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Category Archives: Transhuman News

Assassin’s Creed 3 – In Good Standing Achievement Guide – Video

Posted: December 11, 2012 at 3:44 am

Assassin #39;s Creed 3 - In Good Standing Achievement Guide
----------READ---------- Check your progress for the clubs under you DNA Tracker. Easiest club is probably the Hunting Society. ----------------------------- FOLLOW ME HERE: Twitter --- Facebook --- tinyurl.comFrom:JuiCyBoxMaNViews:0 0ratingsTime:03:08More inGaming

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Assassin's Creed 3 - In Good Standing Achievement Guide - Video

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Cattle Decapitation: Lifestalker live at the DNA lounge in SF – Video

Posted: at 3:44 am

Cattle Decapitation: Lifestalker live at the DNA lounge in SF
Cattle Decapitation playing Lifestalker in SF during their tour with Dying Fetus and Cerebral Bore 12/9/2012From:wattlingzeusViews:3 0ratingsTime:03:56More inMusic

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Cattle Decapitation: Lifestalker live at the DNA lounge in SF - Video

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Droid DNA Cells – Video

Posted: at 3:44 am

Droid DNA Cells
Well ladies and germs.... Seems the good ole boys at the Orifice of Anal Intelligence have gone and f#cked things up a bit more. Feeding their alien technologies to the corporations and heads of state and religious leaders worldwide. It #39;s gonna be one big mind f#ck! Dunno if a deadline or action date is givin in the video. As always... think for yourself and remember... I am a wacko.From:galacticwackoViews:56 0ratingsTime:02:53More inScience Technology

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Removing the head of a fruit fly larvae – Video

Posted: at 3:44 am

Removing the head of a fruit fly larvae
We had to cut up these fly to get there salivary glands to observe their abnormally large DNA that is produced in that certain organ. If you poked the head of the worm it pushes its own organs out!From:Danny Tyler DownerViews:0 0ratingsTime:02:13More inComedy

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Removing the head of a fruit fly larvae - Video

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Anonymous – Project Mayhem 2012 December 21st – Video

Posted: at 3:44 am

Anonymous - Project Mayhem 2012 December 21st
You are Anonymous. You are Project Mayhem 2012 . On the 10 days that go from 12-12-2012 to 12-21-2012, the world will see an unprecedented amount of Corporate, Financial, Military and State leaks that will have been secretly gathered by millions of CONSCIENTIOUS citizens, vigilantes, whistle blowers and initiates. THE GLOBAL ECONOMIC SYSTEM WILL START THE FINAL FINANCIAL MELTDOWN FOR *TRUST* IN FEAR BASED MONEY WILL BE FINALLY BROKEN PEOPLE ALL OVER THE WORLD, OUT OF FEAR TO GO BANKRUPT, WILL TRY TO WITHDRAW THEIR SAVINGS FROM THEIR BANK ACCOUNTS. THIS WILL TRIGGER AN EVEN LARGER MELTDOWN WAVE. Imagine the corrupts start to fear us. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny, But when the government fears the people, there is liberty. People shouldn #39;t fear of their government. Governments should fear their people. Four billion years of evolutionary success encoded deep within the fabric of every strand of our dna. Four billion years of evolutionary success has brought us here. A turning point for humanity, into a new aeon. An age where light has pierced into darkness illuminating all things.. We are all absolutely FREE! there are no rulers, there are no masters, there is no elite. The time to take control of our reality is now. This is the time to wake up, this is the time to expose all lies, this is the time we ascend from darkness. Imagine we finally find the COURAGE needed to BECOME THE CHANGE WE WISH TO SEE in the World. Imagine we conquer Freedom by ...From:WeAreAnonymousTV1Views:0 0ratingsTime:05:02More inEducation

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Anonymous - Project Mayhem 2012 December 21st - Video

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DRZ – Turnt UP:Intro (Official Video) – Video

Posted: at 3:44 am

DRZ - Turnt UP:Intro (Official Video)
- The Undeniable Squada Nation Presents * Drz Turnt Up: Intro Squadaz Music Group Dir. By Ace Same Dna *Closing Credits - Follow Us On Twitter: @DrzSmg @RealDjSet @MLDjs @AceSameDna @TheSquadaz @LazyOwlClothing - Follow Us On Instagram: @DrzSqdz @DjSet_LazyOwl @MLDjs @AceSameDna @TheSquadaz @LazyOwlClothingFrom:samednaViews:2 1ratingsTime:01:48More inMusic

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DRZ - Turnt UP:Intro (Official Video) - Video

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DNA mapping for thousands of cancer patients – Video

Posted: at 3:44 am

DNA mapping for thousands of cancer patients
Up to 100000 patients with cancer and rare diseases in England are to have their entire genetic code sequenced. Downing Street says a database of genetic sequences and profiles will be built, so that doctors can better understand patients #39; illnesses and develop new treatments.From:newsonline54Views:0 0ratingsTime:02:31More inSports

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DNA mapping for thousands of cancer patients - Video

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Clay Douglas Talks with Dr. True Ott – Video

Posted: at 3:44 am

Clay Douglas Talks with Dr. True Ott
Dr. True Ott is a brilliant researcher, Here he is interviewed by Clay Douglas The video of this show was blocked and the sound distorted on Blogtalk also. "Minority Report" -- the Future of "Predictive Programming" is Here! I #39;ve been lecturing about the "CIA #39;s Best Kept Secret" for years. This godless, Edomite super-technology is closely tied to the "Elite #39;s" TRANSHUMANISM agenda -- where God #39;s masterpiece of creation called the human DNA becomes literally inter-active with computers, and vice-versa. The CIA #39;s "Best Kept Secret" is a massive, artificial intelligence (AI) driven super computer operating underground in Arlington, Virginia, a computer literally called "The Beast". It is able to access the world #39;s data base and rapidly compute future scenarios with a tremendous degree of accuracy. Literally -- NOTHING IS LEFT TO "CHANCE" with this monstrosity. Of course, humans of necessity become mere pawns in this "predictive programming" -- because you see, the BIG SECRET is that the computer knows exactly HOW to program the collective human consciousness in order to SHAPE world events into a prescribed -- elitist vision -- aka their "New World Order".From:Clayton DouglasViews:0 0ratingsTime:56:21More inEducation

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Kainos the Breed – Biblical Assasination – Video

Posted: at 3:44 am

Kainos the Breed - Biblical Assasination
Lyrics Verse 1 I shine like the sun my origin is heavenly My music got the seraphim worshipping zealously Labeled divisive callin out hypocrisies Church want me to drink hemlock Socrates But I won #39;t stop challenging the status quo God is love, bad mindsets gotta go Ecstatically driven my madness no surprise A foolish thing in the hands of God to shame the wise A tree of righteousness manifest on the earth Lines packing a punch like smith wigglesworth Words bold lions with the strength of a man Call me Samson when I got the pen in my hand Flow like water in Bethsaida #39;s pool I #39;m stepping in Product of heaven and earth call me nephillim I rain fire Sodom Gomorrah hazardous I Take dead beats resurrect them lazarus Verse 2 Rhythmically a genius I am a prodigy Living proof God is real, no apology I never back down battling never nervous Got crowds more hype than a benny hinn service A Jesus replica, Divine DNA clone My Dad in Heaven #39;s a king Watch the Throne Bad prophets spell doom like they hooked on phonics I shift their bad paradigms call it plate tectonics From glory to glory held captive in victory Biblically epic flow I spit noteworthy history I Puff Jehovauana, He #39;s the Ghost that I toke Call me the Glory Cloud cause rappers go up in smoke I crush the mic so hard mcs take vows of silence It #39;s a lyrical slaughter Old Testament violence Call my pen Leona Lewis cause love bleeds Words cut so atheists wanna see God heal amputees Verse 3 Never rap sober, Holy Spirit drunk I ...From:loveismycommandmentViews:27 5ratingsTime:03:12More inMusic

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Scientist To Map DNA Of 100000 Seriously Ill People – Video

Posted: at 3:44 am

Scientist To Map DNA Of 100000 Seriously Ill People
December 10, 2012 BBC News MOXNews.comFrom:MOXNEWSd0tC0MViews:68 7ratingsTime:03:04More inNews Politics

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