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Category Archives: Transhuman News
Linkin Park-”Space Station” (Stagelight Unreleased Demo) – Video
Posted: December 16, 2012 at 6:43 am
Linkin Park- #39; #39;Space Station #39; #39; (Stagelight Unreleased Demo)
Linkin Park new rare demoFrom:thejohnreaperTVViews:0 1ratingsTime:03:04More inMusic
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Linkin Park-''Space Station'' (Stagelight Unreleased Demo) - Video
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Russian Alien Film (Soviet Space Program/ UFO X-Files) Astro Alexey Leonov/ Voskhod 2 – Video
Posted: at 6:43 am
Russian Alien Film (Soviet Space Program/ UFO X-Files) Astro Alexey Leonov/ Voskhod 2
Voskhod 2 Mission.doc/ KGB UFO X- Files - The Soviet Alien Space Program is the rocketry and space exploration programs conducted by the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (the Soviet Union or USSR) from the 1930s until its dissolution in 1991. Over its sixty-year history, this primarily classified military program was responsible for a number of pioneering accomplishments in space flight, including the first intercontinental ballistic missile (1957), first satellite (Sputnik-1), first animal in space (the dog Laika on Sputnik 2), first human in space and Earth orbit (cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin on Vostok 1), first woman in space and Earth orbit (cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova on Vostok 6), first spacewalk (cosmonaut Alexey Leonov on Voskhod 2), first Moon impact (Luna 2), first image of the far side of the moon (Luna 3) and unmanned lunar soft landing (Luna 9), first space rover, first space station, and first interplanetary probe. DO NOT COPY - UFOMAXTV X-FILES 2012 -From:UFOMAXTVViews:0 1ratingsTime:03:09More inScience Technology
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Russian Alien Film (Soviet Space Program/ UFO X-Files) Astro Alexey Leonov/ Voskhod 2 - Video
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Mass Effect 3 Omega – Video
Posted: at 6:43 am
Mass Effect 3 Omega
Crack Download link: Mass Effect 3: Omega #39;s action is as good as it #39;s ever been in the series, but shallow storytelling squanders this add-on #39;s potential.Fun combat in atmospheric environments New aggressive enemies and smart level design keep you on the move. Aria T #39;Loak once presided over the Omega space station, where exotic dancers entertained and enthralled onlookers, and outlaws trafficked drugs and weapons without the threat of government scrutiny. In Mass Effect 3: Omega, Aria is on the lam, ousted from her position as the station #39;s self-appointed dictator by the pro-human organization called Cerberus. But Aria misses home--and craves the power she once so flagrantly flaunted. And now it #39;s time to return to the Terminus Systems to regain her lost rule.From:lauran carbonsViews:0 0ratingsTime:06:11More inGaming
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Michael Crichton – Jurassic Park (Part 2) – Video
Posted: at 6:43 am
Michael Crichton - Jurassic Park (Part 2)
An island off Costa Rica will soon be the world #39;s most ambitious theme park--a dinosaur preserve. A visionary financier #39;s biotechnology company has succeeded in cloning these extinct reptiles. Fifteen different species, presumably incapable of breeding, are now placidly roaming around, but Jurassic Park #39;s resident mathematician, an expert in chaos theory, predicts that the animals #39; behavior is inherently unstable. When a rival genetics firm attempts to steal frozen dinosaur embryos, things go haywire. Two cute American kids, eight-year-old Tina and 11-year-old Tim, a safari guide from Kenya and a Denver paleontologist set things aright--almost. Though the dinosaurs here are more interesting than the people, Crichton ( The Andromeda Strain ) ingeniously interweaves details of genetic engineering, computer wizardry and current scientific controversy over dinosaurs to fashion a scary, creepy, mesmerizing techno-thriller with teeth. It can be read as a thought-provoking fable about technological hubris and the hazards of bioengineering.From:ReadersClub2012Views:0 0ratingsTime:02:42:38More inEntertainment
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Michael Crichton - Jurassic Park (Part 2) - Video
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Dan Becker, The Pillars of Personhood, Part 4, IRSC, Unedited – Video
Posted: at 6:43 am
Dan Becker, The Pillars of Personhood, Part 4, IRSC, Unedited
Dan Becker, The Pillars of Personhood, Part 1, at IRSC, Unedited, Personhood, Personhood USA, Personhood FL, ProLife, Abortion, Euthanasia, Cloning, Fetal Tissue Research, Human Animal Hybrids, Assisted Suicide, PGD, Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis, Eugenics, Disabled, Genocide, H+, Homo Perfectus, Transhumanism, Ectogenesis, Transgenetics, Nanotechnology, Cyborgology, Artificial Intelligence, Genoism, Genetic Engineering, Embryos, IRSC, Indian River State CollegeFrom:Personhood FloridaViews:0 0ratingsTime:49:12More inNews Politics
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Dan Becker, The Pillars of Personhood, Part 4, IRSC, Unedited - Video
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Michael Crichton – Jurassic Park (Part 4) – Video
Posted: at 6:43 am
Michael Crichton - Jurassic Park (Part 4)
An island off Costa Rica will soon be the world #39;s most ambitious theme park--a dinosaur preserve. A visionary financier #39;s biotechnology company has succeeded in cloning these extinct reptiles. Fifteen different species, presumably incapable of breeding, are now placidly roaming around, but Jurassic Park #39;s resident mathematician, an expert in chaos theory, predicts that the animals #39; behavior is inherently unstable. When a rival genetics firm attempts to steal frozen dinosaur embryos, things go haywire. Two cute American kids, eight-year-old Tina and 11-year-old Tim, a safari guide from Kenya and a Denver paleontologist set things aright--almost. Though the dinosaurs here are more interesting than the people, Crichton ( The Andromeda Strain ) ingeniously interweaves details of genetic engineering, computer wizardry and current scientific controversy over dinosaurs to fashion a scary, creepy, mesmerizing techno-thriller with teeth. It can be read as a thought-provoking fable about technological hubris and the hazards of bioengineering.From:ReadersClub2012Views:0 0ratingsTime:02:56:32More inEntertainment
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Michael Crichton - Jurassic Park (Part 4) - Video
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Black Sheep full movie part 1 of 10 hd – Video
Posted: at 6:43 am
Black Sheep full movie part 1 of 10 hd
full movie, movies to download, online movie : Black Sheep full movie part 1 of 10 hd, Black Sheep Part 1 Movie, Black Sheep Movie Part 1, Black Sheep Part 1 The Movie, Black Sheep Part 2 Full Movie, Black Sheep Movie Full Movie, Black Sheep (2006) Movie Part 1 English Full, Black Sheep Movie HD trailer. An experiment in genetic engineering turns harmless sheep into blood-thirsty killers that terrorize a sprawling New Zealand farm.From:guron asinaViews:0 0ratingsTime:06:10More inFilm Animation
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Black Sheep full movie part 1 of 10 hd - Video
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DNA20 Mini Mod – Video
Posted: at 6:43 am
DNA20 Mini Mod
DNA20 in a 9v battery box. Vapes from 6w to 20w. A Li-Po round 15c battery w/ USB charging located on the front. Digital wattage control via pushbuttons. DNA was provided by Evolv for beta testing. Works fantasticFrom:BreaktruSoftwareViews:107 1ratingsTime:00:36More inScience Technology
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DNA20 Mini Mod - Video
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G2BTV – Little Mix – DNA [Lyrics] – Video
Posted: at 6:43 am
G2BTV - Little Mix - DNA [Lyrics]
Little Mix - DNA From DNA Album ***WE HAVE NO OWNERSHIP OF THIS SONG*** ***JUST SHARING GOOD MUSIC*** [DNA - Lyrics] Does he tell you he loves you when you least expect it Does he flutter your heart when he kisses your neck No scientist, or biology It #39;s obvious, when he #39;s holding me It #39;s only natural that I #39;m so affected And my heart won #39;t beat again If I can #39;t feel him in my veins No need to question, I already know It #39;s in his DNA DDD-DNA It #39;s in his DNA And he just takes my breath away BB-Breath away I feel it every day, and that #39;s what makes a man Not hard to understand Perfect in every way I see it in his face Nothing more to say It #39;s in his DDD-DNA It #39;s the blue in his eyes that helps me see the future Fingerprints that leave me covered for days, yeah hey yeah Now I don #39;t have any first degree But I know, what he does to me No need to work it out, it #39;s so familiar And my heart won #39;t beat again If I can #39;t feel him in my veins No need to question, I already know It #39;s in his DNA DDD-DNA It #39;s in his DNA And he just takes my breath away BB-Breath away I feel it every day, and that #39;s what makes a man Not hard to understand Perfect in every way I see it in his face Nothing more to say It #39;s in his DDD-DNA It #39;s all about his kiss Contaminates my lips Our energy connects It #39;s simple genetics I #39;m the X to his Y It #39;s the colour of his eyes He can do no wrong No he don #39;t need to try Made from the best He passes all the tests Got my heart beating fast It #39;s cardiac arrest He #39;s ...From:Got2BTVViews:1 0ratingsTime:04:04More inEntertainment
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Nokia Lumia 920 Tap to Send Demo, NFC Sharing – Video
Posted: at 6:43 am
Nokia Lumia 920 Tap to Send Demo, NFC Sharing
Here #39;s a new way of sharing photos with others. You tap your Nokia Lumia phone with another Lumia phone. In this video, I tried sending a photo from the Nokia Lumia 920 to the Nokia Lumia 810. It didn #39;t work when I tapped it with the HTC DROID DNA. A connection was recognized, but not the photo. In order for this to work, you must have tap + sharing and bluetooth turned on in the settings. It might drain your battery faster when leaving them on, though. What do you think of this method of sharing? Will you be using it often?From:thenokiablogViews:203 21ratingsTime:02:49More inScience Technology
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