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Category Archives: Transhuman News
NASA adds $30 million for space taxi work
Posted: December 11, 2012 at 3:45 am
REUTERS - NASA is adding $30 million to its investment in three companies' efforts to develop spaceships that can fly astronauts to the International Space Station, officials said on Monday.
The U.S. space agency awarded $10 million to privately owned Sierra Nevada Corp, $9.99 million to Boeing and $9.59 million to privately owned Space Exploration Technologies to help the firms get their vehicles certified to fly to the station.
Since the retirement of the space shuttles last year, NASA has been dependent on Russia to fly astronauts to the $100 billion orbital outpost, a research laboratory owned and operated by 15 countries that flies about 250 miles (400 km) above Earth.
The companies have separate agreements with NASA to develop space transportation systems, with the aim of breaking Russia's monopoly by 2017. Boeing was awarded $460 million for its CST-100 capsule, Space Exploration Technologies received $440 million to upgrade its Dragon cargo capsule to carry people and Sierra Nevada was awarded $212.5 million for work on its winged Dream Chaser.
The earlier awards were to help fund the spaceship designs, while the new awards will help fund the process of certifying that they meet NASA safety requirements to carry humans.
"These contracts represent important progress in restoring human spaceflight capabilities to the United States," Phil McAlister, who oversees NASA's commercial spaceflight programs, said in a statement.
"NASA and its industry partners are committed to the goal of safely and cost-effectively launching astronauts from home within the next five years," he said.
The contracts run from January 22, 2013, through May 30, 2014.
(Reporting by Irene Klotz in Mojave, California; Editing by Jane Sutton and Lisa Shumaker)
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Atlantis space shuttle Launch on 8 June 2007 STS 117 – Video
Posted: at 3:45 am
Atlantis space shuttle Launch on 8 June 2007 STS 117
Atlantis heads toward the International Space Station with a new set of solar arrays. STS-117 (ISS assembly flight 13A) was a Space Shuttle mission flown by Space Shuttle Atlantis, launched from pad 39A of the Kennedy Space Center on 8 June 2007. Atlantis lifted off from the launch pad at 19:38 EDT. Damage from a hail storm on 26 February 2007 had previously caused the launch to be postponed from an originally-planned launch date of 15 March 2007. The launch of STS-117 marked the 250th orbital human spaceflight. Atlantis delivered to the International Space Station (ISS) the second starboard truss segment (the S3/S4 Truss) and its associated energy systems, including a set of solar arrays. During the course of the mission the crew installed the new truss segment, retracted one set of solar arrays, and unfolded the new set on the starboard side of the station. STS-117 also brought Expedition 15 crewmember Clayton Anderson to the station, and returned with ISS crewmember Sunita Williams. On 11 June 2007, NASA mission managers announced a two-day extension of the mission, adding a fourth extra-vehicular activity (EVA). These two days were inserted into the mission timeline after flight day 8. This possibility had been discussed prior to launch. Because of launch day and thus rendezvous day uncertainty the decision to extend was deferred until after launch. The repair of the gap in the Orbital Maneuvering System (OMS) thermal blanket (heat shielding) was conducted during EVA ...From:Pronto RiPViews:0 0ratingsTime:01:12More inScience Technology
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Genetic Engineering Awareness – Video
Posted: at 3:45 am
Genetic Engineering Awareness
From:corinne ramosViews:2 0ratingsTime:03:50More inPeople Blogs
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GEARS – Genetic Engineering at Rutgers Society – Video
Posted: at 3:45 am
GEARS - Genetic Engineering at Rutgers Society
Biology Undergraduates discuss their research projects, their findings, and experiences conducting research at Rutgers.From:RutgersViews:7 0ratingsTime:06:34More inEducation
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Ramble: Simelweis Taboo – Video
Posted: at 3:45 am
Ramble: Simelweis Taboo
I just don #39;t understand narrowmindedness. I don #39;t understand the stubborn refusal to face reality with integrity. I don #39;t understand cowardice. We each have only one life. Why squander it on timidity, prejudice and just so stories? Video referenced: "Taboos of Science" scishow " Published on Jul 30, 2012 Hank discusses some of the taboos which have plagued scientific inquiry in the past and a few that still exist today. Like SciShow? Follow SciShow: References: This video contains the following sounds from "grim fart.wav" by Walter_Odington "Toilet Flush.wav" by tweeterdj science, scishow, taboo, society, culture, research, study, ignaz semmelweis, germ theory, disease, louis pasteur, antiseptic, social norms, semmelweis reflex, dean radin, noetic science, stem cell, chimaera, human cloning, clone, dolly, sheep, ethics, religion, panayiotis zavos, synthetic biology, genetic engineering, biology, genetics, mental health, gender identity, gender dysphoria, sexual orientation, physics, archaeology, human remains, spirituality, consciousness, poop, toilet, sanitation"From:rriverstone1Views:20 2ratingsTime:15:28More inPeople Blogs
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Genetic engineering call me maybe- Ewald morality 4th hour – Video
Posted: at 3:45 am
Genetic engineering call me maybe- Ewald morality 4th hour
By: Katelyn Toloff Katie Rizik Nicole Di Ponio Julia PetroffFrom:rizikk1Views:0 0ratingsTime:03:14More inPeople Blogs
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SPOOOKYYY GHOST! (The Hidden) – Video
Posted: at 3:45 am
Ratings are Appreciated! Feedback is Welcome! For this game you need a source game like half life 2 Link to The Hidden: Storyline In the early 1950s human genetics experimentation was taking its first, tentative steps. Amongst many other black projects, a team of British scientists working at an Infinitum Research experimental station stumbled across some remarkable phenomena involving DNA manipulation. This led to deeper research with dangerously unpredictable results, often leading to human patients losing their lives in irresponsible and immoral experiments. Time passed on, and by the mid 1990s the failure rate of the experiments had been reduced from 75% to a mere 15%, enough for Infinitum to move onto the next stage: Biological Light Refraction. The British team were hoping to unravel the possibilities of light manipulation to create the perfect covert military agent. Early into the new millennium, due to a gross miscalculation, a series of tests on Subject 617 led to a massive synaptic trauma leaving the patient with multiple genetic anomalies. The subject was left in constant pain and with unstable DNA. The subject escaped captivity, killing anyone that got in its way. The IRIS (Infinitum Research Interception Squad) team have been deployed to return the subject to a maximum security Infinitum Research facility for further study and dissection. The entire project was considered a failure: all funding ceased and development was discontinued ...From:QuantumScatterViews:2 0ratingsTime:04:40More inGaming
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Being a little bit Godly – The Hidden – Video
Posted: at 3:45 am
Being a little bit Godly - The Hidden
Just playing a bit of the Hidden What the hell is going on you ask? Storyline In the early 1950s human genetics experimentation was taking its first, tentative steps. Amongst many other black projects, a team of British scientists working at an Infinitum Research experimental station stumbled across some remarkable phenomena involving DNA manipulation. This led to deeper research with dangerously unpredictable results, often leading to human patients losing their lives in irresponsible and immoral experiments. Time passed on, and by the mid 1990s the failure rate of the experiments had been reduced from 75% to a mere 15%, enough for Infinitum to move onto the next stage: Biological Light Refraction. The British team were hoping to unravel the possibilities of light manipulation to create the perfect covert military agent. Early into the new millennium, due to a gross miscalculation, a series of tests on Subject 617 led to a massive synaptic trauma leaving the patient with multiple genetic anomalies. The subject was left in constant pain and with unstable DNA. The subject escaped captivity, killing anyone that got in its way. The IRIS (Infinitum Research Interception Squad) team have been deployed to return the subject to a maximum security Infinitum Research facility for further study and dissection. The entire project was considered a failure: all funding ceased and development was discontinued while all records and traces of the experiments were destroyed. Infinitum ...From:MultiAwesomeness96Views:4 1ratingsTime:04:44More inGaming
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Amgen buying deCODE Genetics for $415 million
Posted: at 3:44 am
TRENTON, N.J. (AP) Biotech pioneer Amgen Inc., in a bid for a big edge in using people's genetic information to find better ways to attack diseases, is buying human genetics research and analytics leader deCODE Genetics for $415 million.
Amgen, the world's largest biotech company by revenue, and deCODE, based in Reykjavik, Iceland, announced the all-cash deal Monday.
DeCODE, founded in 1996, has discovered genetic risk factors for dozens of diseases, ranging from cardiovascular disease to cancer.
Probably its key asset and the reason for the deal is deCODE's huge database of the genetic and medical information of Iceland's population. That data can help researchers find links between genetic variations and characteristics that increase a person's risk of getting a particular disease and also affect patients' response to a drug.
"DeCODE Genetics has built a world-class capability in the study of the genetics of human disease. This capability will enhance our efforts to identify and validate human disease targets," Amgen CEO Robert Bradway said in a statement.
"This fits perfectly with our objective to pursue rapid development of relevant molecules that reach the right disease targets while avoiding investments in programs based on less well-validated targets," Bradway added.
That's important because the vast majority of experimental drugs, after years of expensive testing, eventually turn out not to work well or to have dangerous side effects. Drugmakers worldwide are trying to find ways to make their drug-development process more efficient to avoid spending tens of millions of dollars testing drugs that end up failing.
UBS Securities analyst Matthew Roden wrote in a note to investors that Amgen management stressed to him that being able to more efficiently identify and confirm targets for future development would help the company spot promising candidates, as well as likely failures, earlier.
"It is not surprising that Amgen is building out this R&D capability," given that some of its key experimental drugs were identified based on human genetics work, Roden wrote.
He has a "Buy" rating for Amgen and a 12-month share price target of $96, higher than its shares have ever been and significantly above its $89.95 peak over the last year. Roden noted Amgen will use off-shore cash for the deal and will not issue debt to cover it.
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Cameron unveils plan to map patients – Video
Posted: at 3:44 am
Cameron unveils plan to map patients
A drive to revolutionise NHS treatment could see up to 100000 patients have their DNA fully mapped. The Government #39;s project would focus on those with cancer and rare diseases. One hundred million pounds has been set aside for the programme in England over the next three to five years. David Cameron said: "Britain has often led the world in scientific breakthroughs and medical innovations, from the first CT scan and test-tube baby through to decoding DNA," he said. "By unlocking the power of DNA data, the NHS will lead the global race for better tests, better drugs and above all better care." It is hoped any developments could then help save thousands of lives. Patients would be asked for their permission before their DNA is sequenced, and data will be anonymised before it is stored. The money put aside has come from existing NHS budgets, and will go on training genetic scientists, mapping DNA, and creating the systems for handling the informatioFrom:NightwalkersViewViews:0 0ratingsTime:00:51More inScience Technology
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