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Category Archives: Transhuman News

Politically Incorrect Newscaster – Video

Posted: December 17, 2012 at 1:41 pm

Politically Incorrect Newscaster
Tripp Overlace, a politically incorrect newscaster, and Penny Lane are new anchors for WW PIG on news at 6. This quirky and charismatic dual work together to get the lastest stories, up-to-date weather, and sports highlights, as they show the lighter side of news.From:Summer CarrilloViews:1 1ratingsTime:04:57More inPets Animals

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HOW TO EAT A GORILLA (Hey Brett!) – Video

Posted: at 1:41 pm

Please Tweet: | FB Thanks! 🙂 asked me how to eat a gorilla. I #39;ve got to assume he #39;s already got a gorilla, because I #39;m not sure how to catch a gorilla ... but I do know how to eat one! (Well, okay, I guessed, but I #39;m a good guesser.) If you want me to make a video answering YOUR question, leave it in the comments! ________________________ Music composed performed by Brett Juilly (that #39;s me!) using Propellerhead Reason. license agreement: "Orange Brett" art by Nathan Grealish license agreement: ________________________ Free music 4 your vids! My Facebook! http My Twitter! My Site! My Shirts! http My Playlists! + Parodies (Songs, Movies, TV, Vids)! - + The Most Interesting Man on YouTube! - + YouTube Success Tips! - + Inventions How To! - + Fan Vids! - (tell me if you make one!! 😀 ) More Videos! Subscribe! 🙂 Thanks!! ________________________ how to eat a gorilla how to eat an ape how to not politically correct politically incorrect rude silly goofy funny hilarious outrageous fun lol random weird dumb hahaFrom:CreatedByBrettViews:11 2ratingsTime:01:32More inComedy

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Derogatory Canadian Term – Video

Posted: at 1:41 pm

Derogatory Canadian Term
Based on a true story of an American CEO who came up to Saskatoon working on the railroad buy out.I had never heard of the term before and although politically incorrect.........remember #39;Only You Can Offer Your Thoughts"!From:Victor ScarnatiViews:0 0ratingsTime:01:56More inMusic

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Last Update Before #P4A – Video

Posted: at 1:41 pm

Last Update Before #P4A
A quick update. It #39;s the last one before The Project for Awesome. The construction of this school is funded by donations to: Due to Bangladesh #39;s censorship of YouTube (and generally poor internet speeds), uploading videos from Bangladesh is harder than ever. If you want to stay up-to-date, you can follow Jory Caron and I on Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, and Instagram. My Tumblr: My Twitter My Facebook: My Instagram: Jory #39;s Tumblr: Jory #39;s Twitter Jory #39;s Facebook: Jory #39;s Instagram: ==================== Special Thanks To: ==================== Blumberg Segal LLP ( ) Elgato Systems LLC ( http ) CrumplePop Software ( ) ==================== Video by Jory Caron. This video is compressed using Turbo.264HD encoding software by Elgato. Video monetized as part of my continuing efforts to try and earn a living doing this.From:UnculturedProjectViews:664 95ratingsTime:02:54More inNonprofits Activism

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Colour My World NCAC Film Project 2012 – Video

Posted: at 1:41 pm

Colour My World NCAC Film Project 2012
Envision a country where no books are allowed, and reading is a crime. Imagine library shelves empty, collecting dust. Picture a world with no color. This is a world of censorship.From:AAAFilm74Views:0 0ratingsTime:03:57More inFilm Animation

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Connecticut School Shooting – Anonymous Responds – Video

Posted: at 1:41 pm

Connecticut School Shooting - Anonymous Responds
In short, Mr. Obama is attempting to disarm the American people, to destroy the foundations of our country, to force us to live under a one world government, one world currency system, without approval of the American people. Mr. Obama does this because he does not really work for the American people; he works for the New World order. Part of the plan to make all that happen, is to seize control of all firearms and ammunition. Despite claims from Mr. Obama to the contrary. In order to make that happen, Mr. Obama uses propaganda as a way to manipulate the views of the public. He uses the state controlled media to constantly tell the stories where they can show and talk about how bad guns are, but that same media will hardly say a thing when government officials do bad things with their guns, or when people are saved only because they had guns. Watch the mainstream media such as CNN, FOX, ABC, CBS and NBC, and see for yourself. Ask yourself, why they talk non-stop about cases like Travon Martin, but hardly say a thing about other cases. This video is a direct response to that. Several stories are referenced (links are below). This video and all material are used for News and Education, and so fall under "fair use", and is not subject to removal or censorship, but many will try just the same. Download this video and re-upload it. Spread it any way you can, and let the truth be known. ============= Aug 2nd, 2012 Chavis Carter was shot in the head while handcuffed in a patrol ...From:tswift900Views:111 10ratingsTime:15:05More inNews Politics

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Censorship and Unnecessary Bickering – Video

Posted: at 1:41 pm

Censorship and Unnecessary Bickering
Yeah, I am a little pissed off in this video. But for real censorship, taking away rights and bickering has never solved anything and yet we continue to point the finger at each other over everything.From:Nappy JayViews:1 7ratingsTime:05:30More inPeople Blogs

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Sneaky Censorship! – Video

Posted: at 1:41 pm

Sneaky Censorship!
Some sneaky censorship found in the video here: Was originally going to make a video about why Germany has better ads but then I noticed this. Don #39;t worry for 2 reasons though! 1. This ad would most likely be banned in the US. 2. I linked you to some real tits: Thanks for watching!From:BenCanSnipeViews:2 0ratingsTime:00:22More inEntertainment

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Sneaky Censorship! - Video

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Barack Cries Over Connecticut School Shooting – Video

Posted: at 1:41 pm

Barack Cries Over Connecticut School Shooting
**Fight Censorship on YouTube** YouTube has fllagged and removed our last video showing Barack (verbally) supporting the death of Children in this video (which was edited into the above video): Dear YouTube Community (Censors): The Attorney Depot YouTube Account serves as a media (press) outlet Account. We recently (as you know) received an inappropriate content flag and removal of the video in question. We edited the video using the following videos: Barack Crying ( which was downloaded from a third party; and the Gaza Conflict ( which was also downloaded from a third party. Neither video (standing alone) has been flagged, or removed. Upon combining the videos through YouTube #39;s Editor #39;s Shop, YouTube Censors now claim the video is inappropriate. Therefore one can reasonably (and readily) conclude, YouTube is censoring an Idea (Barack crying over Deceased American Children, While supporting the Death of Arab Children). This represents a political statement by the President of the United States. How is the (censored, removed) video is violation of the Terms of Use, particularly when both videos that were used remain on the YouTube Site, uncensored, unflagged and available worldwide? We at the Attorney Depot believe that the removal of our video grossly infringes upon our First Amendment Right(s) to engage in and disseminate political speech, as well as promote political dialogue. The Attorney Depot Visit us @: Twitter: Facebook: www ...From:theattorneydepotViews:1 0ratingsTime:03:48More inNews Politics

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Posted: at 1:41 pm

**Fight Censorship on YouTube** In November 2011, Bernie Fine was accused on a radio show, by two former Syracuse ball boys of sexually abusing them in the 1980s. Local police previously looked into the case and declined to press charges. A similar Syracuse University investigation also found it had no merit. On Friday, federal authorities dropped the investigation completely after claiming to interviewing 130 witnesses and sorting through 100000 pages of documents and finding no evidence to support the claims. Neither Bernie Fine nor anyone else will be charged, the local US Attorney #39;s Office said. Visit us @: Twitter: Facebook: Facebook: Facebook: Facebook: http://www.facebook.comFrom:theattorneydepotViews:0 0ratingsTime:09:45More inNews Politics

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