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Category Archives: Transhuman News
Christmas Tree Conifers Are Millions of Years Old – Video
Posted: December 18, 2012 at 10:42 pm
Christmas Tree Conifers Are Millions of Years Old
Christmas tree conifers are thought to be millions of years old. The kind of conifers used as Christmas trees have retained their genetic makeup for millions of years, and were around when the dinosaurs roamed the earth. According to a study from the Universit Laval in Canada, conifers found a niche in their environment very early on when compared with flowering plants that had to struggle for survival and reproduction. Because of the early stability of the evergreen or conifer tree, there are only about 600 different species of conifer trees, and over 400 thousand different species of flowering plants in the world. Researcher Jean Bousquet said: "That doesn #39;t mean there haven #39;t been smaller-scale modifications such as genetic mutations. However, the macrostructure of the conifer genome has been remarkably stable over the ages." Ever wonder why evergreens are brought into the home and decorated as a Christmas tradition? According to the History Channel, it is widely believed that in the 16th century, the Christian reformer Martin Luther was the first one to put lights in a tree in an effort to show his family how it looked when he saw the stars through the trees. The tradition of having a Christmas tree did not gain popularity in the United States until the late 19th century.From:geobeatsViews:1 0ratingsTime:01:01More inEducation
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Giant Panda Genome Reveals Human Toll on Species – Video
Posted: at 10:42 pm
Giant Panda Genome Reveals Human Toll on Species
The genomic history of the giant panda has been uncovered, revealing evidence of their population history and local adaptation. The research team tracked the panda #39;s history back to its earliest days by carrying out whole genome resequencing of 34 wild giant pandas. They found that for millions of years, global changes in climate were the main driver for panda population fluctuation until recently, when human activities likely caused population divergence and serious decline. The giant panda is now the rarest bear in the world. The hope is that the study, published in Nature Genetics, could address conservation methods not just for giant pandas but other endangered species as well.From:slatesterViews:121 9ratingsTime:00:46More inNews Politics
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The Human Genome – Coast to Coast AM – Main Show Only – Video
Posted: at 10:42 pm
The Human Genome - Coast to Coast AM - Main Show Only
Date: 07-05-10 Host: George Noory Guests: Victor McElheny, Mitch Battros During the middle two hours, science journalist Victor McElheny discussed the history of the Human Genome Project, and the implications of what has, is, and will happen as we understand what the human genome is telling us. McElheny recalled being in attendance at a 1986 biology conference when the Human Genome Project was first seriously discussed. He noted that some of the scientists in attendance were aghast at the prospects of the venture. "They saw their money getting swallowed up in a big biology project," he mused. Ironically, he said, the concept was supported by the older scientists and vehemently opposed by their younger colleagues, who were skeptical of the potential of the project. Compounding the institutional intrigue, the Department of Energy pushed to develop the Human Genome Project, since it had the technological resources to undertake the venture. However, the National Institute of Health was troubled by the prospect of losing control over the "future of biology" and fought to be a part of the project, despite the reservations of "several key people" in the institution. In detailing some of the benefits of genomics, McElheny explained that deciphering a person #39;s genetic code could help in both diagnostic medicine as well as ongoing treatments. For instance, the disease Muscular Dystrophy is an ailment that often has a detrimentally late diagnosis in children. However, he said, "in ...From:Geoff ThomasViews:0 0ratingsTime:01:16:26More inEducation
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Californian Poppy Eschscholzia Californica – Video
Posted: at 10:42 pm
Californian Poppy Eschscholzia Californica
Acheter sur le siite FR d #39;Amazon Descriptions du produit Californian Poppy Eschscholzia Californica The Californian poppy (Eschscholzia Californica) is a bitter sedative herb that acts as a diuretic, relieves pain, relaxes spasms and promotes perspiration. California Poppy liquid extract or tincture is taken internally in the treatment of nervous tension, anxiety, insomnia and incontinence. The watery sap has been used to relieve toothache. Californian poppy (Eschscholzia Californica) does not depress the central nervous system. Another report says that it has a markedly different effect upon the central nervous system. Californian poppy extract tends to normalize psychological function. It possesses gently antispasmodic, sedative and analgesic actions. It may also prove beneficial in attempts to overcome bedwetting, difficulty in sleeping and nervous tension and anxiety. An extract of the root is also used as a wash on the breasts to suppress the flow of milk in lactating females. Lavender has a sedative action on the heart and will lower blood pressure. It is also useful as an antibacterial agent; the herb exhibits activity against diphtheria, typhoid, pneumonia, staph, strep and many flu viruses. Known topical uses include acne, burns, cellulite, cold sores, eczema, edema, fatigue, halitosis, headache, infection, insect bites, insect repellent, insect stings, irritability, joint pain, lice, muscle soreness, rheumatism, scabies, scars, snakebites ...From:Waldo LoweryViews:0 0ratingsTime:00:57More inHowto Style
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Californian Poppy Eschscholzia Californica - Video
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Dr. Myers talks about Eczema (Atopic Dermatitis) – Video
Posted: at 10:42 pm
Dr. Myers talks about Eczema (Atopic Dermatitis)
Dr. Myers talks about Eczema (atopic dermatitis) and what you can do to treat it. Visit to learn more!From:UVdermViews:2 0ratingsTime:01:41More inScience Technology
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Dr. Myers talks about Eczema (Atopic Dermatitis) - Video
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Californian Poppy Eschscholzia – Video
Posted: at 10:42 pm
Californian Poppy Eschscholzia
Acheter sur le siite FR d #39;Amazon Descriptions du produit Californian Poppy Eschscholzia The Californian poppy (Eschscholzia Californica) is a bitter sedative herb that acts as a diuretic, relieves pain, relaxes spasms and promotes perspiration. California Poppy liquid extract or tincture is taken internally in the treatment of nervous tension, anxiety, insomnia and incontinence. The watery sap has been used to relieve toothache. Californian poppy (Eschscholzia Californica) does not depress the central nervous system. Another report says that it has a markedly different effect upon the central nervous system. Californian poppy extract tends to normalize psychological function. It possesses gently antispasmodic, sedative and analgesic actions. It may also prove beneficial in attempts to overcome bedwetting, difficulty in sleeping and nervous tension and anxiety. An extract of the root is also used as a wash on the breasts to suppress the flow of milk in lactating females. Lavender has a sedative action on the heart and will lower blood pressure. It is also useful as an antibacterial agent; the herb exhibits activity against diphtheria, typhoid, pneumonia, staph, strep and many flu viruses. Known topical uses include acne, burns, cellulite, cold sores, eczema, edema, fatigue, halitosis, headache, infection, insect bites, insect repellent, insect stings, irritability, joint pain, lice, muscle soreness, rheumatism, scabies, scars, snakebites, toothache, vertigo ...From:Rocky CarmonaViews:0 0ratingsTime:00:57More inHowto Style
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Sebamed Testimonial – Baby Line – Video
Posted: at 10:42 pm
Sebamed Testimonial - Baby Line
Let Marie, a real Sebamed customer, tell you how Sebamed helped her baby #39;s eczema.From:TVsebamedViews:2 0ratingsTime:01:31More inPeople Blogs
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Sebamed Testimonial - Baby Line - Video
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FACE SPA aka MagiCloth – Video
Posted: at 10:42 pm
FACE SPA aka MagiCloth
Miracle Magic Cloth to cleanse your skin. Strongly recommended for those who have sensitive skin, eczema, skin problem. More info call +60189475818From:i2acevideoViews:1 0ratingsTime:04:54More inHowto Style
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FACE SPA aka MagiCloth - Video
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6 x 120g Pots – Video
Posted: at 10:42 pm
6 x 120g Pots
Acheter sur le siite FR d #39;Amazon Descriptions du produit 6 x 120g Pots Our geranium and rose shea butter body butter is ideal as a deep hydrating body moisturiser, with a wonderfully feminine aphrodisiac scent and feel. No parabens, vegan, no added colour, 100% natural, with fair-trade shea butter. This SheaByNature intensive shea body butter is ideal for people with very dry skin, sensitive skin or ezcema, psoriasis, dermatitis prone skin. We have specially blended this body butter with some of Africa #39;s finest and most nutritious oils. This body butter contains 50 % unrefined shea shea butter so that you can benefit from both the healing and the moisturising qualities of this amazing oil. It has been fragranced with the seductive, floral, essential oils of Geranium and Rose. Unrefined shea Butter deeply moisturises, heals, protects and rejuvenates. Cocoa butter softens and enriches your skin. Coconut oil smoothes, moisturises and adds a healthy glow to your skin. Sunflower oil helps to improve the elasticity and suppleness of your skin. Our shea body butter will make an amazing difference to your skin. The romantic floral scent will make you fall in love.KEY INGREDIENTS: organic shea butter, cocoa butter, coconut oil, sunflower oil, vitamin E, essential oils of Rose and Geranium, cornstarchCase of 6 x 120g pots is ideal for gifts, party packs, starting a small business... Divulgation: ParanoShop participe au Programme Partenaires d #39;Amazon EU, un programme d ...From:Korey WallingViews:0 0ratingsTime:00:58More inHowto Style
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6 x 120g Pots - Video
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Psoriasis Free For Life Review – Natural Psoriasis Remedies – Video
Posted: at 10:42 pm
Psoriasis Free For Life Review - Natural Psoriasis Remedies
From:Sabine RadViews:0 0ratingsTime:03:39More inFilm Animation
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Psoriasis Free For Life Review - Natural Psoriasis Remedies - Video
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