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Category Archives: Transhuman News

Living with severe Eczema (A Skin Disorder) – Video

Posted: December 15, 2012 at 12:43 am

Living with severe Eczema (A Skin Disorder)
In this video, I goof off while describing some of my bizarre skin disorder. My eczema is a tad strange, for it generally causes 60% of the skin from my neck to literally shed during the winter. This causes some severely awkward situations for me, for it appears to look like dandruff though it is not. I can #39;t always go out in public because of the irritations on my skin and I also have to skip school sometimes due to sleeplessness caused by these rashes. During the winter months, keeping my skin on my body becomes an issue and I often feel embarrassed by it, not many people know what disorder I have, after all. Anyhow, I also speak about some updates on my ex fiance situation! Stay tunedFrom:Ravjot SinghViews:152 2ratingsTime:03:05More inPeople Blogs

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Yu-Be from Carter and Bond Male Grooming – Video

Posted: at 12:43 am

Yu-Be from Carter and Bond Male Grooming
Click here for Yu-Be #39;s range of skin care products: Yu-Be was created in 1957 and is the best selling medicated, vitamin-enriched skin care cream in Japan today. The formula is rich in Vitamin E, Vitamin B2 and Camphor but it is the uniquely high Glycerin content and absorbability, achieved through a special manufacturing process in Japan, which makes Yu-Be so effective and truly sets it apart from other creams. Yu-Be has multiple uses from simple daily moisturizing to soothing and reducing rashes and symptoms of Eczema and Dermatitis.From:CarterandbondViews:4 0ratingsTime:01:28More inPeople Blogs

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Nature’s Eczema Soap | Eleanor Reily – Video

Posted: at 12:43 am

Nature #39;s Eczema Soap | Eleanor Reily
Eleanor Reily, Soapmaker and entrepreneur, will tell us how her grandmother showed her how to make and use natural home remedies. Hear how the Holy Spirit guided her from self-care to helping others, by creating soaps, and body products with no chemicals, perfumes or artificial ingredients. Hear this deeply intuitive Eucharistic Minister blend God #39;s abundance in a balanced spiritual and worldly way.From:Jeff LiautaudViews:0 0ratingsTime:15:39More inNonprofits Activism

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Nature's Eczema Soap | Eleanor Reily - Video

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Robbie – Video

Posted: at 12:43 am

May 7, 2012 Robbie with eczema at the time I took this video... Still a happy baby though.. (^_^)From:robert vasquezViews:0 0ratingsTime:01:40More inPeople Blogs

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Robbie - Video

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Total Hair Regrowth Does It Work – Video

Posted: at 12:43 am

Total Hair Regrowth Does It Work - Total hair regrowth does it work. Natural Hair Regrowth Treatment l Looking for ideas on natural hair regrowth treatment? Then look no further as this article will provide you with as many possible solutions that you will be able to use in the aims of preventing hair loss. There are actually a lot of safe and effective natural methods that you can try in order to reverse hair loss. So what are those natural methods? Here are some of them: Eat your way to better hair: Hard to believe isn #39;t it? To think that what you #39;re actually eating can affect your hair in so many ways, positively and negatively. Want to slow down the process of hair loss and get your hair back to the healthy original state you always remembered it in? Then you might want to start transitioning over to a low fat high fiber diet. Aside from this, you #39;ll also want to concentrate on foods that contain biotins, which play an essential role in maintaining healthy hair. Fish, cooked eggs, whole milk, and various nuts and fruits -- all of these are good sources of biotins so it #39;s best that you take note of them. Drink plenty of water: It #39;s not only that gets thirsty, as even your hair requires the moisture that water provides. Dehydration can lead to symptoms like constipation, eczema, thick dandruff, wrinkly skin, foul breath and hair loss. Remember that your body is made up of 98% water and you need to maintain it at optimum levels if you want to keep your hair in place. An easy way to quickly ...From:Azck KevinViews:0 0ratingsTime:01:05More inHowto Style

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Drugless therapy – Video

Posted: at 12:43 am

Drugless therapy
Dr. Amrita chanting 45 th Shloka for her patients .She was having meals excluding salt for the recovery of her 5 psoriasis patients and she found that her 14 year old recovered with only one small patch left on her head.From:Manju JainViews:0 0ratingsTime:03:01More inScience Technology

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Drugless healing by Dr.Amrita for her patients – Video

Posted: at 12:43 am

Drugless healing by Dr.Amrita for her patients
By excluding salt in the meals for 21days and chanting 45th Shloka of Bhaktamar of Jain tradition she could cure 14year old child suffering from Psoriasis, now only a single patch remained on her scalp. She had this compliant for the past 5 years.Her vital statistics has also improved.From:Manju JainViews:0 0ratingsTime:03:01More inScience Technology

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GKMBQ Pammy Velasco (online audition) – Video

Posted: at 12:43 am

GKMBQ Pammy Velasco (online audition)
Cinematographer/Editor: ANDREW ABRIGO Cameraman: ALI HUSSEIN MOHAMMAD AL-LEEF HMUA: MADIYAN SERRANO please do like my FB Advocacy Page 🙂 song used: FRECKLES BY NATASHA BEDINGFIELD PSORIASIS IS NOT CONTAGIOUS 🙂 I #39;M PAMMY VELASCO, AT GUSTO KONG MAGING BEAUTY QUEENFrom:Pammy Ellinor VelascoViews:14 1ratingsTime:04:01More inPeople Blogs

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GKMBQ Pammy Velasco (online audition) - Video

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Moe Betta Blues – Video

Posted: at 12:43 am

Moe Betta Blues
It`s hard for me to be happy when I have such bad skin and see everyone else with clear skin everywhere.I suffer from guttake psoriasis which I fight with creams but they seldom work for me and people making fun of the fact I can not work or making light - created at goanimate.comFrom:Cosmic JoeViews:11 0ratingsTime:03:39More inFilm Animation

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MGSS notable improvement from psoriasis with Autohemotherapy. MULTI-LANGUAGES CC – Video

Posted: at 12:43 am

MGSS notable improvement from psoriasis with Autohemotherapy. MULTI-LANGUAGES CC
MGSS notable improvement from psoriasis with Autohemotherapy. MULTI-LANGUAGES CC MGSS, 59 years old diagnosis: Vulgar Psoriasis (aggressive) Patient from the UNIPAC Research Program on Autohemotherapy Faculty of Nursing Coordinator: Telma Geoavanini, Master of Science in Nursing. President Antonio Carlos University city: Juiz de Fora, state: Minas Gerais, Brazil My name is MGSS I have been diagnosed with vulgar psoriasis I already had 20 applications Here are my arms They have improved 100% And there are no lesions left. I ask the authorities (in Brazil) to try to solve the problem that autohemotherapy has been forbidden as soon as possible, so that other people can also improve as much as I have. I also thank the nursing team which is collaborating with us. - Autohemotherapy MULTIPLE languages: Channels and videos on Youtube: on channels, look for the list: MULTIPLE LANGUAGES on youtube click on the arrow by the CC - Autohemotherapy. Dr. Luiz Moura (multiple languages CC + English subtitles) (320x240) - Transcription Dr. Luiz Moura #39;s interview For better understanding, always translate the transcription from Portuguese, and from English, and also from Spanish. - SITES (with Google Tradutor Online): .From:AHTenglishViews:2 1ratingsTime:03:55More inScience Technology

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