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Category Archives: Transhuman News
Space Station Speed in Orbit (Bengali) – Video
Posted: December 12, 2012 at 10:46 am
Space Station Speed in Orbit (Bengali)
Space Station Speed in Orbit 0ratingsTime:06:36More inEducation
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ISS Update – Dec. 11, 2012 – Video
Posted: at 10:46 am
ISS Update - Dec. 11, 2012
The International Space Station video update for Dec. 11, 2012.From:ReelNASAViews:42 3ratingsTime:02:23More inScience Technology
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Kerbal Space Program: How not to launch space station components. – Video
Posted: at 10:46 am
Kerbal Space Program: How not to launch space station components.
GenJeFT fails at launching components. Lots of explosions.From:GenJeFTViews:5 0ratingsTime:39:10More inGaming
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The Honorary Patronage of Mark Shuttleworth | University Philosophical Society – Video
Posted: at 10:46 am
The Honorary Patronage of Mark Shuttleworth | University Philosophical Society
Mark Shuttleworth became an Honorary Patron of the Society on the 17th of December 2012 for his contribution to business and the open source software network. Mark is founder of Ubuntu, a popular free operating system for desktops and servers. In April 2002 he flew in space, as a cosmonaut member of the crew of Russian Soyuz mission TM34 to the International Space Station. He became the second self-funded space tourist and the first-ever African in space. After graduating from the University of Cape Town with a degree in finance and information technology, Mark founded Thawte, a company specialising in digital certificates and cryptography. When Thawte was acquired in 1999 by VeriSign, and he founded HBD, an investment company, and setup the Shuttleworth Foundation, which funds innovative change in society by supporting Fellows and investing in their projects. He moved to London in 2001, and began preparing for the First African in Space mission, training in Star City, Russia, and Khazakstan. After a tour of schools in South Africa promoting science and mathematics for aspiring astronauts he started work on Ubuntu. Today he lives on the lovely Isle of Man.From:TCDPhilViews:1 0ratingsTime:48:24More inEducation
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Always On – The future of space travel – Video
Posted: at 10:46 am
Always On - The future of space travel Molly Wood visits Cape Canaveral, Fla., where SpaceX was gearing up for its first mission to the International Space Station. She witnesses her first rocket launch and looks at the future of space exploration.From:CNETTVViews:2064 80ratingsTime:04:21More inShows
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Plants Grow the Same in Space as They Do on Earth – Video
Posted: at 10:46 am
Plants Grow the Same in Space as They Do on Earth
Good news for future farmers in space: A new finding shows plants grow just fine without gravity. National Geographic reports that an experiment sent to the International Space Station in 2010 has shown that seeds sprouted in space much the same as they would back on Earth, "growing away from the seed to seek nutrients and water in exactly the same pattern observed with gravity." The flowers were grown on a nutrient-rich gel in clear Petri plates. The seedlings revealed that gravity plays little apparent role in plant growth, upending previous assumptions. No doubt astronauts sent to colonize space will be relieved they can enjoy something more than freeze-dried ice cream on their way to the stars.From:slatesterViews:745 18ratingsTime:00:45More inScience Technology
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Kerbal Space Program: IKSC – Eva’in it up – Video
Posted: at 10:46 am
Kerbal Space Program: IKSC - Eva #39;in it up
Just messing around in Eva around my new space station that I call IKSC (no idea, just sounded cool) Kerbal Space Program: kerbalspaceprogram.comFrom:Rob321LaunchViews:1 0ratingsTime:02:30More inGaming
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KSP 0.18.1 Space Station Quick Visit – Video
Posted: at 10:46 am
KSP 0.18.1 Space Station Quick Visit
16x time lapse 1080p Musik: relaxdaily: relaxdaily.netFrom:invisibleunknownuserViews:5 0ratingsTime:02:59More inGaming
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Death Star Petition Asks Obama to Build Killer Space Station – Video
Posted: at 10:46 am
Death Star Petition Asks Obama to Build Killer Space Station
An online petition is asking the White House to build a "Death Star." We still have no comment from the Jedi Council. Thousands have signed a petition via "We The People" asking the United States to build a Death Star. But is that possible? Moreover, can we afford it? Kim Horcher breaks down the story and tells us what will happen if (when) the petition gets enough signatures. Read more on the "Death Star Petition" from Huffington Post: Read the "Death Star Petition" on We The People: petitions.whitehouse.govFrom:NerdAlertViews:110 22ratingsTime:02:05More inFilm Animation
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Believe it or not Advert on the MOON – Video
Posted: at 10:46 am
Believe it or not Advert on the MOON
A spoof video of a British company #39;s fictional bid to beam a cheese logo onto the moon has sparked panic at Nasa overs fears it could threaten the International Space Station. Advertising executive James Vellacott and his colleagues dreamed up the stunt by fictitious brand #39;Mooncheeze #39; as part of an annual joke video they send to clients for a festive treat. To research the script they emailed a junior aeronautics officer in the US to work out what would be required to beam an image onto the moon.From:DailyMail2UViews:0 0ratingsTime:02:25More inNews Politics
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