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Category Archives: Transhuman News
NHS project to map patients' DNA
Posted: December 11, 2012 at 3:44 am
A high-tech DNA database holding genetic details of patients with cancer and rare diseases will be rolled out in the next three to five years, the government announced on Monday.
The 100 million NHS project, the first of its kind within a mainstream health system, will see up to 100,000 patients getting their DNA code sequenced in a bid to improve treatment standards and develop new life-saving drugs.
"By unlocking the power of DNA data, the NHS will lead the global race for better tests, better drugs and above all better care," said Prime Minister David Cameron.
"We are turning an important scientific breakthrough into a potentially life-saving reality for NHS patients across the country," he added.
Funds earmarked for the project, drawn from existing NHS budgets, will be spent on training genetic scientists, DNA mapping and creating a system for handling the information.
Technical advances have led to a dramatic reduction in the cost of sequencing a person's DNA to 1,000 per individual from 500 million in 2000.
"This funding opens up the possibility of being able to look at the three billion DNA pieces in each of us so we can get a greater understanding of the complex relationship between our genes and lifestyle," said Dame Sally Davies, the government's chief medical officer.
Scientists will need approval from patients before mapping their DNA. The data will then be anonymised before being stored.
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DNA Database: £100m Bid To Cut Cancer Deaths
Posted: at 3:44 am
David Cameron is to unveil plans for a DNA database that could one day hold the genetic details of every person in Britain.
The 100m project will see 100,000 patients with cancer and rare diseases having their DNA fully mapped as part of a drive to revolutionise NHS treatment.
The project, to take place in England over the next three to five years, is aimed at saving thousands of lives - but there are concerns that it could pose risks to privacy.
The Prime Minister said he wanted to "push the boundaries" by introducing mainstream genetic sequencing for the first time.
"Britain has often led the world in scientific breakthroughs and medical innovations, from the first CT scan and test-tube baby through to decoding DNA," Mr Cameron said.
"By unlocking the power of DNA data, the NHS will lead the global race for better tests, better drugs and above all better care.
"We are turning an important scientific breakthrough into a potentially life-saving reality for NHS patients across the country.
"If we get this right, we could transform how we diagnose and treat our most complex diseases not only here but across the world, while enabling our best scientists to discover the next wonder drug or breakthrough technology."
Some critics of the project, known as the "UK genome plan", have voiced concerns about how the data will be used and shared with third parties, including with commercial organisations such as drug companies.
GeneWatch, a campaign group fighting for genetic science and technologies to be used in the public interest, has said anyone with access to the database could use the genetic codes to identify and track every individual on it and their relatives.
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DNA Database: £100m Bid To Cut Cancer Deaths
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Applied DNA Sciences Continues Expansion in Sweden
Posted: at 3:44 am
STONY BROOK, NY--(Marketwire - Dec 10, 2012) - Applied DNA Sciences, Inc. ( OTCBB : APDN ), (Twitter: @APDN), a provider of DNA-based anti-counterfeiting technology and product authentication solutions, announced today that its evidentiary DNA platform has been adopted in Sweden for use in helping protect cash in transit in that country.The security company Nokas AS revealed that APDN's marking and authentication platform will first be deployed in armored vehicles in the Stockholm area and then expanded to the company's entire fleet.
The technology comes into play during a robbery, when botanically-based DNA marks within a water-based spray are released on cash notes and the criminals themselves.The marks can survive on the notes, clothes, and skin for long periods of time.In court, they provide accepted evidence directly linking criminals to the crime.
Nokas, based in Norway, fields a fleet of over 250 armored trucks to transport cash. It is one of only two cash transport companies in Sweden servicing many retail chains, large banks and other institutions.
The APDN platform for cash in transit already has been used with great success in the United Kingdom, where DNA evidence has helped in over fifty convictions of armed and dangerous criminals since 2009, in an environment where front-line police and private guards are typically unarmed.The DNA marking and authentication platform protects more than 26% of cash being transported to and from banks in the United Kingdom.
Johan Petersson, Nokas security officer, commented, "This is an exciting development for the entire security industry. We are the first with new technology in cash in transit in this region, which helps deter crime and helps the judiciary to prosecute any offense. Using this new technology, Nokas will provide added security to its staff and customers.We believe we are at the forefront."
Elsewhere in Sweden, adoption of the APDN DNA platform has been expanding.
Both APDN products, as well as the cash-in-transit platform, are branded in Sweden as SmartDNA.
Detective Anders Burn, intelligence chief of the county police in Stockholm commented on the use of DNA marking and authentication by law enforcement:
"The police have seen the positive experience with SmartDNA in England.Today SmartDNA is a tool that we know how to use, helping us find the perpetrator and then to tie him to the crime.Moreover, we can trace the rightful owner of the stolen goods."
Leif Svensson, CEO of the Sweden consulting group Safe Solution AB, which has been instrumental in adoption of the platform in Sweden, observed:
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Applied DNA Sciences Continues Expansion in Sweden
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8. The Genomics Revolution NQ – Video
Posted: at 3:44 am
8. The Genomics Revolution NQ
At the foundation of all life is information. The first draft of the human genome was published in the Journal NATURE on February 15 2001; and accomplishment arguably eclipsing the significance of landing on the moon for its broad reaching impact on all of us and our future society. A genome is all the DNA in an organism, including its genes. Genes carry information for making all the proteins required by all organisms. We saw in the previous lecture on Gene Expression and Development that cells become specialized by the genes they express. We now know all the genes in humans, mice, dogs, rice plants and many other organisms. We can use this information to compare ourselves to other life on this planet, but also to learn more about how to diagnosis and treat diseases, how to make better crops, and how to treat cancer and other diseases. Probably none of us will go to the moon. However, knowing all the genes in humans will affect all of us in our lifetime. This lecture also adds to our knowledge about more techniques used in biotechnology, including how DNA, RNA and proteins are detected and analyzed.From:Albert KauschViews:0 0ratingsTime:01:01:18More inScience Technology
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Like a boss – Video
Posted: at 3:44 am
Like a boss
Lord Genome abandons his useless robot and finishes the job with his bare hands. One of my favorite scenes from Gurren LagannFrom:ImmaJeremiahGottwaldViews:3 1ratingsTime:00:29More inEntertainment
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9. Evolution: How Does It Happen? NQ – Video
Posted: at 3:44 am
9. Evolution: How Does It Happen? NQ
Evolution and The Flow of Information For a number of reasons and misconceptions the biological topic of Evolution has become controversial. Understanding how evolution happens and how its mechanisms result in biological change is important to life itself. Given biological life, there will be change. That is a fact. A fact as observable as the fact that the Earth is not the center of the Universe or that the Earth is round. Why is the topic of evolution still controversial? What is a Theory? What are the facts/? How does evolution happen? Most of the species that have existed on Earth are now extinct. How do new species form from existing ones? This lecture first puts the concepts of evolution into context. The mechanisms that result in genetic variation are many and result in both large and small changes to the genome. Therefore variation is in the population already. Each of us are different, in some ways that we can see (ie physically) and some way we cannot (ie susceptible or resistant to diseases). Selection pressures favor certain changes to persistent in populations. The experiment by Salvador Luria demonstrates experimentally that evolution occurs and shows how it works. That experiment also indicates how evolution works on all living organisms, as shown in the experiment on fruitflies and the ability to survive without food, or flower color and pollination. These kinds of changes result in recent new species, like the new salamander species in the San Joachin ...From:Albert KauschViews:1 0ratingsTime:01:45:39More inScience Technology
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Adenovirus-particle-animation .mp4 – Video
Posted: at 3:44 am
Adenovirus-particle-animation .mp4
ADENOVIRUS: Adenoviruses (AdV) are large naked viruses with characteristic fibres (shown in red) projecting from each vertex of their icosahedral capsids. Genome is double stranded DNA. Adenoviruses tend to cause respiratory disease.From:onclickfunViews:0 0ratingsTime:00:09More inEducation
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Posted: at 3:44 am
atheists are just another dumb religion, who think universe came from NOTHING at all. the human genome is not something that someone with even half a brain can see the universe and man dint come from random nature. if atheists want their parents to be monkeys, thats fine dont try to say everyone is from apes. these donkeys dont want to believe in god, so go to extreme, thinking, making up allsorts of weird ideas, just to deny god their lord and creator..From:erlangshen1Views:7 3ratingsTime:44:12More inEntertainment
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Yugioh trade/sell binder december 2012 – Video
Posted: at 3:44 am
Yugioh trade/sell binder december 2012
Hey this is my first video in youtube and i will appreciate if you suscribe to my channel. This will be the first to many videos i will have in the future. My rules: 1. If you come to me you need to send first. And i will make a video of that card than i will send it to you. As if i come to you i will send first. 2. I only accept mint to near mint cards. 3. No scammers! 4. I dont send anywhere outside the united states and canada. 5. If you want to make me a offer pm me do not leave it in the comments bar. 6. After we make a trade you got a week to send it, if you dont have it by then the trade is considered cancelled. 7. It is not my fault if mail get lost but i will try my best to make sure you get your mail safely and on time. If you follow this rules you will make your and my life easy. So please enjoy the video! 🙂 My Wants: Cardcar d Gear gigant x Odin (ghost) Secret rabbits Tour guide of the underworld (secret) Duel Terminal emeral Abyssmegalo Moulinglacia Duel terminal trishula Secret pot of greed Solemn Warning (ultimate) Number 11 big eye Leviathan Dragon (ghost) Number 9 dyson sphere Number 8 Heraldic king genome Stardust dragon (ghost) Black rose dragon (ghost) Slifer the sky dragon shonen jump Maxx c Shooting star dragon (ghost) Number 50 blackship of corn Number 30 acid golem of destruction Number 96 dark mist (ultimate) Exodia set (secret) Shooting quasar dragon Abyss dweller Thunder king rai-oh (gold) Mystical space typhoon (ghost) CASH My wants list is ...From:Angel PenaViews:2 1ratingsTime:04:34More inGaming
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Who’s Bigger? – Video
Posted: at 3:44 am
Who #39;s Bigger? A few nice Office Products images I found Who #39;s Bigger? Image by jurvetson Comparing the size of the Microsoft Office 12 code base to the human genome #65533; Just kidding! It #65533;s just what I see in this picture. =) Jeff Raikes gave an entertaining talk at EDAY today. He was the first Microsoft employee to receive stock options; he now runs the B Office product line. #65533;There are 400 million Office users every day. 225 million of them have paid. #65533; When Jeff left Apple to join a 100 person company in 1981, Steve Jobs called him and was very unhappy. The quote he remembers vividly to this day: #65533;Microsoft will go out of business. #65533; Other interesting observations: #65533; 25-30% of our time at work is spent looking for people and information. #65533; Email volume will go up 5x in the next 4 years. #65533; #65533;This is a very competitive industry. Just ask Scott McNealy how he feels. #65533; Home Office Decoration Image by Rodi01 My home office decoration and equipments. I try to save every piece of imagery that I find for inspiration. I #39;ve decided to print the ones that inspire me the most and stick them on my wall. The quality of the prints aren #39;t great but it #39;s good enough for their purpose. Check the notes for credits. sms.ssms1.comFrom:Steve JonesViews:0 0ratingsTime:01:13More inEntertainment
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