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Category Archives: Transhuman News
ATLUS Teaser Trailer: Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers – Video
Posted: December 20, 2012 at 7:40 am
ATLUS Teaser Trailer: Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers
Soul Hackers delivers a first-person, dungeon-crawling RPG experience set in a future where technology and otherworldly forces meet in a macabre fusion of cyberpunk futurism and gothic horror. A first-person sci-fi RPG epic, Soul Hackers tells of a city held up as a beacon of humanity #39;s triumph of technology, but with an infernal secret. In this would-be utopia, a group of hackers takes on a centuries-old mystic society, and a battle for control over humanity #39;s fate is about to begin. In the classic tradition of Shin Megami Tensei, players will have the compelling choice throughout their dungeon exploration to fight the enemy demons they encounter, or negotiate with them in an attempt to turn them into allies and teammates. Soul Hackers on 3DS includes access to 30 additional demons, a new opening animation movie and theme song, improved controls, and quicker loading times. Additionally players can use the 3DS #39; bottom screen as an auto-mapping function, and engage a COMP hack to change difficulty levels on the fly and fill out maps without walking through. After clearing the game initially, the 3DS version of Soul Hackers also delivers an extra dungeon, where players will witness the appearance of Raidou Kuzunoha from the previous Devil Summoner games. Available Spring 2013 for Nintendo 3DS. For more information, visit: Be sure to like us on Facebook: Remember to follow us on Twitter: Don #39;t forget to pre-order today: atlus.comFrom:AtlusUSAViews:18581 648ratingsTime:01:16More inGaming
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ATLUS Teaser Trailer: Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers - Video
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DJ Spooky Vs. the Freight Elevator Quartet-Bring Me Mental Health – Video
Posted: at 7:40 am
DJ Spooky Vs. the Freight Elevator Quartet-Bring Me Mental Health
From "File Under Futurism"From:HINOSPITAViews:1 0ratingsTime:06:59More inMusic
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DJ Spooky Vs. the Freight Elevator Quartet-Bring Me Mental Health - Video
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Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers Teaser Trailer – 3DS – Video
Posted: at 7:40 am
Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers Teaser Trailer - 3DS - Soul Hackers delivers a first-person, dungeon-crawling RPG experience set in a future where technology and otherworldly forces meet in a macabre fusion of cyberpunk futurism and gothic horror. A first-person sci-fi RPG epic, Soul Hackers tells of a city held up as a beacon of humanity #39;s triumph of technology, but with an infernal secret. In this would-be utopia, a group of hackers takes on a centuries-old mystic society, and a battle for control over humanity #39;s fate is about to begin. In the classic tradition of Shin Megami Tensei, players will have the compelling choice throughout their dungeon exploration to fight the enemy demons they encounter, or negotiate with them in an attempt to turn them into allies and teammates. Soul Hackers on 3DS includes access to 30 additional demons, a new opening animation movie and theme song, improved controls, and quicker loading times. Additionally players can use the 3DS #39; bottom screen as an auto-mapping function, and engage a COMP hack to change difficulty levels on the fly and fill out maps without walking through. After clearing the game initially, the 3DS version of Soul Hackers also delivers an extra dungeon, where players will witness the appearance of Raidou Kuzunoha from the previous Devil Summoner games.From:gameboyukViews:2 0ratingsTime:01:16More inGaming
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Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers Teaser Trailer - 3DS - Video
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Teaser Trailer: Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers – Video
Posted: at 7:40 am
Teaser Trailer: Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers
Soul Hackers delivers a first-person, dungeon-crawling RPG experience set in a future where technology and otherworldly forces meet in a macabre fusion of cyberpunk futurism and gothic horror. A first-person sci-fi RPG epic, Soul Hackers tells of a city held up as a beacon of humanity #39;s triumph of technology, but with an infernal secret. In this would-be utopia, a group of hackers takes on a centuries-old mystic society, and a battle for control over humanity #39;s fate is about to begin. In the classic tradition of Shin Megami Tensei, players will have the compelling choice throughout their dungeon exploration to fight the enemy demons they encounter, or negotiate with them in an attempt to turn them into allies and teammates. Soul Hackers on 3DS includes access to 30 additional demons, a new opening animation movie and theme song, improved controls, and quicker loading times. Additionally players can use the 3DS #39; bottom screen as an auto-mapping function, and engage a COMP hack to change difficulty levels on the fly and fill out maps without walking through. After clearing the game initially, the 3DS version of Soul Hackers also delivers an extra dungeon, where players will witness the appearance of Raidou Kuzunoha from the previous Devil Summoner games. Available Spring 2013 for Nintendo 3DS. For more information, visit: http://www.atlus.comFrom:GamesVibViews:1 0ratingsTime:01:20More inGaming
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Universal Humanity Barbara Marx Hubbard’s Vision – Video
Posted: at 7:40 am
Universal Humanity Barbara Marx Hubbard #39;s Vision
I am deeply grateful and honored to produce the VISION Statement Movie for Barbara Marx Hubbard, our Elder of the New. Barbara Marx Hubbard is a visionary futurist who has pioneered in the field of human evolution for several decades. May Barbara #39;s extraordinary vision guide us to transform our old mode of consciousness to the universal consciousness as we are taking our collective breath to birth a new humanity and earth into being. The song "I Am That I Am" was received from archangel Urile in honor for the roots of Western spritual lineage. May this sacred prayer I Am That I Am (sung in Hebrew: Heye Asher Heye) inspire you to manifest your vision for your life and empower our collective planetary vision for healing ,transformation and empowerment Download Akasa #39;s other songs at her "Sojourn" album: 37ratingsTime:05:18More inPeople Blogs
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When Ivory Towers Fall: The Emerging Education Marketplace: Thomas Frey at TEDXReset – Video
Posted: at 7:40 am
When Ivory Towers Fall: The Emerging Education Marketplace: Thomas Frey at TEDXReset
THOMAS FREY Futurist/ Gelecek Tasar #305;mc #305;s #305; When Ivory Towers Fall The Emerging Education Marketplace/ Geli #351;mekte Olan E #287;itim Pazar #305;:Fildi #351;i Kuleler Y #305;k #305;l #305;rsa Thomas Frey Google #39; #305;n en be #287;enilen ftrist konu #351;mac #305;s #305;. #350;imdinin denemeleri ve s #305;k #305;nt #305;lar #305;yla ilgili benzersiz ve merak uyand #305;ran konu #351;malar yaparken, bir yandan da gelece #287;e dair #305; #287; #305;r aan fikirler ortaya at #305;yor. Ayr #305;ca, Colorado merkezli bir d #351;nce kurulu #351;u olan DaVinci Enstits #39;nn de K #305;demli Ftristi #39;dir. Thomas Frey is Google #39;s top rated futurist speaker. He speaks on a variety of unique and thought provoking topics based in the trials and tribulations of now, while trailblazing landmark future forward perspectives. He is also the Senior Futurist at DaVinci Institute, a non-profit futurist think tank in Colorado. AboutTEDx In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.* (*Subject to certain rules and regulations)DFrom:TEDxTalksViews:62 6ratingsTime:17:33More inEducation
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When Ivory Towers Fall: The Emerging Education Marketplace: Thomas Frey at TEDXReset - Video
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Space Rig Zeta Gameplay Trailer – Video
Posted: at 7:40 am
Space Rig Zeta Gameplay Trailer
The debut trailer for my game, Space Rig Zeta. The game itself has been out for a while but this is the first video I #39;ve compiled of it in action! You can play the game from your browser, right now, for free, here: The music is Terra - Herea by Syrsa. He #39;s an absolutely phenomenal artist with loads of free music on his channel accompanied by sleek futurist art. I #39;m using his song according to the Creative Commons license on his channel with attribution.From:crassirusViews:2 1ratingsTime:02:13More inEntertainment
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Space Rig Zeta Gameplay Trailer - Video
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Graeme Codrington – The Third Wave of the Digital Age – Video
Posted: at 7:40 am
Graeme Codrington - The Third Wave of the Digital Age
Dr Graeme Codrington is a futurist and strategy consultant working across multiple industries and sectors, and an expert on the new world of work and multi-generational workplaces. He has three best-selling books published by Penguin, including the award winning, "Mind the Gap" and "Future-Proof Your Child". He is currently writing a book on "Strategic Leadership Intelligence". The topic introduces an issue which Graeme thinks is absolutely essential to be understand right now. The use of computing technology is about to change dramatically and this will impact people #39;s lives, and it will create huge opportunities for businesses. To engage Graeme, please contact us at Speakers Connect 0ratingsTime:16:25More inEducation
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Graeme Codrington - The Third Wave of the Digital Age - Video
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Remix of Cyberbullying – Video
Posted: at 7:40 am
Remix of Cyberbullying
This video addresses the problems of cyberbullying throughout students in school and what teens can do to prevent or stop it from continuing. My group (Gehara J., Dannaka M., Elise H., Kelsey S., and I) group completed the project for ENGL 191, Fall 2012, St. Cloud State University, taught by Dr. Kilborn. Holladay, Jennifer. "Cyber-Bullying." Education Digest (Jan 2011). Vol 79 Issue 5:4-9. Web. 14 Dec. 2012. Muscari, Mary. "Beating the Cyber Bullies." The Futurist. (2008): 14-15. Academic Search Premier. Web. 14 Dec. 2012. Brown, Melissa. "Cyberbullying Among Adolescents and its Relationship to Academic Achievement." ScholarWorks Home. 25 Feb. 2011. Web. 31 Oct. 2012. Cliff, Jimmy, and Ben E. King. "Lean On Me." Lean on Me. Ben E. King. Sony Music, 2004. MP3. Rich, Tony. Nobody Knows. P!nk. LaFace Records, 1995. MP3. Sia. "Breathe Me." Colour the Small One. Sia. Astralwerks, 2005. MP3. Yi, Ru-ma. "A River Flows in You." River Flows in You Yiruma. Yiruma. Stomp Music, 2001. MP3. "Amanda Todd Suicide -- FULL ORIGINAL VIDEO." YouTube, 2012. Web. 18 Dec 2012. "Cyber-Bullying: #39;Kill Katie Klub #39; (KKK) Causes Girl to Drop Out of High School in California." YouTube, 2012. Web. 18 Dec 2012. "A Cyber Bullying Suicide Story -- Ryan Halligan age 13." YouTube, 2009. Web . 18 Dec 2012. New, Michelle. "Cyberbullying." KidsHealth. Nemours Foundation #39;s Center for Children #39;s Health Media, Jan. 2012. Web. 18 Dec. 2012. "Think Time: How Does Cyberbullying Affect You?" YouTube, 2010. Web. 18 ...From:Jenna JennyViews:1 0ratingsTime:03:49More inEducation
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December 21st, 2012 – Part 4 – Video
Posted: at 7:40 am
December 21st, 2012 - Part 4
Episode 98 Special guests: Desiree Hurtak, Ph.D., Social Scientist JJ. Hurtak, Ph.D., Ph.D. Futurist, Social Scientist The reality behind the Mayan calendar and 2012; a new age , a time for spiritual and internal reconfiguration. More episodes in 2013...From:JamesJTraitzViews:12 4ratingsTime:06:51More inEntertainment
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