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Category Archives: Transhuman News
Gangnam Style Parodia – Video
Posted: December 18, 2012 at 10:43 pm
Gangnam Style Parodia
earn more about NASA: Learn more about the International Space Station Sign up to get space station sighting information sent to you: For students interested in NASA Johnson Space Center: NASA Johnson Style is a volunteer outreach video project created by the students of NASA #39;s Johnson Space Center. It was created as an educational parody of Psy #39;s Gangnam Style. The lyrics and scenes in the video have been re-imagined in order to inform the public about the amazing work going on at NASA and the Johnson Space Center. Special thanks to astronauts Tracy Caldwell Dyson, Mike Massimino and Clay Anderson Special thanks to Mr. Mike Coats, Dr. Ellen Ochoa, and all supporting senior staff membersFrom:periodicoamleonViews:111 5ratingsTime:03:57More inNews Politics
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Gangnam Style Parodia - Video
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ISS Update – Dec. 18, 2012 – Video
Posted: at 10:43 pm
ISS Update - Dec. 18, 2012
The International Space Station video update for Dec. 18, 2012.From:ReelNASAViews:140 10ratingsTime:06:35More inScience Technology
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ISS Update - Dec. 18, 2012 - Video
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Humans On ISS to Control Robots On Earth | Video – Video
Posted: at 10:43 pm
Humans On ISS to Control Robots On Earth | Video
In an test of teleoperation, the METERON (Multi-Purpose End-To-End Robotic Operation Network) project will test haptic control device technology on Space Station that will be linked with robotic systems on Earth.From:VideoFromSpaceViews:82 10ratingsTime:01:22More inScience Technology
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Humans On ISS to Control Robots On Earth | Video - Video
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Commander Kevin Ford Offers Holiday Greetings from Space – Video
Posted: at 10:43 pm
Commander Kevin Ford Offers Holiday Greetings from Space
From 250 miles above the Earth Expedition 34 Commander Kevin Ford of NASA downlinked his holiday greetings from the Destiny laboratory on the International Space Station.From:ReelNASAViews:222 18ratingsTime:01:16More inScience Technology
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Commander Kevin Ford Offers Holiday Greetings from Space - Video
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Conservation of Momentum Observed – Video
Posted: at 10:43 pm
Conservation of Momentum Observed
Saturday Morning Science, the science of opportunity series of applied experiments and demonstrations, performed aboard the International Space Station (ISS) by Expedition 6 astronaut Dr. Don Pettit, revealed some remarkable findings. In this video, Pettit uses the free fall environment of the ISS to demonstrate the conservation of momentum. He does so by sending bolts into rotation, end over end, into a rigid table from which they bounce off. After collision, the bolts will have nearly the same momentum as they did before the collision. This means that if the bolts bounce off in such a way that their rotation speeds up, the speed from which they translate away from the table must be reduced, and vice versa. This engaging video offers an intriguing insight into physical phenomena that are difficult to observe on Earth.From:ExpeditionSixViews:1 0ratingsTime:01:08More inPeople Blogs
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The Man, the Mission and the Music – Video
Posted: at 10:43 pm
The Man, the Mission and the Music
Bob McDonald, host of CBC #39;s Quirks and Quarks, takes us to meet Commander Chris Hadfield--the Canadian in charge of the next mission to the International Space Station. Bob gets a tour and learns about his preparations.From:CBCTheNationalViews:2 0ratingsTime:10:45More inNews Politics
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'ISS Cribs': An Astronaut-Guided Tour of the Most Amazing House Ever Built
Posted: at 10:43 pm
FunFact: The space station's pantry is stocked with marshmallow Fluff.
You no doubt have seen images taken from the International Space Station. You likely have seen images taken of the International Space Station, too. But do you know what the ISS looks like, wall to wall and "room" to "room"? Do you know what it would be like to call it, in the most meaningful way possible, home?
Now you can. Because astronaut Sunita Williams, on the last day of her recent stay on the orbital laboratory, made a video tour of the place. It is wonderfully detailed, and narrated with the kind of winking wonderment that so many astronauts, as storytellers, seem to have perfected.
Featured in the tour, among other things:
Crew sleep stations, their entrance ports oriented spherically "so all of us sleep in a little bit of a circle"
A home office, complete with computes and books
Science labs filled with various experiments
A home gym, with a stationary "bike" and "weight" machines for squats, bench presses, etc.
A kitchen, filled with baggies of food anchored to a wall. "It's like opening the refrigerator," Williams says. "You've got all the different stuff that you want to have: drinks, meats, eggs, vegetables, cereals, bread, snacks (and that's a good place -- that's where you find all the candy)." There's also a special pantry filled with food items that the astronauts have specifically requested -- in Williams's case, a jar of marshmallow Fluff. ("I like Fluffernutter sandwiches," she explains.)
An airlock -- populated by, among other things, two spacesuits, their helmets shielded with protective covers. Aside from that, though, the suits are pretty much "primed up to 'go outside,' as we call it," Williams says -- by which she means "ready to do a spacewalk." (The suits are huge, by the way, and on Earth would weigh about 300 pounds.) The helmets feature a glare shield -- "sunglasses," Williams says, "which make you look pretty cool." So ultimately, the suit is "a pretty awesome little spacecraft."
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'ISS Cribs': An Astronaut-Guided Tour of the Most Amazing House Ever Built
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Dan Becker, The Pillars of Personhood, Part 1, Reformed Theological Seminary, Unedited – Video
Posted: at 10:43 pm
Dan Becker, The Pillars of Personhood, Part 1, Reformed Theological Seminary, Unedited
Dan Becker, The Pillars of Personhood, Part 1, at Reformed Theological Seminary, RTS, Unedited, Personhood, Personhood USA, Personhood FL, ProLife, Abortion, Euthanasia, Cloning, Fetal Tissue Research, Human Animal Hybrids, Assisted Suicide, PGD, Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis, Eugenics, Disabled, Genocide, H+, Homo Perfectus, Transhumanism, Ectogenesis, Transgenetics, Nanotechnology, Cyborgology, Artificial Intelligence, Genoism, Genetic Engineering, EmbryosFrom:Personhood FloridaViews:0 0ratingsTime:50:02More inNews Politics
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Dan Becker, The Pillars of Personhood, Part 1, Reformed Theological Seminary, Unedited - Video
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Genetic Engineering Infomercial.m4v – Video
Posted: at 10:43 pm
Genetic Engineering Infomercial.m4v
From:Shaista DhanesarViews:1 0ratingsTime:12:23More inPeople Blogs
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The Scoop on Genetic Engineering – Video
Posted: at 10:43 pm
The Scoop on Genetic Engineering
A bacteria (E-Coli) and or a virus is used to invade the cell of a species or organism by inserting (forcing) a gene from another incompatible species or organism with a desired trait. Genetically Modified Organisms are linked to disorders such as pre-mature aging, allergies, inflammatory bowel disease, infertility, autism, cancer and more. The natural way of creating a hybrid plant is by crossing and re-crossing plants of compatible species for desired traits. For more information and videos http://www.babyboomerfitnessusa.comFrom:Paul GiomiViews:4 0ratingsTime:02:29More inNonprofits Activism
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The Scoop on Genetic Engineering - Video
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