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Randy Powells Advanced Vortex Math MY ARSE. RP shows LO SHU Quadwrap Coil, some bullshit 2d dna.wmv – Video
Posted: December 17, 2012 at 1:42 pm
Randy Powells Advanced Vortex Math MY ARSE. RP shows LO SHU Quadwrap Coil, some bullshit 2d dna.wmv
Can i be in the film Randy, can i star in your film? Would i steal the show? SAD this is the best vbm can do? really? tic toc tic toc... should i expose them??? ok just a little! Watch this coil 3x greater than vbm guessworks. A Quadwrap unnebreviated space. impressive eh? go vbm fail page see where they go wrong. they dont even use the numbers they pressume = clueless. THE LO SHU IS SOURCE AND THEY AT VBM KNOW IT! Vbm you feel safe in your ambiguity, you have abbreviated 64 cells down to 6 you sad people and still dont understand that liberty yet?. Ha, always a laugh, prey tell, whats that dna looking mess suppossed to be? lol, explain it? you have a lot of explaining to do, we cannot just draw it and say its real. YOU MADE IT UP. vbm CREATED FRESH BULLSHIT AGAIN. Lies lies and more bullshit lies from the copy cats at vbm. feigned topologies and pretend dna nonesense. WE LAUGH OUT LOUD. WHERES YOUR BASE VBM? WE have formula where as we know you dont... such a shame. YOU DO NOT HAVE ONE. SO COPY OURS. We use historical magic squares WITH VALUES only. Shame i had to point my finger again, you holier than thou idiots make me sick I CHING.From:Lee BurtonViews:3 0ratingsTime:00:55More inEducation
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ICC.CERN.Time.Travel.machine.EQ.Education.Autism.teenager.clock.sleketon.dna.Nasa.ESA. – Video
Posted: at 1:42 pm
This journey with the CERN-time-travel-machine is from Good 212 into History Good 1996. A Childs #39; education in autism, as example. 2012, my son is 16 years old. He can graduate with good University-levels for all Science-studies. But, he has NO feelings for freindship. When he was 12 years old, the school-guidance-service had tested him for 4 years. They draw the conclusion #39;that he is too silent...and that I - being his mum - understands him well. But, I can #39;t see that he #39;s too silent #39;. I want to go back to the birthyear of my son, 1996. This time I will educate him differently = I make his more creative with theater, comedy, painting.... How many years to I need to re-educate him? Will I be effective? How does Compact-EQ influence my sons live in 2012? Will arrive home at a boy in 2012, with a DNA-skeleton for a 16 years old boy... or is he suddenly older? Conclusion: One can travel from Good - to - Good, but one will not know #39;what happens with the DNA while being away for the journey. http://www.desireestokkel.nlFrom:desiree stokkelViews:0 0ratingsTime:09:56More inNews Politics
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ICC.CERN.Time.Travel.machine.EQ.Education.Autism.teenager.clock.sleketon.dna.Nasa.ESA. - Video
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Introducing Smallet 2 – The Small Wallet that Carries Lots – Video
Posted: at 1:42 pm
Introducing Smallet 2 - The Small Wallet that Carries Lots Born from the same DNA as Smallet, the Smallet 2 feathers further improvements such as the increase ability to hold more cards (approx. 10) and 15 bills as well as an added pocket to hold change. Made with genuine leather it feels great in your hand. Its unique design creates a compact structure that #39;s also easy on the eye. Choose from 2 different colors and start you own unique relationship with your smallet 2.From:TrueBeyondDesignViews:0 0ratingsTime:01:10More inHowto Style
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Introducing Smallet 2 - The Small Wallet that Carries Lots - Video
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Project Genome update 12-16-12 – Video
Posted: at 1:42 pm
Project Genome update 12-16-12
rossanime deviant art facebook other facebook http://www.facebook.comFrom:RossAnimeTvViews:2 0ratingsTime:00:38More inHowto Style
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Project Genome update 12-16-12 - Video
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MGS: TS Part 3 – Video
Posted: at 1:42 pm
MGS: TS Part 3
Normal Difficulty One of the most funniest moments in this game! Hearing Meryl screaming as she finally shoots at the genome soldiers! xDFrom:MrM9991Views:4 1ratingsTime:11:59More inGaming
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MGS: TS Part 3 - Video
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Longboarding Fools – Video
Posted: at 1:42 pm
Longboarding Fools
No parkour, just longboarding Some lost footage from the summer of Nam and Cody tandem-boarding around Georgia Tech. Brian on Camera Song: Genome - Fat Jon/NujabesFrom:GAPKBlogViews:0 0ratingsTime:03:17More inSports
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Longboarding Fools - Video
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Products for ECZEMA / WINTER SKIN CARE 2012 – Video
Posted: at 1:42 pm
Products for ECZEMA / WINTER SKIN CARE 2012
This is a short video about the prodcuts I use or am currently testing out. I hope you find this video useful :)From:IamRhiannonFaithViews:0 0ratingsTime:04:30More inPeople Blogs
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Products for ECZEMA / WINTER SKIN CARE 2012 - Video
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Tide Free Gentle – Video
Posted: at 1:41 pm
Tide Free Gentle Save $17.29 (54%) My daughter has eczema and I wash our entire family #39;s clothing in it so we are all squeaky clean and scent free. This product is actually better than item like Dreft if you have small babies as well. Anything shipped via Amazon arrives as promised and it #39;s great not to have to lug heavy bottles from store to car and car to home.From:Cicely HylisViews:0 0ratingsTime:00:36More inScience Technology
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Tide Free Gentle - Video
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Adult Onset Eczema by NoMoreVitamins com – Video
Posted: at 1:41 pm
Adult Onset Eczema by NoMoreVitamins com - Your body is starving for nutrition, that #39;s why you #39;re still in pain! Your body can only absorb REAL Nutrition From REAL Food! NOT vitamin pills, capsules and cooked supplements! If you stop wasting your money and hurting yourself further, you can finally start feeling much better, and feel calmer and more focused, too! Thousands who were once in pain are already living a pain-free life again, and without more pills! How about YOU? httpFrom:luke dukeViews:0 0ratingsTime:03:07More inEducation
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Adult Onset Eczema by NoMoreVitamins com - Video
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How to Stop Mosquito Bites from Itching. Itchy skin remedies, Spider bite remedy. – Video
Posted: at 1:41 pm
How to Stop Mosquito Bites from Itching. Itchy skin remedies, Spider bite remedy.
Hello Face-book, You-tube and Twitter family! How the heck are you today? Today I #39;m going to take you through a little struggle I delt with when my home was invaded with spiders. These tips I give you will also work for eczema and psoriasis too! I #39;ve also labeled this the "um" video as I say the word um about 12 times:) Hey, do me a big ol favor, hit the "like" button for me and subscribe to my you-tube channel:)From:Andrea CoxViews:4 1ratingsTime:04:35More inEducation
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How to Stop Mosquito Bites from Itching. Itchy skin remedies, Spider bite remedy. - Video
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