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Category Archives: Transhuman News
China to launch fifth manned space mission next year – Video
Posted: December 15, 2012 at 12:45 am
China to launch fifth manned space mission next year
China plans to launch its fifth manned space mission in June of next year, the official Xinhua news agency reported. The mission will use a new space capsule, the Shenzhou 10, which follows the Shenzhou 9, which put China #39;s first woman in orbit in June. China plans to build its own space station in 2020. At 60 tons, the future space station will be much smaller than the 400-ton International Space Station.From:NMANewsDirectViews:8 1ratingsTime:00:48More inScience Technology
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The Sokol suit and the "seal that keeps you alive" – Video
Posted: at 12:45 am
The Sokol suit and the "seal that keeps you alive"
CSA Astronaut Chris Hadfield, while training in Star City Russia, gives us an introduction to the Sokol ("Falcon") suit. This pressurized outfit is worn inside the Soyuz spacecraft during travel to and from the International Space Station (ISS). Hadfield will be launching on board the Soyuz December 19, 2012 to become Canada #39;s first Commander of the ISS. Credit: Canadian Space AgencyFrom:canadianspaceagencyViews:13 1ratingsTime:02:15More inScience Technology
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Nasa Timelapse – Video
Posted: at 12:45 am
Nasa Timelapse
Spectacular video from NASA featuring a series of time-lapse sequences photographed by the Expedition 30 crew aboard the International Space Station.From:Matt GlynnViews:0 0ratingsTime:03:50More inEntertainment
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Chris Hadfield ready to boldly go where no Canadian astronaut has gone before – Video
Posted: at 12:45 am
Chris Hadfield ready to boldly go where no Canadian astronaut has gone before
The Canadian astronaut speaks to the Globe #39;s Paul Taylor about his role as commander of the International Space Station The Globe and Mail 2012From:TheGlobeandMailViews:1 0ratingsTime:02:45More inScience Technology
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Chris Hadfield ready to boldly go where no Canadian astronaut has gone before - Video
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ISS Earth time lapse – ‘Star Sail’ – Video
Posted: at 12:45 am
ISS Earth time lapse - #39;Star Sail #39;
Earth time lapse footage from the International Space Station set to The Verve #39;s #39;Star Sail #39; Original Earth video: Song: Star Sail Artist: The Verve Album: A Storm in Heaven Lyrics: Hello it #39;s me, it #39;s me Calling out I can see you Hello it #39;s me, crying out, crying out Are you there? Hello it #39;s me, it #39;s me I want to touch you It #39;s me throwing stones, from the stars On your mixed up world Been circling round for twenty years And in that time I #39;ve seen all the fires and all the liars I #39;ve been calling home for twenty years And in that time I heard the screams rebound to me While, you were making history I could see the fire And I #39;ll throw the fire back downFrom:JaimelecocainViews:3 0ratingsTime:03:46More inMusic
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ISS Earth time lapse - 'Star Sail' - Video
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Death Star Petition Soars Past 25000 Signatures to White House – Video
Posted: at 12:45 am
Death Star Petition Soars Past 25000 Signatures to White House
On the heels of recent state secession petitions, Star Wars fans are going after President Obama to make the Death Star a reality. More than 27000 people have signed a petition on the White House #39;s website urging the Obama administration to appropriate defense funding for a Death Star-like weapons system, that they claim would not only keep the planet safe but also spur job growth. The White House has said it will respond to all petitions with more than 25000 signatures. The moon-shaped, laser-beam-shooting space station appears in the Star Wars films and is responsible for destroying Alderaan, the home planet of Princess Leia. The Obama administration has until 2016 to respond, but we doubt fanboys are going to get their way with this one.From:slatesterViews:263 14ratingsTime:01:01More inNews Politics
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Daily Orbit – Space Station Deploys CubeSats – Video
Posted: at 12:45 am
Daily Orbit - Space Station Deploys CubeSats
12-11-12: On this episode of the Daily Orbit, the ISS deploys cube satellites into space, it turns out violence from video gaming accumulates over time, and more than just the dinos died when the asteroid struck Earth.To view over 15000 other how-to, DIY, and advice videos on any topic, visit http://www.monkeysee.comFrom:monkeyseevideosViews:0 0ratingsTime:04:31More inScience Technology
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ISS Update: Weekly Recap for Dec. 14, 2012 – Video
Posted: at 12:45 am
ISS Update: Weekly Recap for Dec. 14, 2012
The International Space Station Weekly Recap for Dec. 14, 2012.From:ReelNASAViews:82 4ratingsTime:02:27More inScience Technology
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2012 Dreamcatcher Gala: John Herrington – Lifetime Achievement – Video
Posted: at 12:45 am
2012 Dreamcatcher Gala: John Herrington - Lifetime Achievement
LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT | John Bennet Herrington, Colorado Springs, Colorado. Born September 14, 1958 in Wetumka, Oklahoma, John grew up in many places such as Colorado Springs, Colorado, in Riverton, Wyoming, and in Plano, Texas. Selected by NASA for their space program in April 1996, Herrington completed two years of training and evaluation, and was qualified for a flight assignment as a mission specialist. He was also assigned to the Flight Support Branch of the Astronaut Office where he served as a member of the Astronaut Support Personnel team, responsible for Shuttle launch preparations and post-landing operations. In November 2002, John flew on STS-113 (a 14-day Space Shuttle mission to the International Space Station flown by Space Shuttle Endeavour) logging over 330 hours in space, including three EVAs totaling 19 hours and 55 minutes. For his last assignment, he was chosen to become the Chief Engineer for Safety and Mission Assurance (S MA) at the Johnson Space Center. On October 1, 2005, he retired from the US Navy and left NASA to pursue a career in the commercial aerospace industry. Currently, Herrington serves as a Special Advisor to the National Institute for Space, Science and Security Centers at the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs.From:DreamcatcherFundViews:0 0ratingsTime:02:22More inNonprofits Activism
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NASA Johnson Style (Gangnam Style Parody) – Video
Posted: at 12:45 am
NASA Johnson Style (Gangnam Style Parody)
Learn more about NASA: Learn more about the International Space Station Sign up to get space station sighting information sent to you: For students interested in NASA Johnson Space Center: NASA Johnson Style is a volunteer outreach video project created by the students of NASA #39;s Johnson Space Center. It was created as an educational parody of Psy #39;s Gangnam Style. The lyrics and scenes in the video have been re-imagined in order to inform the public about the amazing work going on at NASA and the Johnson Space Center. Special thanks to astronauts Tracy Caldwell Dyson, Mike Massimino and Clay Anderson Special thanks to Mr. Mike Coats, Dr. Ellen Ochoa, and all supporting senior staff members "NASA Johnson Style" Lyrics: NASA Johnson Style Johnson Style Welcome to NASA #39;s Johnson Space Center We are coming in hot so don #39;t burn up as we enter We do science everyday that affects your daily life Throw them up for manned space flight Science everywhere As we engineer the marvels That fly though the air And take us way beyond earth #39;s levels Science everywhere Because we engineer the marvels That fly though the air Flys us through the air Control the mission out of Johnson This is ground, hey! And this is space, hey! Tell me Houston what #39;s the problem It #39;s okay! It #39;s okay! Because there #39;s flight controllers on the job today NASA Johnson STYLE! Johnson STYLE! NA, NA, NA, NA NASA Johnson STYLE! Johnson ...From:ReelNASAViews:2802 1294ratingsTime:03:48More inScience Technology
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