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Ron Paul explains uppcoming finincial crisis and why nothings getting done. – Video
Posted: December 13, 2012 at 5:43 pm
Ron Paul explains uppcoming finincial crisis and why nothings getting done.
From:emmnecks12Views:1 1ratingsTime:04:12More inEducation
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Ron Paul explains uppcoming finincial crisis and why nothings getting done. - Video
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Ron american story – Video
Posted: at 5:43 pm
Ron american story
tribute to RON PAULFrom:michaelalogailiViews:2 0ratingsTime:04:02More inNews Politics
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Ron american story - Video
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RON PAUL – tribute – Video
Posted: at 5:43 pm
RON PAUL - tribute
the american , RON PAULFrom:michaelalogailiViews:0 0ratingsTime:03:07More inNews Politics
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RON PAUL - tribute - Video
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Ron Paul: Feds back killers of their ambassador – Video
Posted: at 5:43 pm
Ron Paul: Feds back killers of their ambassador
Sponsor: - Ron Paul Feds back killers of their ambassador. Illustrated texas straight talk for 9.17.2012. Some or all of the vid in this clip #39;s likely available for you to use commercially. Basically anything that was shot by me or was public domain to begin with. My stuff is automatically released into the public domain. Until I say otherwise. Usually, if I shot it, "" or "" will appear at the bottom. Anything which has that super or was obviously shot by me is public domain. Illustrated with video...from friends. Like what you see here?? the Ridley Report most easily using Bitcoin. See my latest BTC address at I mostly tend to keep the wallet fairly empty for security reasons. So...don #39;t be shy about letting me know you #39;ve donated. That way I can evacuate or spend the BTC #39;s.... Full playlist of Ron Paul 2012 speeches I #39;ve illustraded with video so far: How ye can buy an ad for yourself on this channel: Music by http ron paul speeches illustrated new hampshire benghazi bingazi bengazi bengahzi. ambassador killed file video us embassy eurasia is our friend we are at war with east asia oceana 1984 george orwell. embassies libertarians diplomats, elections rbarack obama ridleyreport liberty ron paul manchester Chris Stevens libya dave ridley report. rebels syrian cops Creative commons license al-Qaeda al-Qaida al-Qa #39;ida ...From:RidleyReportViews:72 12ratingsTime:04:54More inNews Politics
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Ron Paul: Feds back killers of their ambassador - Video
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The Pursuit Of Liberty _ Ron Paul _ ANIMATION _ Stringini Brothers _Kinetic Typography – Video
Posted: at 5:43 pm
The Pursuit Of Liberty _ Ron Paul _ ANIMATION _ Stringini Brothers _Kinetic Typography
This is a Kinetic Typography Animation I made with audio from the last minute and a half of Ron Paul #39;s fair-well speech to congress on November 14 2012. As many of his speeches go, it made a lot of common sense, but he delivers it with a bit of nutty-professor. However Ron Paul isn #39;t admired for his smooth speeches, rather he is admired for his unrelenting push for a freer America where people have opportunity to work hard and prosper, unimpeded by envious intolerant interlopers and busybodies in government. I thought this animated visual might help this message be better understood and shed some light on this particular excerpt from his speech. I am an animator and I #39;d like this animation to do two things: 1 - It is a small sample of my art animation talent; I am a freelance artist seeking work. 2 - I want Ron Paul or his people to see this and we #39;ll cross that bridge once we get there. Thank you Link to this video on Facebook etc and as Ron Paul said, "Spread it across the land" Software- Adobe Flash and After Effects and Maxon Cinema 4D Music- Herbie Hancock Head HuntersFrom:Frank StringiniViews:0 0ratingsTime:01:47More inFilm Animation
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The Pursuit Of Liberty _ Ron Paul _ ANIMATION _ Stringini Brothers _Kinetic Typography - Video
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Posted: at 5:43 pm
Every time Rand opens his mouth I like him more! RAND / RON PAUL 2016. REAL CHANGE FOR REAL HOPE.From:marty lambViews:0 0ratingsTime:03:16More inPeople Blogs
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Sen. Rand Paul.....A MAN OF COMPASSION AND CONVICTION..flv - Video
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Justin Amash: I was told I received a ZERO on Republican leadership vote scorecard – Video
Posted: at 5:43 pm
Justin Amash: I was told I received a ZERO on Republican leadership vote scorecard
Justin Amash and Tim Huelskamp on The Sean Hannity Show 12/12/12 Justin Amash Sean Hannity John Boehner budge committee purge Tim Huelskamp David Schweikert Walter Jones Republican Party GOP Ron Paul Rand Paul Peter Schiff Rush Limbaugh Glenn Beck Mark Levin Michael Savage Michael Medved Neal Boortz Laura Ingraham Mike Gallagher Jim Demint Sarah Palin tea party Alex Jones Mitt Romney Rachel MaddowFrom:bxtidre7Views:136 8ratingsTime:14:58More inNews Politics
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Justin Amash: I was told I received a ZERO on Republican leadership vote scorecard - Video
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Retired bureaucrat tells me to get a job – Video
Posted: at 5:43 pm
Retired bureaucrat tells me to get a job
Sponsor: BlockChain.INFO - Retired bureaucrat tells me to get a job. New Hampshire House committee attempts cost-saving changes to state employee retirement system. I question one state retiree who arrives to observe and presumably oppose these changes. Some and all of the vid in this clip #39;s likely available for you to use commercially. Basically anything that was shot by me or was public domain to begin with. My stuff is automatically released into the public domain. Until I say otherwise. Usually if I shot it, "" or "" will appear at the bottom. Anything which has that super or was obviously shot by me is public domain. This vid is, or likely will be, part of a playlist. A link should eventually appear below where you can watch in sequence: Illustrated with video...from friends. Like what you see here? the Ridley Report most easily using Bitcoin. See my latest BTC address at I tend to keep the wallet fairly empty for security reasons. So...don #39;t be shy about letting me know you #39;ve donated. That way I can evacuate or spend the BTC #39;s.... How you can buy an ad for yourself on this channel: retirees new hampshire pensioners libertarians state workers ridleyreport bureaucracy liberty bureaucrats ron paul bureaucracies manchester government dave ridley report. cops new hampshire state house Creative commons license seiu police public domain footage service ...From:RidleyReportViews:5 0ratingsTime:07:42More inNews Politics
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Retired bureaucrat tells me to get a job - Video
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Quran Study No 41 – Quran Study Sura 54- Al-fatiha for everything you wish, Extreme Libertarianism – Video
Posted: at 5:43 pm
Quran Study No 41 - Quran Study Sura 54- Al-fatiha for everything you wish, Extreme Libertarianism
Quran Study Sura 54- Al-fatiha for everything you wish, Extreme LibertarianismFrom:GodAloneTVViews:0 0ratingsTime:54:14More inNonprofits Activism
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Quran Study No 41 - Quran Study Sura 54- Al-fatiha for everything you wish, Extreme Libertarianism - Video
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Ukip ready to exploit gay marriage tensions
Posted: at 5:43 pm
The government's policy of pushing ahead with gay marriage is tearing the Tory party apart, according to Ukip leader Nigel Farage.
Many Conservative MPs have revealed their local party membership has strong objections to allowing gay marriage ceremonies and more members are even leaving in protest.
Farage claimed there is a gulf between rural and urban voters on the issue and that traditional Conservatives were feeling disillusioned by the policy.
"David Cameron's proposal has the potential to rip apart the traditional rural Tory vote," Farage told the Guardian.
"While Ukip wholly respects the rights of gay people to have civil partnerships, we feel the prime minister's proposals will present an affront to millions of people in this country for whom this will be the final straw."
Some have accused Ukip of opportunism, as opposing gay marriage appears contradictory to the libertarianism the party often preaches.
But party chairman Steve Crowther told "As a libertarian party we have no objection to gay marriage per se, but we are opposed to the bill.
"Libertarianism is about balancing people's rights. To deliver virtually no new rights at all for gay people the government is steamrolling those of religious people.
"They are picking a fight with millions of people of many faith communities for no benefit."
Over 100 Conservative MPs had planned to vote against the bill, which has strong support from Liberal Democrats and most Labour MPs.
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Ukip ready to exploit gay marriage tensions
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