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GENOME 002 – Live Promo – Video
Posted: December 20, 2012 at 7:42 am
GENOME 002 - Live Promo
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JGI Contributes to the Cotton Genome – Video
Posted: at 7:42 am
JGI Contributes to the Cotton Genome
Jeremy Schmutz, head of the DOE Joint Genome Institute #39;s Plant Program and a faculty investigator at the HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology, talks about how bioenergy research interests are woven into the cotton genome. The full story is available at bit.lyFrom:BerkeleyLabViews:18 0ratingsTime:01:42More inScience Technology
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Passenger "Let Her Go" – Pandora Whiteboard Sessions – Video
Posted: at 7:42 am
Passenger "Let Her Go" - Pandora Whiteboard Sessions
Passenger performs "Let Her Go" for Pandora Whiteboard Sessions 9.5.12 Pandora Oakland HQ Over the years the Pandora office has had the great pleasure of receiving visits from many of these talented musicians and comedians. Some are well-established artists in town for a major show, others are in the middle of a grassroots tour, hitting coffee houses and small clubs up and down the West Coast. Sometimes we just meet up to show them around the office and learn about their careers, other times our employees are treated to a short performance. We also take the opportunity to show them the Music Genome Project and walk them through an analysis of their music, along with some data on their audience on Pandora. It #39;s been fun to see their reaction when they learn which songs are the most "thumbed up" or how large their audience is, and what areas around the country are particularly enthusiastic for their sound. This performances take place in front of a giant whiteboard in a common area of the Pandora Oakland office. On the day of the show one of the Pandora designers creates a unique drawing to represent each artist on the white board, which becomes the backdrop for the performance. The Whiteboard Sessions are unique because the daytime office environment calls for a different kind of performance than what people normally see at concerts. These sessions are mostly acoustic and there is a lot of interaction with the crowd. And there #39;s lots of improvising too - recycling bins ...From:pandoraViews:10 7ratingsTime:04:09More inMusic
Passenger "Let Her Go" - Pandora Whiteboard Sessions - Video
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My Boyfriend’s Condition: Genome Sequence – Video
Posted: at 7:42 am
My Boyfriend #39;s Condition: Genome Sequence
Hi, another update on my boyfriend #39;s health so far. Discussing Genome Sequence process we have so far. It will be done in January of 2013. Looking for mostly mutations.From:RebelGodessRed90Views:0 0ratingsTime:10:25More inPeople Blogs
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Humayun Mehboob Wazfia
Posted: at 7:42 am
Humayun Mehboob Wazfia Remedies part 2 (diabetes, kidney problems ,eczema spot ,migraine
Diabetes,kidney problems ,eczema spot ,migraine ,cancer and tumorFrom:ADEEL WILLAYTViews:0 0ratingsTime:06:58More inPeople Blogs
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Humayun Mehboob Wazfia
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Probiotics might limit infant skin problems
Posted: at 7:42 am
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Children who take a supplement of probiotics - those "good" bacteria that live in our guts - are less likely to develop eczema, according to a new review of studies.
"I'm hoping researchers will continue to study these supplements to see if their findings can contribute to new therapeutic options for infants predisposed" to eczema, said Negar Foolad, the lead author of the study and a graduate student at the University of California, Davis.
Infant eczema, also called atopic dermatitis, is a common, non-contagious skin disorder that causes intense itching.
According to Foolad's study, published in the Archives of Dermatology, one in five kids experiences eczema.
Dr. Sonia Michail, an associate professor at the University of Southern California and the Children's Hospital of Los Angeles, said the cause of the skin problem is unknown, but that some theories have implicated allergies or intolerance to certain foods.
To gauge what the research has found in attempting to prevent or reduce the symptoms of eczema through nutritional supplements, Foolad and her colleagues - one of whom is a consultant to companies that market such supplements - collected the results of 21 studies, including 11,000 participants.
Some of the people in the studies were infants and others were pregnant or breastfeeding mothers.
Ten of the studies experimented with giving probiotics to some of the participants and a fake supplement to other participants.
Probiotics are microbes, primarily bacteria, that live in the intestine and aid digestion. They are present in some foods, including yogurt.
A few studies in which children at risk for developing eczema were given the bacteria Lactobacillus rhapsodic GG or Lactobacillus rhamnosus strain HN001 found that the kids' chances of developing the skin condition were cut in half compared to kids given the placebo supplement.
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Probiotics might limit infant skin problems
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Blasting for Skin Disorders – Video
Posted: at 7:41 am
Blasting for Skin Disorders
Skin disorders, like eczema, psoriasis, and others, are often worsened by eating the wrong foods. Longevity expert David Wolfe shows us some whole foods that not only help heal these disorders, but that taste great in a NutriBlast.From:thenutribulletViews:20 3ratingsTime:06:57More inPeople Blogs
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Psoriasis Treatment: When You Need Clear Skin Fast – Video
Posted: at 7:41 am
Psoriasis Treatment: When You Need Clear Skin Fast
Stop the itch immediately - really. Eliminate the symptoms - no joke. Naturally. One of the best psoriasis treatments you #39;ll find, and it #39;s all-natural. Hear testimonials on the website: Derma Yantra is proud to be a leader in relief and treatment of psoriasis.From:DermaYantraViews:0 0ratingsTime:01:52More inHowto Style
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Idera Pharmaceuticals Announces Positive Top-line Results from Phase 2 Trial of IMO-3100 in Patients with Moderate-to …
Posted: at 7:41 am
Idera Pharmaceuticals (IDRA) today announced that 48% of patients with moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis (12 of 25) treated with IMO-3100, a selective antagonist of Toll-like Receptors (TLRs) 7 and 9, demonstrated improvements in Psoriasis Area Severity Index (PASI) scores of 35% to 90% from baseline at the completion of a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled Phase 2a clinical trial of two dose levels of IMO-3100 administered for four weeks, with a four-week follow-up period. None of the 12 placebo-treated patients had improvement in this range; this difference was statistically significant (p<0.005). The Company believes the results of this trial provide clinical proof-of-concept for the mechanism of action of selective TLR inhibition in patients with psoriasis and potentially other autoimmune and inflammatory disorders.
The clinical activity of IMO-3100 demonstrated in patients with moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis is encouraging, especially given the short duration of treatment in this study that was designed for initial explorations of safety and efficacy, commented Alexa Kimball, M.D., M.P.H., Vice Chair, Department of Dermatology at Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, and an investigator in the trial.
The achievement of statistically significant PASI reductions with only four weeks of treatment in a placebo-controlled double-blind trial directly supports the rationale that the modulation of specific TLRs plays a key role in the treatment of psoriasis and, potentially, other autoimmune and inflammatory disorders, commented James Krueger, M.D., Ph.D., of The Rockefeller University, New York. We are excited to see these data, which demonstrate the translation of targeting a novel mechanism of action into clinical activity and support further studies of TLR antagonists for the treatment of psoriasis. Our laboratory is continuing to evaluate the immunological pathways by which TLR antagonists suppress the signaling cascades that underlie psoriasis and have the potential to open up a new approach to disease treatment.
About the IMO-3100 Phase 2 Trial in Psoriasis
The Phase 2 trial was a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of IMO-3100 in patients with moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis. In the trial, 44 patients were randomized to receive IMO-3100 monotherapy at 0.16 or 0.32 mg/kg or placebo by subcutaneous injection once weekly for four weeks with four weeks of follow-up. Assessments of safety were performed throughout the treatment and follow-up periods. Multiple parameters were monitored to assess the clinical activity of IMO-3100, including Psoriasis Area Severity Index (PASI), mean focal psoriasis severity and Physician Global Assessment (PGA) scores. In addition to the clinical assessments, biopsies of psoriasis plaques were evaluated for treatment-related changes in epidermal thickness and immune cell infiltrates consistent with the intended mechanism of action. Patients were enrolled at eleven sites in the United States.
Top-line clinical results from this trial include:
Skin biopsies were collected at baseline and after completion of treatment to investigate changes in epidermal thickness and immune cell infiltrates. Change in epidermal thickness was the primary endpoint for the trial. Placebo treated patients had a median change in epidermal thickness of +7.7% compared to a median change of -6.4% among IMO-3100 treated patients; this difference was not statistically significant. A known limitation of skin biopsies after four weeks of treatment is that psoriatic plaques do not resolve in a uniform fashion, and therefore, biopsies may not provide a representative sampling of lesions (ref: Ann Rheum Dis 2005;64:65-68).
The Company plans to present complete clinical data from this trial at an upcoming medical meeting.
We believe this trial in patients with moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis provides clinical proof-of-concept for this first-in-class TLR antagonist, which represents a novel approach to the treatment of autoimmune diseases. We are very pleased to have observed clinical responses after only four weeks of treatment, stated Sudhir Agrawal, D. Phil., Chief Executive Officer of Idera. The insights gained from this trial support expansion of our TLR antagonist program for the treatment of autoimmune diseases. In 2013, we plan to advance the clinical development of a selective TLR antagonist for the treatment of moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis and also for the treatment of lupus.
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Idera Pharmaceuticals Announces Positive Top-line Results from Phase 2 Trial of IMO-3100 in Patients with Moderate-to ...
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DisinfoCast 35: Carla Wills-Brandon and Deathbed Visions – Video
Posted: at 7:41 am
DisinfoCast 35: Carla Wills-Brandon and Deathbed Visions
Licensed therapist, grief counselor, author and near-death researcher Carla Wills-Brandon is here to discuss the phenomena of deathbed visions: A culturally univeral phenomena in which the dying report seeing visions of friends and family who have died before them. Wills-Brandon has appeared on Coast to Coast AM, Politically Incorrect with Bill Maher, Geraldo Rivera and many others. Listen to more DisinfoCasts: Subscribe to Disinformation #39;s YouTube channel: goo.glFrom:disinfodaveViews:0 0ratingsTime:46:04More inEntertainment
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