Enemy - Islamophobia and the Istanbul Process with Sabatina James
This talk by the Pakistani-born convert from Islam to Catholicism, Sabatina James, appeared on the German portal, Politically Incorrect, on 20 August 2012 ( THE STRUCTURE OF THE TALK Sabatina James #39; talk, in its form, reveals a two-stage development in the response of the modern secular state, and most of the media, to criticism of Islam. The two stages are progressive in nature, the first leading to the second, and they have been well recognised in the emergence of totalitarian regimes of the twentieth century. Stage 1: The critic, in this case the Islam critic, "is mocked, defamed, vilified and is denied every public platform." Initially criticism of Islam is called "Islamophobia", a pseudo-psychiatric disorder [inventions characteristic of totalitarian regimes]. US Secretary of State Hilary Clinton has announced the arrival of this stage in remarks she made on July 15, 2011 at the #39;Organization of the Islamic Conference #39; (now #39;Organisation of Islamic Cooperation #39;) on July 15, 2011 when she promises to revive the techniques of the totalitarian state: ". . . to use some old-fashioned techniques of peer pressure and shaming so that people don #39;t feel that they have the support to do what we abhor", which for her audience, was to criticise Islam ( Stage 2: The "techniques of peer pressure and shaming" never being enough to silence critics, they now expand to the criminalisation of speech. In the case of Islam criticism, Sabatina James points to ...From:Rembrandt ClancyViews:4 0ratingsTime:05:30More inNews Politics

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Islam Criticism: The Enemy - Islamophobia and the Istanbul Process with Sabatina James - Video

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stream of consciousness – Video

Posted: at 3:43 am

stream of consciousness
this project looks at how we interact with one another to formulate new ideas and collaborate creatively. It is often considered that it is up to the individual alone to create and innovate but without a dialogue between one another this would be very difficult. I tried to create a setting where all ideas are presented equally, yet with their own distinct qualities. I disagree with the argument of that some ideas are more relevant or of a higher quality than others, as I think everything is relevant. I wanted to dismiss bigotry and create something in which everyone is given the opportunity to have their say. I also wanted to dismiss censorship; something which I think is unnecessarily, as I don #39;t think people are born malicious, I think it is a reaction to their environment. this project took the form of a collective stream of consciousness, allowing the viewer to follow the continuous trail of thought as it passes from one person to the next. The text was generated through physical interactions with people without prior knowledge of the stream #39;s context, [other than the last word written].From:Rob ParkinViews:21 0ratingsTime:15:39More inPeople Blogs

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Internet Censorship – International Telecommunication Union – Video

Posted: at 3:43 am

Internet Censorship - International Telecommunication Union
The UN asks for control over the world #39;s Internet Entire US Congress votes against ITU control of internet ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Mirrored and Voice from ---------------------------------------------------------------------- What is the ITU?: Was ist die ITU? (german): ITU Homepage: on Twitter they are @ITU ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Articles EU: (english) EU: (german) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- We will try to handle a german translation for this Video too, stay tuned. Fight for a free Internet, together! ~ AnonymousFrom:TheDigitalDarkAgeViews:1 0ratingsTime:04:08More inNonprofits Activism

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Court Rules Town Must Allow Nativity Display – Video

Posted: at 3:43 am

Court Rules Town Must Allow Nativity Display
Mat Staver and Matt Barber discuss the consequences to the town of Warren, Michigan for listening to the Freedom From Religion folks and removing a private nativity scene displayed on public property (which is unconstitutional religious censorship) that led to the town paying for four years of attorney #39;s fees! (Faith Freedom: Monday 12/10/12)From:Liberty CounselViews:4 0ratingsTime:11:03More inNonprofits Activism

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