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Category Archives: Transhuman News

DNA Basic Structure – lecture – Malibu High Biology – 2012-12 – Video

Posted: December 16, 2012 at 6:43 am

DNA Basic Structure - lecture - Malibu High Biology - 2012-12
A video was captured via iPhone of an in-class lecture on the basic structure of the DNA molecule. The purpose of the lecture was to help students learn how to draw the DNA molecule with all basic components for the final exam.From:mrzalophusViews:1 0ratingsTime:10:44More inPeople Blogs

DNA Basic Structure - lecture - Malibu High Biology - 2012-12 - Video

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Rain – The Beatles – Video

Posted: at 6:43 am

Rain - The Beatles
If the rain comes they run and hide their heads They might as well be dead If the rain comes, if the rain comes When the sun shines they slip into the shade (When the sun shines down) And drink their lemonade (When the sun shines down) When the sun shines, when the sun shines Rain, I don #39;t mind Shine, the weather #39;s fine I can show you that when it starts to rain (When the rain comes down) Everything #39;s the same (When the rain comes down) I can show you, I can show you Rain, I don #39;t mind Shine, the weather #39;s fine Can you hear me, that when it rains and shines (When it rains and shines) It #39;s just a state of mind? (When it rains and shines) Can you hear me, can you hear me? Sdaeh rieht edih dna nur yeht semoc niar eht fI (Rain) (Rain)From:Beatle ManiacViews:0 0ratingsTime:03:02More inMusic

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Rain - The Beatles - Video

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Strawberry DNA Lab – Video

Posted: at 6:43 am

Strawberry DNA Lab
From:KYCCMSPViews:0 0ratingsTime:00:09More inEducation

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Strawberry DNA Lab - Video

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Discovery Channel Program – Revealed DNA: The Next Wave – Video

Posted: at 6:43 am

Discovery Channel Program - Revealed DNA: The Next Wave
From 22 Oct 2012 till end of the year, Discovery Channel going to broadcast 1 hour of documentary on revolutionary ageLOC technology which will show you how we can benefited from the latest technology. Watch this 2 minutes preview preview to get some first hand information about this documentary.From:LiveYoungHealthyViews:4 0ratingsTime:02:17More inEntertainment

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Discovery Channel Program - Revealed DNA: The Next Wave - Video

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Food: Eating, drinking, and cooking (Earthlings 101, Episode 9) – Video

Posted: at 6:43 am

Food: Eating, drinking, and cooking (Earthlings 101, Episode 9)
What is food? What are carbon hydrates, fats and proteins? How are proteins encoded in the DNA? How do earthlings eat? What is cooking? What happens when we boil or roast food? Why do earthlings do that? Why do they separate sweet and salty meals? What is the purpose of desserts? How much weight does a human lose by breathing each day? Is turning the heating down a good way to lose weight? Nineth episode of Earthlings 101, the crash course for alien visitors. Links - Concept, artwork and text by Martin Kuppe - Music by OcularNebula ( - Speech synthesis by Ivona ( Disclaimer Please note that most things in these videos are either conclusions based on personal observation of earthlings, or ideas found in earthling literature. Although they seem pretty obvious to me, most of them are still to be scientifically proven. In terms of earthling science, those are hypotheses, not theories or facts.From:ZoggFromBetelgeuseViews:390 202ratingsTime:15:50More inScience Technology

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Food: Eating, drinking, and cooking (Earthlings 101, Episode 9) - Video

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Posted: at 6:43 am - HTC Droid DNA ZAGG InvidibleSHIELD Full Body Install
ZAGG DNA Products: This is just a simple ZAGG InvisibleSHIELD full body install for the Verizon HTC Droid DNA. Note that I have the knife with the sharp point just in case I get something in between the ZAGG and the screen. It #39;s easier to remove debris, dust, etc with a sharp tip. Anything else usually smears the adhesive which lowers the clarity.From:MyCricketForumComViews:2 1ratingsTime:08:04More inScience Technology

Read more here: - HTC Droid DNA ZAGG InvidibleSHIELD Full Body Install - Video

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Dr. John Michael Pryor – Video

Posted: at 6:43 am

Dr. John Michael Pryor
Dr. John Pryor Biochemistry PhD, Studies of the Rev 1 protein and its role in the replication of damaged DNAFrom:JMHGilbViews:5 2ratingsTime:01:41More inPeople Blogs

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Dr. John Michael Pryor - Video

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DNA HOAX – Video

Posted: at 6:43 am

originally uploaded by: ALSO SEE: SOMEBODY LIED. African Americans ain #39;t African SOMEBODY LIED Pt.2. African Americans ain #39;t African youtu.beFrom:JayEther9Views:11 0ratingsTime:06:27More inEducation

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DNA HOAX - Video

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Pokemon Black2/White 2 Tutorial: 2nd Leginament Balck/White Kyurem – Video

Posted: at 6:43 am

Pokemon Black2/White 2 Tutorial: 2nd Leginament Balck/White Kyurem
FOR IMPORTANT INFO/LINKS, OPEN DISCRIPTION! I learned that the DNA Splicers have 2 different modes, which PERVENT you from having a second leginament Black/White Kyurem with the one you already have. However, I also discovered there #39;s a loop hole with switching the modes! You could simply use pokegen to make a Black/White Kyurem for yourself and not worry, but if you truly want to feel like you have 2 LEGINAMENT(Non Pokegen #39;d) Black/White Kyurems to use like me, than I recommend to do this trick. If you really don #39;t want to go through all of this hassle to have 2 kyurems in their forms, than you could basically just follow the basic principles of the game. ALL OF THE EFFECTS ARE REVERSABLE IF YOU WANT TO NOT USE THIS AFTER A WHILE! Download Link for Pokegen: My Pokegen Tutorial (If you have no clue on how to use pokegen) (I can not stress this enough, please make sure to change forms in the forms section!): How to UPLOAD your pokemon files (Presss Browse to find your pokemon file, submit, and change your Auto-Obtain DNS in internet connections to what the top of the page says, and go to the gts to recieve it!): Please like, subscribe, and comment if tou have any questions. Please don #39;t pm me questions, I seriously perfer you comment please ;)From:ArceuscamViews:5 1ratingsTime:08:11More inPeople Blogs

Pokemon Black2/White 2 Tutorial: 2nd Leginament Balck/White Kyurem - Video

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Bess Rogers – DNA – In the Red Room Cafe 939 2012-12-14 – Video

Posted: at 6:43 am

Bess Rogers - DNA - In the Red Room Cafe 939 2012-12-14
w/ Allie Moss, Chris Kuffner, Ian Axel and Chad Vaccarino A Great Big World Tour (Ian Axel and Chad Vaccarino) w/ Allie Moss and Bess RogersFrom:Manny OrejolaViews:0 0ratingsTime:02:59More inMusic

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Bess Rogers - DNA - In the Red Room Cafe 939 2012-12-14 - Video

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