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Category Archives: Transhuman News
December 21st, 2012 – Part 2 – Video
Posted: December 17, 2012 at 1:40 pm
December 21st, 2012 - Part 2
Episode 96 Special guests: Desiree Hurtak, Ph.D., Social Scientist JJ. Hurtak, Ph.D., Ph.D. Futurist, Social Scientist The reality behind the Mayan calendar and 2012; a new age , a time for spiritual and internal reconfiguration. (more in the next 2 videos of the 2012 series)From:JamesJTraitzViews:1 2ratingsTime:03:06More inEntertainment
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December 21st, 2012 - Part 2 - Video
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Kerbal Space Program: Building a Space Station! – Video
Posted: December 16, 2012 at 6:43 am
Kerbal Space Program: Building a Space Station!
Hey guyz. Sorry about the audio, will be FIDXEFAJAGFFrom:TheTutorialSatisfactViews:1 0ratingsTime:13:29More inGaming
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Kerbal Space Program: Building a Space Station! - Video
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Scientists to Stop Global Warming by Moving the Moon Closer – Video
Posted: at 6:43 am
Scientists to Stop Global Warming by Moving the Moon Closer
Scientists Plan to Pull the Moon 10 Miles Closer to Stop Global Warming says NASA In a startling announcement on Friday, NASA spokesman Uriah Heep said that there will be an effort to pull the moon at least ten miles closer to the Earth, in an attempt to cool the earth down and stop global warming. "We are going to see if scud missiles, shot at the Moon, from the Space Station, in strategic locations, will set the moon spinning fast and twirl it into a new orbit much closer to Earth than it is now." said Dr. Heep, Head of the Moon Comittee at NASA. Scientists are presently having the scud missiles loaded on a rocket to leave Cape Canaveral this weekend, to send up to the Space Station which will, from there, be able to aim them in the precise direction to hit the Moon. If this works, says Dr. Heep, "global warming will be obliterated within the space of a single week and everything will be cooler on Earth due to the shade we will get 24 hours a day from the Sun. This will make the world a twilight world and a cooler one, and the Poles will stop melting, and severe weather events will be no more bother."From:Woody MarxViews:2 2ratingsTime:01:12More inScience Technology
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Worms Armageddon – Looting the Ceres Space Station – Video
Posted: at 6:43 am
Worms Armageddon - Looting the Ceres Space Station
Again, the music for the Ceres Station was pretty non-existent. So I decided to do the next best thing; Metroid Prime music! This video serves to prove a few things, mainly that Gargoyle #39;s complaints of a 60-second Shopper might have merit, and that Werbad #39;s ideas might not always pan out at times. Also that I #39;m prone to magnificently idiotic moves at times as well.From:MrSmegheneghanViews:12 2ratingsTime:45:45More inGaming
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KSP Lets Play Episode 42: RCS Launch – Video
Posted: at 6:43 am
KSP Lets Play Episode 42: RCS Launch
We add a bit more to the space station, play around a bit more with docking, and find out just how over powered RCS currently isFrom:khmncViews:0 1ratingsTime:33:37More inGaming
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the space station – Video
Posted: at 6:43 am
the space station
a space staion that i have bult more on it laterFrom:coolshawn008Views:3 1ratingsTime:07:44More inGaming
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Oct 9, 2012 Russia_New space crews leave for Baikonur Cosmodrome – Video
Posted: at 6:43 am
Oct 9, 2012 Russia_New space crews leave for Baikonur Cosmodrome
Both the main and reserve crews for the next expedition to the International Space Station (ISS) have left for Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan, where they will continue pre-launch preparations. Before their departure, the crew members said goodbye to their families, friends and representatives of the cosmonaut training center, at a farewell ceremony in the Moscow region #39;s Star City on Tuesday. As usual, for safety reasons, the crews fly to Baikonur on different aircraft. On Wednesday, the cosmonauts are due to check their spacecraft. The team members were approved by an inter-agency committee, after the spacemen took exams. Roscosmos cosmonauts Oleg Novitskiy, Evgeny Tarelkin and NASA astronaut Kevin Ford form the main crew. Their back-ups are Pavel Vinogradov, Alexander Misurkin and Kristoffer Cassidy. However, the final lineup is set to be announced at Baikonur a few days ahead of the launch. The new ISS expedition is scheduled to start on October 23. Star City also welcomed home on Tuesday spacemen who have recently completed a mission at the ISS. They were greeted by friends and family members. The Great Day of AnnihilationFrom:Felonious VendettaViews:0 0ratingsTime:05:51More inNews Politics
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Oct 9, 2012 Russia_New space crews leave for Baikonur Cosmodrome - Video
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Expedition 34 – Video
Posted: at 6:43 am
Expedition 34
At the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan, Tom Marshburn of NASA, Roman Romanenko of the Russian Federal Space Agency and Chris Hadfield of the Canadian Space Agency prepare for their Dec. 19 launch aboard the Soyuz TMA-27A spacecraft to join their Expedition 34 crewmates aboard the International Space Station.From:Kowch737Views:11 1ratingsTime:16:39More inScience Technology
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Linkin Park – Space Station (Official) [HQ] – Video
Posted: at 6:43 am
Linkin Park - Space Station (Official) [HQ]
The new Linkin Park demo that came with the Linkin Park Edition of the program "Stagelight" (DL Link below). DOWNLOAD Stagelight: Follow me on Soundcloud to see the extended tracks #39; work in progress: Follow me on Twitter for the latest updates: (@MarsEchelon888) twitter.comFrom:Dylan YadavViews:12 1ratingsTime:02:59More inMusic
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Linkin Park - Space Station (Official) [HQ] - Video
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Linkin Park – Space Station VS Blackout – Video
Posted: at 6:43 am
Linkin Park - Space Station VS Blackout
I don #39;t own any songs, they #39;re property of Warner Music Group. Space Station is a song the band (or maybe just Mike) created with the new Openlab #39;s software : StageLight I put Chester #39;s parts from the song Blackout over it. I found it was really cool so I share it with you. You can follow me there : Or there : Download link : http://www.mediafire.comFrom:ReanimatingTheEndViews:9 3ratingsTime:02:54More inMusic
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