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Category Archives: Transhuman News
Global Futurist Campaign – Video
Posted: December 15, 2012 at 12:41 am
Global Futurist Campaign
A Better World, A Better FutureFrom:Alessandra CartagenaViews:2 0ratingsTime:01:49More inNews Politics
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Global Futurist Campaign - Video
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Conference Highlights from The Future of Workforce Development: Where Research Meets Practice – Video
Posted: at 12:41 am
Conference Highlights from The Future of Workforce Development: Where Research Meets Practice
Highlights from notable speakers Paul Osterman, professor, Sloan School and the Department of Urban Planning, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Carol Tom, executive vice president of corporate services and chief financial officer, The Home Depot; and Glen Hiemstra, founder, Futurist.comFrom:AtlantaFedViews:0 0ratingsTime:11:46More inEducation
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Conference Highlights from The Future of Workforce Development: Where Research Meets Practice - Video
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Michael Rogers: "Practical Futurist" Author, Technologist and Keynote Speaker – Video
Posted: at 12:41 am
Michael Rogers: "Practical Futurist" Author, Technologist and Keynote Speaker
Michael Rogers is an internationally-known futurist, author, speaker and technology pioneer who most recently served as futurist-in-residence for The New York Times. He also writes the popular Practical Futurist column for MSNBC and is a best-selling novelist whose fiction explores the human impact of technology. Michael is a different kind of futurist mdash;one who combines real business experience with technology skills. Add to that the keen eye of an award-winning investigative journalist and the storytelling skill of a novelist, and you have The Practical Futurist. Michael Rogers also speaks to audiences worldwide and is a regular guest on radio and television, known for his use of stories and humor to create an optimistic and inspirational view of future challenges. His consultancy has worked with companies ranging from FedEx, Boeing and NBC Universal to Microsoft, Pfizer and Siemens, focusing on how companies can think about the future in useful ways. Rogers earned degrees in Physics and Creative Writing at Stanford University, with additional studies in finance and management at the Stanford Business School Executive Program. More About Speaker, Michael Rogers. . . Michael Rogers began his career as a writer for Rolling Stone magazine. He co-founded Outside magazine and then launched Newsweek #39;s technology column, winning numerous journalism awards. For ten years he was vice president of The Washington Post Company #39;s new media division, leading both the newspaper and ...From:TheBigSpeakViews:0 0ratingsTime:07:45More inEducation
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Jim Carroll – Futurist, Trend and Innovation Keynote Speaker – Video
Posted: at 12:41 am
Jim Carroll - Futurist, Trend and Innovation Keynote Speaker
Acknowledged as one of the world #39;s leading global futurists, trends and innovation experts with a massive global blue chip client list. He helps transform growth-oriented organizations into high-velocity innovation heroes!From:SpeakersCViews:2 0ratingsTime:01:39More inPeople Blogs
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iOnRoad: Your Smartphone Makes You a Smarter Driver – Video
Posted: at 12:41 am
iOnRoad: Your Smartphone Makes You a Smarter Driver
This is one smart phone app that #39;s safe to use while driving! Welcome to our series of Top Israeli (Tel Aviv) startups you need to know co-produced with our friends at Newsgeek ( ) and Gil Friedlander, CEO and co-founder of Tawkon ( - a globally recognized, visionary startup in Tel Aviv and the US. Today we #39;re featuring Alon Atsmon, CEO co-founder of iOnRoad ( Alon #39;s a futurist, startup entrepreneur and capturing an extensive market of drivers. iOnRoad makes you a better driver. It lessens distracted driveing, is what their team calls "your personal driving assistant" and even helps you find parking. What makes them different from all the other computerized cars out there? It #39;s accessibily to anyone who has a smart phone and a moving vehicule. No car computers, radars, or special gagets required. And the market #39;s noticed. They recently won Gartner #39;s cool vendors in automotive 2012 and the CTIA (wireless associaiton) #39;s most innovative in transportation award this year as well. At the rate they #39;re going, seems like there will be more to come! So get to know Alon and iOnRoad. Watch our latest webisode and drive safer...albeit, it #39;s probably better to watch it while you #39;re not driving.. Special thanks goes to Alon Atsmon ( team for the interview and our good friends at Newsgeek ( ) and Tawkon #39;s ( CEO co-founder, Gil Friedlander. Thank you for visiting VC-TV and come back again ...From:venturecaptvViews:2 1ratingsTime:04:25More inScience Technology
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Alan Watt Blurb – A Good Example Of Predictive Programming – April 11, 2007 – Video
Posted: at 12:41 am
Alan Watt Blurb - A Good Example Of Predictive Programming - April 11, 2007
Alan Watt Videos playlist - This is Alan Watt #39;s blurb from April 11, 2007. mp3 - transcript - April 11, 2007 Alan Watt Blurb (ie Educational Talk) "A Good Example of Predictive Programming" Topics discussed: New "Posh" Bound Books, Red-Flagged Emails - Impossible to Answer All, "Corporations Will Push Humans into Alternate Realities", World Corporations - Proctor and Gamble - Bottled Infant Formulas - Sterilized Jars with Synthetic Form of Estrogen - Charles Galton Darwin - Effeminization, Public Programming, Rand Corp., Ford Foundation - Carnegie - Rockefeller - IFTF - Futurist Think-Tanks, Entertainment - Fascinated to Death, Communist Writings - Destruction of Family Unit - Separation of Male and Female, State Care-Takers, Relation of Life and Death, "Old Folks" Homes, Increasing Indoctrination with Each Generation, Welfare State, Multi-Millionaire Lawyer-Politicians, Authorized Candidates, Genetic Engineering, Financing Genetic Research - Purpose-Made Humans - Huxley #39;s "Brave New World", Bio-Ethics Committees, Splicing Human Genes into Animals, Brain-Chipping, UN - UNESCO - World Culture - Brainwashing - Future Bureaucrats, "Utopia", Video Games - Sports - Heroes, Use of Repetitive Slogans, Gullibility of the Young - Soldiers for War - No Thought of Death, Virtue - Virtual - Promises of Better Housing and Living - Utopia, World War I and II, HG Wells - War Propaganda, United Europe, Alan #39;s ...From:1stageofawarenessViews:2 0ratingsTime:50:31More inEducation
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CADA Laureates join retail panel at CADA Summit – Video
Posted: at 12:41 am
CADA Laureates join retail panel at CADA Summit
Richard Gauthier, President and CEO of the Canadian Automobile Dealers Association, discusses the retail panel at the CADA Summit event on February 13 at the Hilton Toronto, which features CADA Laureates Trevor Boquist and Christian Chia, who are joined by futurist Jim Carroll. Veteran industry analyst Chuck Seguin will moderate this panel session.From:VideoCADAViews:4 0ratingsTime:01:17More inAutos Vehicles
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Mia, Myself
Posted: December 13, 2012 at 5:46 pm
Mia, Myself Eye 1_1
Ep. 1_1 Hello, I must be boldly going. A strange visitor from another world arives at the space station Otsbog 6.From:EnrobsoPic72Views:9 1ratingsTime:04:59More inFilm Animation
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Mia, Myself
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NASA The Best View in the Solar System by Davell Burnett – Video
Posted: at 5:46 pm
NASA The Best View in the Solar System by Davell Burnett
Time-lapse sequences looking back at our multi-colored planet from low earth orbit, as viewed from the International Space Station. Images edited using Adobe Lightroom with some cropping and image manipulation.From:Lunar00IndustriesViews:1 1ratingsTime:03:36More inPeople Blogs
NASA The Best View in the Solar System by Davell Burnett - Video
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Ksp 0.18 – Space station – part 3 (fuel depo) – Video
Posted: at 5:46 pm
Ksp 0.18 - Space station - part 3 (fuel depo)
We launch the biggest and heaviest part of our space station and successfully dock it to our station.From:TheGreenDragon666Views:0 1ratingsTime:28:02More inGaming
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