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Censorship On The Internet Is Not Really Bad – Video
Posted: December 13, 2012 at 5:43 pm
Censorship On The Internet Is Not Really Bad
Though the video we have tried to show that Censorship On Internet is Not Really Bad.At times it may turn out to be fruitful.Confused ?? Go On and Watch the Movie... Tell us how you feel.Don #39;t Forget to like it and feel free to give us suggestions Thanks Kunal AroraFrom:Kunal AroraViews:0 0ratingsTime:09:41More inFilm Animation
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The Universal Seven Day Week – Video
Posted: at 5:43 pm
The Universal Seven Day Week
The World: Born in 4004 BC? Ussher and the Date of Creation The Heresies of Hugh Ross: A local Flood Carl Sagan and Progressive Creation Refuting the Compromise of Hugh Ross Creation: In Six Days or Six Billion Years? Genesis is a Myth, According to Many "Christians" Progressive Creation: The Death of Genesis Evolutionists are Exposed and Vicious Creations Scientists are Ridiculed by Evolutionists The Sharks of Evolution Tyrants and Censorship: They Devour Their Own! Why do Evolutionists Resort to Insults? WarneveryoneViews:0 0ratingsTime:04:11More inEducation
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Bud Light "Spuds Mackenzie" 1986 – Video
Posted: at 5:43 pm
Bud Light "Spuds Mackenzie" 1986
Spuds MacKenzie was a fictional dog created for use in a campaign marketing Bud Light beer in the late 1980s. The dog first showed up in a Bud Light Super Bowl ad. By the end of the game, Spuds was a marketing success. The dog, a Bull Terrier, existed not without his share of controversy. Shortly after Spuds #39; rise to fame it was learned that "he" was actually female. The "controversy" was spread through the media. Spuds died of kidney failure in North Riverside, Illinois. Because of the popularity of the ads, they were the subject of calls for censorship by temperance-oriented groups. In 1992, the Center for Science in the Public Interest, along with Mothers Against Drunk Driving, charged that Anheuser- Busch was pitching the dog to children. Although the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) found no evidence to support that allegation, the ads were dropped.From:BetterBrandsSCViews:0 0ratingsTime:00:30More inPeople Blogs
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Has China Opened a Crack in the Great Firewall? – Video
Posted: at 5:43 pm
Has China Opened a Crack in the Great Firewall?
Is the Internet becoming freer in China? On Monday, users on China #39;s Twitter-like Sina Weibo were suddenly able to search the names of top leaders, like Xi Jinping. Before this, netizens could only see messages like, "According to related laws and regulations, search results are not shown". The apparent loosening of censorship on social media has generated some interest. Zhang Xinyu, an information freedom advocate says the move reflects the new image that Xi Jinping wants to portray. [Zhang Xinyu, Founder, Global Information Freedom] "Xi Jinping has three strategies: anti-corruption, economic reform and being closer to the people. So on the last point, he wants to show, see, you can freely search my name." But not every leader has become unblocked on Sina. While searches for incoming Premier Li Keqiang, and even disgraced official Bo Xilai yield results, a search for outgoing Premier Wen Jiabao is blocked. Terms like Falun Gong, or Tiananmen Square Protests also remain unsearchable. [Liu Yingquan, Democracy Activist] "It shows that there are still no signs of any significant change. The new leader just wants to get a handle on things, so he can only make small gestures, like punishing corruption or changing the way things are done. But in terms of any major changes, I don #39;t see it." Instead of signaling freer cyberspace, Zhang Xinyu thinks the latest development shows the opposite. [Zhang Xinyu, Founder, Global Information Freedom] "This is actually an unfortunate ...From:NTDonChinaViews:1 0ratingsTime:02:00More inNews Politics
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The Universal Seven Day Week (James Ussher’s 4000 Year Chronology) – Video
Posted: at 5:43 pm
The Universal Seven Day Week (James Ussher #39;s 4000 Year Chronology)
The World: Born in 4004 BC? Ussher and the Date of Creation The Heresies of Hugh Ross: A local Flood Carl Sagan and Progressive Creation Refuting the Compromise of Hugh Ross Creation: In Six Days or Six Billion Years? Genesis is a Myth, According to Many "Christians" Progressive Creation: The Death of Genesis Evolutionists are Exposed and Vicious Slaughter of the Dissidents Creations Scientists are Ridiculed by Evolutionists The Sharks of Evolution Tyrants and Censorship: They Devour Their Own! Why do Evolutionists Resort to Insults? FlangViews:2 1ratingsTime:04:11More inEducation
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The Universal Seven Day Week (James Ussher's 4000 Year Chronology) - Video
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Internet Censorship Coming – ITU Geneva – UN internet takeover coming Make Viral ! – Video
Posted: at 5:43 pm
Internet Censorship Coming - ITU Geneva - UN internet takeover coming Make Viral !
From U - Tuber : WeAreONEbigFamily Ok my question is has everyone stored enough evidence on his / her computer ? Because if the internet is going to be taken over there is a great chance that they will censor those who spread to sensitive information. Upload as much as you can , spend a couple of day #39;s , later you won #39;t regret it as you can use the info to explain and convince others. Hey i #39;ve done my best , more i cannot do , i spended 3 years continues my time , now its upto all of you. All the best , don #39;t let it be a failure spread the truth.From:NOLIESJUSTTRUTHMEViews:0 0ratingsTime:04:08More inNonprofits Activism
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Internet Censorship Coming - ITU Geneva - UN internet takeover coming Make Viral ! - Video
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Prayer of Total CENSORED – Video
Posted: at 5:43 pm
Prayer of Total CENSORED
Unnecessary censorship at its best! Ok, not best .. adequate-est? This a silly little re-edit of the Prayer of Total Commitment. It #39;s Satire (and thus, fair-use). If you are offended - get a life. If you are amused - yea! If you are homicidally pissed off - I #39;m really .. umm.. Ian Juby. Yea, that #39;s the ticket.From:TheAstroblemeViews:0 0ratingsTime:01:26More inComedy
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DOWNLOAD FREE VA TOP 100 Trance Hits #4 2012 FULL – Video
Posted: at 5:43 pm
DOWNLOAD FREE VA TOP 100 Trance Hits #4 2012 FULL
DOWNLOAD: Release: 2012 | MP3 320 Kbps | Tracks: 100 | Size: 1.56 Gb Genre: Trance, Vocal Trance Tracklist: 1. Pluton Vlad Zelinskiy ? Ecstasy 2. Aleksey Zhahin ? Beyond The Clouds 3. DJ Inva ? I Miss You (Heartbreak Trance Remix) 4. DJ Cyber ? Skyline 5. Justyna ? Obietnica 6. Dirtyphreak vs Gotalien ? Cosmic Censorship 7. Equaxion ? Side By Side (Onehundred Remix) 8. Fanatic Emotions ? Miracle (Remastered) 9. Darkwave Raphael V ? A Good Start 10. Morri ? Looking Forward 11. Fanatic Emotions ? Sevedenas (Dee Trance Mix - Remastered Remix) 12. Finist ? Visiting Fairy Tales (Radio Edit) 13. Eyesman ? Show Time (Club Mix) 14. Mino Safy ? Friday 15. Chris Forward Mace Ventura ? Feel The Red (Mosahar Remix) 16. P. Missat Chris Forward ? Zyklon (Bvibes Remix) 17. Querox ? Crazy Smile (Toxic Universe Remix) 18. Imperfection ? Painkiller 19. Mujahid ? Hopes In Horizon 20. Aura ? Wearing My Shoes (Feat Danielle Senior - Dirty Mix) 21. Finist ? In Disarray 22. Synsoniq ? Point Of Pleassure 23. Javah ? Waiting (Feat Mimi Boheme - Dub Mix) 24. Texoa ? Take It (Original Mix) 25. Nivaya ? Marzipan (1st Mix) 26. RVM ? Sacrify 27. Schakal ? Upiter 28. Deadstar ? You Touch My Love (Tranceless D Remix) 29. Gabriel Miller ? Touch My Feelings 30. M-Rec ? Thank You 31. Dewstuffz ? Future Gallery (Second Mix) 32. Bvibes ? Flowtation (Original Version) 33. Gabriel Miller ? Girls Never Change (Mkartal Remix) 34. Phyger ? Sphere (Feedback Remix) 35. Sunlight Project ? A Sunny ...From:branislav maricViews:0 0ratingsTime:00:09More inPeople Blogs
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Virgin of Guadalupe draws millions of pilgrims – Video
Posted: at 5:43 pm
Virgin of Guadalupe draws millions of pilgrims
today,nickelback,lil wayne, wiz khalifa, love today, justin bieber, day today, alex jones,drake, eminem, mw3, black ops 2, halo 4, chris brown, one direction, nicki minaj ,iphone 5, lady gaga, bruno mars, miley cyrus, beyonce, selena gomez, skyrim, obama, baby justin bieber, minecraft, michael jackson, glee, demi lovato, fox news, bloopers, funny, funny video, fail, family guy, smosh, nigahiga, fred, barack obama, mitt romney, obama rap, snl, saturday night live, call me maybe, gangnam style, kanye west, vybz kartel, israel, beenie man, iran, war, god of war, airsoft, halo 3, escape the fate, call of duty, rise against, nerf, war music, halo, the war, linkin park, news bloopers, today show, alex jones, ron paul, the beatles, haiti, beatles facebook, philippines, earthquake, syria, obama speechFrom:foxnewssuicideViews:0 0ratingsTime:02:11More inEntertainment
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Ron Paul explains financial collpase – Video
Posted: at 5:43 pm
Ron Paul explains financial collpase
From:emmnecks12Views:0 2ratingsTime:05:36More inEducation
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