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Category Archives: Transhuman News
StarTalk Live: Building the Future with Jason Silva – Video
Posted: December 12, 2012 at 10:42 am
StarTalk Live: Building the Future with Jason Silva
On November 27th, 2012, StarTalk Live brought a little science to the world of dollars and cents at the Business Insider IGNITION conference. Now you #39;re invited to hear astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson, comic co-host Eugene Mirman and guest futurists Jason Silva and Melissa Sterry answer questions that lie at the intersection of technology, human biology and urban planning. Will bio-ware and nanotechnology allow humans to reprogram our biology? Can smart-materials, adaptive structures and sensor nets help city planners and policy makers create smart cities that adapt to environmental change the way forests do? Are we really approaching a "technological singularity" of emerging super-intelligence beyond which events cannot be predicted -- and has humanity actually experienced one before? Co-Host: Eugene Mirman, comedian Guests: Jason Silva, futurist Melissa Sterry, futurist Music: Segment 1: The future of space exploration, and robots and machines as extensions of the human mind. The Future is Now, The Offspring Reach for the Stars, Segment 2: Bionics and bio-mimicry, taking design from nature, the singularity, transportation, eliminating the banal. Bionic, Christina Aguilera Travellin Man, Mos Def Segment 3: Smart cities of tomorrow. This City, Patrick Stump, featuring Lupe Fiasco Empire State of Mind, Alicia Keys and JayZ Segment 4: Asteroid impacts, hurricanes, geo-engineering. Eve of Destruction, Screaming Jets (cover) Orbital, Impact (The Earth is Burning ...From:JordanArdenViews:26 1ratingsTime:39:16More inPeople Blogs
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Future shock – main idea – Video
Posted: at 10:42 am
Future shock - main idea
Future Shock is a book written by the futurist Alvin Toffler in 1970. In the book, Toffler defines the term "future shock" as a certain psychological state of individuals and entire societies. His shortest definition for the term is a personal perception of "too much change in too short a period of time". Reference: Created at http://www.b2bwhiteboard.comFrom:B2BwhiteboardViews:3 0ratingsTime:00:44More inEducation
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Diffrent : GiraffeCast 011 (Nov 2012) – Video
Posted: at 10:42 am
Diffrent : GiraffeCast 011 (Nov 2012)
For more mixes : Wagz - Raregroove [Dub] Shaded - Awakening [Diffrent Dub] Dubtek - Weightless [Dub] Mtwn - Particles [Dub] Deadbeets - Slugger (Tension Dub) [Dub] Arkaik - Serated [Diffrent Dub] Subtension Minor Rain - No TIme [Dub] Lynx Kemo - Dive Deep [Warm Communications Dub] Bredren - Biosphere VIP [Proximity Dub] Fable Beezy - Afterparty [Dub] Cursa Futurist - Clart [Diffrent Dub] Fre4knc - Marching Cube [Absys Dub] Mauoq - Scriven Dub [Dub] Direct Motion - Those That Lead [Dub] Cranium Breach - Padded Cell (Resound Remix) [Skutta Dub] Hunchbak - 50 Hurts [Diffrent] Fracture - The Breaks [CIA Dub] Altitude - Creep [Dub] Dubtek - Ujayi [Dub] Fearful - Tongues [Diffrent Dub] Homemade Weapons - TenFour [Dub] Frederic Robinson - Untitled [Dub]From:DeeperJungleViews:1 5ratingsTime:01:01:01More inMusic
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Diffrent : GiraffeCast 011 (Nov 2012) - Video
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VACEO Member Eric Sundberg. A Leader, Not a Follower – Video
Posted: at 10:42 am
VACEO Member Eric Sundberg. A Leader, Not a Follower
Eric Sundberg is a self-proclaimed futurist with an astute "fix it gene" and a fondness for travel. He is tall, thin, and is as equally intense about his work as he is about his love for his giant german shepherd, King, who lounges causally in his office. Today, we find out about his business vision, how he gives back to the community, and what one piece of advice he has for young entrepreneurs.From:VACEOsViews:0 0ratingsTime:01:58More inNonprofits Activism
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VACEO Member Eric Sundberg. A Leader, Not a Follower - Video
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Estee Lauder Futurist – Video
Posted: at 10:42 am
Estee Lauder Futurist
Buy from Amazon UK Site out=http%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Eamazon%2Eco%2Euk%2Fexec%2Fobidos%2FASIN%2FB0075RN70G%2Fbeauty%5Ffab%2D21 Product Description Estee Lauder Futurist A fresh advanced skin-treatment fluid foundation Designed specifically for delicate Asian skin tested in Asia With a weightless ultra-silky creamy texture that glides rapidly smoothly onto skin Enriched with purified ionized water white water lily extract to deliver deep durable hydration Contains soft white-light diffusers that reduce pores imperfections fine lines Provides a medium to full coverage long-lasting stay-true color Creates a soft firm fresh perfect complexion in a natural glowProduct Line Estee Lauder - Complexion - Futurist Moisture Infused Fluid Makeup SPF 15Product Size: 30ml/1oz Disclaimer: Fabriano Boutique is a participant in the Amazon EU Associates Programme, an affiliate advertising programme designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon UK Site. Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of Amazon, Inc. or its affiliates.From:ha busbyViews:0 0ratingsTime:00:56More inHowto Style
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Estee Lauder Futurist - Video
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Real Muralla Vs. Futurist – Video
Posted: at 10:42 am
Real Muralla Vs. Futurist
our last indoor soccer game. Like always we lost 3-2. I #39;m sorry to say none of our goals were captured on video. I am not the one recording I am the goalie.From:SecretosDelDanseViews:0 0ratingsTime:01:46More inPeople Blogs
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Real Muralla Vs. Futurist - Video
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Jason Silva, Neil deGrasse Tyson and Melissa Sterry on Startalk Radio – Video
Posted: at 10:42 am
Jason Silva, Neil deGrasse Tyson and Melissa Sterry on Startalk Radio
On November 27th, 2012, StarTalk Live brought a little science to the world of dollars and cents at the Business Insider IGNITION conference. Now you #39;re invited to hear astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson, comic co-host Eugene Mirman and guest futurists Jason Silva and Melissa Sterry answer questions that lie at the intersection of technology, human biology and urban planning. Will bio-ware and nanotechnology allow humans to reprogram our biology? Can smart-materials, adaptive structures and sensor nets help city planners and policy makers create smart cities that adapt to environmental change the way forests do? Are we really approaching a "technological singularity" of emerging super-intelligence beyond which events cannot be predicted -- and has humanity actually experienced one before? Co-Host: Eugene Mirman, comedian Guests: Jason Silva, futurist Melissa Sterry, futuristFrom:Jason SilvaViews:102 26ratingsTime:48:38More inScience Technology
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Jason Silva, Neil deGrasse Tyson and Melissa Sterry on Startalk Radio - Video
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Posted: at 10:42 am
Mak Siris Talk About The Futurists Their Illuminati Ties
The younger wing of the illuminati follow the futurist agenda. Makalesi and siris king explain what that really means.From:Makalesi kingViews:0 0ratingsTime:15:18More inEntertainment
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FUTURIST Conference EU December 2012 – Video
Posted: at 10:42 am
FUTURIST Conference EU December 2012
How transhumanism will happen. Here is a glimpse of presentations from the futurists Ian Pearson and Jose Cordeiro at the European Futurists Conference in Lucerne. Find the page below and you can download their PDF files: Elon Musk was co-founder of PayPal and other things. Herman Kahn was a thinker involved in the #39;unthinkable #39; of thermonuclear war. Be wise and be well...thanks for watching and God Bless Everyone!From:ortegablueViews:7 0ratingsTime:15:02More inEducation
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(67) A Warrior’s tale (SWTOR Sith warrior) – Video
Posted: December 11, 2012 at 3:45 am
(67) A Warrior #39;s tale (SWTOR Sith warrior)
Nobody can hear you scream when you #39;re on a cloaked space station.From:NirukiiViews:14 3ratingsTime:14:27More inGaming
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(67) A Warrior's tale (SWTOR Sith warrior) - Video
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